Hungarian Authors

A Bibliographical Handbook

by Albert Tezla

Library of Congress Catalog Card no. 74-88813
SBN 674 42650 9


for his illumination and inspiration


Abbreviations, Symbols, and Hungarian Abbreviations
and Bibliographical, Learned and Literary Terms and Phrases


Index of Names

Part I. Authors from 1450 to 1945

Ady Endre
Amadé László
Ambrus Zoltán
Ányos Pál
Apácai Csere János
Apor Péter
Áprily Lajos
Arany János
Arany László
Babits Mihály
Bajza József
Balassi Bálint
Balázs Béla
Baróti Szabó Dávid
Batsányi János
Berzsenyi Dániel
Bessenyei György
Bethlen Miklós
Bornemissza Péter
Bródy Sándor
Csiky Gergely
Csokonai Vitéz Mihály
Czuczor Gergely
Dayka Gábor
Déry Tibor
Dsida Jenő
Dugonics András
Eötvös József
Eötvös Károly
Erdélyi János
Erdélyi József
Fábry Zoltán
Faludi Ferenc
Faludy György
Fáy András
Fazekas Mihály
Füst Milán
Gábor Andor
Garay János
Gárdonyi Géza
Gelléri Andor Endre
Gulácsy Irén
Gvadányi József
Gyöngyösi István
Győry Dezső
Gyulai Pál
Heltai Gáspár

Heltai Jenő
Herczeg Ferenc
Illés Béla
Illés Endre
Illyés Gyula
Janus Pannonius
Jékely Zoltán
Jókai Mór
Jósika Miklós
József Attila
Juhász Gyula
Justh Zsigmond
Kaffka Margit
Karinthy Frigyes
Kármán József
Kassák Lajos
Katona József
Kazinczy Ferenc
Kemény Zsigmond
Képes Géza
Kisfaludy Károly
Kisfaludy Sándor
Kiss József
Kodolányi János
Kölcsey Ferenc
Kolozsvári Grandpierre Emil
Komjáthy Jenő
Kosztolányi Dezső
Krúdy Gyula
Laczkó Géza
Lengyel József
Madách Imre
Makkai Sándor
Márai Sándor
Mécs László
Mikes Kelemen
Mikszáth Kálmán
Molnár Ferenc
Móra Ferenc
Móricz Zsigmond
Nagy István
Nagy Lajos
Németh László
Nyírő József
Orczy Lőrinc
Pap Károly
Pázmány Péter

Petelei István
Petőfi Sándor
Ráday Gedeon
Radnóti Miklós
II. Rákóczi Ferenc
Reményik Sándor
Remenyik Zsigmond
Reviczky Gyula
Rimay János
Rónay György
Sárközi György
Sík Sándor
Sinka István
Sinkó Ervin
Szabédi László
Szabó Dezső
Cs. Szabó László
Szabó Lőrinc
Szabó Pál
Szenci Molnár Albert
Szenteleky Kornél
Szép Ernő
Szerb Antal
Szigligeti Ede
Szomory Dezső
Tamási Áron
Tersánszky Józsi Jenő
Tinódi Sebestyén
Tolnai Lajos
Tömörkény István
Tompa Mihály
Török Gyula
Tótfalusi Kis Miklós
Tóth Árpád
Vajda János
Vajda Péter
Vas István
Veres Péter
Verseghy Ferenc
Virág Benedek
Vörösmarty Mihály
Weöres Sándor
Zelk Zoltán
Zilahy Lajos
Zrínyi Miklós

Part II. Authors from 1945 to the Present

Aczél Tamás
Benjámin László
Csanádi Imre
Csoóri Sándor
Fejes Endre
Galambos Lajos
Galgóczi Erzsébet
Garai Gábor
Juhász Ferenc
Kamondy László
Kónya Lajos
Mándy Iván

Moldova György
Nagy László
Nemes Nagy Ágnes
Ottlik Géza
Pilinszky János
Sánta Ferenc
Sarkadi Imre
Simon István
Szabó Magda
Szakonyi Károly
Váci Mihály


    Appendix A
Treatments of Hungarian Literature and Its Study Published from June 1, 1960 to August 1, 1965

      Anthologies, Series, And Codex
        Bibliographies of Bibliographies and Guide to Reference Works
        General Bibliographies
        Literary and Cultural Influences and Relations
        Classified and Detailed Bibliographies of Literature and Related Subjects
      Hungarian, Hungarian-English Dictionaries
      Grammar of and Treatise on The Hungarian Language
      General Encyclopedia
      Literary And Fine Arts Lexicons
      Historical And Cultural Backgrounds
      Foreign Literary Influences and Relations
      General Histories of Hungarian Literature
      Histories of and Treatises on Literary and Related Subjects by Periods
        Middle Ages
        Renaissance and Reformation (1450-1630)
        Literary Revival, Age of Reform, and Romanticism (1772-1849)
        Age of Realism (1849-1905)
        Age of Modern Literary Trends (1905-1945)
        From 1945 to The Present
      Treatises On Literary Types
        Drama and Theater
      Treatises on Hungarian Style

    Appendix B
Literary Awards, Societies, Newspapers, and Periodicals Mentioned in The Biographical Sketches

        Literary Awards
        Literary and Learned Societies
        Newspapers and Literary and Learned Periodicals

    Appendix C
Scholarly and Literary Periodicals from Which Articles are Cited in The Main Entries

    Appendix D
The Authors Arranged by Literary Periods

        Renaissance and Reformation (1450-1630)
        Counter-Reformation and Baroque (1630-1772)
        Literary Revival, Age of Reform, and Romanticism (1772-1849)
        Age of Realism (1849-1905)
        Age of Modern Literary Trends (1905-1945)
          A. Search for new paths and the progressives of Nyugat (1905-1918)
          B. Middle-class, populist, and socialist literature (1915-1945)

    Appendix E
Directory of Libraries

      Libraries in The United States
      European Libraries


This bibliography is an extension of my Introductory bibliography to the study of Hungarian literature (1964), and is to be used in conjunction with that work. The earlier volume endeavored chiefly to cover reference Works, general works on literary history and fields related to its study, and surveys and studies of literary periods and genres. It reported only selected editions and a few biographies for the 101 authors it noted-all of them writers whose careers were well established by 1945. The present bibliography aims at a complete record of first editions, provides a more extensive list of later editions, and notes the most important bibliographical, biographical, and critical materials for each of the 162 authors included-representative writers from the beginnings of Hungarian literature to the present. The authors treated have been selected on the basis of their contributions to the literature of a period and to the development of the literature as a whole. My hope is that this handbook will further open the subject of Hungarian literature to librarians building collections in the field and, especially, to the increasing numbers of university students in the United States engaged in its study.

