"Now I recall the times gone by, Ilosvai
good Miklós Tholdi of bygone times."
Like a herdsman's fire blazing on autumn nights
across the vast sea of the puszta, the face of
Miklós Toldi flares before me over nine or ten
generations of antique time. I see, it seems,
his towering form and the thrust of his lance in
scorching battle. The thundering sound of his voice
I hear you would now conceive as the wrath of God.
This was the man, when needed, who stood his ground.
There is no one to match him now in the seven parts
of the realm. If he were to rise up and walk among you,
his works would appear a sorcery. Three of you would
never withstand the weight of his club, his sling or
spear. Your blood would run cold at his terrible
shield and the spurs he wore upon his boots.
First Canto
"He took in one hand an enormous rail
and pointed at the road to Buda."
The sun shrivels up the sparse alkali flats,
parched herds of grasshoppers are grazing about -
not a new blade in all the stubble, not a handbreadth
of green in all the broad meadows. A dozen laborers
or so are snoring under the stacks - all their work
is going fine, but the big haywagons loiter there,
empty or only half loaded with hay.
A lanky sweep dandles its skinny neck into the well
and spies for water - imagine a giant gnat sucking
the blood of old earth. Thirsty oxen mill around
the trough, making war on an army of flies. But
lazybone Lackó hangs on the hands, and who's to scoop
the water up?
As far as the eye can see on bleak earth and sky,
one workman alone is on his feet. A whopping side-
rail sways on his brawny shoulder lightly, and still
not a trace of beard on his chin. He stares far,
far down the road as though to depart this village
and land for other fields. A live warning, you
would have thought him, planted at the crossroad
on a shallow hill.
Dear little brother, why stand in the blazing sun?
Look, others are snoring under the hay. The kuvasz,
too, is lolling there, his tongue dangling out, not
for all the world would he go a-mousing. Or have you
never seen a whirlwind like this? It kicks up the
dust for a fight, licks the road at breakneck speed,
a smoke-stack belching on the run.
But no, he does not care how it sifts the road
from end to end - through a tower of dust erected
by the wind, proud weapons glitter, proud troops
ascend A cloud of sighs rises from his heart like
those hazy troops. And bending forward, he stares
and stares as though heart and soul were fixed
in his eyes.
"Neat Hungarian cavaliers, shining knights! How beat
and bitter am I to see you. Where are you bound? How
far? Into battle? To gather flowers for a wreath of
glory? Are you riding against Tatars, Turks? To bid
them good night forever? Ah, if I too, I too were
only riding. Neat Hungarian cavaliers, shining knights!"
These were the thoughts that furrowed into Miklós
Toldi's soul. His head churned, and his heart was
wrung with sadness because he too was the son of a
knight. György, his false brother, was reared as
a companion of the royal heir. He lives it up in
the royal court while Miklós mows and rakes with
the hired hands.
Here they come, the mounted men of the Palatine
Laczfi, and at the head of his proud troops Endre
Laczfi himself. He sits with martial bearing on
his fallow horse, braids of gold on his robe. In
his train dashing young men ride in fancy saddles
on stamping stallions. Miklós stares and stares,
not knowing his eyes are sore for staring so hard.
"Hey peasant, where's the road to Buda?" Laczfi
asks disdainful and cold. The word cut to Toldi's
heart, which jumped so hard you could hear it.
"Hm, me a peasant!" he fumes. "Well, who but me
is lord of this village and land? Maybe György
Toldi, my foxy brother, setting dishes at the
court for King Louis?"
"Me a peasant, me?" With that he brought down a
terrible curse on György Toldi's head. And then
he lightly twirls the pole, grabbing one end like
a little stick. With a single hand he raises it up
long and straight, pointing out the road that trails
toward Buda. Arm hardening into iron, and himself,
he extends the rough-hewn timber straight as a rod.
When they behold Toldi with the long pole, the
Palatine and all his troops look on astounded. "This
is a man in his own right, whoever he is," speaks
Laczfi. "Who will take him on, boys? Or who will
point like that the sorry faggot this boy is using
to show the road?" What a comedown, what a shame.
They mutter and bluster, but who dares to match
a peasant boy!
Who would ever enter the list with a thunderstorm,
the wild and windy gloom? And who would joust with
the fiery wrath of God, the flashing and sizzling
shaft of God? Pick a fight with Toldi if you long
for God's dear kingdom. And what a fate awaits
whoever falls into his hands, wailing himself back
into his dead mother's arms.
They pass by in long closed lines. The whole army
is talking about Toldi. Everyone has a good, kind
word for him; everyone turns him a smiling face.
One says - "Friend, why don't you join up for the
battle? Young men like you have a high price there,
believe you me." Another says in pity - "Too bad
your father was a peasant and you, dear brother,
are too."
The army passes, echoes die - one enveloped in
dust the other lofted on the wind. Toldi shambles
homeward, deep in melancholy. The range trembles
under his heavy footsteps into the far distance.
His walk is a sullen bull's, his eyes the brown
midnight. In his mad rage he blows like a wounded
boar, the rail almost crumpling in his iron hands.
Second Canto
"When György Tholdi returned from Buda,
he often rebuked his younger brother."
Miklós wrestles with himself in the rawness of his
discontent. But things are happening at home in
Nagyfalu - perhaps the house is burning, the chimney
is smoking so hard. A bucket waves welcome on the
brooding sweep. Piglets squeal and mewl; calves and
lambs bleat. A dreadful judgment reigns over the small
livestock. The womenfolk, even the ailing, bustle
about. The kitchen is busier than a little market.
A servant pours water into a six-gallon bucket. When
it boils and runs over, she quickly dips a fowl in,
plucks it, and grabs off the socks. To keep the little
lamb from sweating, someone strips off his fleecy hide.
And someone else bastes a spare rabbit, making it drip
with lard.
Another is swinging a piglet above the flame, shaving
it down to the skin. They bring wine in flagons and
goatskins, and bread in a beechen vessel...
What does the hullabaloo mean in a widow's house
where merry-making is long out of style. Is this
a funeral feast for Lőrinc Toldi's widow? Or has
fate brought her to a second wedding? Has she tired
of her lonely widow's bed and given the fading
flower of her life to another?
This is neither a funeral feast nor the dawn of a
second wedding. This cooking and baking is for
someone else, this banqueting for someone else -
György, the first-born, is home on a visit...
György Toldi was a great lord with splendid cattle
and plenty of money to fill his liver with pride,
knights, armed retainers, snorting stallions, and
a big pack of dogs. With forty men he came, a rank
rout of locusts who will devour half the ready yield
while György will pouch the other half.
He greeted his mother coldly, although she poured
out her soul for him "Well, where's that other one?"
he asks with reluctance. No one would imagine he
meant his brother. "He is hauling hay with the hired
hands, the little one. I'll send for him -" But
György cried, "No need!" No need, and these two
words stuck like a knife in the mother's heart.
No need? But though unwanted and unbidden, the boy
enters unawares, his heart still like a fiery
cauldron, scaling with shame and anger. And still -
what a miracle! - he does not utter one hard word.
A something masters the loathing of his soul, a
something I cannot express.
Seeing him, he suddenly opens, impulsively, his arms.
But György only elbows him away and arrogantly turns
from the brother of his own blood. The mother's eyes
are brimmed with tears as with quavering lips she steps
before her stone-hearted son, stroking his arms and
stroking his head. She is hopeful, but György rebukes
her harshly like this -
"That's fine, mother, call your lap dog, guard your
precious child from the wind. Dip him in milk and
butter, don't deny him a thing, and he'll grow up
a big dumb dolt. It is harvest time in the fields,
but that's not to his master's taste. Like a hound,
he smells a fat dinner and higgledy-piggledy he
leaves the hands.
"This is how you always cried whenever I said that
nothing would come of him but a big lout; he's not
even fit for a peasant, he likes to loaf although
he could stand to work, he's strong as an ox. Now
you can show him in the window - every day he puts
on meat and fat to delight his mother..." György
speaks with a laugh at which Miklós rises uttering
a long, dull cry -
"Every word in your mouth is a curse and a lie! Not
a letter of truth exists in your charge. I know too
well what lurks behind your bush. May God love you
as much as you do me! I am unfit for a peasant,
unfit for a knight, and among the hired hands I am
least of all. You are jealous because someone shares
your bowl, and you would drown me, if you could,
with a spoonful of water.
"Not to be under anyone's feet, I am ready to go this
very day. The road is open a hundred miles this way
and a hundred that, I am ready to go this very day.
But whatever is mine, I'll take from here. Now give
me, brother, all that is mine - my rightful share of
this estate - my money, my steeds, my weapons.
Beyond that, God bless every man."
"Here's your share, boy, don't say you didn't get it!"
György shouts and cuffs his face with a resounding
clap. Now Miklós Toldi is not endowed with a pigeon's
liver, and a spirit of vengeance takes his soul. His
eyes like steel are sparkling fire, and he prepares
a blow with the bones of his fist. György retreats,
frightened to death - this could be the very last
And this blow would put him in a cool hole, where he
would never again eat God's bread, and like a broken
bone between two slats of wood he would never repair
unto judgment day. But as the younger attacks, the
mother darts between them with a shriek, shielding
György though protecting his brother.
The enormous youth now dropped his arms, sadly
lowered his head and eyes. As though awakening with
a chill, he went reeling from his father's house. He
gave himself up to sorrow and silent anger, and sat
in the farthest corner of the yard. Putting his head
into his hands he wept, but not a soul was there to
hear at all.
Third Canto
"He was enraged at his younger brother,
who slew his favorite retainer."
There was no grief in the ancestral house where they
wore themselves out eating and drinking. But when
good György Toldi rose from the board, his men all
twirled their spears. Young blood, old wine danced
in their veins as the wooden spears whirled in their
hands. They were bantering and laughing in finest
fettle like wild colts.
After gorging himself, György Toldi reclines in the
old armchair. From under the eaves he watches with
pleasure the games they play. When he sees his brother
Miklós alone at the foot of the yard in his sadness,
the brute impulse of his soul rises, and his big-
headed boys he eggs with these words -
"Hey you, there's a bustard sitting by himself, beak
under wing in his dejection. Does he cower, or has
he croaked? Let's see if he can fly. We've got to beat
the fence around him!"
As when a hare is let among dogs, the wild boys leaped
at the words. They bang on the picket fence, and Miklós
is silently grieved at the affront. It is easy to grasp,
not only with the mind but with hand and fist, that the
crude sport is meant to get his goat, and sometimes
they almost graze his head.
Toldi put up with it though not in peace, and the
great soul wrestled with his rage. He mastered
himself at last and suffered with disdain the
flunkies who were mocking him. These people would
have been mere straw to his wrath which was like
Samson's, of whom it is written that with a jaw-
bone he slew a thousand heathens.
Toldi stood it, stood it as long as he could. He
took his revenge by pretending not to notice, and
did not even wiggle an ear at the clatter. But
when a spear grazed his shoulder, he rose in a
terrible rage, grabbed up the millstone on which
he sat and hurled it among the gibing followers
of György Toldi.
The heavy stone flies. Who knows where it is going
to land? Run if you can, Miklós, run! Your head is
under the headsman's sword. Water cannot wash off
a murderer's name! You will go wild, wandering far
from the paternal house like a stag that is driven
from the herd - a stag who gores his rival and is
cast out himself by the others.
The stone cleaved the air and delivered stark death
to a noble warrior. His body was squashed as in
an oil-press, dark sap trickling from the mangled
flesh. The dusty earth greedily licked it up, and
a deathly veil covered his eyes. The blow that
snuffed out his life was painful to all, but not
to him who perished of a sudden.
György was enraged at the loss of his retainer, and
mourned. But it pleased him that his brother played
into his hands with a murder. The cloak of law and
justice will now cover his design and its crooked
course. To undo his brother in the name of a judge,
he gave strict orders to seize him forthwith.
Fourth Canto
"Miklós' mother misses him sorely,
secretly sends him food and drink."
As the wounded hart flees into a shady forest with
his fiery pain, for a stream with cooling waters
and balm to tear on his wound - Oh, but the bed
is dry and he cannot discover the healing balm; his
body is torn by every branch, his body is ripped
by every thorn, and he is more faint now than he
was before -
So Miklós plunged on. Sorrow sat on his neck and dug
spurs into his ribs. His heart bounded in his breast
like a horse locked in a burning stable. He hid by a
stream, he hid in the reeds, and found no place to
lay his head. He looked for solitude but found no
cure for the sickness of his soul.
Like the wolf fleeing a shepherd, he flung himself
into a large, dried-up bog. But every reed whispered
- you are the loneliest in all the world. His bed
was of dry reeds, his pillow a clump. His tanya was
roofed by God's blue sky until night took it under
her wing and drew a tent of darkness above.
Sweet sleep chanced by like a mantled moth but dared
not settle on his eyes for long, or until the bloom
of rosy dawn. It was afraid of the mosquitoes, afraid
of the rankling reeds, more afraid of the wild things
that clatter in the bog, the distant noise of the
pursuing knights, and most afraid of Miklós Toldi's
heavy cares.
But in the dappled dawn when the mosquitoes dozed
off and the clatter died, it stole down unfolding
two wings over his eyes. And then it kissed his lips
with a nectar of sleep gathered from poppy for the
night, a sleep so enchanting saliva rolled from
the corner of Toldi's mouth.
But pangs of hunger envied this too, rousing him
soon from his morning sleep, goading and lashing
as he wandered the fields of grass up and down.
He hunted for the nests of field birds - wild duck,
lapwing, mew, and coot - broke into their homes
and robbed them clean, putting his hunger to sleep
with their speckled eggs.
Thirst and hunger stilled with wild bird eggs, he
was buffeted on the waves of his future. Where
should he go? What should he do? Good God! His
feverish soul has nowhere to turn. It would be easy
to go, easy to hide, but his mother would always
stay in his mind. Ah, if she failed to hear from him,
her heart would break.
Three days he tormented himself like this, on the
third day he heard a rustle - a wolf he thought,
but did not raise his arms for he knew only a
brother could do you harm. It was Bence though,
the old faithful servant, sent by his mother. Bence
fell on him crying and after a while spoke these
words -
"Ah, God bless you, how glad I am to find you. For
three days I searched and combed this ocean of reeds
never thinking to see you again. How are you, my
dear boy? Are you hungry? Didn't the beasts eat you
up in these wilds? Here is my sack, take it and eat,
here it is! a roast, a loaf of bread, and wine."
With that the faithful servant put his fist to his
eyes, then wiped it on his coarse shirt. He knelt
to the ground, put down his pouch, and one by one
unpacked all that was inside. He spread a table, a
make-do one of the empty pouch and cover. He set
down the bread, the flask, and the roast, and graced
it with two apples at last.
Then he drew out a shining knife and offered it to
the young master. Toldi sliced up the loaf of bread
and ate it with the hearty meat. How Bence, the old
faithful servant, enjoyed the sight - better than
eating himself! His mouth moved as if chewing, and
now and then a tear trembled on a lash of his eye.
When Miklós had sated his hunger, Bence twisted the
neck of the flask. It squeaked and spurted blood on
the back of the old servant's hand. Bence toasted
his master with the red wine, first pouring a swig
and wetting his whistle. As he handed the flask to
the young man with his right, he wiped off his mouth
on the front of his shirt.
The wine fired the old man's spirit. How his heart
expanded! How his tongue loosened! He started by
talking about Miklós' grandfather, whom he served
as an ox-driver long ago. And then he turned his
talk to Miklós' father, mother, brother György,
and at last to himself. The words would have come
forth until the end of the world, but Miklós
interrupted him at last like this -
"How it hurts to listen! Stop, I ask you, stop this
painful talk. In the past, whilst shelling corn
by the fireplace, I would gladly listen until judgment
day. How often you retold the stories of my father's
knightly deeds, how many an evening until midnight.
And then how long it was before I would fall asleep!
I could not even close my eyes until dawn.
"What was, is no more; what was good, is passed.
Another pen is writing. My fortune has turned for
the worse. I have become a murderer, become a
fugitive. Ah, who knows when I will clear my name
again. But I believe God will not forsake an orphan,
he the provident father. My own blood may cleanse me
of the crime my dear brother writ on my brow.
"I was not born, I know, to live a frog among these
canes. Nor was I born a hired hand, sickleman, or
hauler of hay for anyone's son. Now I only wait for
twilight to come, the light to leave the fields; then
I will put the land for a wallet on my back, and not
even the wind will bring you a report of me."
Bence grew sad at these words, sorry his young master
planned to hide. He kept silent a long while, and then
he burst into tears, making crosses with his finger-
nails on his boots. At last he spoke and asked master
Miklós not to take it ill but really he thought it
foolish to rush into a fugitive life.
"You see, my good little master, György will leave for
Buda in three days or four. Then whatever happened will
be forgotten, and you shall be the little king in all
the province. Would you really abandon us, good servants
all, who loved you like our own child? Would you
abandon Bimbó and Lombár, the right-hand oxen of the
team? In seven markets of the land you won't find the
likes of them.
"Would you leave behind all the good times? In the
mill, who will lift the sacks in pairs? Who will
wear a millstone on his arm for the miller boys to
wonder at? Do not go, dear boy, do not go away and
leave all Nagyfalu in misery. Ah, don't desert the
ancient Toldi house, do not push your dear mother
into her grave."
This is how he pleaded, but Miklós took little heed
and shook his head whenever he did not like what was
said. But as Bence brought up his mother at the end,
it was like rolling a stone on his heart. For long
he did not reply, he only stared into the murmuring
reeds, and he stared and stared until at last a
large, warm tear sat on the lash of his eye.
And as though he were wiping the sweat from his face,
he brushed the unbidden guest with his palm. The tear
slid slowly down his little finger to the ground, as he
turned to Bence with these words - "Tell my mother,
good Bence, her son's star is now eclipsed. She will
not hear of him for long, his name they will bury as
though he were dead.
But he will not be dead, only like someone deep in
hiding who is risen after certain time and people
hear of his marvellous works. She will hear of me
still, and when she does even babes will be stunned.
My mother's soul will leap, but she must not let
her heart burst for joy."
This was the message Miklós sent. Then the faithful
servant put the empty flask into the pouch. He
carefully wiped the shining knife and folded up the
canvas napkin. He threw the pouch over his shoulder,
said goodby and started on his way. He wanted to
leave, he wanted to stop. He often looked back and
was swallowed at last among the trackless reeds.
Fifth Canto
"Miklós was a fugitive on stream and reed."
The sun sank beyond the marshy reeds and left a large
red cloak on the sky. But the night took strength,
soon pulled it in, and wrapped the sky and earth in
a cloth of black. And it studded the sky with coffin
nails, a billion shining stars. At last, it rounded
up the lovely moon and placed it at the head like a
silver wreath.
Miklós set out on the unfamiliar way and pierced
deeper and deeper into the bog. But tugged as though
by a thong, he could not tear free from the thought
of his mother. Again he looked back, and again. But
why, with not a creature there to see? Still he looked,
and after a little while turned homeward to take
his last farewell.
As he was returning, wending his way, the bottom of
the bog sank at a certain place and he stumbled in a
wolves' lair where two whelps started whining like
little devils. Miklós was sorry and petted the poor
lonely things like a shepherd, when training, strokes
a komondor pup.
Too bad he did so, it was only to his harm. The reeds
at his back suddenly rustle; the mother wolf leaps
with a terrible howl, and the two wrestle. She rears
up again and again on her hind feet and claws at
Toldi's face - a clapper of teeth in a palate of blood,
a gleam in the moonlight like sparks.
But Toldi handles himself smartly and deals blow
after blow with his fists. Blood gushes, from her
mouth and nose, the large glazed eyes are terribly
swollen. Her tongue bulges out, bloodied with her
snapping teeth. The foul saliva froths like a mad
dog's, never has one seen a madder beast.
Toldi, at last, begins to tire of it. He does not
spare his legs and sends her flying with a long
kick like a bull whirling horns. The beast arches
over the bog. Hagging reeds and dropping with a
thud, she groans.
But look, as though the devil burrowed into her,
she rolls over and jumps to her feet. She yowls
in sore rage and attacks again with her razor
teeth. She sinks her claws into Miklós' shoulders,
opens her mouth two spans wide by his head, and
anchors her two hind legs on his knees, the devil
take such merciless vermin.
And this might go, but here's the rest of it. The
mate comes howling and attacking from behind. Now
what, Miklós? You can't handle this! With a thousand
lives, you would still be killed. Never mind! When
things go bad, he's got the grit. He'll make it, don't
worry. They won't eat him up.
As she clawed and mauled him, he grabbed her throat
with his two hands. Her claws gave, and the strength
faded from the ham of her knee. Her eyes popped, full
of bloody tears. Her green tongue hung out like a
long colter. Her life did not escape, it was penned
inside - and her maw was fixed in a wide open gape.
Toldi grabbed her up, swung, and struck the male as
he leaped. He regained his feet in a rage. Toldi
knocked him down again, and he snapped at his mate
from where he lay. He would have risen once more,
but Miklós beat him to it and slugged with the she-
wolf so hard he will never get up until the world
comes to an end.
After this narrow call, Toldi rested a while on a
clump. The whelps were dead, trampled beneath his
feet. Their mother and her mate lay farther away.
The round moon shone on them brightly and looked
coldly down into the bog with its face distended
like a golden skillet.
Miklós was turning his thoughts in his mind though
I could not say he was really sorry for the wolves.
His thoughts were on another wolf, an ill-natured
brother who wanted to devour him. But why? Why be
his hangman and not his brother? When did Miklós
ever do him harm? Why sharpen his fangs for his own
good brother?
György comes out bested compared to a wolf. The
beast of the field protects his lair, attacks only
when provoked. Or if his hunger drives him to kill,
once appeased he harms no one. Though he devastates
the herds, his own kind he spares.
But his own brother, his own brother, who can say
why he wants to kill? Can he quench his thirst only
with blood or by driving his good brother from their
property? What if the bloodthirsty brother got his
comeuppance like the wolves? Or is the breath of life
more fixed in man? Is this why a final night has yet
to fall on György?
Hold on, Toldi, hold on, your intent is on murder.
Do not fling a bloody prey to your revenge. Know
the blood of a murdered brother clamors up to the
heaven of heavens for vengeance. Know if you were
to slay your brother, it would be your own eternal
life you destroyed. Do not fear. God is in heaven
and sees the truth. Leave him the work of justice.
Now as if with a sudden thought, he rose and strode
to the beasts. He flung them over his shoulders
and started on a dangerous journey into the night.
Furiously he plunged through the wilderness of reeds
and tunnelled a winding track as he went. The two
wolves dangled at his heels, he never glanced back
all the way to his mother's house.
Sixth Canto
"György Tholdi's mother pitied Miklós."
The moon is bright on the Nagyfalu steeple, and the
white Toldi house gleams on the edge of the grass,
behind it an orchard as green and large as some
Alföld woods. A tiny door opens on the garden from
the widow's bedroom, a rosemary in the window where
Miklós is on the watch.
He threw, on arriving, his wolves on the wet grass.
He tiptoes, as if stealing, to the outward door of
his mother's room. He listens quietly but hears only
the ticking of a worm in the lintel. He is poised to
knock, but catches himself - undaring he hesitates,
hand on latch.
Why in the world so afraid? He would take dragons on
any other time. But now he is worried a rustle may
startle his mother. If he scares her, she might fear
open the door or window; she may scream, and they
would have no chance to talk together.
He lifts the wolves to his shoulder and walks around
to the other side. Every living being, inside and out,
was at rest, the dogs too asleep in the shed. The
door's ajar. He sees György's bed where the moon spreads
a large white sheet. And beneath the eaves, the
sleeping guards are stretched in rows.
The whole world is asleep. Miklós does not waver long.
Laying the wolves on the doorsill, he gathers up the
lances leaning against the wall and pins the guards
on the ground to hold them fastened when they awake.
He enters the room. Ah, the devil will take György
Toldi if he hasn't by now.
Miklós watches by the mosquito net as he snores his
living breath in and out. One squeeze of the hand,
and though he had a hundred souls, he would fall
silent and snore no more. But Miklós speaks - "I
could kill you if my soul prompted, and you would
deserve it, but for this once I will do you no harm.
Only that I came this will let you know."
With that he took the two wolves in his arms and
laid them by the old bedstead, saying - Hushaby,
hushaby, lullaby, your brother is sleeping close by.
And he himself entered the adjoining room where his
mother sat in her mourning gown. She had laid her
hands on the table and lowered her head.
Sleep lurked there in vain, for it could not break
through her sorrow. At last it enticed her with a
trick, borrowing the guise of an ague. It squirmed
down the nape of her neck, ran down to her heels
and up again. It made her stiff, it made her reel.
This is what it took to put her asleep.
Even so, it lasted only a bit, as a quiet knock
aroused her from sleep. She awoke in alarm, but
Miklós reassured her with these words - "Dear
mother, do not be alarmed. I bring no harm on the
house. I walk at night like a ghost, but they would
kill me, you know, if I came by day."
At these words, the widow no longer feared, and she
embraced him closely. A fillér is tiny but would not
fit where she missed planting a kiss upon his face.
"Ah, to see you again. I never thought I would, I
despaired, almost died. But my God, don't let me
speak so loudly - your brother's next door."
This is all, and she would say no more if she were
on the wide Hortobágy. There too she would clasp him,
her heart uneasy, lips locked in a long mute kiss.
Miklós could feel her atremble on his breast, she might
fall unless he held her. But he was terribly aroused,
too, and could speak only after a good long while.
He tried to compose himself, but what was the use!
It seemed someone were piercing his nostrils with a
pin, or grating horseradish - this is how it wrung
his nose. He wept on the face of his beloved parent,
and like two brooks plunging from the mountains
together, their tears commingled.
At last, Miklós stilled his heart, and he stroked
his mother's gray hair with his eyes. He composed
himself, and straightening up he mastered somehow his
lamentable mood. And he spoke to his mother these words
- "Leave kissing me now. Every hour is measured as
though by contract. I come to bid you now farewell.
"I cannot hope to remain here because of György -
God put him wherever he will. I fear that in the
end I might be a killer... But no, never! I'll not
even say it. But this much I'll say, do not worry,
lay your fears aside. I do not leave you to stay
forever. The creator, I believe, will spare me till
I return.
"I feel great strength in my arms, and I shall not
waste it in shed or mill. I have heard of my father's
brave deeds. Should I alone be a disgrace to my
line? I shall go up to Buda as a champion warrior.
There I will show something to the king, something
that cannot shame my brother, only split his spleen
with envy.
"And that is why I beg you, my dear mother, never
worry, never cry. Why weep for one who hasn't died
when the departed themselves do not remain dead...?"
He would have continued, but the dogs bayed below.
With this he knew he did something amiss.
The dogs were enraged at what else but the wolves
in the yard. Soon the servants will wake, and he
made the rest of it short - "I have no more time.
May God bless you. May God bless you in this world,
and bless you in the next, I desire it from my heart."
"Bless, bless!" ...was all his mother could say. Who
or whom, she only knew in her thoughts. She knew
who searches every heart would know every one of her
desires. And when the child separated from her
breast! The tongue of man cannot describe her anguish.
Her soul, it was not ungrappled but ripped out at
the house.
The dogs, meanwhile, whined and howled, and with an
ugly barking came to the door. The guards struggled
to their feet somehow. György awoke at the awful
noise. "Who was here? What was here?" they bawled as
they came across the wolves. "It was Miklós! No one
else could! After him! After him, the devil take it!"
Like a nest of angered hornets, this is how to
picture the house. They ran against one another on
the big verandah, they dashed here and there on
horseback and foot. Where to? Where are they fleeing?
No one knows. Left and right they rush like mad.
Cursing something awful, György at last makes off
and the others tumble along behind.
Does the widow hear the clamor of the chase, the
blast of horns, the yelling, the yelping? She hears
a shout - head him off! head him off! But does she
know it is Miklós they are hunting for? No, she does
not know at all. When Miklós disappeared, she fainted
on the unslept bed - God knows how long she lay
as if dead.
Seventh Canto
"He took great pity on the woman's sorrow,
and said he would avenge her wrong."
When there is no one in the whole world to befriend
you, do not lose heart for the Lord will appear at
your side. See how he stood by Toldi as he shrouded
the moon in a heavy cloud and there was such darkness
nothing was visible. The sky roared terribly, thundered
and lightened - God's wrath struck a hajdú who died
on the spot without a moan.
György Toldi did not take lightly the thunder
whirling above his head. He had his scattered
dogs recalled with a blast of the horn, and all
his men gathered behind. Wet to the marrow, they
straggled home at last when it was almost morning.
But György was chagrined most sorely of all for
his plan did not pan out.
Miklós covered ground that night facing lightning,
wind and rain. When dawn lifted the fog, he found
himself on a bleak desert. Who was his companion on
this desolate puszta? the sun behind him swimming in
a blue sky - it overtook him, passed him by, and
left him in a clammy and unfriendly night.
Three times it passed. On the fourth, he saw high
mountains at noon shimmering in the délibáb. Miklós
gazed in admiration for he had never seen the likes
of it - the mountains, that is, and not the mirage.
He hastened, hastened onward though weary. Toward
nightfall he saw the Castle of Buda, and before the
sun sank he reached the famous and glorious fields
of Rákos.
Rákos borders on Pest, and Miklós encountered
night by a cemetery with a fresh grave looming
in the dark. Whose it was little concerned Miklós,
but Almighty God - he saw his dear mother in a
long gown, bending by the grave over a pair of
But not really his mother, only her living image.
Her bitter weeping would melt stones. Then why
should Miklós not pity her since his heart was softer
than stone? He was moved to compassion, and approaching
he asked for whom and why she wept. And the widow
(for indeed she was) replied, bitterly weeping -
"Ah, my son, do not ask what has befallen me. Today
I buried my two sons, who were killed on the Danube
island by a foreign warrior. May God never save him
from the fires of Hell." She spoke brokenly, and could
say no more, for her tongue was muted by sobs. She
knelt on the black mound moaning over the two crosses.
This went on a long time. Miklós waited for her
bitter tears to stop. At last they did, or so it
seemed as she sobbed less strongly, moaning only
a bit. Then he said to her - "I hear as I hear
your plaint, but cannot make it out, I confess.
Two of your sons were killed, but by whom and why?
If killed, is there no one to take blood for blood?"
She straightened up and overcame her cruel suffering.
Thin of face and wan was she; only her two large eyes
shone darkly. "Blood for blood you say. There is no
one to pity me in my sorrow. My heart is bleak like
the barren fields where the scythe has reaped the
heads of corn."
Toldi said - "Do not weep, your two brave sons will
rise no more. But may God not be my God if I do not
take vengeance on the warrior. Now I ask you (and see
not in vain) tell me the story in God's truth. I have
a widow mother at home and feel a compassion for dear
women like you."
The sad woman took heart and told how it all
happened - A foreign warrior blusters on an
island in the Danube, possessed of frightfully
good luck. He brags, whirls his weight about, and
speaks with contempt of the Hungarian nation. Many
fighters challenge him for life or death, and leave
mourning widows and orphans behind.
Yesterday her two knightly sons faced him, no pair
could match them in half the land, and none in all
the world. And now they are resting in a single
grave! The world is terrified of the cruel warrior,
and no one is left to fight though he appears on
the morrow with boast and blasphemy.
After he heard what happened, Miklós said no more
of his intention. He bade her goodby and went toward
Pest, turning great deeds in his mind. He hurried
from street to street as though he knew every step
of the way; but he was only rambling round and round,
bread in his pocket and house on his back.
Eighth Canto
The king...llosvai
György Toldi thought it out well (to make a long story
short) he thought it out, I say, and plotted to lay
hold of his brother's property. And so it came about
that he arrived in Buda to dig Miklós a pit at the
court of King Louis. Dismounting, he immediately went
up to the king and tuned his pitch.
"Your Majesty, it is bitter to report what I must as
sore duty. Bitter because blood is not water, and
once a brother always a brother." Here he broke off
and, as though violently sobbing, dabbed at his eyes
with a kerchief. He rubbed them raw red, and yet the
king could not perceive a tear at all.
The king said - "I never heard you had a brother.
You did not bring him up to my court? Never showed
him, never presented him?" György replied - "Oh,
Lord my King! It is to my shame and sorrow, but
he is not worthy of your good grace (and he sighed
"When Miklós was about ten, our poor father died. I
tried to take his father's place and rear him, as is
proper, to be a good knight. But he was a wastrel and
stupid, with no spirit for good. He remained at home
a betyár, a peasant although extremely strong. But
what's the use of it? He is lazy and forever in
The good king replied - "Well, indeed, that is too
bad, but still you were ill-advised to remain silent.
You say he is very strong. Then it is strange he has
no will to fight. But late is not lost. Bring him up,
bring him, I ask you, and let me see him. He will
learn, you will see, at my school. If not, he may
pass as a man in the ranks."
"Thank you, thank you for this kindness, Your Majesty,
and for such faith in my undeserving brother. But ah,
it is too late. My brother is a lost soul, who has
committed a murder! Ah, that I must open my lips for
a lament like this, but some days ago he killed a
well-loved retainer of mine..." György spoke, and with
a moan he leaned on a stone saint. The king looked,
and suddenly his face clouded up.
He did not tell György why, nor did György ask. They
were still for a long time until the king at last
broke the silence - "I have a way to grant him pardon.
Bring him up as soon as you can to Buda. A Bohemian
warrior is duelling on the Danube island, and many a
brave knight of mine has fallen at his hand.
"Let your brother come up and take him on. He will
either win or die. If he wins, he is a good lad
worthy of pardon. If he loses, he will have paid for
his crime." This is what the king said, but the
good-hearted brother was still unhappy. He sighed -
"Ah, it comes too late for my brother, who is fled
as a fugitive wandering in the world.
"Who knows where he is? He skipped the house and
said goodby to the gatepost. All trace is lost; the
good God knows whether he's dead or alive." This is
how György lamented, full of deceit, and false in
body and soul. He showed the white of his teeth, and
went on like this -
"In the eyes of the law and the world, he is done.
I know his worldly inheritance is my due - I could
even seize it, take it as my right if this is what
I wanted. But some people would say György Toldi was
out for his brother's portion. Look! he drove him off
and seizes his land.
"But God save me from taking it like that and spare
me the slanders of the world! Who would vouch agains
his attacking and killing me for his loss? This I do
not want, it were badly advised. But I place it on
the footstool at your throne - Let Your Majesty
decide who is more worthy, as you deem, and grant
him the royal boon."
György Toldi spoke and bowed low. The king saw into
his design and detected exactly the thought it
concealed - a royal letter would help oust his
brother were he ever pardoned and reclaimed his
His Majesty the King smiled coldly, trapping György
like this in his own words - "Good, I will accept
the property of your brother, and as the one more
worthy, I will give it to you. But on the condition
you kill the Bohemian warrior tomorrow and impale
his head on the castle top. This is how you may win
my royal seal."
György Toldi reddened deeper than a broiled lobster.
The bright day fogged up, the wooden statues danced.
It would have taken little for him to faint. A chill
ran through him, he shook with a cold sweat. His face
was pale, with less blood than a mosquito might need
for a single bite.
At long last, he spoke, sadly replying to the king
- "I say, I do not want my brother's wealth. I
renounce it not to burden my soul." He spoke like
this and bade His Majesty goodby. He went home and
fell down a-tearing his hair, raving and beating
his brow. The servants watched and wondered whether
he was fit to be tied.
Ninth Canto
"The bull bolted, and the rope broke in two...
They gave Miklós a great deal of liver."
A bright moon is shining on the streets of Pest,
chimneys gleaming high in the moonlight. The roof-
tops huddle below shingling in shadow almost all
the walls. You would think they live in attics, and
that is why they raise the roofs so high, wall on
wall and the top twice begun anew.
Weary after much wandering, Miklós rested at last on
a bench watching the fine folks - gentlemen, ladies,
young ladies in passing; and he gazed on until sated.
Then he hung his head remembering he was without
money or food. He had lived four days on nothing but
roadside mushrooms.
Suddenly he heard a piercing cry, a scream. What is
it, he wondered - a fire, a flood, a scaling of the
castle walls? It was some other disaster though -
a wild bull bolting down the narrow street, fleeing
from the slaughterhouse he escaped somehow. He
bellowed and bawled as he smelled the blood that
poured from his ears and ran down his breast.
The butcher boys fled in panic, lasso in hand. Only
from a haven did they think to call the dogs; then
they sicked six strong mastiffs after the bull. These
were not at all loath, snapping at the withers and
ears as they leaped along.
When one bloodied his ear and it hurt, the bull
bellowed terribly and shook the pendants off. The
dogs sailed into the air and fell from the walls
with a thud. The pieces of ear that stuck in the
mouth they chewed in anguished rage.
The butcher boys shouted - "catch him! catch him!"
But the mad beast whirled, and when a dog came near
he sent it flying. He shied one into an adjoining
yard, gutted another with his horn. The butchers
(well, what else could they do?) commanded sternly
- the dead dogs.
But the bull, like a roaring storm, looked neither
up nor down the road. He attacked whomever he found
ahead or behind, and everyone fled an absolute death.
The women scream in near despair. The men shout "head
him off, head him off!" But no one would face him;
they would crawl, if they could, in an auger hole.
Toldi held his place, stood calmly, and waited for
the bull in the middle of the street. "What do you
want, kid! Are you crazy? Don't you see the mad bull
running right at you?" Miklós saw him of course. "Go
on and shout," he thought to himself, letting the words
fly past his ears - it was time to see to the bull.
As quickly as the bull saw Miklós, he screeched
terribly pawing the dust. And then he whirled
dirt with his horns as though he were aboard
a threshing floor. He planted his feet, horns
lowered for the fight. "He's had it, he's done
for! ai, ai!" they shouted from the windows
on that street in Pest.
But no, course not! Miklós stamped his foot and
shouted with a terrifying voice. At this welcome
the bull recoiled, and Miklós nabbed him; drew
him to the slaughterhouse, holding him by the
horns. He called on the butchers to come and take
him. They emerged at last, heavy ropes and lassoes
in hand.
They tied him to a heavy beam and bound horns to
forelegs. The crowd scattered, and the butchers
retired into a little shed to sleep. Miklós sat
down by the slaughterhouse, thinking to bunk for
the night, his pillow a rack and his blanket the
light of the moon.
But the butchers would not let him rest. They shoved
out a hunk of liver and told him beat it in his
mother's pain. "Do they fling alms to one who saves
hundreds and hundreds of lives?" he thought and left
it on the ground. A hungry dog came up, and Miklós
let him take it.
Then he went down the street. Many places they whispered,
"That's the one who seized it by the horn." Many places
he saw a figure or two step back from the window or
doorway. And then the shutters slammed, or a key grated
in the gate. Everything was silent, cold and cruel.
"Where will I ever," says Toldi, "find a hearth that
is mine?"
How many things came to his mind! his mother's dear
face when he took farewell, as she hung on his neck
and smothered him with burning kisses. Then too the
silent dead of night, then too the moon gleaming like
this; and then too he was shut out by all the world,
and no one gave him a place to sleep for the night.
Leaving his mother's face, his thoughts flew to the
old widow as she wept over the cross and wrung her
hands for her two sons the wild warrior killed. He
thought of his vow and sighed - "Oh, how can I
enter the lists tomorrow? Where are shield, armor
and weapon? Would the warrior accept my challenge?
"Oh, why should he? He will laugh me off, mock me,
scorn me. Or maybe they won't even let me in. Get
out of here, old rags, they'll say when I show up."
And this thought saddened him deeply. He walked
slowly down the street, sighing. He stopped again
and again staring at the ground as if searching for
something at his feet.
At last he looked up, his face now bright. He began
to walk fast, almost run. He went, went straight to
the cemetery where a little while ago he met the
weeping widow. It is easy to guess he was after the
weapons and armor of the two young men. "I'll put
them on," he said, pleased with the thought. But this
promise of luck forsook him too.
He walked up and down the graves but found not one
lost soul. Where could he search for the widow's
house, thousands of people live in Budapest? He
sees that all he wants is in vain, his solemn vow
in vain - both he and his oath a nothing, and fate
a mischievous child who plays with him.
And since the living would not take him in, he rested
in the tanya of the dead. The mound was wet with the
dew of a cool night, weeping instead of the kin. He
looked up at the sky, the highway of the heavens, and
thought sadly of his fugitive life. Hope was like a
bird about to depart from his heart.
Tenth Canto
"György Tholdi's mother told the servant
to set before Miklós in his need
this loaf of rye."
Credit lost when awake, fickle hope enticed him now
with sleep to sweeten his wretchedness. Toldi was
victorious in his dream over the warrior and won
the king's pardon for his crime. A dear pearly weapon
gleamed in his hand, and happiness in his mother's eyes.
He heard pounding hooves, and the dream fled. Toldi
looked into the lovely moonlight. He could have seen
far, but no, the rider was skirting the cemetery eaves.
Who was it? He could not believe his own eyes as he
recognized old Bence. "Hey, who's there? Where are you
heading? Is it you, old Bence? My God! it can't be!
What a stroke of luck!"
Bence, the honest servant, tried to insist he was
someone else, but Toldi tore him from the horse and
kissed away every speck of dust on his wrinkled face!
Bence understood none of this, he knew a ghost leaped
on him from the grave. Miklós long lectured the old
servant before he could grasp it at all.
After he understood though, he would not forget until
the day of his death. He would never forget, good
Lord, how he was frightened by the great fortune, how
he only half believed his eyes, how he fingered Toldi's
bones, and how the tears streamed from his old eyes
like a shower from God's cloud.
They rejoiced, comforted each other for a good while,
then Miklós told all that happened since he left.
Of course, that was not all for with every tenth
word he asked about his mother. "How is she my dear
mother? Is she sick? Is she grieving for her lost son?
That other one, is he still over there living it up?
He's mistreating my poor mother, isn't he?"
But Bence said he should not despair for his mother.
György departed next day, and she is distraught no
more. Nor have sorrows broken her heart. She would
like to see Miklós no matter what. If she learns
where he is in this wide world, she will visit him,
she promised, if it means traveling fifty miles.
"She told me to find you, Miklós my dear soul, be
your faithful servant, and take care of your needs.
Wherever you wander, I shall be at your heels and
help in your troubles..." This is what Bence said
- and how much more! Who could put it into words!
They decided to sleep there. Bence fed his horse.
He had fodder and bread on the horn of his saddle,
for Bence was not put out by a burden like that. A
large pouch also hung from the horn. Bence reached
inside to his elbows, pulled out something, and
said - "Here you are. Here, my child, I have brought
you the dandiest loaf of bread."
"Your dear mother sent it, she kneaded and baked it,
she ordered me lay it unbroken in your very own hands."
He handed it over, and a knife. Miklós fell to slicing
- but it was the strong blade not the bread that
broke apart.
The old man marvelled "How in the world did the
droughty ride fan it so dry!" He looked at it,
fitting it as though to glue the parts together.
But with a loaf of bread in hand, Miklós was not
about to starve. He broke it open without delay
- and a chunk of iron fell from inside.
Bence picked it up, saw a casket, not a piece of
iron. It opened up easily for there was no lock.
He looked in, stared with mouth wide open - those
were coins, not two or three, but since living on
earth (and he had eaten most of his alloted share
of bread) he never saw so many, he avowed.
What about Miklós? Wasn't he happy? Of course he
was, terribly happy and he jumped for joy, turning
tomorrow's plans in his head - how to buy weapons
and vestments! How behead the warrior Mikola! how
this, how that. He saw innumerable how's, he saw
innumerable beautiful things.
After long rejoicing, they sat on a mound counting.
One by one, Toldi took the coins and nestled them
in the cup of Bence's hands. And then Bence said -
"You old palms! You never held the likes of this
though you often itched. Now don't let me talk or
we'll make a mistake." But no, it came out a round
number, exactly a hundred.
"Now listen, my good Bence. Put this away, here are
ninety-nine, but the hundredth I'll keep where it's
easy to find. We'll drink it up. My spirits, see how
high they are." The faithful servant wanted to resist,
but on his saddle the canteen's dry - dew on the
outside and tinder on the in.