I am deeply indebted to a number of sources for financial support of my research. A fellowship from the Inter-University Committee on Travel Grants and the cooperation of the Cultural Relations Institute of Hungary made it possible for me to spend the academic year 1963--64 in that country. I am most grateful to them for the opportunity I had to examine the rich resources of the National Széchenyi Library, the Library of the Institute of Literary History, and the Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, and to consult with many Hungarian scholars. The substantial progress accomplished that year would not have been possible without their generous support. During the year, the members of the Institute of Cultural Relations assisted my work most thoughtfully, and the hospitality they extended to my family and their cooperation with everyday matters made the stay most memorable for us all. I could not have completed the final stages of my investigations without the opportunity for further work in Hungary made available to me in the summer of 1965 by a grant from the Office of International Programs at the University of Minnesota and the financial assistance of the Institute of Cultural Relations. I especially appreciated their help at a critical point of my research. I am also most grateful to the American Council of Learned Societies for the grant that enabled me to complete the canvass of library holdings and to defray the cost of clerical assistance.

To the University of Minnesota I owe a special debt for its continuous support of the project. The University made a number of sources available to me in addition to the previously mentioned grant from the Office of International Programs. The Graduate School sustained my efforts with periodic grants from its General Research Fund, and I have also benefited from the University's Single-Quarter Leave and Summer Research Appointment Programs. I consider myself most fortunate to be a member of the faculty of a University that constantly encourages humanistic research, even when it is some distance away from the main current of interest.

I cannot possibly acknowledge individually all those who have contributed to the preparation of this work through so many generous acts of time and spirit. Though I am solely responsible for every detail, I am especially indebted to the following for their criticisms and recommendations: Ida Bognár, Gyula Haraszthy, Béla Holl, Tibor Klaniczay, Aladár Komlós, József Kovács, Sándor V. Kovács, Sándor Kozocsa, Sándor Lukácsy, László Rigó, Erzsébet Sinka, József Szauder, Miklós Szentesi, Klára Szerb, and Kálmán Vargha. My debt is also very great to László Országh and John Lotz for their encouragement of my efforts, to Siegfried Feller for his criticism as a professional librarian, to August J. Molnar for his evaluation of the biographical sketches, to Robert C. Hart, Lewis D. Levang, and Robert R. Owens for their criticisms and proof reading of the biographical sketches and the annotations, to May Gardner for permission to use her Proposed location symbols for all countries of the world, and to all those who canvassed the holdings of libraries.

To Kálmán Bor and his staff at the Library of the Institute of Literary History and to Mária Németh and her staff at the National Széchényi Library I am very grateful for making the examination of holdings convenient for me. Without their assistance I could not have completed the review of the literature. The extent of this cooperation is best represented by the duplication for my personal use of those parts of the Széchényi's public catalogue dealing with all the authors included in the bibliography. These entry cards are now at hand in my study for easy reference.

To Pál Bélley I owe special thanks for so many kinds of invaluable assistance that I cannot possibly enumerate them all. He continued to contribute to the bibliography's genesis after my return home by answering endless questions and rechecking countless details of the manuscript. I wish he had permitted me to acknowledge his assistance by placing his name on the title page.

I mourn the passing of two distinguished scholars whose humanity I shall always cherish. Rabán Gerézdi was always ready to help me, and his geniality and the humorous anecdotes of his that brightened my moments of relaxation in Hungary have imbedded him deep in my memory. William Juhasz, whose life far from his home remains in many ways an image of many Hungarian intellectuals today, virtually took me by the hand and led me through Hungarian literature and scholarship. He stands before me - gray and bent, but eyes alive with warmth and voice gentle as he unlocked his scholarly experiences for me. The death of these men came too soon, too abruptly, for those of us who loved them.

To my wife, Olive, and my children, Michael and Kathy, again my thanks for their patience, understanding, and devotion.

University of Minnesota, Duluth

Abbreviations, Symbols, and Hungarian Abbreviations and Bibliographical, Learned and Literary Terms and Phrases

n.d.:no date of publication
no.; nos.:number, numbers
n.p.:no publisher
p., pp.:page(s), pages
pt., pts.:part,parts
q.v., qq.v.:which see
T :volume(s)

p.[130]:page not numbered
19271:first publication of an author's work(s) in book form under Editions
195313:later issue of an author's work(s) under Editions
MnU: item on microfilm or photostat at library designated
[MnU]:item incomplete in the holdings of the library designated
1912+:item still being published or periodical holdings in the designated library continuous from the year given
v1+:periodical holdings in the designated library continuous from the volume number given
[1921-1922]:years of a periodical incomplete in the holdings of the designated library
v[11-12]:volumes of a periodical incomplete in the holdings of the designated library