Nearby they came on a ramshackle csárda. Untidy and
tattered this ancient inn, it would be right at home
on the Hortobágy flats. A thirsty well sweep idled in
the front, and beside it Bence hitched his horse. Toldi
entered, striking his head against the lintel in the
"Hey, keeper, where are you? What the rantum scantum!
Are you dead or asleep. How about a lamp?" "Sure, I'm
up (what whirlwind blew him in here?). What do you want,
an itce or a pint?" "An old gallon can or not a drop!"
The innkeeper hemmed away at this, thinking to himself
- now here's a guzzler for you.
Bence carried the sack into the house, and Miklós,
I tell you, enjoyed his meal. He shoveled it in so
fast his jaws could hardly keep it up. No three men
could ever match him. When the wine arrived, he
buckled for a fight and turned the can half way up.
Bence protested it was too much, "For God's sake,
it'll harm you."
"Harm or no, I don't care, and it's hardly any
business of yours. When man's happy, his mind's
a drag. Let's bury it today, here - have a drink,
here take it!" With that he handed the gallon to
Bence. The old man's hand trembled. He drank, but
warily and slyly counted every drop.
While these things were going on at the table, twang!
the cymbalo sounded by the kemence. An old player asleep
in the nook stood up on hearing guests arrive. Toldi
grabbed up the wine and leaped to the center of the
floor. He fell to drinking and dancing, and the house
almost collapsed. Bence kept protesting, "It'll harm
you, watch out."
"Harm or no, I don't care! haj rá!" And he turned the
old bumper up high in the air. "Let your horse brood,
his head's about right. I haven't had such fun in
a hundred years. Innkeeper, another gallon! and for
the old one a pint, the gallon's heavy and his hands
unsteady." The keeper obeyed, and Bence sipped slowly
and properly from the pint.
"Haj rá! haj! let us keep the wake of sorrow. Our
innkeeper's nodding, let's drink up his wine! Drink,
old cymbalo, I'll sprinkle you." "Pour it in me
instead, my lord, or I shudder." "Drink your own for
free! Listen, innkeeper! Do as if you were drinking."
"My lord, won't this be harmful?" "If that's all you
can drink," said Miklós, "let the earth soak it up
like this, look here!"
And he poured the wine out on the dirt floor. Bence
shook his head, and added "what a pity!" But Toldi
kept stoking his dance and beating his head against
the beam. In his good spirits he screamed, he drank,
he danced - and drank another long draught again.
But the old companion kept his cool, and the wine
from the pint emptied slowly.
At last he nodded and scolded Miklós no more. His
head drooped and pulled him down to the bench. The
kemence ran away, Bence tipped over, and that is
how the old servant gave up. Toldi, too, had enough
of fun and put his head on the table in his two big
arms (on his bare arms you could see the swollen
veins). This is how he fell asleep, and this is how
the great child slept.
Eleventh Canto
"One of us must die here today, you know,
and a dead man doesn't need a boat."
The dawn put its red cloak over half the sky. Vain
though it was in velvet, it would not avoid looking
into the ramshackle inn. With one eye it peered
through a cleft of the window, and saw only the
player asleep on the bench. Outside, the old servant
was grooming the good steed Rigó.
And then the dawn looked about in Pest and Buda
and admired itself in the wide Danube. The waves
of the river reddened, and a brown boat was crossing
at the middle. Toldi, who else, was at the oars
ruffling the waters far around, the shiny mist
drizzling as from a red cloud of coral.
Toldi swiftly crossed the wide waters and tied his
boat on the Buda shore. He stepped out quickly in
search of what he wanted - beautiful, golden
weapons and vestments, and ornate trappings for the
good horse Rigó, his favorite steed at home.
He bought what he was after - a shield, beautiful
and large; a dolman on which the tailor did not leave
a spot plain of golden piping; a helmet, armor, and
a seven-flanged club; a pike, a lance, and many other
weapons forged by the very best smith in Buda - weapons
trimmed with silver, gold; one word tells as much as
a hundred - he bought them all.
Returning to the csárda, he buckled on his armor
and twirled the star-flanged club in his hand. The
sun climbed over the brim of the sky, and its eye
caught on the young man's finery. Nor was Rigó
caked with yesterday's dust and mud. Now he was
shining black and the sunlight jetted his hair.
And when they put his jaunty harness on, how fine
he looked, how he sparkled, how he gleamed. When
his good master Toldi bestrode him, he looked
himself over and began to dance. Then, hop! and
like the footed wind he bore Toldi off with wild
and unforgiving speed. Bence plodded behind in tears
for his little master left without even a goodby.
Meanwhile, what was happening on the banks of Buda?
Listen and I shall tell that, too. The king's
pavilion was pitched of pure azure silk, golden
tassels hanging from the sides as big as my fist
- or do I understate? It stood without a compeer
where the lordly pavilions rose boldly side by side.
Large, overstuffed armchairs laid with velvet and
laced with gold were neatly arranged; no one could
imagine a more beautiful setting. An old throne
stood in the middle studded with precious stones
and clawing the ground with golden nails; it too
was covered with velvet.
The pavilions were surrounded by a palisade which
common people were forbidden to cross. Outside,
soldiers and masses of people devoured the vacant
pavilions with their eyes. The palisade stretched
in two lines down to the Danube, a gaping expanse
between, big enough for a cattle market, but cattle
were not admitted there.
On the bank of the Danube they raised a large flag,
a boat, gaily bedecked, tied to the pole; on the
Pest side too a flag above, a boat below. The river
is a broad avenue hedged with men. In the middle,
an island rises, a deadly isle, living for weeks
on blood like a bloodsucking leech.
The big warrior appears from the Buda side, prancing
on a large horse within the palisade. He curses
horribly and defames the Hungarians, claiming no one
dares to challenge him. But suddenly from Pest a joyous
roar and commotion - a strange knight on a black
steed gallops up to the flag and asks for leave to joust.
His beaver is down, and from the peak a white plume
flutters. Toldi (who else) removes it, and quickly the
king's knights appear at his side. As was their office,
they row to the Buda shore with the plume. The Bohemian
feather is red as blood - and the tokens of the gage
are exchanged.
The whilst, messengers sped to the castle. The king
descends with the noble orders. The two warriors set
out, by boat, and landed each at the tilting ground.
Touching soil, Miklós kicked his boat upon the wide
Danube. It skimmed the waves as though on skates and
slammed its nose on the banks of Pest.
The warrior asked why he sent it coasting free on
the Danube. "A single boat will bear one man alone,"
replied Miklós. "One or the other here must die,
and a dead man has no need for a boat." As he spoke,
he clasped his hands in earnest prayer, calling
on God.
And then he spoke, "Knight, give me your hand - you
never hurt me, or I you. Even though you may hate me,
you have less than a bare hour. And on his death bed
who is not forgiving?" Then the warrior reached out
with his gauntlet to crush the hand Toldi offered.
He saw it coming and beat him to the friendly gesture.
Gathering his terrible strength he gripped the hand
in a horrible vise. The glove crumpled, flattened out,
every bone was crunched. As when it thaws and icicles
drip from the eaves in spring, blood trickled from
the warrior's finger tips - and he was awe-struck by
Toldi's frightful power.
And then Toldi haled him by the hand pulling him
about with his fearsome strength. The warrior's bones
crackled, and his sinews wilted. He sank to his knees
before Toldi begging - "My dear son, do not desire to
take my life. I will give you all my wealth, the dear
cattle of my dozen boys, and all that I own."
Toldi relented in his heart "So be it," he replied.
"I will take your cattle, not for myself but the
mother of the two knights you killed. Now I give
your life as alms. But first solemnly swear that
though your country were flooded by the sea, never
will you set foot on our land again."
In terror, the champion agreed. The two went quietly
down to the boat, embarked, and the perfidious warrior
poised, arm upraised above Toldi's back. Seeing him
in the watery mirror, Toldi snatched the sword from
the treacherous hand. "Mercy, pardon!" with a cry
the great warrior sank to his knees. "Go ask of God
- here's one for the road."
And he granted the cheating warrior eternal mercy,
beheading him with a single blow, the big sword
dripping red with blood. They applaud, they shout,
they wave their flags. The high hills of Buda re-
echo the cheers.
Twelfth Canto
"The king chose him to his royal guard,
granting a stipend for twelve horses."
When the frightened warrior fell to his knees at
Toldi's hand, His Majesty the King was greatly
pleased and tears of joy rose to his eyes. He
spoke to the lords at his side like this - "I do
not think the Bohemian will fight tomorrow. He has
met a man who teaches how one slanders and abuses
the Magyars.
"But that champion, who is he? Don't you know him,
Toldi? Who does? I cannot imagine who he is. There
is not a worthy knight in my country I do not know
by name. Strength like his I never saw. I fear
he will turn out other than Magyar, unbefitting
though for someone else to uphold our honor.
"But Magyar or not, he has saved the Hungarians
from a serious blow. His reward he will receive,
and richly. I shall grant him the share that belongs
to Toldi's brother, the murderer." György remained
silent. He looked about to see if the others heard.
The lords whispered and purred, gloating his brother
was a criminal.
After Miklós severed the warrior's head and showed it
on his sword, His Majesty the King commanded twelve
golden knights to accompany him back. They left on a
boat with pennons flying and returned with him amid
great pomp. The king spoke - Champion, lift your beaver,
tell us your name and show your knightly face.
Miklós fell at the king's feet and said - "O Your
Majesty, I am not a champion, only a fugitive. How
did I become one? Only he knows who knows all. I do
not know how I erred into killing. My brother drove me
out into the world. I have come to report my crime,
and wait to be pardoned or punished."
Miklós spoke like this forthrightly to the king. He
raised his beaver. His face was pale to red, betwixt
joy and sorrow. The king liked his handsome young
looks, and asked him gently - "Aren't you really
Lőrinc Toldi's son?" At this, Miklós nodded.
Then His Majesty the King turned to the lords and
made this pronouncement - "Lords! my faithful knights!
Listen closely for what you will now hear is important.
This knightly youth is the brother of György Toldi,
and György has been busy digging him a pit, shutting
off his inheritance, denying him the family name.
"I know all his tricks, I have gotten to the bottom
of them. He reared his orphan brother as a peasant
because he saw and envied the great strength of the
boy. He feared Miklós' strong arms would hide his
own fame in a mist, for - but his own wicked soul
knows why he did not rear his brother to rank.
"I know he also incited Miklós and that is how he
came to slay a youthful tormentor. The servants
told how he sought to hunt his younger brother down.
Isn't that right, György Toldi? It is! Why a king,
unless he surveys what everyone does? To impute so
many evils to a brother, who did so much on his own!"
Great applause followed the king's words, rare wisdom
for one so young in years. György Toldi's head sank,
and he could have crawled into the ground for shame.
The king cast his eyes now on Miklós, patting him
kindly on the shoulder. He spoke gently - "Young
knight, stand up. Your brother betrayed you, but no more.
"I grant you pardon here on earth. Ask God, and I hope
he will grant his forgiveness, too. Possess your
property in peace when it falls to you. I know it
never was a better man's. And that your neighbor be
not your enemy, your brother now offers you his share.
Disloyal brother, isn't that so? Do you understand,
you promised the ancestral property to your brother?"
György stared with glazed eyes at the king. How would
he dare say no to his words! The king's eyes flashed,
a terrible anger darkened his brows. "All right," says
the king, "is the answer yes? All right! Write out the
deed today. Now having tried you, I state - do not
ever let me see you at my court again."
Now Miklós spoke - "Your Majesty! I do not want the
least of my brother's property. I will not even claim
what is mine. Let it be yours, my brother, and the
desire of your miserly heart be fulfilled. Now I
only ask Your Majesty to accept me in your army as
a common soldier. God is good, he gives good - my
sword, will provide what I need."
The great king replied, "Do not be such a child. How
could I take you as a common soldier? I choose you
to my royal guard and as of today grant you a monthly
stipend for twelve horses. Saying this he unbuckled
a beautiful sword studded with diamonds and gilded
with gold. He handed it to Toldi, saying, "Here, put
it on!"
The king could have said and given nothing which
would bring Toldi more pleasure. He would not exchange
it for money or land; for this he would scorn the
coffers of Darius. He wanted to thank the king but
found no words. The sovereign was not offended for
he understood the language of a simple heart.
That there be nothing missing from his joy and all
his heart's desire be fulfilled, his mother he saw
approaching from the palisade as though his dream were
starting all over again. He forgot everything, ran
toward her, and took her carefully into his armored
embrace. Neither one spoke a word, cried, or smiled.
Only old Bence wept at their back.
At last the great joy pressing on their hearts raged
itself out like a pregnant cloud, and a shower of
tears fell from their eyes. Heart lightened, Toldi's
mother spoke these words - "Wonderful child, conceived
of my soul, at last I may see once more your lovely
face. How beautiful you are! How it becomes you to
be a knight! As if God created you for none other
than that."
Miklós said - "Did I not foretell that sooner or later
I would be a champion? But I do not owe it to my own
strength. I owe it to the unbounded mercy of God. Now
György and I shall exchange dwellings. He shall go
to Nagyfalu and I shall live here. In time he too will
learn to like me; if not, let it spite him until he is
buried in his grave."
This is how the heroic child loved his mother. His
heart was never wounded by the arrow of love. He
never knew an enduring friendship with a woman, and
he never in his life entered on marriage. He became
a mighty hero. The enemy fell to him like grain. He
fought for the powerless, for his king and country.
They wrote chronicles of his wonderful works.
No one could withstand his wrath, but he would give
his shirt to a friend. When the land was at peace, he
was happy to enjoy the campfire with his merry friends.
He did not leave much cattle, land or treasure; or
children quarreling over their inheritance. But still
unmatched by all the chattel of the world, the glory
of his name remains alive forever.
Ilosvai: Péter Selymes Ilosvai, 16th century minstrel, Arany's source.
lazybone Lackó: a traditional peasant expression for summer idleness.
side-rail: "vendégoldal", literally guest-rail, for a cart-ladder to increase load capacity.
kuvasz: Hungarian shepherd dog.
village and land: "határ", an evocative word, something like but more than "countryside".
His bed was of dry reeds...: how the hero falls asleep is a convention of epic poetry; here it also tells of his troubled lot (see also Ninth and Tenth Cantos). The saliva rolling from the corner of the sleeper's mouth is a wonderful bit of unconventionality.
tanya: a temporary abode for one who lives a wandering life.
komondor: Hungarian shepherd dog.
Alföld: the great Hungarian Plain.
rosemary: symbol of remembrance and constancy.
fillér: the smallest Hungarian coin.
Hortobágy: the plains (puszta) near Debrecen.
hajdú: free peasant-warrior (descendant of cattle-drovers).
délibáb: mirage on the puszta.
betyár: outlaw (mostly villagers who chose this life in protest, and were regarded sympathetically in the peasant tradition); bad man (in the Establishment tradition).
csárda: country inn.
itce: about a fifth of a gallon.
cymbalo: musical instrument related to the dulcimer.
kemence: a mud oven constructed as part of the room and provided with benches.
haj rá: interjection (hurrah).
First Canto
"Then times moved with a quiet flow."
The Magyar looks back, with a sigh looks back on your
shining days, you glory of the old bygone. On the
stubble fields of his ancient fame, he now only gleans
- a tale at most. Worn rudely by sorrows, I turn my
burning soul to the past for comfort. I while the time
away with those who lived of old - what life denies,
the dead deliver.
Toldi comes to my mind, whom in my youth I sang in
a light song - a simple song, unadorned perhaps but
welling from the heart, warm and clear. Oh if - not
for glory or fame, not to bargain with the world for
gain, but to be young in song - oh, if I could only
sing like that once more!
Young King Louis sat on his father's throne attended
by his lords and knights. He reigned in Buda, in the
new palace which rose its head in enchanting splendor.
Toldi served beside the king himself, passing the time
in games of war and drinking. His coat of arms showed
a fallen warrior's head, and eleven young lords
served under him.
The rumblings of war died away, peace sprouted like
an olive branch. The champion rested according to
mood and desire, gathering strength for harder days.
But Louis shunned the cushioned throne, for his great
soul would give him no rest - I shall go and make
a tour or two, he said. Am I not the chief steward
of the land?
He spoke to no one, preparing for his journey in secret.
He donned a shabby dolman and a threadbare shepherd's
coat; with an old hat on his head and a halter on his
shoulders, he nestled on a clumsy nag. Disguised as
some plain injured man, he went searching for his
stolen horse. All that he saw and heard he stored in
his craw - complaints wherever; the people's burdens;
and how they deal justice to the man who is poor.
Three days he wandered. On the third evening he stopped
at a village end to rest, where lay a beautiful meadow,
a field like velvet. He dismounted thinking to feed
his horse. The sun lay its head down to rest and drew
a red quilt over its face. Now where is his own bed,
where shall he sleep? He asks a kind bush to lend him
The last dwelling in the village was a large white
house. He went there to unbridle and to water his
horse. The gate was open, not really open but widely
sprung from the hinge. Dogs attacked him with a nasty
charge. But a lovely girl by the well called out, and
obeying they slank off one by one with a growl.
Then the king said - "Beautiful maiden, I am a
traveler. May I have leave to water my horse?" She
replied - "Of course you may, poor man, but where
are you heading so late? It were better you rested
yourself with us. Tomorrow, in due time, you may set
out again." And she spoke her sweet words with a look
so lovely the king felt a flutter in his breast.
But the traveler replied - "I crave your pardon,
never have I been in such a fine house. I can find
lodgings elsewhere - a lord for lords, the poor for
the poor." The master heard him from the porch and
interrupted with this sort of command - "Yes indeed,
my little brother, but not always so! If night finds
you here, sleep here."
With that he motioned, and a servant appeared from
behind - "Péter, hitch the horse in the stall. And
you, my friend, come with me into the house. You
are not leaving, so help me!" This Magyar kindness
pleased the king - they went into the big room,
not the small one; he sat the guest at the head of
the table; no use protesting, he would grant no
"Piroska, my angel," her father speaks, "bring some
wine in the white pitcher!" Beautiful Piroska obeyed,
washed out the vessel, and brought the good wine in.
"Come, dear daughter, be so kind," he urges, "and
offer the guest some wine." She sipped to his health,
and suddenly left the room. Her face was red, but
not from that little bit of drink.
While Piroska busied herself in the kitchen, the talk
flowed in the inner room. But when the meal was set,
all three sat down - at the head, the guest; by his
side, the master; facing the king, at the foot of the
table, Piroska. If she only knew who the traveler was,
she would die embarrassed for the supper she made.
But there was as much as eye and mouth could want
- fine lettuce head with fat mutton; good hot
cakes with curd; strawberry and cherry; honey fresh
from the comb, pure as gold, redolent of scented
flowers; excellent wine of the Érmellék - and the
bloom on the happy face of the beautiful girl.
All this made the king very happy indeed; he was
about to show himself - his heart was so open,
it was hard to refrain from pouring it all out.
The secret of his soul, the ethereal veil, will
flutter away slowly like a shadow. And then he
thinks - but what if I frighten them? Why should
I bring this good scene to an end?
"You know, my little brother, you haven't asked my
name. If you ever heard of the old Rozgonyi..." The
master went on - "But now it is time to empty the
pitcher to our health; the health of others; our
own well-being; the constancy of our new friendship;
our country, our king... but one thing more - what
is your esteemed name, my brother?"
The traveler replied - "May God grant you long life!
The Rozgonyis are famous here, they are rich, they are
knights of whom I heard again and again ever since I
was a little child. Their oak forests are large -
villages, pusztas, stallion herds, and bristled stock.
My good lord is exactly of that kind! May God keep him
for the good and joy of our land."
He drank to it, and then told this story (quickly
thinking as he drank) - "Ah, I don't really boast of
my name; I am a poor man although noble born. I've
been well-nigh ruined with three traces left empty
by robbers, and ever since my land's unplowed and
unsown. I cover much ground but have not found my
"Otherwise my residence would be the Apáti, and when
1 am at home György Csuta is my name; Csuta now although
my father argued that until his death (beguiling wine,
how you free the tongue). The poor old man argued, I
say, that our family descended from the Árpáds, on the
distaff side. He resented it that no one believed him
...God's wound, my lord, do not laugh at me!"
Master Rozgonyi replied - "You know what - I have
been looking at your features and I saw right away
in the movement of your eyes you are a nobleman, not
a losing peasant. Who knows, who would dare say he
thinks so? The rim of the wheel goes up and down.
Many old noblemen are in peasant boots today. It
may happen yet they will make you king!"
They laughed heartily as though at a jest, and the
beautiful girl left the room with a smile. György
Csuta (this is what I call him now) said - "Hm, me
a king? hardly, hardly... but between you and me, I
could find some fault with the king we have -"
"what!" cries Rozgonyi. "My little brother, sir,
listen!..." And he pounded the hardwood table.
The king laughed - "Well, well, my dear lord...
but this is true, your daughter is gorgeous - her
walk, her figure, one in a million! She sways and
swings like a stalk of lily." The master looked at
him and wondered - is he a suitor? But when the
guest did not lower his eyes, he sighed aloud and
replied like this -
"Ah," he begins, "shall I tell or not? What is the
use - everyone has his troubles and complaints, and
I have no remedy for mine - this only daughter is
my joy and sorrow. She is the beauty of my joy,
goodness, soul of my soul, the apple of my eye, the
jewel of my house, the lily of my garden - but all
to no use, all to no avail."
He paused a bit, wiping his eyes. "My cup is really
full - a new king, a new law. Now a father without
a son may not bequeath his daughter the inheritance
from his father's side. This is the cause of my grief,
my bitterness. Sluggards will wrangle over my fine
estate, strangers who never offered me a glass of
wine, or a good word."
He brooded a while, but brightened up at a sip of
wine and then advice and encouragement from his
companion. After some thought Louis begins - "Have
you been to Buda with this matter, my good lord?"
He shook his head no; truly he had not, and did not
know why Louis asked.
But let me tell what is on the king's mind, and what
he hinted at with his question. His thoughts were in
Buda on bold Toldi, and they came and went - flying
like a golden shuttle from Toldi to Piroska and back
again. He wove them together with a golden thread and
smiled to himself - what a pair they will make!
"Well now," I say again, "take my advice, go to the
king and say to him humbly - "My lord, my sovereign,
I am so and so; I come to Your Majesty with this
request. In name, I have a daughter but not a son
to whom I may bequeath my land. Make her in law,
Your Majesty, my son, and deed my property to her.
"But since the king is still young (not a single day
older than myself, I think) he is, I hear, a lover of
tournament sport... Let me tell you something and
do believe it. Do not request, my lord, that he do it
for free. Propose to hold a tournament (you have means)
with this beautiful Piroska as the prize. And I hope
it will yield results this way."
The master was gladdened - "Hey, what blessed advice.
Why not if I know it would do! Wouldn't I pick and
choose among wealthy suitors! There would be enough
of them to chop in our milk. O my little brother, my
little brother, believe me, I would look at the man
only. I would look for nothing but personal bravery.
I would give the precious prize to the victor in the
His eyes shone, his face glowed as though he were
urging the guest - "Come my lord, if you like
Rozgonyi's daughter, step forward, show you are no
weakling." But the king had other thoughts on his
mind, his heart already sparkling in a happy love
- as the sun reflects new suns on earth, the happy
want to see others happy.
A good long while they stayed up talking of this and
that and everything else - then at a late hour, when
the king was tired, Piroska made his beautiful bed -
for her father and herself in the front of the house,
and separately for their guest in the adjoining room
- an ornate, canopied, four-poster bed, and she drew
the mosquito net apart.
But before the swollen pillows could lure his royal
eyes to sleep, before he lay in the bed, which sweetly
beckoned with a pure hue and smell, he took a parchment
from his bag, wrote, sealed it with wax, a signet ring
on a bit of wax, worth though at least that much.
When the king woke at the break of day to settle with
the master (it was hard to do for the master's heart
was full of kindness); when he said goodby twice, even
thrice, and they gazed after him down the road until
the dust itself settled, the girl found this letter
lying under a pillow; she started to read it aloud,
but the words caught in her throat.
"Piroska Rozgonyi, daughter of Pál Rozgonyi, shall
inherit her father's estate as the son, sole heir,
owner of all, the pride and preserver of the Rozgonyi
name. He will hold a tournament on Pentecost day, and
the maiden will be his who shows himself the bravest,
for this is found to be proper and good by LOUIS,
King of Hungary."
"Who shows himself the bravest!" When she came to these
words, beautiful Piroska's blood flooded to her face.
It set something going - not in her head but right
in her joyous heart. The house was suddenly small,
the ceiling low - out, out-of-doors to see the sky!
She must sprinkle the flowers in the garden. Her
father always says mornings are drenched with dew.
She whishes by her flowers, rushes on - what are
flowers to her! Across the garden, down the orchard
slope to the banks of the Tisza she wanders without
a goal. The sun departs from the meadow with a kiss,
the waters awaking with the fire of its love; and
between the broad bright sky and the waves, the great
puszta shines like a narrow green ribbon.
She paused to look at her watery image; the tightness
in her heart relaxed in the open. Tears flowed from
her eyes, and the shining drops mingled with the sister
pearls of dew. She drew a deep breath, and it helped
ease the heart; she filled her lungs with the spicy
air of spring; behind, she heard the cooing of a
turtle, and the sweet laughter in turn of the mate.
Listening to the bird and gazing on the shimmering
waves, she thought of nothing - but the bravest one.
Once she saw Toldi at a tournament of champions, but
forgot him then for long stretches of time. She saw
him a moment and forgot him for years. But the long
forgetting was all in vain - a ray of hope and the
once-seen picture leaps to life.
He appears in the water, sky and sun. Wherever she
looks Toldi's image is there. And when she shuts
her eyes, he still outstares her. O sweet dream
of the heart, were it not only a dream! Moment,
brief twinkling moment, would you never passed!
If the rose were only forever red, never died!
Love, love how blessed you would be!
But there is a prickle in the sweetest rose - "Will
the proud one fight for me (she wondered to herself),
he for whom the girls sigh in vain? for whom every
girl's heart breaks? They follow him like sunflowers,
but he tramples amongst them with his horse; or
like the sun, cares nothing for the little girls."
It would be no use to tell at length how she fretted
over that letter, the letter and not to speak of the
writer. How much she wondered, the lovely marriageable
girl. But Pentecost was near, the days passed by grace
of God. They waited impatiently, they prepared - we
shall soon see, but let's leave this for a little while.
Second Canto
Argument: Pentecost arrives and the day of the tournament at Keszi, Rozgonyi's estate. Toldi accompanies King Louis reluctantly under orders. The ceremonies begin with a mass in the little chapel, and for the overflowing crowd under blue skies. Aware Toldi is disinclined to compete for the maiden, his ungainly tent mate and hanger-on, Lőrinc Tar, proposes that they exchange weapons and armor. Toldi agrees. He and Tar are built alike, but Tar notes he is left- and Toldi right-handed. Toldi reassures him - "I shall fight with my left. Leave it to me." Fighting under Tar's colors with feigned awkwardness, Toldi readily overcomes two contestants. He throws the third, but forgetful for a moment uses his right hand for the final thrust. Piroska observes, recognizing him, and throws back her veil for a better look. Toldi looks on her and immediately feels a twinge of remorse. Meanwhile, a troop of horsemen arrives, headed by King Louis' envoy, with a message from the emperor (Charles IV, Holy Roman Emperor and King of Bohemia). In the ensuing activity, Toldi returns to his tent, warns Tar to respect and take good care of his bride-to-be, and rues the act that sullied his knightly shield. The envoy reports insulting remarks from the emperor, who demands that King Louis go to Prague and pay homage and a tax. The king dismisses him and returns to witness the conclusion of the games as though nothing happened. Piroska is in despair, but for maidenly modesty does not expose the deceit. She declines a champion of her cause who suspects the trick, asserting - "I want to be Lőrinc Tar's wife." The tournament feast follows. At the head of the table, the king teases Piroska - "Are you still in love with György Csuta?" And then seriously - "It did not depend on me. Nothing came out as I wanted. But no matter! He deserves his good luck. It was my father Károly (Charles Robert of Anjou), who reared him as a page." Toldi sits alone at the foot of the table, drinking and brooding. Word passes around that war is imminent with the emperor. After the king and the ladies leave, Toldi raises a gallon - haj rá. Wildly he drinks and dances until morning, overturning benches and tearing down columns like a one-man war.
Third Canto
Argument: Next day the guests depart from Keszi, and the king returns to Buda. Unaware of his daughter's dilemma, Rozgonyi promises the king to take her shortly to the capital. Toldi asks and receives permission to return to Nagyfalu and visit his mother for a day. Suffering from a hangover and self-contempt, he saddles up and leaves his companions; having forded the Tisza, he rides for miles across the plain. His head clears up, but he cannot escape the face he saw unveiled at the games. As towns, castles, and villages recede, he reaches Nagyfalu at sunset. The aged mother had grown homesick living with Miklós in Buda. When György was killed by a wild boar, she returned to Nagyfalu and reared György's little daughter, Anikó.
The venerable lady did not dream what joy this day
would bring. She sat by a window, but saw little
from there, at the most the yard and the small
animals. For this is how the ancient house was set,
and deemed proper by the one who built it there
- it need not gaze on a wide country and the world.
Let it look inward, like a truly wise man, on itself.
Now the old lady heard a pounding of hooves, and joy
winged through her heart. "Oh, Miklós," she stammered
and ran to greet him, in her hurry not finding the
latch of the gate. But before her uncle turns the
corner, lovely Anikó, György's marriageable daughter,
runs to meet him, runs, runs. She leaps into the
stirrup, her kisses cracking like a whip.
Miklós left her playing with Pejkó and went to his
mother with a beautiful greeting. He kissed her
first on her pale forehead before he climbed the
three steps of the stairs. Ascending, he bent down,
mouth welded to her hand. The poor dear mother kept
kissing him on his clothes where his heart was
beating inside.
Then they went into the big house, arm in arm -
why say what a feast there was! The mother is
beside herself over Miklós! The servants live it
up in the cellar, pantry, and kitchen. Bence, the
old Bence, was the cellarer. Now he showed his
really clever self - who waits for wine? one trip
does it and he never goes twice.
But he never drank much himself, turning over a
father's cares in his mind. He drank as was his
wont to forget his troubles, or show his friendly
manners. But when he saw nothing was lacking and
no one asked for more food or wine, he told his
son, a booby of a boy, they were calling on Toldi
And he begins - "Since I know my mind, I have eaten
my bread in this house. I was a bad youngster, tiny
like my fist. I remember we plowed the Told puszta
with six oxen. I wielded the whip, my father the plow
...But why spin it out? Hey, what a crop grew on that
earth - you won't see the likes in today's small
"My poor father was still alive, his name too was
Bence. When this one was born (I see the simple get
fancy names) I said - let him be Bence. He's big,
here he is, come on closer. He's a bit bashful, like
young servants are. Ah, my lord, you know what? do
you still remember when we went to see the king?
"You were much younger than my son now, but taller
and better built. How often we said - what a man
(we meant you) he'll be when he grows up. I wanted
you to be a soldier, or something. You would not
leave your mother though. But here you are, that's
how it is! - I told you - look what a man I made of
"I don't know what the devil's come into this boy
either. He wants to be a soldier, or what! He's
always throwing it up to me - I won't be a peasant,
I'll run away, father, if you try to make me stay.
Here he is, Honorable Sir! I ask you to take him
in your care - a father for a father, a guide for
a guide, God bless Your Grace."
Miklós smiles to himself at the simple speech, and
revolves the matter in his mind. Should he take
Bence? Or is he better off here at the handle of a
plow, and never roaming? But with three blows of the
table knife Anikó dubs Bence a knight, and bursting
into laughter tows him in the servants' room.
Then she runs through every nook and corner of the
mouldy closet bringing forth old clothes her uncle
outgrew long ago and cast them off. Anikó searched
the rubbish until she managed to put an outfit
together; and she presented it to Bence, prodding him
to put it on that very day, right then.
Meanwhile, the mother's anxious eyes detect her son's
heart is deep in sorrow, his humor a golden smoke and
the darkness showing through more windows than one. She
senses his sorrow like a scar the storm, or a bird that
finds nowhere to rest. Nothing is more honest, oh, than
a mother's heart and eyes.
She smooths the loose curls on his shoulders. "What's
wrong? what happened?" she asks, urges him to talk.
Her voice is virgin honey - dear son, my soul, my flower,
my dove, what's wrong? what happened? a tear begs
in her melting eyes, waiting for the sorrowful news
before it falls. Her trembling voice, her face, her
compliant body - all sheer sympathy, heart, and trust.
Seeing this, he cannot command his heart. Like molten
bronze it resists but runs hard with giving and flows
in a flood of bitterness. He falls on her loving
breast, lowers his head on the twin sources of his
life, cries and sobs like a child it seems - shameful
or not for a full-grown man.
And he lamented how it turned out with that girl.
Toldi's mother quickly wiped his tears - no, she
cannot share this; she passed through it long ago
and only briefly. She reproached him - "Come, don't
be a child! I knew... one imagines danger... One girl
is not the whole world, there are many others -
all more beautiful, like roses on a bush."
This is not what Toldi expected. His troubles a nothing!
He was ashamed he could have been so weak. "Never for
me!" he said. "Not even if she's made of gold. No, my
mother, no! And I shall forget her too. Only let me buckle
into battle again, whirl my sword, hurl my spear! and
the battle cry thundering around me, she will vanish
from my mind like last year's snow."
When a stormy sky weeps itself out, the wind turns
and the clouds clear. Toldi showed a face like this
to his mother - but at that moment the young Bence
stepped in the room. A sword flapped on his thigh, a
cloak on his shoulders, licked clean as a paynim, a
parfait knight. He stood stock-still like a sign-
post, burst into words, quavering only a little -
"My sweet knight, I beg your pardon, a helmeted warrior
from a foreign land, I think, awaits Your Grace by the
steps, challenges you to a duel for life or death."
Toldi suspected something right away - "What the
dickens!" He runs out as he is, runs on the porch -
and there indeed is an armored knight ready to duel
him in the moonlight.
Miklós saw the weapons were his, with Anikó his niece
playing the rogue. She holds the enormous lance in
her left hand and the strong bright sword in her right.
But Miklós frowns wildly, rolls up his sleeves, frees
his arms, and rushes forward unarmed. The foe takes to
heels, steps three times, and stumbles in the heavy
"You whelp! you daughter misbegotten of stone -
Toldi's mother cries running up for pity. She picks
her up, asking again and again - are you hurt? your
elbows, your knees? She's not hurt at all. But they
laugh and joke, now they will have something to talk
about tonight. Anikó teased her uncle too; and
secretly smiling he said -
"This girl is saucy, and she senses something - Mother,
why don't you marry her off? Or is there in all Sárrét
no one who can whack her good at least once a week?"
...Anikó looked at him slyly and snatched the lute
from the bed; and knitting her lowered brows she sang
this song with a clear, strong voice -
Our daughter's not for marrying off,
she's hard to please and quick to scoff,
blinking left and blinking right,
she always keeps her heart from sight,
not for marrying off.
They passed the time like this, talking sweetly late
into old night. Among his own, Toldi's cares lighten,
while a short sleep draws him to Piroska. The early
dawn finds him awake; and saying goodby, he sets out
for Buda followed by many a "blessing" and "good luck."
Bence ambles behind on his fallow horse.
Argument continued: Meanwhile, King Louis arrives in Buda and relates to his mother Erzsébet all that happened. She is furious at the imperial message and angrily urges, enjoins her son to exact revenge. Then the king orders his chief scholar, János Küküllei, to research the archives and determine whether Hungary ever paid tax to another realm. Also, he summons twenty-four senior officials to assemble in Buda. When the appointed day comes, he meets with them and calls on János the priest to read the document - "The Hungarians never paid feudal dues, not a pike, not even a filler (the smallest coin); she has anointed her own rulers ever since the first Saint and King." Louis' father (Charles Robert), he continued, was accepted by Hungarians freely from the hearts of his people and not from the hands of the Pope; therefore, Louis has just cause for breaking the peace. The twenty-four elders agree. The lords call for revenge and resolve to gather as an army in Trencsén on Saint Lawrence Day. Leaving, the lords carry the news throughout the land; the whole country rises in arms. The king summons Toldi and pronouncing his name three times asks - "My son, if you had to fight alone could you still defend me, your king, until help arrived?" Toldi replies yes. The king enjoins him to secrecy and sends him to recruit the finest young men in the land. Toldi obeys gladly "urged on by a royal secret, nourishing on an adventure to come; and while recruiting in seven counties, he forgets Piroska at last."
Fourth Canto
Argument: All the knights, the flower of the country, ride to Trencsén. Huge loaded wagons and carriages roll day and night along the highway. The knights rest in good houses feasting and drinking. The common people stare in wonder at the strange procession and the unwarlike pomp. King Louis, too, sets out on his golden horse, followed by a small, brightly colored cavalcade. His courier, meanwhile, is speeding to Prague with a cunning letter stating Louis is on his way bearing gifts, but would cross the border only if the emperor, in a sealed letter, granted him free passage. The emperor is mystified, but suspects a trick. Learning that the Magyars are mobilizing at Trencsén, he calls a meeting of the seven electors and four other princes. He paints a dark picture of the security situation on the Hungarian border ("they recognize neither God nor human law, they rip babies from the mother's womb for pleasure - remember Attila and Jenghiz") and asks for help. They are inclined, however, only if the emperor grants a bull guaranteeing their rights. The emperor agrees to do so - when he has time. The princes speculate over Louis' letter and are prone to believe the Hungarian king is acting from fright, and therefore no danger exists. A bishop intimates it will be easy to take Louis captive and compel him to sign an agreement to pay his feudal dues. Remarking with a wink he would never have thought of that, the emperor asks who will grant absolution for such a deed. The bishop twirls his thumbs without replying. The princes agree among themselves not to give the emperor troops until they see the Golden Bull. On arriving at Trencsén, Louis holds a secret council with his inner circle of most trusted men. He presents them with his plan to proceed with a small selected group to Prague and meet the emperor face to face. Horrified at the personal risk to the king, the lords would rather take Prague by storm. But the king sticks to his plan, claiming the situation calls for a different device. Toldi raises his fist and taking three steps forward proclaims - "Why fear? I'll be there, me, me!" But the lords are still not reassured, and Louis reveals more details of the plan - himself the first to enter Prague with his select men; followed by wagons and carriages, with all the drivers, keepers, and servants - actually warriors disguised in Italian livery; and arms smuggled into Prague under the cover of gifts and equipment. The young lords are now won over, but the elder Lajos Hédervári protests that such a trick by an invited guest would be an act of betrayal. His eyes flaming, Louis replies that his spies report the emperor means to take him, the guest, captive; and thus the strategem is warranted. The elders dare oppose the plan no longer, but anxiously urge the king to choose his men with great care and take Toldi as his servant. "Count on me," cries Toldi, "count on me. I shall be the king's stone fort - even more, his fort and garrison in one." It is agreed that Laczfi-Apor, at the head of the main body, will give the king a two-day start, burst into Moravia, and proceed to Prague by the nearest route. Laughing at one another, the Magyar knights don their Italian guise. Toldi looks himself over, saying - "My bare thigh is enough to scare me. It makes no sound or noise in walking. A cat or girl could wear this get-up." The king crosses the border with a great clatter of wagons and disorder to let the host know who is coming. Louis is met by an honor guard, who are not impressed by the entourage. They are attracted, however, by the wine-wagons, and on Louis' order the Hungarians let them roll out a barrel every night. Louis is received with pomp and circumstance. His "softness and amiable compliance" are reported to the emperor, who sends him a message to bring tax and gifts on the morrow to Hradcany Castle as suits a prince paying homage. Seated at a feast, Louis replies to the envoy - "Good enough. Let's drink to it. I did not come here to hide." The envoy leaves; the emperor's men drink themselves dead drunk. Outside, the Hungarians line up their wine barrels on the Prague square like cannons on a battlefield. The Hungarians pretend to be on guard, but at a sign release the wine first to the officers and then to the common soldiers. When the emperor's men are in a defenseless stupor, the Hungarians occupy the city gates. In the morning Prague awakes to martial sounds, and the people panic - "The gates are lost, there is no escape. There are no guards, the enemy's everywhere!" All Prague is clotheslined. Louis meanwhile decides to act before they know there is only a handful of Hungarians in the city.
As he spoke, the king leaped on his yellow horse
followed by men in sable and golden capes, dolmans
lined with chained armor, and fancy sheaths with
damascene steel. Nor does Toldi leave his star-
flanged club behind. And he carries the writing
instruments of the king like a servant - carries
the club in sheepskin with pieces of wax hanging
out big as my fist.
On reaching the gate, they saw it was locked -
not with a key, but bars - iron crosspieces and
poles inside hammered fast with big-headed nails.
Toldi dismounts, examines - "Let me raise it a
bill" He puts his shoulder against the ridgepole.
Stone and iron split, his own bones crackle as he
brings down the gate and the great corner wall.
Louis ordered the guards at his quarters to let
no one depart or enter that day. And still someone
skipped out by a duct or down dented stones of a
jagged wall. And when the king and the orders were
mounting the marble stairs of the palace, he pushed
his way on the heels of the procession, mumbling
"Praha, Praha."
"The devil! it's too soon," Louis frets. "We'll
be in peril if he works his way in. I know my men
dispersed their camp, but Charles can hardly know."
Toldi listens carefully to the words of his king,
and caresses softly the intruder with the parchment
roll. He wobbles down to the bottom of the steps and
dies right there of a sudden stroke, the word "Praha"
sticking in his throat.
Below, the emperor's knights puzzle over the case.
One says - "He fell down drunk." Another swears,
"The Magyars, he said, have occupied Prague." But
this can't be. They prod him, he will never utter a
sound again. They fuss and fret - should they report
it or not? At last they send someone to check it out.
Behind his king, the faithful Toldi clutches his club.
The long-crested beret is tight, his temples beat as
they go - the beginning is bad, but what about the
end! Three anterooms swimming with shining halberds -
and they struggle through the ranks by a narrow passage
closing like waves behind a boat.
Inside the great palace, armed guards are posted
along the halls. In the middle the emperor sits on
his golden throne like an ancient god; above him,
the sun, the moon, and cherubim enchased in damask,
diamond, and gold. On two sides, the ten crowned
kings in order. The emperor himself does not speak,
he looks - looks Louis in the eye.
Louis stares back without bending his knee or bowing
his head, neither he nor his knights. The King of the
Magyars stands straight and silent. Toldi whispers
from behind, "Let's get out of here!" He digs into
the royal heels until blood flows. This too Louis
endures quietly. His ken is steady, and he is silent,
the King of the Magyars.
Miklós thinks Louis is frightened. But the king is
waiting for the dice to fall, waiting calmly for his
star to turn. Fortune, look kindly on the daring
king! Tired of standing eye to eye, the emperor bids
the herald - "Go summon him nearer. Ask why he comes
without a word, in our presence, knee unbent and head
The herald proclaimed these words, but Louis pays the
servant no heed. He stares all the harder into the
emperor's eyes, lets not a sound fall from his lips.
The great emperor is annoyed now and says - "King
Louis, imperial vassal! Step closer, pay homage as
obliged, and then may you take your place at my side."
Louis does not reply, he merely stands there - but
suddenly far back among the guards a stir, an
excitement, battle-axes and helmets bobbing on the
waves. And at last they see the cause of the
commotion - a warrior, faint and clotted with blood,
sinks more than kneels before his emperor; moaning
and crossing himself, he speaks after heated urging -
"The whole camp is swamped! The whole country! Our
armies captured, our men scattered or killed! They
burst into Moravia yesterday before dawn. We did not
stand - no use, the force is too great! They hewed
many to death; and the castle robbers killed many
more, may God punish them! The Magyars are coming -
with pillage and plunder. They are a great tide,
a miracle if they aren't by now in Prague."
The nightmare begins and the emperor himself turns
green and yellow. He is still not himself when Job's
post arrives announcing the fall of Prague. He turns
his head aside, moaning and wailing. He raises his
hands to shield himself against the news. The Magyars
rattle their swords - Louis proudly confronts the
emperor like this -
"Let me know why you summoned me, troubled me from
my distant country. Here I am! I ask, and now give
your reply - "Shall the King of the Magyars bring
a tax again?" Meekly the emperor turns to his guest
- "My son, a joke's enough for a joke. Though you are
upset, calm the wrathful flame. Cool the rage of
the seething Magyars.