ábrándkép(ek):daydream(s), fantasy(ies), vision(s)
adalék(ok):contribution(s) [of article to]; plural also data
adat(ok):datum (data), item(s); entry(ies), contribution(s)
adta közre:issued by
alak(ok):character(s) [in literary work]
alapítvány:[Baumgarten] foundation
alkalmazott:adapted [for Hungarian stage]
alkalmazta:adapted [to contemporary Hungarian] by
alkalmi költemény:occasional poem
alkony:twilight, closing years [of author's life]
alkotó:creator, author
állambölcselet:political science
államirat(ok):political science writing(s)
álláspont:viewpoint, attitude
állatmese(ék):animal fable or story
általtette:[edition prepared] with help of
anyag:material, subject matter, theme
anyanyelv:mother-tongue, native language, vernacular
apró:minor, short [novels]
apróbb:shorter [fiction]
arckép(ek):character sketch(es), portrait(s)
arcképvázlat(ok):general sketch(es) [of author's character]
árnyékrajzolat(ok):[character] silhouette(s)
átdolgozás:revision, reworking, rewriting
átdolgozott:revised, reworked [edition]
átdolgozta:rewritten, revised by
átírta:rewritten by
átköltésében:in a rewriting, adaptation by
átnézés:recension, revision
bábszínjáték(ok):play(s) for puppet-show
befejezetlen:uncompleted [work]
befejezett:finished, completed [work]
belügy:domestic, interior affairs [of nation]
beszéd(ek):speech(es), address(es), oration(s)
beszély(ek):tale(s), [archaic:] short story(ies)
betűivel:[set] with type of [particular press]
betyár(ok):highwayman(men), outlaw(s)
bevezetés:preface, introduction
bevezetésével:with introduction, preface by
bevezetéssel ellátta:introduced by
bevezető:introductory, prefatory; introduction, preface
bevezető tanulmányt írta:introductory study by
bevezetővel ellátta:introduction by
bevezette:preface, introduction by
bírálat(ok):criticism(s), book review(s), critique(s)
bizottság:[editorial] board
bő:long [introduction]
bohózat:farce, burlesque, musical comedy
bohózatos:farcical, comical [fairy play]
bölcsészettudori:doctoral [thesis]
bővített:enlarged [edition]
cikk(ek):[newspaper] article(s)
cím:[book] title
címjegyzék:list, catalog of titles of writings
című:[work] entitled
csapat:group [of short stories]
csatakép(ek):battle scene(s)
csevegések:small talk
csöndélet:[literary] still life [of village]
csonka:unfinished, uncompleted [literary work]
dal(ok):song(s), lay(s)
darab(ok):piece(s), fragment(s) [of writings]
diák(ok):pupil(s), student(s)
diákcsíny:student prank or escapade
diákregény:novel about students
doktori:doctoral [thesis]
dolgozat(ok):dissertation(s), paper(s)
ébresztés:awakening [of interest in author]
eddig:to date, as in "eddig három kötet," "3 volumes to date"
egybegyűjtötte:collected by
egybeszedett:collected by
egyéb:other [works]
egyetemi:university [lecture]
egyfelvonásos:one-act play
egyházi beszéd(ek):sermon(s)
egykorú:contemporaneous [manuscripts]
elbeszélés(ek):short story(ies), novelette(s)
elbeszéli:related, narrated by
elbeszélő(k):narrative(s), epic [poem(s)]; narrator
elegyes:miscellaneous [writings]
elem(ek):element(s) [of poetry]
elemzés(ek):analysis(es), examination(s)
életbölcsesség:practical philosophy
élete:[author's] life, biography
életkép(ek):portrait(s) [of writer(s) usually in relation to times or personality]
életrajza:[author's] life, biography
életrajzokkal kísérte:biographical sketches prepared by
élettan:physiology, biology
élettörténetéhez:[contribution] to [author's] biography
ellentmondás(ok):contradiction(s), opposition(s)
elmélet(ek):theory(ies), hypothesis(es)
elmélkedés(ek):meditation(s), reflection(s)
élő:live [series]
előadás(ok):lecture(s), address(es); stage presentation(s)
előbeszéd(ek):preface(s), introduction(s), prologue(s), prefatory discourse(s)
előjáték(ok):prelude(s), prologue(s) [to plays]
előszó:preface, foreword, introduction
előszóval ellátta:preface, introduction by
előtanulmány(ok):preliminary study(ies)
első:first [complete edition]
elv(ek):principle(s), maxim(s)
emlék(ek):remembrance(s) [of author]
emlékbeszéd(ek):memorial(s), commemorative speech(es), sermon(s), address(es) .
emlékezés(ek):remembrance(s), recollection(s), memoir(s)
emlékezet(ek):memorial(s), remembrance(s)
emlékirat(ok):memorial(s), memoir(s)
emlékkönyv:memorial or presentation volume
emlékszám:memorial or commemorative issue [of periodical]
emlény:memorial verses or lines
ének(ek):song(s), hymn(s)
énekes:musical [pastoral play]
epigon:imitator, derivative [poet]
epika:epic poetry
epikus:epic [poet]
eposköltő(k):epic poet(s)
eposz:epic, heroic poem
eredeti:original [text]
erkölcsi:moral, ethical [lectures]
erkölcsrajz:[literary] picture of morality
értékelés(ek):appraisal(s), évaluation(s)
értekezés:dissertation, treatise, discourse, [doctoral] thesis
értelmező:explanatory [dictionary]
értesítő:bulletin [of school, society]
érzékeny:sentimental, tender [songs]
esemény(ek):event(s), occurrence(s), happening(s)
és később:and later [other authors]
és többen:and others
esszéíró:writer of essays
eszköz(ök):instrument(s), means
eszmefuttatások:intellectual "races"
eszményei:ideals of [author]
észrevételek:observations, remarks, comments, reflections
évfolyam:volume [of periodical]
évfordulója:anniversary of [author's birth, death]
évkönyv(ek):almanac(s), yearbook(s), annual(s)
fajkép(ek):sketch(es) [of Hungarian] types
falusi:[play] about village
fejezet(ek):chapter(s) [of book]
fejlődés:development, growth, evolution
fejtegetés(ek):expounding(s), explication(s), comment(s)
félbenmaradt:unfinished, uncompleted [poems]
feldolgozta:prepared by
felelet:answer, reply
felfogás(ok):[critical] comprehension(s), understanding(s), opinion(s), turn(s) of mind
felhasználásával:with use of [author's writings]
felhívás(ok):request(s) [for subscriptions]
feljegyzés(ek):note(s), notice(s)
felkutatta:[materials] unearthed by
felszabadulás után:[literature] after Liberation of 1945
felszólalások:speeches, remarks, objections
felújítás:revival [of play]
felvonás:act, [5] acts
felvonásban:in [5] acts
felvonásos:one-act [play]
festő(k):painter(s), artist(s)
fiatalkori:[poems] of [author's] youth
fiatal lányok számára:[written] for young girls
fiúknak:[written] for young boys
fogadtatás:reception [given to book, author]
fohászai:supplications of [author]
főiskola:college, academy
folyam:series, year [of periodical]
folyóirat(ok):periodical(s), review(s), journal(s)
folytatása:continuation of [literary work]
fordította:translated by
forgatókönyv:scenario, script
formaművész:artist of form
formanyelv:form of expression, idiom
forrás(ok):[literary, historical] source(s)
forrásjegyzet(ek):source note(s)
főszerkesztő:chief editor
függelék(ek):appendix(es), supplement(s), addendum(a)
függelékkel ellátta:appendix(es), supplement(s) prepared by
furcsa:funny, whimsical, antic [character]
füzet(ek):issue(s), fascicle(s)
gáláns költészet:amatory poetry
genreképek:genre pictures
glosszárium:glossary, gloss
gondolat(ok):thought(s), reflection(s), idea(s)
gondolatvilág:[author's] world of thought
gondozásában:under editorship of
gondozta:under editorship of
gyermekek számára:[written] for children
gyermekversek:nursery rhymes
gyűjtögette:collected by
gyűjtötte:collected by
hadtudomány:military science, tactics
hadügy:military affairs
hagyaték(ok):literary remains, posthumous papers
halotti beszéd:funeral oration, sermon
hang(ok):tone(s), voice(s)
hangjáték:radio play
három felvonásban:in three acts
hatás(ok):effect(s), influence(s)
hátrahagyott:posthumous [works], [literary] remains, sometimes work not in specific previously published edition
háttér:background [of period]
hazafias:patriotic [poems]
hazai:native, Hungarian [drama]
helyzetkép:general survey, state of affairs, situation report
hírlapíró:journalist, newspaperman
história:story, tale, history
históriás énekek:verse-chronicle, rhymed chronicle lay, epic or historical songs
hitrege(ék):myth (mythology)
hősköltemény(ek):heroic epic(s), poem(s), lay(s)
hozzákötve:[literary study] bound with
humoreszk(ek):humorous sketch(es), writing(s)
id. (idősb) :older, elder, Senior
idegennyelvű:[written] in foreign language
idézet(ek):quotation(s), citation(s), extract(s) [from book]
ifj. (ifjabb):younger, Junior
ifjabbkori:[poems] from [author's] early years
ifjúság:[books for] the young
ifjúsági:juvenile [literature]
igaz:true [stories]
ima(ák):prayer(s), devotions
imádság:prayer, devotions
imádságos könyv:prayerbook
indulás:beginning, start [of author's career]
irányítás:direction, guiding
írás(ok):writings, works
írásművészet:art of writing
irat(ok):writing(s), document(s)
író(k):writer(s), author(s)
íróbarát(ok):author friend(s), colleague(s)