"Here's my hand, on brother loyalty, take it and spare
as a friend these kings and my cities. Let us not be
enemies. Let us make peace that will last. I shall put
it in writing - if God were not to bless me with sons,
Moravia and Bohemia shall be yours if you take, in
time, my daughter as consort."
Louis too offered his hand in peace, but Toldi angrily
shook his mane - he has no taste for a bloodless peace.
He draws his club forth and shakes it in their faces -
"Believe me, all you eleven kings. Do not serve Louis
your lord like that, or I'll crash those golden crowns
in your heads!"
At this, Louis smiles and speaks - "Well, well, old
man! Easy does it. This is what he's like! He speaks
his mind and does what he says. We can't handle him
either. Better we make our peace, and quickly." The
contract, the peace was soon signed, and then every
corner of the palace is filled with merriment. Louis
had his gifts brought to the portico - now it is
voluntary, and gladly he gives.
Three days and three nights he passes the time with
the other crowned personages. They marvel at Louis'
mind and heart, greatly respecting the King of the
Magyars. On the fourth morning, he takes to his horse
and sets out, the army happily jogging beyond the
gates of Prague. Whoever tells the story of his deeds
fits it happily into the common whole.
You will search for this Prague adventure in vain -
which the emperor, you know, did not put in chronicles.
They do not boast of it in Germany or Bohemia. But let
them not shout - this story's not true! The golden
lips of legend reported it far and wide, and wove this
deed of Louis in a wreath. If someone were ever to doubt
my word - Péter Ilosvai wrote it up in a book.
Argument continued: Halting on the way home, Louis rewards his men by merit. The faithful Toldi receives the Castle of Szalonta. But the champion is less than happy as he proceeds on his melancholy way home, his heart and mind only on Piroska. He has had enough of war and strife. The lion, too, has a mate and cave. Should he alone be consumed like a phoenix? Returning home, he will immediately seek out Rozgonyi and ask for Piroska's hand. Then he will fall on his knees before the king, have the outcome of the duel annulled, and win his prize. Thinking to himself like this, he hears a scream in the forest. He sees a wisp of white and hears the beat of a horse's hooves. He spurs his mount in pursuit of the rider, who speeds into a castle on the cliff-top - Toldi swiftly behind. He pursues him on foot up the castle steps, room to room. All at once the floor gives, and Toldi drops out of the light of day.
Fifth Canto
Argument: Piroska Rozgonyi resolves to marry Lőrinc Tar though her heart should break, not only for revenge on Toldi but also on herself. Her father does not notice her secret melancholy, which she proudly hides. He looks on her with pride for having raised the fortunes of his house. Every day for weeks he goes hunting with Tar, their house guest, who is more interested in property than love. At last, the day arrives to leave for Buda. The simple people of the village crowd around Piroska to say goodby and bless her for the journey. King Louis welcomes Piroska and takes her to the right wing of the palace to present her to his mother. The queen is holding court surrounded by the daughters of kings and high lords. Piroska kneels before the queen, who receives her kindly and assigns her as the roommate of Örzse, daughter of the Bosnian king. Retiring to their room, the two girls make friends. Perceiving Piroska's own deep but hidden sorrow, Örzse reveals she is hopelessly in love with the Magyar King. Piroska bursts into tears, but does not confess her own secret. As days and nights pass at the court, she watches and waits in vain for Toldi. Half unconscious, meanwhile, Toldi lies in the dungeon. Awakening and staring into a formless night, he hears a voice from the trap door above, and the speaker identifies himself as Jodok, son of the knight Toldi killed on the Danube island. Jodok reveals he had staged an abduction to lure Toldi into the castle. Jodok's younger sister Jodova joins in hurling curses on Toldi's head. The emperor meanwhile learns that his troops, routed by Laczfi-Apor without a fight, had been attacked by castle robbers who killed or enslaved them. He vows to wipe the robbers out personally leading his army. But in the castle there is a surprising event. Jodovna, infatuated with Toldi, secretly lowers food and wine into the dungeon. His energy restored, Toldi seeks for a way out with his sword and great strength, but fails. The trap door opens and Jodovna, revealing that she is the source of the help, offers to kill her brother provided Toldi takes her as his wife or mistress. When Toldi curses her, she slams the trap door down with a scream. Toldi is near madness and starvation when one day soot and sparks rain down on his head. He howls like a lion, the trap door opens, and a rope is lowered. His rescuers inform him that the emperor has taken the castle, ordered Jodok and Jodovna hanged, and commanded the castle be destroyed. They heard Toldi's voice in the nick of time. Brought before the emperor, Toldi asks for permission to avenge himself on the robbers who are still alive and free. The emperor gladly agrees, and Toldi leads off an army while Piroska waits and waits for him to return. At last, she embraces Örzse one night and begs her to learn where Toldi is. Now Örzse knows the cause of her sorrow. Secretly, she initiates inquiries. She learns that Toldi's armor-bearer, Bence, is in camp; she summons him and asks questions about the whereabouts of his lord. She learns that he saw Toldi pursue the giant knight into a castle, but has not seen him since. After waiting for him in a csárda for three days, he moved into camp. Piroska flutters like a dove that has been shot down. Toldi's adventure tells her that his most trifling problems are of greater importance than returning and bogging her forgiveness.
How often on ghastly nights she glimpsed the hero lying
before her in blood or frozen on distant mountains,
abandoned, forgotten, unwept over to the end - and
unburied! But again another moment comes more terrible
than the first, one thought more bitter than all turns
the other agony into peace - "He's alive, alive, but
living with someone other than you."
Her two virgin breasts, how they stormed - now what
should Rozgonyi's daughter do? A plan races wildly
in her mind, the speaker herself hangs it on a "but."
"Yes, indeed... oh but! Do you know what?... Ah but!
Will you tell the queen?" "No," replies the other,
fast and bold, "not even if I were her daughter,
I the motherless girl, the orphan."
Örzse took her friend's hand and said - "You are
right, it is a sin here for a girl to feel! nothing
here but finery, a cold ceremonial pomp. Or you must
be a hypocrite from day to day. Bewray one thought
with hue or sigh, and only let the queen suspect...!
She was never young in her life, I believe.
"I know a way to freedom - but you are timid, all
girl. You wouldn't dare, would you... in the bloom
of youth...? Unhappy one! Live, go in a cloister!
You will win the queen's praise, and with a word
throw off your bridal yoke. It would unbind you
though you were his wife. No other way can I find."
"Oh," cried Piroska tears welling from the soul. "I
will not put that old man in his grave! He would have
died long ago - hope for an heir, the birth of a
grandchild keep him alive. Now the king's clemency
inflates a hope to restore the sunken glory of his
house - with this bubble his life would burst...!
My heart I gave though this hand wrenched it out."
And seeing no refuge on earth or escape to heaven
from the works of fate, this fair creature, this
Piroska, began her training to duty. She stared
into that dark course until little by little her
eyes were used to mist. And she forced a smile to
her face until the light penetrated her heart
now and then.
She scarcely took heed of the wedding before, now
it seems she hurries it up. It's been on for weeks,
and only now what a preparation - all the women
busy sewing, stitching, and Piroska would make a
day of night. She spies the smallest gusset, bustles
about, gives orders, now sews now rips a seam -
oh, if she could only forget!
But when the plunging stone of giant certainty came,
the very last night, she fell on her virgin bed
crying like a well that runs over, "Mother, oh my
mother!" the words quell forth. "Why did you leave
so soon! Or if you had no choice, why did you leave
your little orphan!
"If you were alive, oh, I would be too. What happened
would never happen. But what can a girl do, an orphan
untaught, abandoned, alone among hard-hearted men!
Oh, from that bliss look down, look down; if there is
a balsam drop of earthly hope, mercy, compassion
for my sake, let peace into my unhappy heart!"
And praying heavenward by a peep of light, she grew
calm. But she must make ready, too. The young girls
were chattering merrily in her ear, such events are
puppet shows for them. They dress her with probing,
clever hands, imagining impossible things about
happiness. They believe a bride need only be an angel,
and immediately she goes to heaven.
That day they make an eternal vow to him who hangs on
the cross before the altar. The queen is present with
her radiant court, Rozgonyi's proudly there with the
heroic Tar. Piroska was near to fainting. She took
strength from her father's gray hair. "With my heart,
with my love!" she mumbles. She went to him... God
grant these words be true! Amen.
In the sad season of falling leaves, Toldi rode slowly
homeward lost in thought - he had destroyed the
robbers to their last castle; now his anger was cooled,
and his heart was still and cold. The emperor's letter
and pearly gift were in his pouch, but who cared!
He dropped his eyes to the horse's hooves as though
hopelessly looking for all the time he lost.
He asks the feathered tribes what he dares not of men.
He trembles for news, he trembles from it. He charges,
though chained, into danger but faces the wind from
Buda with fear. Don't speak, mournful winds! Dry leaves,
don't whisper! Too soon he will hear what is already
too late, how far apart they are rent, that girl and he!
Arriving in Buda, he avoids the court and heads for
his little house in an out-of-the-way corner, where
Bence waits indolent while his lord's away; and the
keeper, the little cobbler, strums his zither. Toldi
neither asks nor hears of anything new, although
Bence is coughing with good news to tell. As if he
dared not even speak, cunningly he started counting
his pieces of gold.
Toldi ignores him a while, then can stand it no more -
"Well, no-good, where did you get all that money?"
Bence handed it over - feel it, look. "Oh, my lord,"
he said, "everything has its turn. Someone came, my
lord, looking for you, its turn had come. Where they
like the master, they like his dog... But I'll keep
quiet, I'm the no-good."
Unasked, Bence reveals that someone is terribly in
love with Toldi - someone, and who! not just any
kind of girl - a young lady, and what's more the
daughter of the Bosnian king! Toldi almost died of
fright. He knew that Piroska was living with Örzse.
"Was someone else with her?" he asked in anguish.
"There was - the girl who was married in church the
other day."
And without heeding the wrath of a stormy night,
Toldi tears and rushes like a wandering soul. He
wrestles with the wind on Buda's open streets, a
snowy rain hisses and stings on his cheeks. Like
the wind that blows the flawing sleet, his passions
are sweeping up and down. The naked tempest tears
his breast, his hair is beating on the waves of
a dark tide.
Like a hungry wolf circling the sheepfold, clawing
the ground and kicking in rage, he watches outside
the Rozgonyi house, where the silent cold stones
incite his anger. He runs off and returns, over and
over again. He drubs and drills the wall with his
head. O what if he should see poor Lőrinc now! Do
not let him, good Lord, fall into Toldi's hands!
Argument continued: Toldi and Lőrinc meet on the street. Toldi seeks to avoid him, but Lőrinc runs up eagerly. He invites Toldi to spend an evening with his wife and himself. At first, Toldi rejects the invitation and reminds him of his warning not to mistreat Piroska. But Toldi is drawn to accept, helpless as though he were in a maelstrom. The evening starts with no outward incident although much inner commotion. But when Lőrinc carves the roast pig awkwardly with his left hand, Toldi takes the knife. Incited by some mischievous devil, the wine, or her long suppressed feelings, Piroska asks her husband why he spares his right hand which served him so well in the duel. Without thinking, Lőrinc strikes her across the mouth. He looks at Miklós standing there with the carving knife and with Toldi in pursuit runs to the nearest door and leaps out the window into the street. Piroska intercepts Toldi, lays her head on his breast. He says - "Come, come with me, I shall take you away on my steed where the wind and the sun will not find us - I'll defend you against a whole land, the world!" Piroska disentangles herself like a fly from honey and beseeches him - "Defend, O knight, the honor of a woman!" Toldi knows she is asking him to defend her against himself, and for the first time he realizes how hideous was the deed he committed. His farewell is a long bitter moan, and he flees from Piroska's house.
Sixth Canto
Argument: Left alone, Piroska berates herself for her defiance, her girlish unruliness. Why did she not send Tar away, why not have faith in Toldi, who - she now knows - loves and worships her. If she had not listened to the voice of revenge, everything would be different. But now she has played out her life and her happiness. When her husband comes home that night, he does not dare take it out on her for fear of Toldi. Piroska shudders at the sight of him, and hatred snakes through her heart. She realizes for the first time how much she despises this man she vowed to love. Meanwhile, Toldi returns briefly to Nagyfalu but finds no comfort in his mother, no cheer in Anikó, and he moves on to his newly gained castle at Szalonta. Here he passes the days in sorrow. Nothing interests him. What he starts one day, he drops the next. One day he works madly on rebuilding the old castle, the next day he goes out hunting. He wearies of all this and spends the winter carousing with companions and entertained by women who come to the castle, some willingly some not. The ugly news reaches his mother. At first she does not believe the rumors, but at last she has old Bence take her to Szalonta to see for herself. Toldi is drunkenly watching a lewd dance when the young Bence whispers that his own father and Toldi's mother are coming. Toldi looks out the window and sees his old mother turning into the castle. His mind clears, and with one glance at the disorderly scene he slips down the backstairs like a shadow, leaps on his horse, and flees into the night. Not finding her son, she drives the revelers from the castle and cleans it up. She waits a week for her son to return; and then she entrusts the keys to the keeper and sadly returns to Nagyfalu. Toldi hides out in the bog, sick at soul and full of self-accusations. But he is filled with defiance - if he has lost his honor, let him be dishonored before his mother, too. He criss-crosses the trackless fields and arrives somehow in Buda. He goes to his house and sends the keeper to Lőrinc Tar with a message to appear in armor for a duel at dawn on the Danube island, on pain of being beaten to death on the street like a dog. Lőrinc rejects the challenge, and putting on his coat of mail he hides in his house for days. Finally, he goes to the palace and throws himself at the feet of the king. He says that Toldi wants to kill him, that Toldi inveigled him into a deal to duel for Piroska, and now he regrets it and is madly in love with her. King Louis can hardly believe it of Toldi; he asks detailed questions, and finally convinced he says - "Hereafter neither you are a knight nor Toldi. Your coat of arms shall be torn from you, and from him. You may go. You have saved your skin!" The king then issues orders to have Toldi seized, as a highway bandit, and thrown into prison. But Toldi is already hiding in the forests. He steals into Buda from time to time, hoping to lay his hands on Lőrinc. And one night they meet as Toldi rounds a corner in Buda below the castle. Toldi drags Lőrinc down to the bank of the Danube, throws him into a boat, and rows him across the river. Half way over, Lőrinc leaps out and the boat tips. Miklós dives, brings Lőrinc up and swims with him to the island among woods, where he lays him down in a clearing. Toldi allows him a long rest and then armed only with a sword he calls on Lőrinc, fully armed, to the duel. With no alternative, Lőrinc fights hard, the best he can. At last Toldi pierces him beneath the arm, and he dies a sudden death. Toldi flees by boat to Buda and overland into the forests. The nuns on the island, who could have witnessed the duel, find the body and send word to the Rozgonyi house. The servants place the body into a boat and lay it on the floor of the verandah. Piroska sees her husband, screams and falls dead. By the time old Rozgonyi arrives, the two are laid on the bier. He falls sobbing on his daughter's body and goes mad. They tear him away by force. They close the two bodies in coffins, with gems and jewels, and place them in a vault on Mount Gellért. Twenty men roll a huge stone on it. That night Hincz and Kuncz, two dishonest locksmiths, steal there. They manage the many locks, but not the stone. Talking it over, they hear heavy footsteps. It is Toldi - they run away. Toldi puts his shoulder against the stone, raises it. He enters. A small lamp is burning from the ceiling, left behind to die a slow death. It casts a doleful light on the bier, Lőrinc on the right, his wife on the left. Toldi raises the coffin lid, he falls on Piroska - and she awakes. She asks, "Where am I? Who is this?" In mad ecstasy, Toldi cries out - "You are mine, you who belonged to another, you whom life and the altar envied of me. Now the hand of death returns you. You are mine, mine, and never will you be anyone else's. Come with me!... I shall take you away, your angel, to heaven, an eternal new life and blessed love! Be dead to the world, and live only for me..." Piroska looks at him in horror and curses him, her husband's murderer - "There is blood between us even in the grave. Be accursed, Toldi, and accursed I too!" Miklós runs blindly out, and Piroska falls into a faint again. Toldi returns at dawn to take her from the grave, but finds the vault bolted. He sits by the entrance in helpless agony, then returns to the wilderness. Before his return, the two robbers had come back and stolen the jewels while Piroska was still in a faint, and then reported to Rozgonyi that they saw Toldi rob the grave. Rozgonyi returns to the vault and finds his daughter alive. He is delirious with joy. Piroska allows herself to be led away like a living corpse. On hearing of the events, the king orders the high sheriff to bring Toldi to Buda dead or alive. The Bishop of Esztergom pronounces a curse on Toldi and anyone who shelters him. It is charity, he proclaims, to kill him and not at all a sin.
Seventh Canto
Argument: King Louis receives word from Charles of Durazzo, an Italian duke, of the murder of his brother Prince Endre in Naples. Endre and his wife Johanna were by contract with the late king heirs to the vacant throne; but Johanna, who was jealous of her power and hated her husband, wanted to prevent Endre's ascension by any means and conspired in his death. King Louis prepares for a campaign into Italy to punish Johanna and regain dynastic control over the throne of Naples. A catalog of Hungarian knights and troops.
Eighth Canto
Argument: Toldi's mother goes up to Buda to ask Erzsébet, the queen mother, to intervene with King Louis on Toldi's behalf, but Erzsébet refuses. Then Toldi's aged mother decides on going to Naples as a pilgrim to petition the king directly, but Anikó persuades her to let herself and the younger Bence go instead. Anikó and Bence leave with a group of pilgrims, but change enroute into the disguises of a knight and page according to previous arrangements. Piroska becomes a nun in a cloister on the Isle of Hares. Örzse intends to do likewise, aware King Louis plans to bring his bride from Naples. After wandering many long hard days, Toldi comes to a monastery in the Bakony forest, where he is permitted to stay as a brother to perform menial work, and is jocularly known as frater Mikola. But when a priest arrives and nails the bishop's curse on the gate, Toldi flees. Meanwhile, Anikó and Bence seize the two grave-robbers, Hincz and Kuncz, near Venice after overhearing them discuss their robbery of the Rozgonyi vault. They lead the two robbers to the doge, who despatches them to King Louis accompanied by an envoy. Louis' army captures Aquila which Durazzo had incited to resistance. King Louis again receives a letter from Durazzo; it is evident he is conspiring to seize the throne of Naples. Amid double-dealing with everyone concerned, he pretends to be friendly to Louis, who knows, however, that after Johanna's marriage to Taranti, for whom she conspired to murder Endre, Durazzo eloped with her sister Maria, Louis' intended bride. Taranti and Durazzo form an alliance of convenience against Louis. Anikó, Bence, and the doge's envoy overtake Louis at Aquila and relate their story. But the king refuses to grant Toldi pardon because the grave robbery was only one of the charges besides murder and violation of the knightly code. Identifying herself as György Toldi's son, Anikó asks and receives permission to stay and fight by Louis' side. Meanwhile, Toldi flees to Bohemia and joins a group of flagellants. He shaves his long hair and dark beard to the skin. He bares his strong shoulders and scourges himself until he bleeds. From village to village, from city to city they go, carrying the tidings of the Black Death. They torture themselves until the soul shudders; this is how Miklós Toldi performs his penance.
Ninth Canto
Argument: The Magyars capture Sulmona. Louis and his advisers discuss the next move in the campaign. It is decided to split the army, swollen with mercenaries, one part to the south, the other to the east, and the king in the middle. Cola Rienzi (leader of a popular movement in Rome hostile to the Pope and the magnates - now in hiding) is taken by the mercenaries, whose leader suggests Louis turn Rienzi over to the Pope to win his backing for the throne of Naples. But Louis, who spent student years in Rome, rejects the suggestion, talks with the fugitive about the City, and then sets him free. Meanwhile, in accordance with the rule of the flagellants, Toldi, without revealing his name, confesses to one of his fellows - an "Italian" lutist who says his name is Szeredai because he was born on Szerda (Wednesday) but is a descendant of the exiled Zács family. Toldi relates the story of Piroska and his subsequent wretched life. During the confession, they fall behind the flagellant troop. When the two catch up, the flagellants are camped in a valley indulging in gluttony and all manner of sexual license. Wrathful over their hypocritical behavior, Toldi whips and beats them hip and thigh until they are all dispersed. The lutist is amazed at his strength and says he must be Cola Toldi, of whom people are singing in the market places. Toldi replies. "Call me frater Mikola." They decide to travel together westward toward Bohemia. They encounter a colorful train of horses and vehicles. One of the carriages is mired in a ditch; Toldi lifts it out and puts it back on the road. The passenger is the emperor, who immediately recognizes Toldi. When Toldi says he is a fugitive looking for haven in a monastery, the emperor invites him to "serve with me until your king takes you back - there's plenty of hunting in the woods here for days." They put Toldi up in the royal castle, and in company of the emperor he spends delightful days hunting. But Toldi - why he does not know - must go on, and putting on his cowl he leaves with the lutist, who would lief stay. Toldi suggests they put on a disguise and go help Louis in Naples. The lutist agrees. Pejkó, his steed, reappears like a táltos (magic horse). The two companions turn southward.
Tenth Canto
Argument: The siege of Canossa. The king personally leads an attack up the walls. Disguised as a monk, Toldi follows and saves him from a falling rock, and in the trench where they fall protects him with his shield. Believing the king recognized but refused to acknowledge him, Toldi disappears and from a hutch made of boughs keeps abreast of events through Szeredai. Meanwhile, Piroska, now an abbess, writes to the king from her deathbed beseeching pardon for Toldi, testifying he did not visit the grave to commit a robbery but to avenge a woman; it was a more than fair fight in which Tar, according to the nuns who were hidden witnesses, had the advantage of full armor. Piroska withdraws the curse she pronounced in the burial vault. The bishop, too, recalls the ecclesiastical curse and asks King Louis to grant Toldi pardon.
Eleventh Canto
Argument: Durazzo strengthens his forces by hiring Werner, a mercenary leader whom King Louis had cashiered for plundering. Having taken Canossa, Louis resumes his campaign of conquests. Halted by a flooded stream, he scouts about, and comes on a hutch where he sees two horses and Szeredai. The king orders him to swim on horseback across the water and probe whether the army might ford it. At the risk of losing his own life, the king saves Szeredai from drowning with help from Pejkó, who brings back the two of them. While Louis enters the hutch seeking help, Toldi secretly bears Szeredai away and administers him aid. Receiving a report that Durazzo, accompanied by a small force, is moving south from Benevento, Louis quickly decides to intercept him personally with 300 chosen men. Toldi and Szeredai set out to find the king. Seeking to aid Anikó (whom he rescued as she was borne unconscious on her runaway steed), Szeredai unwittingly penetrates her disguise, but she enjoins him to secrecy. Louis' armies encircle Aversa, where Durazzo and Taranti are trapped. Johanna is aboard a boat in the port of Naples prepared to flee. She leaves her infant son behind whom Louis secures and sends back to Hungary. Seeking to avoid surrender although the outlook is hopeless, Durazzo incites Taranti to challenge Louis to a duel. Louis accedes, and the arrangements are made. Unbeknownst to Taranti, however, Durazzo arranges for Werner to ambush Louis at the site with 50 men. Duelling with Taranti, Louis is wounded in the thigh by one of the hidden assailants. Toldi comes to the aid of the king driving off the assassins. Ashamed of the treachery, Taranti discontinues fighting the Magyar forces and flees to Naples, and to Johanna. Louis orders his men not to enter the town - he has reports of the Black Death. The leaders are ordered out. In a hall where Prince Endre feasted before his death, Louis gives a banquet for the Italians and Magyars at the end of which he orders Durazzo executed, thrown from a window, and left unburied (like Endre).
Twelfth Canto
Argument: King Louis receives Piroska's letter. Relenting, he asks György Toldi's son (Anikó) to inform Miklós he will be pardoned if he appears before his king. Not knowing her uncle's whereabouts, Anikó prepares to return home. Pejkó reappears and takes first Bence and then Anikó to Miklós Toldi. Anikó and the lutist meet again. The Hungarians, meanwhile, are growing restless at Aversa. King Louis broods over Durazzo and the unburied corpse. Reports of the Black Death, many ill omens, volcanic activity at Vesuvius. Louis sees Durazzo in a dream begging for the burial of his body, foretelling that Johanna will escape Louis' punishment. Louis passes among his men as a common soldier and overhears complaints, charges, talk of dissidence, unhappiness over Louis' treatment of István Laczfi-Apor, the well-liked Magyar chief, whom the king suspected for his failure to take Durazzo, secretly present at the siege of Troia city. Louis comes across the lutist Szeredai, whose life he saved, singing a sad song about Klára Zács, his ill-fated relative who was dishonored by the queen's brother; in revenge, Klára's father attempts - the song goes on - to kill her and the king, but only succeeds in cutting off four of the queen's fingers before he himself is killed; the queen demands in return that the whole family be wiped out. Returning from the camp, Louis orders the lutist thrown into prison. Maria, Durazzo's wife, appears, and Louis lets her have the body. He reproaches her for not having waited for him, shows her a letter from the emperor informing him of the death of the princess, Louis' other intended. Anikó informs Toldi of the king's offer. He shrugs his shoulders and says - "I know he is a king and I a worm - but never shall I ask him for pardon." Bence brings word of Szeredai's imprisonment. A messenger of the king arrives commanding Toldi be present at a military ceremony on the morrow. He supplies Toldi with new armor, minus a sword. At the ceremony, the king first forgives Laczfi-Apor naming him regent, and then he grants Toldi pardon, acknowledging the hero twice saved his life and had suffered sufficiently for his sin. He girds a handsome sword on Toldi's waist. When Toldi and the king are alone, Szeredai is brought before them. He tells the story of his exile, which began because his mother was a sister of Klára Zács. The king despatches a letter to the bishop requesting that the whole family be pardoned. Toldi requests that Anikó be made legally a son so that she can inherit her father's property, and Louis agrees. The army's spirit returns. Half remains, half moves on with Louis at the head and takes Naples. Rome receives Louis with a warm welcome. Louis receives a letter from his mother that the infant son of Johanna has died, buried at Visegrád. The Pope's judgment is that Johanna must indemnify Louis with 300,000 gold pieces, but may keep the Crown. Louis rejects the arbitration. A part of the army remains to continue fighting, the rest returns to Hungary. The court led by the queen mother goes down to Segesd to meet the returning army. Toldi's mother is also present. The king greets the queen mother and casts an eye on Örzse, who is dressed in black as a novice. But King Louis reverses her intent, marries her, and thereafter is less prone to foreign adventures. A happy meeting of the Toldis, the Bences, the lutist. They go up to Buda. Toldi hangs up his armor and cowl in his house. Anikó and the lutist receive the blessings of Toldi's mother. Miklós swims out to the Isle of Hares hoping to catch a glimpse of Piroska, but only comes across her grave on which he plants four young firs. They all return to Nagyfalu, and then on to the Castle of Szalonta, where the wedding of Anikó and the lutist is celebrated. Anikó and her husband remain in Szalonta, the mother returns to Nagyfalu and Miklós Toldi to Buda.
what is your esteemed name, my brother?: it is a convention of heroic poetry that when a visitor arrives, he is welcomed and fed before being asked his name.
János Küküllei: member of lesser nobility, royal vice chancellor, author of a contemporary chronicle on the reign of King Louis.
the elder Lajos Hédervári: tricks and strategems were not considered suitable to the open Magyar character, and thus the old Hédervári and the young King Louis of Anjou are presented as having varying value systems.
Isle of Hares: Margaret Island.
First Canto
"The king was incensed at Tholdi once...
three years he never entered the court."
Nature's head has turned an autumn gray, the dew to
frost, and the leaves are falling. The sun runs a
shorter course from day to day and sleeps longer when
done. He pauses on the horizon's farthest edge and
beckons the old - "I'm waiting for you!" At this,
many an old man shakes his head, but one by one all
go to rest.
He paused like this now too; looked back like this.
The field was smooth, the heavens clear. The field
shone with a million tiny suns; wherever he looked
he only saw - it's you! Here on the mirror of a
pond, and the fish that leap; there on a tiny insect
and the gossamer in the grass; everywhere, everywhere
as far as his eye can reach, the old sun sees his
kith and kin.
He looked many ways and knew for what, but he stole
now the loveliest eye on Nagyfalu and Toldi's garden
in the village - perhaps on the dying foliage of
autumn? perhaps on the shadows that fall and say a
long farewell to the sun? perhaps on the dock-tail
chestnut who sadly grazes the tall weeds wherever
he may?...
Perhaps on this, perhaps on that... perhaps on the stone
cross in the earth at the foot of a knoll... Neither
on this nor that - but Toldi, the old man, kneeling
by the burial mound. Not a strand of black is left in
his hair, his fine silver beard reaches down to his
belt, his fine white beard clasped in his folded hands
as he kneels.
He prays there, silent and pensive, sometimes a
glistening tear on his lower lid; and though his lips
stir, ever so rarely, never a sound comes forth. The
snows of life have driven over his head. His winter
is cold now, but clear and serene; three years since
he no longer looks on the court but seeks a better
promised land.
Three years passed since the aged knight drew the
king's ire on his gray head for knocking the court,
its silken ways, graceful customs, and Italian
splendor. The palaces were a thorn in his side. He
forever grumbled "I don't belong here" until taking
him at his word the king sent him away - and Toldi
went home to die, the rumor of his death now making
the rounds.
The old house was mouldering, streaked with rain and
hacked by the old eagle time. It forefeels the day
of its decay longing for the soil with every stone.
Little winds blow shingles off in their maiden flight.
The windfather will take it on in the end, gore it
crashing to the ground.
The window is still there which opens on the garden,
but not the rosemary which bloomed in it once. There's
the little door, but warped of life; the worm was
starved out long ago. The latch is rusty; the hinges
creak and cry at every turn as though hurt. But Bence
cleverly knows the trick, ups the door as he opens it.
Bence was Miklós Toldi's old brave bearer of arms,
who followed his lord into many a battle, a familiar
of death the reaper. Now he stoops with the burden
of kindling on his back. Hah, how old he grows, one
foot in the grave. He looks like his father, the old,
old Bence; the father who gave not only his name
but the loyalty of his character to his son as well.
The old bearer stopped on the threshold as he caught
sight of Toldi through the narrow cross. He laid his
finger on his lips to guard against the whisper of a
cough. He kept his eye on the horse, it needed water
- then Toldi rose from beside the grave, beckoned to
Bence, and ordered him bring a hoe and spade at once.
The servant could hardly believe his ears, and oh he
wanted to ask him why. The sowing season had already
passed, nor was the garden planted these twenty years.
He wondered but went; and rummaging in the rubbish of
four rooms, he came across a spade and hoe. He carried
them down - struck the spade into the ground and
looked with inquiring eye at his lord.
But Toldi scarcely glanced up. He took it and laid
out a small stretch of grass - four paces long and
half the number wide - simple to measure it with a
spade. Bence looked on, wondering to himself what
Toldi was doing on top of the mound - one digs for
someone who sees the light of the sun no more.
It set Bence to thinking hard how to draw Toldi out.
He knew his answers are rare, he hardly replies once
every hundred words. And so he did not dare ask -
he only looked, now at him now at the fresh earth,
the dovegray hair on Toldi's head, the black earth
in the narrow trench.
He thought at last of a way to start, and reaching for
the spade he spoke like this - "Let me, my lord; it
does not become me to stand by and watch with folded
hands. I have not dug a grave for many a year..."
He stopped and cocked an eye on the master, waiting
for a yes or no.
But Toldi was not in a mood to hand it over. Not a
word did he say about a grave, or anything else. His
face was calm as a frozen lake no earthly wind may
ruffle. This face did not tell a thing to Bence. In
truth it worried him all the more, and like a distant
cloud on a windswept sky, told of a lowering danger.
When Toldi did not give up the spade, the faithful
servant picked up the hoe. The work trickled and
flowed without a word until at last the long silence
wearied Bence. But even more, the secret fear kept
gnawing him - you need a grave when someone dies,
and without a death why dig?
And still he did not dare speak plain, circling from
a wary distance only - "My good lord, solemnly and
saving your presence, I cannot believe we are digging
a grave. True, it looks like one cut to a man in
length and breadth and width; and when we dig the
depth, a corpse may sleep the sleep of night.
"But by the heaven's holy angels! Who's to lie there,
where's the corpse? We laid out bodies neatly once to
dry like sheaves on the fields of battle. We had the
dead and dug no graves. In all our house now, there
is no soul to bury but us."
Bence paused a bit, wiped the sweat from his face, and
rubbed it from the hollow of his hands to grip the hoe
more firmly. He gave Toldi a chance to reply, but old
Miklós was still in a silent mood. To save time, Bence
returned to the groove of his speech -
"One death we had, dear to us in life, and in her
peaceful grave these many years - our dear lady,
Lőrinc Toldi's wife, whose name is engraved upon this
stone. The letters are worn - no wonder, forty years
are gone since then, mouldered by the rain - but
let it moulder, for who's to read it soon anyway..."
On hearing these words, Toldi straightened up and
looked over the simple mound. Long, long his eyes
lingered on the mossy stone above his mother's grave.
But he was silent as though mute. He looked at his
old armor-bearer, without anger in his eye as if
saying - "Speak up, I will not harm you."
And Bence spoke, for he saw that he alone would talk
that day. "My dear old father, good old Benedek! God
grant you rest in the grave. God grant you rest in
the dust of dying because all your life you were loyal
and true, faithful to him whose bones lie mouldering
where you sleep at his feet.
"Your grave we covered a long time ago too - how many
new years in the annals since then! - you do not even
want another, this grave we dig may be your son's."
The servant was deeply stirred as he spoke brushing
a tear from his misting eyes. Toldi looked on the
little mound over the other Bence's remains.
The grave hardly showed beneath the cross, beneath
the mound; the eye may have missed it but for the
mat of weeds and burdock. Toldi looked and remembered
all he loved the poor dead man for, but he was still
silent as though mute, and once more he put his foot
on the spade.
The work flows on and on, they dig, dig without a
single word. The work flows on and on, the end is
in sight; and still, Bence only suspects what he has
dug. Now pressing Toldi, he speaks up again - "Oh,
perhaps this grave is for György, perhaps they
collected his far-flung bones, and my lord intends
to bury them here...?
"What silly chatter! I myself know how foolish
it sounds. Don't I know of György Toldi's evil end
on a wild bear hunt? his ugly death at the claws of
the beast? Two crows flying from a far-off ravine
picked his eyes out. The wolves that trailed along
pulled straws for his body, that was the end of a
wicked brother and son."
The hole was dug. Toldi stood at the bottom, white
hair and beard still showing. Bence smoothed the
ground, kneeling to reach the bottom of the pit. Toldi
looked up and spoke - "Bence!" "What do you com...?"
he asked, waiting for the rest. He waited a long time
for his lord's words, and at last old Toldi began
like this -
"Bence, old bearer of my arms, honest servant, listen
to me - we have eaten much bread together, and salt.
Old comrade, listen to this. The many changes of life
I once saw and now the last decline I see of my days.
Among the rows and rows of harvest I walked, and now
my own head awaits the scythe - and death.
"Louis, proud Louis, King of the Magyars! I too was
loyal but received no thanks. In your heart you knew
who and what I was, but you bashed my head in for
telling the truth. May God grant you and our country
stronger hands than mine. May he grant a better adviser
than I was and could have been - God knows how long.
"Now no one binds me to the living. Whoever did are
resting in this cool ground. My sword is dark with
three years' rust, which the blood of the foe will
never wash off. I could have gone on, but now that's
over, and the country has no need for me - no need
for the ear of ripened grain, more for the weed and
whoever raised it.
"Bird of passage, my soul, about to leave for a warm
home. You see the world is frozen over! I am a cold
and run-down shelter. This is my grave. A few empty
days, and then - you, my dear friend, bury me. Bury
me here, without a marker but this handle of the spade."
Bence listened to what Miklós said, took it to heart,
especially the last. He wept, his face hidden behind
the arm of the cross. Sorrow welled from his soul; he
was softer of heart than his lord, whose eyes look
calmly from their socket like a tarn.
Like a burning city; the evening twilight invests a
vermillion sky. Then the flames died and what remained
was ash and soot - the darkness of night. The splendid
palace of the sun fell into ruins, bleak and cold. A
shapeless owl nested there for the night, screeching
his call of death.
But good Toldi turned his mind elsewhere - a rider
was pulling straight up to the house. The old hedge-
row died out long ago, no need for him to circle the
place. He saw Bence and rode up asking for his lord.
Lost for words, Bence pointed to the gaping hole.
The horseman began like this - "To you I come, my
great and good lord Toldi. I come as a courier with
news from the shining Castle of Buda. Your good old
friends remember you, the old hero; remember your many
wonderful deeds, and send me with these words -
"Go, my son, go János Posafalvi, and visit old Toldi.
Learn if he is sick or a-dying. Sick or a-dying,
unable to raise an arm, or swallowed in a grave. Tell
him if sick, it is best he die; if dead, let him turn
seven times in his grave - tell him the valiant
Magyar exists no more, his ancient glory on the
distaff side.
"There is a tournament now in Buda, a shining tournament
of warriors. Many a Magyar has fallen, but the Italian
still stands. The sun shines on him and his world.
Magyar! for you the night falls, for you good night.
He carries the shield he won - and a coat of arms, our
country's beautiful coat of arms. It is for sale, a
small ransom not of gold or silver - only a little
bit of blood.
"But in all our land you will not find a spoonful.
Ours is cheap, commands no price, and pours on the
thirsty castle square for free. He returns home with
our coat of arms, proud like a peacock..." "To hell
he goes!" cries Toldi. "Old eagle, be young again,
you have no time for death!"
And speaking these words, the gray knight leaped from
the grave as though young again, his soul an angry
sea boiling with a volcano's fury. And he said -
"Tell my old friends you saw the ancient fighter
in the bowels of a grave, but his soul will return
to take vengeance on the knight.
"Go, Bence, curry my dock-tail chestnut. Renew me with
food and drink. Twist open the swollen bung in the
cellar and bring the old wine that makes me young. You,
Posafalvi, be my guest. Stay overnight, darkness falls
on a lonely horseman. Be my guest. Witness in God's
truth how the Magyar drinks and makes merry in his
Then they went inside. In the large room Toldi made merry
and drowned his anger, wrestling with the wine and
trying its strength. And he overcame, keeping his feet
while Bence and the other lay soaked on the floor.
Toldi too tumbled at last on an old bearskin - sleep
brooded over his eyes like a shadow racing on sunlit
Second Canto
"They all fell to an Italian knight."
Dawn, the shining faery, did not sit out next day
on the doorsill of heaven. Perhaps ill and abed,
she peered out neither morning nor night. The puszta
was covered by a thick mist, loath to move up or down,
a close heavy fog that weighs on the soul and hangs
as a burden.
Toldi went on the way with his servant. He was dressed
in heavy clothes - his body in an autumn mist and his
soul in an angry cloud. Now and then with a "hmm" he
cleared his throat or sighed. Great was the sadness
that weighed on him; great the three-year-old hanging
on his neck, heavy for even the powerful Toldi.
"The old eagle has gone wild," he thought to himself,
"but many days like this will come when they will
seek me out and would gladly buy my old arms and rusty
weapons with the little word - pardon. But he can
grant it all he wants - if he refused before, now
it is too late. I wear a mouldy collar of weariness
on my neck. My body's broken, my soul lies slain!"
Noon came, but the sun did not shine. Night comes
without a moon to light it up, without a sliver of
a moon or grain of star where the night sees itself.
At last a cool breeze flapped and drove the idle
mist away, keen wind of a red dawn on the third day
of Toldi's journey.
Buda Castle awakes in its own clamor, in the famous
court of old King Louis. The tournament is on, or
would be if the knights showed up, at least one.
Many - and how many - had turned up before, all
forced to leave in humiliation. Though the Italian
inflicted no mortal wounds, he lay ten knights a
day in the dust.
He was big of body, great of strength; his black
steed could hardly bear him, shield and weapons were
burden enough, but most of all he was big of bone.
Haughtily he pricked his steed back and forth; holding
the coat of arms aloft, he badgered the crowd and
jeered. His heart was a blown-up blister, and he
taunted them again and again with biting words -
"I am no oaf of the sea for the crowds to stare at.
Nor was I led here on a leash to be shown like a
wild bear dancing. I do not even conjure well - now
why be caught in a mob like this? I only know a
single trick... If anyone dares, let him come and
I'll give him a look.
"But who would? who dares crash his frailness on a
rock...? Let's not dawdle our time away... its price
is up. Better go home and tend to your knitting. This
coat of arms I am taking with me, it's mine forever. -
G'night, Hungarians, it's only morning, but I am
leaving your castle square."
Like a maddened herd at the smell of blood bellowing,
the frenzied crowd broke and charged at the warrior.
Their baleful bellow was more terrible than thunder.
You see but cannot hear the gnashing of their teeth.
They buck one another like waves, and falling at the
paling it groans.
The king stood up in his ornate pavilion, his lips
atremble, his brows furrowed, eyes livid with
lightning, face flushed. But suddenly two youthful
knights appeared, born and reared of a single
mother. Exactly alike from head to toe, they speak
to the king with grace and manners -
"We crave pardon, our gracious king, for appearing in
your presence with idle speech. But we are wroth in
blood, burning in our souls at this dreadful shame.
Look, a villain adventurer has won the games and taken
our country's coat of arms with its four bands, seven
lions on the four silver bands, a crown and a cross,
and three mountains green.
"We respect and honor the Italian at home, but he
should not overreach himself in our Magyar land. Let
him pick no quarrel with us, laugh at us, for we shall
wax angry, no longer respecting the person. Let him
not look down from the tower of flesh that is his. Let
his eyes not be deluded by the dice of luck - where
is glory in childish play? Let him score it up - this
affair will end in tears.
"Or is he arrogant because no one wanted to enter the
lists? No one has, for when the nation's honor is at
stake it is not a game. I do not want to play when the
Magyar is wroth, does not desire to disgrace his
country - shame and mockery are the rewards of defeat,
but glory to the man who dies for his land.
"And so, our gracious king, we pray for leave to face
the spiteful knight, face him not only in joust but,
as it beseems, for life and death. It is not a game
when the nation's honor is at stake. The reward of
defeat is a shameful life, but glory to the champion
who dies for his land."
While one spoke, the other nodded his head as if
speaking too. The people listened devotedly, and the
king granted their request. The Italian drew his sword,
looked it over; and twice whetting the shining blade
along his arm, he wheeled and swept his eyes over
the great throng.
The people took no notice of the Italian knight, paid
no heed to his shining sword. Now they believed in
victory; they knew the name of the handsome youths -
not only the name but the father, and their fame as
valiant knights. Soul light shone from every eye as
they entered the lists.
The two are of the ancient Gyulafi line who sprang
from one stock the same day and hour, twin offspring
of one mother and alike in eye, in heart, in mind. If
one pines, both wither like fruit on a single vine
- they were harmonious in the least of their desires,
drank from one cup, slept in one bed.
Loránt was older - if only by minutes, and sometimes
when jesting took pride in it. Bertalan, his brother,
was taller by a hair's breath. Sometimes they bantered
over this a bit, their only rivalry until they matured
and each asked his own.
At the fair age when a young man delights in a girl,
enchanted by all that is girl, when he wears on his
breast the airy trifles she flings aside; when -
O briefest paradise of life! - a flower, a footprint,
a spear of grass, a look, a nothing... will bring her
to mind and kindle firelight in the heart;
When they arrived, I say, at that fair age, both fell
in love with one girl, Rózsa, daughter of Pál Kende,
who was prouder of her, he the father, than of his
ancient line. He would give her to the one her heart
might choose, but between the two she could not decide.
Drawn to each in the same degree, their twofold love
she returned alike.