irodalom:literature, letters, bibliography
irodalomszemlélet:view of literature
irodalomtörténet:history of literature, literary history
irodalomtudomány:literary scholarship
írta(ák):written by (more than one author)
ismeretlen:unknown [letters, works]
ismert:know [poems]
ismertetés(ek):review(s), critique(s)
ismerteti:[work] being made known by
ismertető:informative [study]
ízlés:[literary, artistic] taste
játék(ok):play(s), acting, performance(s)
játékos:playful, sportive [scenes]
játékszíni:[antecedents] of theater
javítás:improvement, betterment [of text]
jegyzés(ek):note(s), notetakings
jegyzet(ek):note(s), annotation(s)
jegyzeteket írta:notes, annotations, or glosses prepared by
jegyzetekkel ellátta:notes, annotations, or glosses prepared by
jegyzetekkel kísérte:notes, annotations, or glosses prepared by
jegyzetelte:annotated by
jegyzetezte:annotated by
jegyzetszótár:dictionary of notes
jelenés:[play] scene
jelenet(ek):play scene(s)
jelentés(ek):report(s), announcement(s)
jellegű:[work] with character of [autobiography]
jellem:character, personality [of author]
jellemrajz(ok):character portrayal(s), study(ies), sketch(es)
jutalom:[literary] prize, award
jutányos kiadás:inexpensive, cheap edition
kabaréjelenetek:cabaret scenes
kalandos:adventure [novel]
kalauz:guide, manual, compendium, handbook
kapcsolat(ok):connection(s), relation(s), relationship(s)
kapcsos könyv:book, album with clasp
karcolat(ok):[literary] sketch(es)
karikatura(ák):[literary] caricature(s)
katonai:military [poem, song]
keletkezési:[year] of [work's] origin
képben:[drama] in [six] scenes
képszerűség:pictorial, imagistic quality
képzelet:[author's] imagination, fancy
képzőművészeti:[academy] of fine arts
kérdés(ek):question(s), problem(s), issue(s)
későbbi:later or changed [title]
készítette:[notes, materials] prepared by
kétes hitelűek:writings of questionable or doubtful authorship
kezdetei:beginnings of [Hungarian poetry]
kézikönyv(ek):handbook(s), manual(s), reference book(s)
kézirat(ok):manuscript(s), typescript(s)
kiadás(ok):edition(s), impression(s)
kiadása:publication of [individual, press]
kiadatlan:unpublished, unedited, unprinted; uncollected [in book]
kiadja(ák):published, issued by
kiadó:publisher, publishing house
kiadója:[work's] publisher
kiadott:published [works]
kiadóvállalat:publishing firm, house
kiadta:published, issued by
kialakulás:formation, development, evolution [of work]
kibocsájtja:released by
kidolgozás:[second] draft
kiegészítette:completed by, supplemented [work] with
kinyomtatás:[second] printing, impression
kinyomtatta:had [work] printed
kisebb:shorter [poems, works]
kísérlet(ek):experiment(s), improvisation(s)
kísérő tanulmány:accompanying study
kísérte:[work] accompanied [by study] by
kispajtásoknak:[story] for little friends, fellows
kisregény(ek):short novel(s), novelette(s); romance(s)
kiszemelve s itt-ott módosítva:selected and modified here and there
költemény(ek):poem (poetry)
költeményei:poems of [author]
költészet:poetry, poesy
költő(k):poet(s), bard(s)
könyv(ek):book(s), volume(s)
könyvdíszítés:decoration of books
könyvesbolt:bookstore, bookshop
könyvjegyzet(ek):book note(s)
könyvkiadó:publisher, publishing house
könyvnyomtatás:printing of books
kor:age, epoch, period, times
kora:[author's] times
korábbi címe:earlier, former title of
korhatások:influences, effects of period
korrajz(ok):sketch(es) of [literary] period
korszak:period, age, era, epoch, times
kortárs(ak):a contemporary(ies)
kortörténet:history of period, age
körvonalazás:outlining, delineation
köt. (kötet) :volume(s)
kötetbe nem foglalt:[poems] not contained in previous volume
kötetben:in [number of] volumes, as in "négy kötet három kötetben," "4 volumes in 3 volumes"
követjelentések:[parliamentary] delegate reports
középiskola:secondary school, high school, gymnasium
közlemények:communications, notices, announcements
közli:published by
közlöny:gazette, journal, bulletin
közmondás(ok):proverb(s), saying(s), adage(s)
köznapi:everyday [occurrences]
közrebocsájtja:published by
közreműködésével:with collaboration, cooperation, assistance of
közreműködött:with cooperation, assistance of
köztük:[Shakespeare translations] included among [other works in edition]
közzéteszi(k):edited, published by
kritika(ák):criticism(s), critique(s), review(s)
kritikai:critical [study]
kritikus:critic, reviewer
krónikás:chronicle [play]
külföldi:foreign; foreigner
külföldön:[Hungarian literature] abroad, overseas
különféle:diverse, various [kinds of writings]
különvélemények:dissenting opinions
kultúra:civilization, culture
látványos bohóság:spectacular buffoonery
legszebb:most beautiful [poems]
legújabb:newest, latest [poems]
lenyomat:imprint, impression
levél (levelek):[author's] letter(s)
levelesláda:muniments chest, family archives or correspondence
levelezése:[author's] letters, correspondence
levélíró:letter-writer, correspondent
levélregény:epistolary novel
levéltári:archival [notes]
levonásban:in [four] printings
líra:lyric poetry, lyric poems
lírikus:lyric [style]; lyric poet
magyarázat(ok):explanation(s), explication(s)
magyarázó:explanatory [study]
magyarázta:explained, annotated, commented upon by
magyarázza:explained, explicated by
mai:today's [Hungarian novel]
maradványai:[author's literary] remains
maradvány(ok):remaining work(s) [of author]
másféle:different, dissimilar [kinds of writings]
másik:other [volume]
második:second [edition]
megbízásából:publication commissioned by [Hungarian Academy of Sciences]
meg-bővítve közre botsátotta:enlarged edition released by
megjegyzés(ek):remark(s), observation(s), comment(s)
meg-magyarította:[text] magyarized by
megyei:county [speeches]
mese(ék):tale(s), fable(s)
mesejáték(ok):fairy play(s)
mesemondás:art in narration
minden:complete [works]
minta(ák):pattern(s), design(s) [of work]
miráklum:miracle play
misztérium:mystery, miracle play
művelődés:culture, civilization, education, improvement
monda(ák):legend(s), saga(s), myth(s)
mondás(ok):saying(s), expression(s)
mozgóképjáték:motion picture play
mű(vek):work(s), writing(s), composition(s)
műbölcselet:philosophy of writing
műfaj(ok):literary form(s), genre(s)
műfordítás(ok):translation(s) [of literary work]
műhely:[author's] workshop, workroom
működése:activity, functioning [of author]
mulattató-könyv:entertaining book
munka:[literary] work
munkái:[author's] writings, works
munkája:[author's] work
munkálkodás:activity, working
munkásjellemek:characteristics of worker, laborer
munkásság:[author's literary] activity
munkásügy:worker's, laborer's question, affairs, matters
musikára tette:set to music by
mutogatja:displayed by
művei:works, writings of [author]
művelődés:culture, civilization, education, improvement
művelődéstörténet:history of culture
művészet:[author's] art, artistry
művészetfilozófia:philosophy of art
nagyobb:larger, longer [poems]
napló:diary, journal
naplójegyzetek:diary notes, memoranda
naptár:calendar, almanac
néhány:some, few, several [poems]
nemesítő próza:prose for [moral] improvement
nemzeti:national [edition]
népballada(ák): folk ballad(s)
népdal(ok):folk song(s)
népies:popular [poem]
népiesség:popular characteristics, popularity [of poem]
népi játék(ok):traditional children's game(s) accompanied by music
népköltés:popular poetry, folk poetry
népköltészet:folk poetry, popular poetry
népmese(ék):folk tale(s), story(ies)
népmonda(ák):popular legend(s), saga(s)
népszínmű(vek):19th-century play(s) about peasants
neveléstörténet:history of education, pedagogy
névmutató:name index
névsor:list of names
nézetei:views of [author]
néző(k):onlooker(s), spectator(s), audience
nézőjáték:play for audience
novella(ák):short story(ies), novelette(s)
novellista(ák):short-story writer(s), story-writer(s)
növendék(ek):pupil(s), student(s)
nyájas:amiable, friendly [poems]
nyelvemlék(ek):language remains, relic(s)
nyelvi:lingual, linguistic [phenomenon]
nyelvművelő:language-cultivating [study]
nyelvtudomány:linguistics, philology
nyelvújítás:language reform, neology, neologism
nyelvújító:language reformer
nyílt levél:open letter
nyomda:printing office, press
nyomán:in the steps of [author]
nyomában:in the steps of [author]
nyomtatvány(ok):printed paper(s), book(s)
okirat(ok):document(s), deed(s), instrument(s), paper(s)
oklevél(oklevelek):charter(s), document(s), deed(s)
okmány(ok):document(s), record(s), deed(s), certificate(s)
oktatás:teaching, instruction
olvasmány:piece of reading
olvasótár:repository for reader
önarckép:self- portrait [of author]
országgyűlési:parliamentary [speeches]
összeáll. (összeállító[k]):compiler(s)
összeállította:compiled, collected by
összefoglaló:comprehensive, recapitulative, summary [study]
összegyűjtött:collected [works]
összegyűjtötte:collected by
összekötő szövegek:linking texts, running commentaries, bridging title
összekötve:inter-connected [writings]
összes:complete, collected [works]
összeválogatta:selected by
ősszöveg:original text
összevetette:collated by
öszveszedte:collected by
ötlet(ek):ingenious thought(s), inspiration(s)
óvilági:old-world [tale]
pálya:career, calling, profession
pályafordulat:turning-point in career
pályakép:picture of [author's] career
pályakezdés:start of career
parasztság:peasantry; peasants
párbeszéd(ek):dialogue(s), colloquy(ies)
párhuzam(ok):parallel(s) [in], comparison(s) [between two authors' works]
páros:paired [scene]
pásztorjáték(ok):pastoral play(s), pastorale(s)
példázat:parable, apologue, allegory
portré:[literary] portrait
pótkötet:supplementary volume
pótlás(ok):addendum(a), supplement(s)
pótló:additional, supplementary
programmbeszéd(ek):policy-making speech(es)
publicista:publicist, political writer
publicisztikai:[writings] about public, current affairs
pusztai:[novel] about the plains
rajz(ok):sketch(es), portrayal(s), description(s)
rajzolat:outline, tracery
reflexiók:remarks, reflections
rege(ék):tale(s) saga(s), legend(s), myth(s)
regényalakok:characters in novel
regény-dramatizálások:dramatizations of novels
regényes:romantic [drama]
regényítészet:criticism of novel
regényke:short novel, novelette
regénytárgyak:subject matter of novel
régészeti:archeological [study]
régi:ancient, old, early [work]
régibb:earlier [stories]
remek(ek):masterpiece(s) [of author]
rendezte:organized by, prepared for press by
rendszeres:systematic [aesthetics]
rész:part(s) [of work]
részlet(ek):detail(s), particulars, fragment(s), portion(s)
részletes:detailed [table of contents, index]
rímjáték(ok):play(s) in rhyme
riport(ok):[newspaper] report(s), story(ies), write-up(s)
ritmikai:[principles] of rhythm
rögtönzés(ek):improvisation(s), extemporization(s)
röpirat(ok):leaflet(s), pamphlet(s)
röplap(ok):leaflet(s), handbill(s)
rövid:short [poem]
r.t. (részvénytársaság):company, ltd.
sajtó alá rendezte:prepared, edited for press by
segédszerkesztő:assistant editor
serdülő ifjúság számára:[novel] for adolescent youth
sorozat:series, serial
sorrend:[chronological] order, sequence [of poems]
sors:state, lot [of book-printing in Hungary]
stb. (s a többi) :et cetera
stilisztikai:[studies] of style
stílművészet:art of style
studium(ok):treatise(s), essay(s), dissertation(s), study(ies)
szabadon átdolgozva:freely revised
szabadon fordította:freely translated by
szakaszban:[play] in [five] sections, parts
szakirodalom:technical literature, special bibliography
szám:number, issue [of periodical]
szavalókórus:speaking choir, choral speaking
szedte:collected by
székfoglaló:inaugural [address]
szélén:[author] on edge [of career]
szellemidezés:conjuration [of author's spirit, character]
széphistória:literary account of history
szépirodalom:belles-lettres; literature
szépliteratúra:belles-lettres, literature
széppróza:[artistic] prose, [works of] fiction
szerepe:role of [author]
szerk. (szerkesztő [k]) :editor(s)
szerkesztette(ék):edited by
szerkeszti:being edited by
szerkesztőbizottság:editorial board
szerkesztői üzenetek:replies to readers' letters
szerzelék:[supporting] material attached [to document]
szerző(k):author(s), writer(s), composer(s)
szeszélyes regény:capricious, whimsical, fanciful novel
színdarab(ok):play(s), drama(s), playlet(s)
színészélet:actor's life
színészeti:[studies] of theater, drama, acting
színház:theater, playhouse
színházi:[studies] of theater, stage, playhouse
színikritikus:dramatic critic
színjáték(ok):drama(s), play(s)
színmű(vek):drama(s), play(s), dramatic piece(s)
színpadi:theatrical, [scenes] for stage
szóhangulat:emotional element in words
szómagyarázat:explanation of words, gloss
szónoki:oratorical [works]
szótár:dictionary, word-book, vocabulary
szótár író:lexicographer
szöveghagyomány:literary remains
szövegjavító:[notes] emending text
szövegkönyv:libretto, script
szövegrész:passage [from text]
születése:birth, origin of [Hungarian prose]
tájmúzeum:country museum
tájszóhasználat:use of dialect words
tanács:advice, counsel
tanácsadás(ok):offer(s) of advice, counsel
tanár:professor, teacher
tanítóregény:didactic novel
tanítvány(ok):student(s), pupil(s)
tanköltemény(ek):didactic poem(s)
tanulmány(ok):study(ies), treatise(s), dissertation(s)
tanúság:evidence, proof
tanregény:didactic novel
tár(a):[author's] depository, collection
tárca(ák):feuilleton(s); special article(s), short story(ies) in newspaper
tárcacikk(ek):special article(s) in newspaper
tárcanovella(ák):short story(ies) in newspaper
tárgy(ak):subject(s), subject matter
tárgymutató:subject index
tárgytörténeti:[notes] on history of subjects
tárgyú:with [Rumanian] subject matter
társadalmi regény:novel of manners
társadalmi vígjáték:comedy of manners
társadalomrajz:sketch of society
társaság:society, company, association
társulat:society, association, company, union
tartalomjegyzék:table of contents, index, register repertory
teljes:complete [works]
teljesebb:more complete [edition]
temetési:funeral [orations]
természeti:[views] of nature
természetrajz:natural history
terv(ek):plan(s), scheme(s); design(s)
tollrajz(ok):[literary] pen sketch(es)
töredék(ek):[literary] fragment(s)
történelemszemlélet:view of, attitude toward history
történelmi regény(ek):historical novel(s)
történet(ek):story(ies), tale(s), narrative(s); history
történetfilozófia:philosophy of history
történeti:historical [drama]
történetíró(k):historian(s), historiographer(s)
történettudomány:historical scholarship or science, history
továbbá:[studies] besides, in addition to [author's works]
tréfa(ák):funny story(ies), anecdote(s)
tréfás:funny, droll [story]
tudomány:learning, knowledge
tudományos:scientific, scholarly, learned [periodical, society]
tudomány-történelem:history of learning, knowledge
tudori:doctoral [thesis]
tudós(ok):man(men) of learning, letters, or science
tudósítás(ok):information, advice, notice(s), news report(s)
új:new [edition]
újabb:newer, more recent [poems]
újabb életre hozta:[novel] newly revived by
újjólag kinyomattak:newly printed, published by
új lenyomat:reprint
újonnan:newly [printed]
újra szerkesztette:newly edited by
újságcikk(ek):newspaper article(s)
újságíró(k):journalist(s), newspaperman(men)
újságírói:journalistic, publicistic [work]
újságmágnás(ok):newspaper magnate(s)
ünnep(ek):holiday(s), celebration(s), ceremony(ies)
ünnepi beszéd(ek):festal address(es), official or inaugural speech(es)
után:[translation prepared] on basis of [someone else's work]
utasítás(ok):command(s), order(s), directive(s), instruction(s)
úti:travel [notes]
úti élmények:travel experiences
útijegyzetek:travel notes
útinapló:travel diary, journal
útirajz(ok):account(s) of journey, travel sketch(es)
útja:[author's] journey [to Budapest], course of [author's career]
útmutató:guide-book, guide [to archives]
utóélete:course of [author's posthumous reputation]
utójáték:epilogue [of play]
utófohászok:supplementary supplications
utószó:epilogue [to edition]
utószót írta:epilogue, postscript or introductory essay (placed at end of volume) by
válasz:answer, reply
vallásfilozófia:religious philosophy, philosophy of religion
vallásos:religious [poetry]
való:real, true
válogatása:selection made by
válogatott:selected [works]
válogatta:selected by
válogatva kiadta:selected and published by
változat(ok):version(s), variant(s)
városi:[novel] about city
vázlat(ok):sketch(es), outline(s)
végezte:completed by
vegyes:unclassified, miscellaneous [poems]
vélemény(ek):opinion(s), view(s), belief(s)
vers(ek):verse(s), poem(s), piece(s) of poetry
versekbe foglalt:put into verse [by]
verselés:versification, metrics, prosody
verses:[written] in verse
versművészet:art, artistry of verse
vezércikk(ek):editorial(s), lead article(s)
vidám:gay, mirthful, cheerful [story]
vidéki:rural [play]
víg:gay, mirthful, jolly, merry [story]
világkép(ek):world concept(s)
világnézet:world view, Weltanschauung
virágének(ek):love or flower songs
visszaemlékezés(ek):remembrance(s), recollection(s)
vita(ák):debate(s), discussion(s), dispute(s)
vitairat(ok):polemical essay(s), or treatise(s), controversial pamphlet(s)
vonalai:[main] outlines, contours of [author's works]
vonás(ok):trait(s), feature(s), lineament(s)
vonatkozás(ok):connection(s), relation(s) [of author with period]
zenével:[play] with music
zenével és kar énekkel:with orchestra and choral songs
zsebkönyv:pocket manual, handbook
zsenge(ék):first [literary] fruit(s)