Loránt said again and again that being older he would
give way. But Bertalan said that being younger he could
wait. A hundred times they called on her to choose,
but never once did she lean to one or the other. At
last the father intervened with strong counsel and set
the day for decision three years hence.
The appointed years passed, but time did not lessen
their love. Both had sought for death, but found only
fame, renown, and glory. Everyone knew the two crests
swirling at the front in danger and war; recognized the
two swords side by side and faithful as a pair of eyes
on looking at a single scape.
They were present when the people of Poland knelt for
the second time before Louis the Great, drawing his
sword for the last time and bending the anger of the
Lithuanian rebels. They were present when proud Venice
- bride and favorite of the Adriatic Sea, treasure
house of the earth and ruler of the world - begged
the Magyar swords for peace.
They were present at the battle of Naples where that
woman received the reward of her bloody guilt, the
long unpunished wife of Louis' brother, Endre. Now
God's avenging hand overtook her with the dreadful
weapons of four wrathful Magyars - her name... better
she had none... let it be lost the wretch forever!
The appointed three years passed but did not lighten
Rózsa's anguish. Sadly she gave her final reply -
"Two cannot love me, one I cannot choose." But I leave
behind the thread of my story. Hah! how the people
surge, how the lists swarm! The Italian is waiting
only on my song. His steed is proudly prancing, and
he speaks with a frown -
"Boys, this place is not for you. Run now or this steed
will trample you down... Why did you leave home without
telling where? Your mother's looking and crying for
you." This is how he mocked them, but the two knights
did not scare. They snatched the blood-red crests from
their helmets and sent them with a stern message -
"Tell him, the wretched soul, to hold in check his
slurs. Whoever fights with his tongue is a child,
we cannot match him in sticking it out. But if he
is disposed and has courage to duel like a knight -
these are our crests. Tell him choose one and pin
it on his helmet, an easy choice - both mean death."
On hearing, he burst into laughter and pinned both
crests to his helmet where the wing of an eagle
darkened from the peak. He pulled out two tiny plumes
and sent them back with this mocking reply - "Both
of you come, or as many for whom I manage a tuft."
But the Magyar knights refused to attack as a pair.
They drew arrows, and Bertalan's was the longer.
He embraced his brother, turned to the charge at tilt.
The steed swam, it seemed, on a blue sky, as the
lance was lowered and firmly at rest. Man and horse
and lance shot out like a long and winged arrow.
The big knight sat - an immovable cliff that spurns
the approaching storm. The steed was rigid to the peak
of his pricked up ears; but when Bertalan was only
five paces away, no more, he wheeled as if by will
to the left. The rider tilted, and the lance passed
under the armpit of the Magyar knight.
The valiant Bertalan plunged from his horse. The fine
steed snorted and ran riderless away, never stopping
until it threw saddle and harness. Grieved to witness
his brother fall, the other knight loosened the charger
and galloped up with his unsheathed sword.
He dealt a great blow at the helmet of the foe, but
harder the stroke though dealt by the left, which
parried the thrust. Loránt's sword sprang apart, and
only the hilt remained in his hand. The shining blade
arched and buried itself in the sand.
When he blocked the blow with his strong left arm,
the giant knight raised the heavy lance in his right
(heavy to others, but to him only a dream) and he
speared the unlucky youth in the shoulder. He pulled;
Loránt followed - his neck caught on the iron bill.
He pitched forward, ankle in the stirrup; the balky
horse broke into a run.
The plunging steed would have fled, God knows where,
and crushed the youth's head on stones for thirsty
sands to lap his splattered brain. But the Italian
knight did not wish him an ugly death. He aimed his
long lance and hurled it into the charger's breast
- the animal tottered and sank to the ground.
The king's physicians now hastened forth to take the
fallen into their care. They comfort the youths, and
sustaining them on a shield carry them to a still place.
They wash the wounds with sweet water, smear them with
precious ointment and bind them. When they leave, dear
sleep comes - most skilled physician in all the world.
But the very best physician, the very best nurse is
a soft cradle, a swaying boat, or a river bordering
life and death, one bank on this side and the other
on that. The youths parted for opposite shores of
this river. God willed it so - Loránt awaking to
life and love, Bertalan to rest in a peaceful grave.
Third Canto
"He hurled his huge lance high in the air,
and King Louis asks who can he be."
The Italian remained alone on the field, strolling
proudly up and down. He was not a bit spent, not a
hair on his head out of place, and much less was he
wounded at all. The herald gallops in mounted upon
a white horse. He wears a cloak as ample as a sheet,
spangled with silver and gold, sewn and embroidered
with many a noted coat of arms.
"Magyars," he calls, "Knights-at-arms! Knights-errant!
and other men! The gates are opening to life or death,
our coat of arms will soon be regained." He spoke and
opened the high palisade gates. Thrice he blew the horn,
thrice proclaimed, "The gates are open to life or death,
our coat of arms will soon be regained."
A buzz runs through the crowd, they look left and right
for a champion to show. The gates are open, the horn
sounds, but no one appears to fight a duel. One by one
the Italian picks up his arms and withdraws from the gate.
The king too stands up angry and ashamed, prepared to
leave with the other lords.
Now the gate-keeper blows his horn, and a clatter of
hooves echoes from afar. The king pauses, and the lords.
The people wait and watch once more with soaring hope.
An enormous monk gallops up on a chestnut horse,
garbed in a rough and hairy cloth that reaches from
the top of his head to his heel, and around his waist
a heavy rope.
His face is dark in a red cowl drawn to the nose,
and his mouth is hidden behind a moustache and
white beard floating like a pennon on the back of
the wind. That lance in his left hand... you would
think it was a puszta sweep, it's that long, I say,
not pliant but strong as a wagon rail.
A huge saber hangs loosely from his side and reaches
below the big stirrup that once showed copper but
now is green. On either side of the pommel, two
enormous pieces of iron - a battle-axe and war club,
terrible instruments, ghastly and grisly, on which
the gypsy spared no iron.
This is the armory he carries. But coming behind
what a character too - "There he goes," they laugh
looking his way, "rusty porter of a rusty knight."
On his left, he was concealed by a cavernous shield,
more than enough for a watering trough. He's loaded
for freight, not self-defense. They never sorted
all this to the bearer's size.
A rusty-headed pike sticks out behind the shield; it
would be broad enough for a spade though split in
half. Two bull slings hang down on the saddle's either
side; these giant sandals were weighted with boulders
as big as my head.
The arrows lay behind the saddle, each as long as
a winged spear; the sturdy crossbow was strung on
the old man's shoulder, a frightening scene to see.
In his right hand, he held a pair of naked irons
on the ready, true feringi swords, long and curved
and broad, enormous of nature, and scabbed with rust.
Propped by bristling weapons, the horse lags slowly
behind. But the other one, the frightful monk, soon
neared the gaping crowd. They stared; exchanged looks
and kept still. They opened up a wide passage as when
the Red Sea divided, and shoulder on shoulder the waves
watched in silence.
But when the servant jogged up at last, they burst
into a laughter that grows louder and louder with
mocking of the old man. One asks, "How much for all
your junk, uncle? What about selling it, we're the
customers here?" "Cousin, the cracked up washtub,
is that for sale?" A half scream higher - "Come,
hang it on display."
To a letter, old Bence heard it all (need we waste
words on who he was?), heard the gibes and pretended
not to understand. He tried straightening his back
and managed only to throw his neck out of joint. He
bethought himself of his sprightly youth, tried to do
what then he could.
He twirled his moustache, and it falls back limp,
the shako inverted to a walrus. He jerked the reins,
the poor beast almost sat on his rear end in fright.
The roguish boys romp all the more at such conceit
- O good heavens! "Beware, beware the wild steed,
run hard as you can or now you die!"
Bence looks askance left and right; he would like
to curse but does not dare. He furrows his brow and
thinks - "Who cares about these blathering fools."
Chest out, he ambles on like a pigeon. Pursued by
laughter, dignity would fit him ill with a pisspot
on his ragged old head instead of a rusty helmet.
The frumpy robe is dribbling with forks and tails;
his trousers would do, but - horrors - how bare
his knees, and not a speck of yellow on his yellow
boots - in a flea market this would be the oldest
pair. But his spurs are scabby yellow enough, as if
treasure hunters dug them up.
He would strut on, but the confounded horse suddenly
stops and will not go either this way or that -
"Get up, get up!" he commands, but the fallow will not
move, his hooves are glued down to the sticky ground.
Bence looks back - "What the devil!" Four or five
funsters are dragging stoutly on the horse's behind.
In anger, Bence forgets his fear and hurls these words
of his wrath -
"Rascals, caitiffs, robbers who attack a man by
daylight. No-good rotten punks, why didn't ya try
that twenty years ago! If I could only swing these
old arms like then, ya wouldn't be laying it on
so heavy. Now, too, I could show ya who is more of
a man if I didn't have all these arms in my hands."
Poor gentle old man, you only harmed yourself, and
now the stones come pelting down on your shield.
The warrior Bence cowers, pulls in his neck and saves
his crown. "Hit him, hit him, there goes the turtle!"
The youths play their game, and it would have gone on,
but the terrible monk heard their taunting cries.
He heard, looked back, and motioned without a word;
he raised his fighting spear on high and shook it.
As when a schoolmaster idles his switch and the class
falls silent, the screeching died. For all they'd
say Bence could walk on the top of his head.
All eyes turned to the ancient monk, who was jumping
his horse on the lists. The chestnut steed is not
heavy, but his bones are big; he is finely groomed
and shining. This is an animal of noble blood, happy
to prance how he will. He bears the knight with heed;
God did not make him either for the trace.
The monk wheeled about on his steed; hurled the heavy
lance high in the air, and caught it - or only twirled
it on his fingers like a baton. The heavy rod roared
as it propelled the wind. It looped like a large saucer
above his head; it looked like a boy's weaving the tip
of a fiery stick.
The people are awed and gape at the strength of the
knight. They whisper of magic, mutter in mistrust -
"This art we see is not of God." One almost sees the
monk for Toldi, but thinks him too old for such a
ponderous weapon. Another says with a "so help me"
old Miklós is dead - I was there at the funeral.
Many blow strange rumors up, or hearing none, gladly
invent one and pass it on. One makes up a story the
uncanny monk is dead Toldi's soul. Fear's contagious,
and unbelievers shudder, too.
The king asks if not Toldi, who? "You told me the old
eagle no longer lives, but from where could one
exactly like him come? Whether I look at that huge
frame, white head or terrible strength, I see the
old Miklós. Where could his living image come from?"
The lords looked at one another, but said nothing.
Their faces showed they were perplexed; not one
dared to raise a voice as they waited for the other
to speak. At last one said - "His moustache and
beard may be a disguise, like his clothes. An old
man can handle weapons, but swiftness like his
belongs to youth.
"And the old Toldi - it was reported widely at the
time, you may hold me to it - did not live long
after departing the court for his rough and reckless
talk. Did he take his crime heavily to heart, or
was it old age that stilled his blood? Whatever it
was, no one who walks on earth saw him again with
human eyes."
The king shook his gray locks, a mist of sorrow in
his eyes. "I know," he said, "I know. I remember
the much regretted command "depart." I was weak
I remember to face the truth - old Toldi was crude
but loyal, bitter medicine in a rough wooden spoon.
"Then too... but I can no longer recall his words -
I remember he turned out to be right. As soon as he
left, I was sorry, and how gladly I would have granted
him pardon. But all of you said he carried the king's
anger into the grave... this falsehood I would forgive
if now my faithful servant were only alive."
The king sank deep into thought, but suddenly he
brightened and his face cheered up - he not only
sees those muscles are strong but also hears old
Toldi's thundering voice. For while the king was
speaking with the lords, Toldi thrice rode up and
down the lists; but pacing no more, he pulls up in
the center and blasts at the people standing around -
"How long must I keep circling like a horse treading
corn or a beast with the staggers? Or do you think
that I lost my way and blundered here in spite of
myself? Do you think I am looking for a way to escape?
By thunder, is there no guy here to face up to it when
I come to fight!
"Doesn't he understand...? Where is he? Let him come
out now and show off his strength! Or has he slipped
away with the coat of arms, ashamed to have won it at
so light a cost? Oh, why doesn't the Castle Hill open
and swallow this herd of stupid sheep! Wasn't it enough
your fathers left a free coat of arms behind - must
they rise from the grave to defend it?"
The monk shouts out like this, and clearly enough. The
knight stands aside and pretends not to see him. Hah,
why show himself ready to fight? But he feels ashamed
with all those eyes upon him. He leaps on his horse,
which buckles under the weight, and he advances to the
center with a terrible curse - "Old priest, what do
you want here? Are you tired of living?" "Your last
rites I bring, sweet knight."
With that the two strong champions clash. Toldi sways
in the saddle left and right, left and right drawing
the mouth of his well-trained horse and easily avoiding
the tilted lance. The other thrusts into empty air, like
a spinster passing the eye of a needle.
The giant knight turns suddenly angry - "Damn his
soul, does he want to make fun of me? The lance he
lets idle upon his shoulder... Defend yourself - for
your end is come when I lay to!" His lance misses
as before, but the Italian closes in and takes Toldi
by surprise with the sword - his hairy cowl is rent,
and the people moan in terror - "O monk, you had it!"
It would be dreadful, or perhaps not at all, for
Toldi might have died easily without even a sound.
But Toldi has a steel helmet under the cowl and knew
many hacks like this before. He draws out his sword,
the other quickly deals him three sharp blows -
with the last ring, the sword snaps leaving only
a stub in the giant's hand.
The monk draws on all the strength God gave him.
The blade swoops half way to the enormous neck;
he will never die if this blow is less than mortal.
But seeing his foe without a sword, Toldi checks
the terrible stroke and shouts to Bence - quickly,
for the knight another sword.
Bence obeys and returns with the sword. Now a long
duel begins - arm against arm, blade against blade.
These weapons are twins, and neither gives up. Twice
they clash and twice they rest, and now for the third
time charge again. Toldi himself wonders seeing he
spends his strength in vain.
Angered, he strikes a blow that would have counted
in his youth. The other parried, and now both the
blades were notched halfway in. The giant could not
hold on, his muscles ripped - and the pointed sword
teetered to rest in an upright post.
The Italian jumped - how lucky! for now the monk
strikes so terribly hard he is wrenched aside and
barely holds his seat. Toldi pronounces an oath,
snatches his club (weighing fifty pounds or more)
and hurls. The other suspects, flattens himself on
the horse's mane and, let him thank this, escapes
his death.
The visiting knight turns swiftly around; his eyes
are bloodshot, and he is drunk though not from
wine. Whether he lives or dies, he does not care.
He attacks, his horse rears, his lance darts like
lightning. He wants, it seems, to run over his foe.
But Toldi will not let him come that close. He
fixes his lance against the warrior's breast, and
rider and mount go sailing on their back.
Then old Miklós jumps from his horse, and runs at
the knight with his weapon drawn. The king would
yield - "Mercy," he shouts; but too late for Toldi
swings the axe with a downward blow. He leaps back
on his horse, beckons to Bence, and is quickly lost
amid the crowd. In awe the people stare after him
until the two disappear in a nearby street.
After great silence, a murmur arises, at first in
single, inquiring voices (by strands, one might say),
and only questions, but no replies are heard - "Who
was this? Who was it? a devil or monk? Why didn't he
show himself to the king? Why didn't he pay homage?
Or has he no want for earthly reward, earthly fame...?"
The noise grows louder, chaff of many words, but at
last the herald blows his bugle - the funnel of the
winding brass resounds, the noise dies, and everyone
stares. The herald cries out - "If there be one who
dares say he knows the ancient champion, let him come
boldly forward, and if he tells the truth, he will be
rewarded by His Majesty the King."
Immediately János Posafalvi steps forth, and bending
his knees he says to the king - "Your Majesty, I
dare state on oath I know the powerful warrior. Night
before last I took him word our coat of arms was in
foreign hands. I ate and drank with him, and I saw him
dance - let me never return home if this be not Toldi."
With this he instilled a spirit into the king, and
as reward received two fine estates. To the lords
who sit behind him the king says - "Prepare his
golden writ." And then he chooses elderly men in
splendid dress from among the lords, sends them
after Toldi charging them strictly - "Go call him
back, do not leave him behind on any account."
The people grow impatient with waiting though and
run after Toldi with a cry of joy. The castle almost
turns over in their wildness, one would think they
are chasing to a fire. The king himself is not in the
mood to wait below. He wants to welcome Toldi in
private; he is not certain two of four eyes will stay
dry - and that is why he retires to his room.
Fourth Canto
"Praise and respect were the monk's."
Miklós Toldi and his old servant forded the Danube
and were riding in the fields of Rákos - Toldi
ahead and Bence behind in silence. Nor do you hear
the clatter of hooves where horses sink ankle-deep
in sand. No tracks ahead and none behind, or soon
wimpled away by the northern wind.
Old Toldi rides slowly, brooding as he goes. Who knows
what he is thinking? A still river is deeper than a
babbling brook. Nor has Bence spoken the entire way.
But he cannot bear to be silent for long - let Toldi
speak first, and he knows how to keep it going.
He drew up beside his lord as though by chance. Then
he coughed (an old manner of his) and prattled to his
horse. But this, too, he gave up seeing it was to no
avail. They wended their way a good long piece until
suddenly Miklós burst out saying -
It was worth digging - see, they don't even know us,
Bence. Soon they will make a legend of me and say -
"We believe this, and we don't." Then he paused a bit,
or the words stuck; if we went on, he would surely
burst into tears. Now too a lone tear may slowly swell
over the white lashes, he hopes not, of his eye.
Toldi needed little time, only as long as a wink or
two, to master his heart, and then he spoke - "They
place me in the chronicles before my time; they see
and seeing do not believe. They think my old arms may
do too much? By the arrows of thunder! whom may it be
too little for?
"Proud King Louis, you foxy old man, you! Once you
had a better eye and knew my arms. You recognized
the guard who shielded you with his body in many
hard-fought battles. Now you don't know me, do you,
although you see my strength? Hm, how could you know
every old monk? You shrug your shoulders - Old King!
a wily fox is not more fox.
"Or did you think I would crawl like a worm and beg
for pardon? Why should I, like a child beaten by
his boorish parents without cause? Ask for pardon, I
although it was his offense? Bence, you see what he
made of me! My soul is dark like a shadow. I am as
though I walk on earth no more.
"How did I offend when I spoke out boldly upbraiding
the king for his degenerate court? You may scarcely
find a Magyar knight there, only monkeys hopping
girlishly about. It hurt me to see him turn Magyars
into foreign dolls. I told him to his face - King,
you cannot do that! If old virtues are corrupted,
why be anointed then by the world?
"Old age is not what buries me; as you saw, my hand
still wields the ancient sword. My ills, if any,
are hardly a torment. It is this mouldy sloth, oh,
that kills me! I do not long for the king's pardon
- but Louis I loved... and I still do. My soul is
drawn to him... But who cares? Burrow away, old
man - die, do not open your lips to a complaint."
He forced these last words; as when pouring forth
from a narrow neck, water bubbles most at the very
end - this is how his voice came out. As he said
that, he quickly turned around, drew the cowl over
his eyes. He looked straight into the eye of the
wind for long, and the great dust soaked up the
tears that ran down his cheeks.
From Pest, meanwhile, the crowd comes with a clamor
and a cloud of dust. Spying him, they shout, "Toldi,
our Toldi." They crush one another to catch a glimpse
of him. They surround him, block him off, and hail
him with signs and words, however they can.
From the cavalcade a lord rides up, "Miklós Toldi!
the king greets you. Your pardon has been ready
these many years, no need was there to win it once
more. He would willingly grant it not once but a
hundred times. They said you are dead. Now we know
it's untrue, come and accept the pardon that with
a willing heart he gives."
He spoke like this and reached out a friendly hand.
Toldi hesitated, his eyes glassy as though he could
not believe it all. Wherever he looked, everyone's
face and everyone's eye was shining with joy. Only
he, behold I say, looks with doubtful eyes - no use,
he does not dare be happy any more.
At last the spirit fires him; his eyes light up and
he gives his right hand. But as though to hide his joy
he murmured in his emotion like this - "Oh, my old
beard, unwanted guest, the king invites me now to where
the young may make fun of me in Buda, but the king
commands and I must go.
"If you check your anger and instruct the youth now
growing to manhood, I shall adorn you with pearls,
as my good beard. But if you shame yourself, I shall
pluck you out hair by hair and fling you on the dung
heap in the city square. Show yourself, my gray beard,
worthy of gold and pearls!"
The people nod at one another in approval, and there
is no end to all the cheers; they throng around Toldi,
pressing and crushing the lords in splendid dress
who surround him. A crowd gathers around old Bence
- poor, gentle old servant, he almost dies for joy!
"I told you," he boasts, "this is how it would be!"
In truth, he never foretold a thing.
They take him by the hand, ask questions, make his
acquaintance - "What the Uncle Bence, do you remember
when here and here - you know?" And they told of things
the good old man never even heard. "How are you,
Master Bence? I hardly recognized you." "My fellow, the
king will give you a village now." "You really deserve
it, so help me - the country can well afford the price."
Bence did not know which way to look, he hasn't hands
enough to shake them all. And he would need fifty mouths
to answer every question. He only smiled here and there,
fingering with his left hand the buttons on his cloak;
meanwhile, his right hand passes among the people -
he was overcome, poor man, overcome by joy.
Pressing and pushing, they would not give way. The
crowd grows, dreams not of dispersing. Those beyond
speaking range shout out - "Long live Bence! Long
live good Bence!" "Is the old Bence all right? Let's
see the old bones!" "Did some crazy fools stone him?"
"Who hurt Bence, the devil fiddle them? They're fit
to hang from the gallows."
"Where is old Bence, Toldi's lancer? Let's raise him
up and let everyone see him!" "Raise him up, raise him
up, there are plenty of us - So, so, all together,
swiftly, swiftly!" With that, they fall to as hard as
they can, and hoist Bence and his horse high up on their
shoulders; at first the horse squirmed, then gave up -
because he was tired anyway.
The poor servant all but shivered seeing how God
prospered his works. He is two heads bigger, that much
he shows - one the horse's and the other his. He
looked right and left, forward and back - "My God,
my God!" this is all he could say. "My God, my God!
just think how wonderful!" he stammered. "I would never
have believed it."