Selecting authors from the vast literature of Hungary since its beginnings has not been an easy task. It has been complicated by the necessity of giving representation to twentieth-century emigré writers whose reputations were established before they left Hungary as well as to recent writers who have been contributing significantly to Hungarian literature in Czechoslovakia, Rumania, and Yugoslavia. The chief difficulty in selection has been the choice among authors of secondary rank, in my endeavor to report on all writers essential to the study of the various facets and trends of each period. The problem of selection according to this criterion became increasingly difficult as the development of the national literature accelerated with the opening of the nineteenth century, and became even more complex with the richness of literary growth in the twentieth century. The years since 1945 have posed the special problem of proximity; I have indicated the tentativeness of my decisions by placing the authors of this period in Part II.

The authors treated are arranged alphabetically in the two parts of the handbook, but those in Part I are grouped by literary periods in Appendix D: six from 1450 to 1630, thirteen from 1630 to 1772, twenty-nine from 1772 to 1849, twenty-three from 1849 to 1905, sixteen from 1905 to 1918, fifty-two from 1919 to 1945, and twenty-three from 1945 to the present. Some arbitrariness has necessarily attended the grouping; some might well have been included in the period immediately before or after the one to which I have assigned them. In the Introductory bibliography Iincluded some writers omitted here; they are Mátyás Bél, Péter Bod, István Geleji Katona, Péter Ilosvai Selymes, Lajos Kossuth, István Magyari, Péter Melius, Jenő Péterfy, Frigyes Riedl, Gyula Sárosi, István Széchenyi, Ferenc Toldy, and Gereben Vas.

The systematic review of both primary and secondary sources is based almost entirely on the holdings in the National Széchényi Library, the Library of the Institute of Literary History, and the Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, and it concludes with August 1, 1965. A few items published after that date are cited, but they are only those I encountered by chance after I had completed my research in Hungary. All the editions recorded, whether numbered or not, except those for which I have cited a bibliographical source, have been examined, and the annotations of secondary sources are all based on my examination.

As a means of helping the student obtain titles through inter-library loan or some photographic process, I have included location symbols for numbered items known to be available in selected libraries in the United States and Europe. The locations are based on searches of the National Union Catalog housed in the Library of Congress, the catalogues of all the European libraries listed in Appendix E, and the holdings of the following libraries in the United States: the Columbia University Library, the New York Public Library, the University of Minnesota Library, the Harvard College Library, the Cleveland Public Library, the University of Chicago Library, and the Chicago Public Library. I regret that several months of effort to arrange for the search of the holdings of the Bibliothèque Nationale, the Bibliothèque de la Sorbonne, and the Institut Hongrois in Paris proved fruitless. I am pleased to note, however, that the results of searching the still uncatalogued acquisitions of the British Museum, numbering about 5000 titles, are reported in the text. Because of the limited numbers of libraries searched, the possibilities of error in searching library catalogues, and the continuing growth of collections of Hungarian literature in the United States and Europe, the student should be encouraged to check the holdings of both reported and unreported libraries in his quest for the works he needs. For acquisitions by United States libraries since 1965, he should also be urged to examine the supplements to the National union catalog andto New serial titles.

The entries for each author are preceded by a biographical sketch and are listed chronologically by date of publication under the headings Editions, Bibliography, Biography, and Criticism respectively. The biographical sketch provides basic data about the author's life, some general comments about his writings and his place in the literature, and mention of foreign languages in which his works have been published in book form. The data on translations are derived principally from Tibor Demeter's mimeographed Magyar szépirodalom idegen nyelven (Budapest: Tibor Demeter, 1957-1958; 11 vols.) and Magyar irodalmi lexikon (Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1963-1965; 3 vols.). For information on more recent translations, the student should consult the Index translationum (Paris: UNESCO, 1949+). My time in Hungary did not allow for the examination or recording of all the works the authors translated, edited, or compiled, or those for which they prepared introductory materials. I have, however, made a special effort to provide as nearly complete a record as possible of the first publication in book form of their original writings.

The data on these first editions are presented in various ways. The first publication of a book by an author whose writings have been gathered posthumously into a complete or nearly complete collection is cited in a paragraph headed First Editions. On the other hand, first publications in the case of a living author, an author whose writings were first published in book form after his death, or an author for whom there is no comprehensive posthumous edition are listed under Editions and identified by a superior figure one (1) after the date of publication. Sometimes the record of first publications is continued from First Editions to Editions: This practice is followed when an incomplete but still important collection of an author's works was published during his lifetime. In such a case, that collection and the works succeeding it are listed under Editions and first publication is identified by the raised numeral after the date, while titles published earlier are shown in the paragraph headed First Editions. Separate reprints from periodicals are not identified as first editions because I have reserved that term for first publication in book form.

Among the numbered later editions I have sought to include the best editions available and to report all the writings of the authors published in book form. My selection of editions issued after the author's death has been governed by their reliability. The quality of the edition is designated in brackets at the end of the citation: A, a text meeting all the requirements of modern textual criticism; B, a reliable text, often containing some critical apparatus; and C, a popular edition, sometimes containing works not available in other editions listed. In some instances, however, an edition has been selected not because of its critical reliability but because of the importance of its preface or introduction. Occasionally such introductory material has been annotated among the secondary sources in the biographical or critical sections. When I have been able to compare the contents of editions containing more than one work by an author, I have distinguished individual titles specifically as first or later publication, or by a raised numeral after the date of publication.

The absence of a date of publication, a painfully frequent occurrence in Hungarian publishing, has posed an especially thorny difficulty. After consulting many basic bibliographical sources, and depending very heavily on the catalogue of the National Széchényi Library, I have recorded the most reliable date without enclosing it in brackets. I have often used bibliographical sources, especially the catalogue of the National Széchényi Library, for identification of the genre, noting it in brackets if it was not named on the book's title page.

The sections on secondary sources for each author are based on a careful survey of bibliographies, monographs, articles in periodicals, and collections of scholarly and critical studies. They are arranged under the headings Bibliography, Biography, and Criticism, chronologically by date of first publication in order to provide a historical perspective of the development of opinion concerning the author treated. Studies cited from collections have been traced in almost every case to their first publication and compared with the original version, and bibliographical data on the first appearance have been added at the end of the entry.

The secondary sources represent works which, in my view, are essential to beginning the study of each author. The biographical and critical studies are mainly of a general nature, but are sometimes concerned with special problems. I have also kept an eye out for short studies which summarize an author's importance at a particular historical time or mark a change in attitude toward him and his writings. In the absence of substantial scholarly studies I have sometimes turned to reviews. In classifying the items under the headings of Biography and Criticism, I have exercised the utmost care, but the fine distinction between them requires that both sections be examined. To assist the student, I have noted the presence of both kinds of material in the annotations under each of the headings.

Appendix A updates my Introductory bibliography by including primary and secondary material of value published between 1960 and 1965. Appendix B provides information about most of the literary awards, learned and literary societies, newspapers, and periodicals mentioned in the biographical sketches. Appendix C lists the periodicals from which numbered items are cited. Since in the Hungarian language the surname always precedes the given name, my practice has been to record these names in that order when they appear in Hungarian texts, but to reverse them when they appear in non-Hungarian texts, as in annotations and foreign titles.

For students not completely at home in the Hungarian language, I have provided a glossary of Hungarian bibliographical, literary, and learned terms and phrases that frequently recur in the citations. `