Riding ahead with the lords, Toldi almost forgets all
his cares. He keeps looking back and smiles at Bence's
triumph, with envy maybe. But why? He knows whom they
really do it for - when guests are few, dogs are
fed well, too. Toldi had known his share of glory...
but never before as on that single day.
They ride into the city, and the streets are lined with
crowds. If His Majesty the King himself were coming, he
would not draw such a host of lookers-on. But these do
more than look, their mouths are open - "Long live Toldi!
Long live!" they cry. The sound swells and dies - even
the bare walls echo "Toldi" from far.
Every window is open and filled with heads, so many
that only few could see. Young men sit astride every
beam in rows, and cheer. Others climb on chimney tops
wagging like scarecrows. Wherever the sound, thick or
thin, nothing is heard but "Toldi, long live Toldi!"
Old Miklós' face brightens up, no patches of sorrow
now - like the sky when the clouds break at evening,
the sun looks back with a reddening glow. Who cares
it will sink soon? A bright hue spreads over valley,
mountain, plain - and the raindrops on the meadows
are a million pearls not tears.
Wherever he looks he sees a hundred, a thousand
eyes shining his way, hats waving, and arms upraised
like wings of rejoicing souls. Ardent women flutter
kerchiefs from every window. They call his name,
which is lost in the roar like the buzz of a lonely
bee when it thunders.
Then like a shower, young daughters of old autumn
rain down flowers, garlands and evergreen, which like
a good name lives on in death. It rains on him, the
steed before and behind on the road, from Pest to Buda
until reaching the castle, where Toldi stops and
addresses the lords -
"My dear good friends, whom once I taught the skills
of war, leave me a little while. Report that Toldi
will soon reappear - I own nearby a homely house,
which these three years I never saw. Now like a good
master, let me see whether the stones were loosened
by the storms.
"I shall take off this frock, my shield is rusty too,
and a good bath will do myself no harm. The arena's
uncarpeted and covers the fighter's face with dust.
I too may be taken by show and turn into a palace
man... some gaudy rags... ah, never mind, my friends!
you'll see how fine I'll be fitted out."
The lords would not have believed Toldi, would have
suspected a ruse; and they would not let him go had
they ever known he broke his word. Now too they trust
and leave securely, reporting to His Majesty the King.
Meanwhile, cries of long live and applause follow
the old knight and his faithful servant home.
Fifth Canto
"King, did I not esteem my knighthood more,
I would dash your head with my seven-flanged club."
Old Toldi's house was not a palace familiar to
the guile of paint and gloss. But it was enough for
the old knight to vent his joy and anger when camping
in Buda. The house is silent and vacant; now and then
a coughing... but the old keeper only starts, and
the hoarse walls pick it up and echo on.
Toldi entered with Bence behind. The keeper peered
out and drew shut the gate. Outside, the crowds watch
for every sign of life. They stare at the tumble-down
house. Never did they look their fill at a shelter
like this and better, or give it another glance...
but all in vain, for the owner does not hurry out.
The gray knight opened the door into one of the rooms
and looked happy - no carpets, tapestries, or other
furniture of the day. Row on row weapons darkened
the walls. A string of worms was chewing the oak table.
Bearskinned benches lined the walls, not beds, dear
couches or easy chairs.
Still looking about in joy, Toldi felt he was among
old friends. The rusty arms beamed like shaggy bruins.
He passed his eyes along a line of deadly blades -
"My old sword, how long since I saw you last! How are
you, my old lance? And you, my spear and pike? How red
with embarrassment in your rust!
"Bence, my old friend, polish these poor things to
a shine. You too are a rusty old instrument of mine.
Polish one another, let it rub off. We must shine,
old man, shine once more! Why shouldn't a sword be
bright though battered! Do not grieve, do not grow
gray, my dearest friend. Saint Martin's summer is
still to come.
"I have been dead, too. I was not alive, for three
years I entertained a ghost - I want to live now,
Bence my friend, live as a man who lives a good life!
I shall fling my cares aside like this hood and bid
the last three years goodby. I have three times three
remaining perhaps, and may they be friends of joy."
He spoke and with the words "now go to hell!" flung
the hood into the farthest corner! lucky it was frieze
not iron or surely it would have cracked. He took off
his helmet and vest of mail. He ordered a kalpak and
cloak from his wardrobe, where his clothes were no
worse than a little wilted.
Dusting Toldi's cloak, Bence pulled a short club from
the sleeve. "Put it back, Bence, without it I won't
leave the house. When dogs growl, what is there to
frighten them off?" So he spoke. He was soon dressed
- to the day he never used a mirror, and still his
dark green cloak became him, he was finer in appearance
than many spruce young knights.
He starts on his way to the court. He wants to avoid
the boodle, pestered by their ways and loath to go
with a great hullabaloo. As though escaping from his
own court, he slips through a small backdoor into the
street. He goes boldly up to the new palace. No one
recognizes him, or a few may only suspect.
King Louis is waiting, waiting for old Toldi to open
the door. He paces up and down the room, impatient
with the leaden pace of time. The old Miklós he longs
to see. But not so the merry pages, they while the
hours away with noise and fun, play the harp, and
banter in the halls.
Many young lords serve there - the Losonczis, Marótis,
Bánfis; Kanizsai, Szécsi, Kont, Balassa, Csupor, and
the great and famous Laczfi-Apor; many of the lesser
noble families are there for refinement in the court
of Louis; and young men from abroad in exchange for
Magyar youths.
Many were also at Pécs, where Louis lit the torch of
learning; many were in Paris and Bologna at their
expense or with royal stipend. They brought home
lovely fruit from the tree of knowledge, the good
as well as the bad, for though the unplaned mind
is a bludgeon, it may be tooled to a double edge.
The young men study without neglecting the body; they
need biceps like their fathers and brains, if possible,
which are better developed. This was the king's plan
and mind. But now the youths are at play - some sing,
some jest, some argue, and one plays this song upon
the harp -
The king, the great King Louis speaks -
lay on, my vassal Endre, fast;
and gird the sword upon your waist.
The Tatars have invaded Moldva,
this province of our borderland -
take ten thousand Székely horsemen,
seek out the Tatar, where he's found.
--- --- --- ---
So went the song. They all listened to the end - some
looked for faults; some did not like it here, others
there; some thought the old Tatar gabbled too much.
"It is boring, in short, like a Lenten sermon; good
wine's worth more, so is a young married woman. Hey,
who knows a lively song?" they shout. And right off a
pug-nose boy begins -
Long ago - in a ditty
it happened in this Buda city
in a house - whoopee, whoopee
in a widow's house, O whoopee.
Miklós Toldi loved the biddy,
and she laughed - O you silly.
Whoopee-O he loved the biddy,
and she laughed - O you silly.
"Visit me, I say, my Toldi,
if I say, come you boldly!
Whoopee-O I say, my Toldi,
sup with me and come you boldly.
"Miklós Toldi, darling one!
what about jumping one?
Whoopee-O, jumping one -
in the corner, darling one.
"My silk is pinned upon the wall,
a lion pictured on the shawl.
Whoopee-O - up the wall,
jump upon the silken shawl."
"Sure I'll jump, my little toots,
let me first pull off my boots.
Whoopee-O pull off my boots,
let me jump, my little toots."
Miklós Toldi, I must tell,
out into the street he fell,
through the window out he fell,
and everybody laughs like hell.
When the song ended, the wild youths doubled up for
laughter. They clap the pug-nose on the back - "That's
bad, drop dead!" They laugh aloud - "This never happened!"
"How did it go again? Play it once more, old boy." And
pug-nose begins, the others follow. But the door opens,
the hero enters - and all at once the noise dies.
It is hard to stop a runaway wagon, harder a spirit
once aroused. The youths cannot hold back for long
on seeing his blue-red face, his puffy eyes. The wasps
begin to buzz again. One shouts - "Phew, what a musty
smell!" "Look at the old miller!" whispers another.
"Look, they hit him on the head with a sack of flour."
A third rejoins - "That has to be a fisherman, look,
a fin or beard of corn on his chin." And still another,
"Cousin, what do you want with the white-feathered
goose?" And behind Toldi's back the song is resumed.
But alas for whosoever joins. A twist of his sleeve,
and they fall like summer grass - many injured, three
dead right there.
What a fright, a wail from the living and a moan from
the dying. Toldi rushes enraged to the king and
thunders these words - "King, did I not esteem my
knighthood more, I would dash your head with my seven-
flanged club. Next time you'd teach your little whelps
not to make fun of this old knight's head."
He spoke and the walls shook. He raised his big-
headed club, his face a raging fire the snows on his
head could not quench. In ghastly anger, he tramples
over the youths who are pouring in - and he goes.
They scatter as before a bull pawing the dust.
Doesn't the king understand what happened, and why?
He only half believes what he sees and hears. His
eyes follow the departing knight, his ears deafened
with all the din. When he understands at last, his
blood runs cold, he grimaces and shouts with a hand
on his heart - "Seize Toldi!" "Death on his head!"
Sixth Canto
"And Miklós' bones arc still buried there,
his boldness known to all the world."
Now I return to Bence, who stayed at home, and the
great things he meanwhile did. The gentle old man
worked up a sweat - sweeping, dusting, and poking
a hundred ways. He wiped the scrappy weapons one after
the other, put one down and picked up another. He
flailed about - for a future order's sake creating
a great disorder.
The keeper was there, but he only gazed on; this too
was more than enough for him, for Bence's great spirit
was like a violent storm. He hummed an old song of
which he forgot the words. Outside, the fallow horse,
poor beast, whinnied in tune, impatient for his fodder.
Now Bence begins, speaking to the keeper, "Go, nuncle,
and hitch the horse in the stall. There are oats and
hay aplenty, spread it out. It was left these three
years, if you yourself didn't eat it. Hitch them to
the rack and feed them I say - I have no time, see
I have a thousand things to do." The keeper waited for
more guidance, but Bence was scrubbing the floor.
Outside he pondered his entrusted task and eyed the
horses from a respectful distance - "Holy Father,"
he wonders to himself, "what should I do? It bites
from the front and kicks from the back." The honest
cobbler never rode a horse although he sewed sandals.
But he's given that up since he multiplied his eyes
from two to four.
He used to work with horses, that's to say, the hide.
The fiercest steed that came to hand he subdued right
there! Like Satan from hell, he galloped his knife
along the horse's back. He scissored, ripped, and
sewed, the master then - but now he reaches for the
rein with trembling hands.
He tried and tried until he was used to his fright.
Once a man's familiar to fear, courage is not long
in coming. A boldness settled in the little man's
heart, not such as wins battles - that's too much -
no, only enough to hitch a horse in the stall.
He hitched them up and spread their oats and spread
their hay. But when it was ready, the horses snorted
at the invited meal. They whinnied, they neighed and
all to no use, for they would not eat of the precious
stuff. The cobbler marveled at this great event - why
and how could this ever be?
At last he couldn't stand it and reports to Bence
the horses won't eat. Bence interrupted his task
and hurried to behold the miraculous event. "What
the thunder! have you lost your marbles, nuncle?
You haven't removed the rein and bit." And Bence
laughed until he was faint and there were stitches
in his side.
The keeper could have eaten his own hands and feet
for not having the brains to see. Then he thinks -
what good are brains, his hands were afraid. This
cheered him up as Bence laughed right in his face
unbridling the horses and returning to his task.
Bence was starting to work when his lord entered
in a rage - "My damned wrath!" he muttered
choking, his voice drowned in a fit of anger. He
flung his club on the table and staved the wood
in. Ai, this was - ai, this was the end of his
strength! His legs totter, his head reels.
Bence knew that something was ill. He saw his
master's bloodshot eye and the taut vein like a
rope on his temple. Now the color drains from his
face, his lips twitching and turning blue. His
knees bend - Bence runs and holds him lest he fall.
Bence struggled with him to a bench. The great knight
could no longer walk; his arms were limp, his back
gave in. The anger which wiped enemies out like God's
curse was penned inside mauling him like a mad lion
its trainer.
Bence heard the clock strike. His tears run and fall
on the cloak. Toldi stares, stares - the faithful
servant turns aside again and again wiping his eyes.
At last, God gives him strength before the dying man
- he takes a deep breath, and forces himself to speak
these words of cheer and comfort.
"What hurts you, my dear good lord? For I see you are
troubled and something is wrong - is it nausea, a
headache, a chill which is unsettling your worship?
I know a good cure, I tried it myself and speak not
false - drink a cup of peppered wine... your chill
will leave like yesterday's bad dream.
"Before, when something was wrong, your backbone or
lumbago, I was the doctor and cured you quickly. The
bone I set that was out of place. Shall we try it now?
No... what about a gentle massage as though I were
coddling a broken egg...?" He spoke, and what is
more he believed it, the poor old man, that the rub
would bring him ease.
"Leave off, Bence, leave off," quietly Toldi whispered.
"You aren't making fun of me, are you? Nothing will
help me any more, my comrade, neither good intention
nor skill of science." Now Bence looked straight at him,
and behold, like the breath on a shining sword or bloom
on ripe fruit, a veil fell over the pupil of his eye.
The faithful servant can stand it no more, he bursts
into tears harder than before; he covers his face and
turns from the dying man toward the window. He glances
by chance into the street. Holy God! the house is
surrounded. But before he can say it, Allaghi, captain
of the guard, steps into the room.
The captain motions the others not to follow; he
enters himself and says - "Miklós Toldi, you are my
prisoner! You have committed murder, brought shame on
- polluted the royal house with blood. In the king's
name, knight, follow us." Bence pointed in anguish at
the dying man; no need though, for the captain saw
and spoke in a hushed voice now -
"Oh, why couldn't I bring a better message than this?
But if you want to send word or a plea in your troubles,
I shall be your spokesman by the king." Saying this,
the captain stepped to the knight, bent over him with
a look of pity on his face. Now for the first time,
Toldi turned his eyes on him, and these are the words
that faltered from his breast -
"Tell the king, your mighty lord, to leave me only
for an hour. My prison awaits. I go freely where
someone not of earth will judge me." He turned his
eyes aside, his lips still moved - moved and sighed
as in prayer. Simon Allaghi runs off with the report
- "Toldi is near to death, my lord, and sends this
message -
"He sends this message to my gracious lord - leave
him be in the hour of his death. His prison will be
a grave where he goes of his own free will; no earthly
judge passes judgment on him." The king is shocked
and cries - "Almighty God! Is this his end? On
the day of his glory - abandoned and ill - disgraced
and dying? Fetch my cloak."
And whirling a cape around his neck, he commanded
be taken to Toldi's house, the captain of the guard
in the lead, behind him the king followed by a
faithful servant or two. His habit does not reveal
he is king; they would laugh at one who claimed
him so. The passers-by who chance to look greet not
the king but the captain.
Whether they doff the hat or not, what does the king
care? He pulls his cloak lower over his face, goes
as fast as his weak legs carry him. He fears he will
find the knight is dead. But he arrived - and the
joy in his anguish was to arrive in time. Happiness
may shine in the bleakness of sorrow like a bright
rainbow on cloudy skies.
The king sits on a chair by the dying man, bends over
him, and speaks to him by name. Toldi was in the half
sleep which would soon weigh him down and drop him
into death. He was aroused at the voice - he recognized
it - and looked at Louis with deep large eyes. He
recognized him - but as though uncertain where he was,
he gazed from one ceiling beam to another.
The king spoke - "Don't you know me, Toldi, my old
friend? Why do you turn your eyes away? I am the king
- not he who harmed you - I, Louis, talk to you,
your good old friend. Think back, look at me, don't
turn your eyes away. Say only one word, no more -
whatsoever - my name - who knows where and when
we'll meet? We cannot part without a last farewell."
Toldi came to and gathering all his strength raised
his head a little. He strained to turn toward the king
and put out his hand, which was cold as ice. And then
softly and clearly he said - "What a dream I had!
I was already dead. How glad I am you are here - you
revive my soul. I cannot die without talking with you.
"Oh, my friend (now let me call you this), forgive me
if I ever crossed you; if I was rough, if I was crude,
do not weigh every word; forgive me for my good heart's
sake. I was punished anyway. But all that is ended.
Gone are the many lovely hopes. But whatever is passed
is dead, lost - the vigil of memory will die the same.
"I could make a last testament - why? I have precious
little. And to whom, if I had more? I have no heir...
only a faithful servant. Take him to your heart -
and the Hungarian people. Love the Magyar, but do not
polish him," he spoke, "his strength, his ways, his
rough outer bark. What profits smoothness and good
polish? A flitch of wood is hard to break."
Saying this, he sighed and sank back again, his right
hand in the hand of the king; his eyes were steady but
glazed like horn. The king replies to his words like
this - "Why wouldn't I take the old servant in my
care? and the Hungarians, the people, whom I always
loved? I stretched their empire to the shores of
three seas.
"I always tried, truly unto my limits, to win esteem
for my Magyar people, respect in war, peace within
and without the country's borders. I am not boasting,
that is not why I say it... My God! must I justify it
- especially to you, we both know how I loved the
Hungarian people.
"Was it love or hatred when I began smoothing the
virtues of the nation, and I wanted the people to
shine in splendor, be my pride and not my shame?...
Time drives swiftly on - runs its course - if we
mount, it moves us on; if we stay behind, it will not
wait; the world changes; what is strong grows weak;
and what was weak grows strong.
"Time drives swiftly on, it does not wait. We die, the
old die away, and only the fame of our strength remains
- a new people, a new generation grows up conquering
with reason, not physical strength. The mind of man
has discovered, you know, a simple powder which sows
death on armies. Toldi or no Toldi... they all fall -
the power of reason conquers in that little powder!"
He spoke and looked in the dying man's face - ai, he
was dead, his chin had fallen; but their hands were
still clasped like twining branches, one dead. The
living hand withdrew. A long silence followed. The king
wept. Bence drew behind the door, poor man, and cried.
Meanwhile, the calm red light of the sun sank to a
winter rest; the rainbows faded from the window, and
the high hills drew a veil over it. The king saw to
Toldi's funeral and how he was to be buried - his house
a simple coffin, but of iron to tell of his strength.
And that same evening, a procession of torches sets
out from Buda Castle in the twilight mist. From a
distance, you would have thought all the stars were
solemnly following Toldi on his way. In the cavalcade,
the hearse rolls with Miklós Toldi lying under a
cover of iron - beside him Bence on the coach step,
racked with grief.
The people fill up the avenue like a river, every
square and winding alley a little brook. And like
water that feeds from a brook into the river, the
people flood from one into the other. Everyone is
still. They follow silently to the fields of Rákos,
where the hearse stops and they lift the coffin
on a covered wagon.
The burning torches are all darkened but four that
light the road to Nagyfalu. The people remain covered
in darkness. They follow the four torches into the
night with tearful eyes as far as they can see. And
then they turn homeward in little groups, retelling
the deeds of the departed hero.
By the third day, on a cloudy evening, a mound rose
over Miklós Toldi's body, strewn with the fallen
leaves of the old garden. The grave was unmarked
by costly bronze or marble. Bence was the memorial
standing at Toldi's feet - he struck a spade into
the earth and leaned on it. The sky covered the
grave with new snow.
dock-tail chestnut: "kurta pej", horse with docked tail and cropped mane to keep from snagging on bushes and branches; a grooming not needed in royal parks.
The king, the great King Louis speaks: a poem entitled Szent László (Saint Ladislas). It tells how the saint-king rose from his tomb, mounted his brass horse and rode off to win a victory over the Tatars saving the country and leading to a conversion of pagans.
János Arany was born March 2, 1817 on the Hungarian Plain to small-farm parents, the youngest of ten children of whom only he and the eldest survived. He lived there for the first 43 years of his life, principally in two agrarian towns - his birthplace Szalonta (a town founded by free peasants - hajdús) and Nagykőrös - and in the city of Debrecen as a student with a bent for literature and language. At the age of 19 years, having read widely, largely on his own, he dropped out of school without a diploma and became an actor. From 1839-1849 he was a village notary in Szalonta; and a school teacher in Nagykőrös to 1860.
His passionate interest in the legends of the Hungarian past was nourished, beginning with early boyhood, in the above surroundings. For an imaginative and impressionistic picture of his early years see Jenő Docy's "Arany, A Boyhood Scene," Budapest, Genius, 1929. Throughout his lifetime, he left Hungary only three times, once to Vienna on a notarial task and twice to Karlsbad for his health. But he was at home in ancient and European civilization, wrote commentaries on outstanding writers, and translated important works (Aristophanes and Shakespeare) into Hungarian.
Returning to Szalonta from his adventures as an actor, he found his father blind and his mother dying. Conscious stricken, he undertook to live the life of an ordinary human being, giving up his artistic and poetic dreams. He married an orphan girl, became a father, and worked with modest results to acquire some property.
Is was under the influence of a colleague from Debrecen, István Szilágyi, who was newly assigned as school principal in Szalonta, that he returned to literary activity. By 1845 he published his first poetic work, The Lost Constitution (a satire on the politics of the nobility) and then in 1846 Toldi, with which he won the Kisfaludy Society (rallying point of the intellectual movement) award and the friendship of Sándor Petőfi. Soon thereafter, he undertook the writing of Toldi s Eve, which was eventually to form the concluding portion of the Toldi Trilogy, his life's masterpiece.
During the Revolution and War of Independence of 1848-1849, Arany served as a national guardsman, but most important of all he wrote lyrics of a freedom-fight character. After resigning as notary when the town could not pay the salaries of its officials, he entered state service with positions in Debrecen and Pest. With the collapse of the struggle, he returned to Szalonta, hid out for a while from the Russians, and at the end of 1849 accepted a post briefly in the district administrative office. But with the repression conducted by the Hapsburgs following the Revolution, his status was an uncertain one, to say the least, and he resigned.
Having lost his position and prospects at Szalonta, Arany accepted, after working as private tutor, a teaching position in Nagykőrös, where he started anew and lived from 1851 to 1860. During this phase of his life he published The Gypsies of Nagyida (1852), an allegory celebrating a doomed rebellion and satirizing weaknesses that led to the Hungarian surrender at Világos in 1849; a section of the Csaba (Attila-Buda) trilogy, which was never to be completed; Toldi's Eve (1854); The Welsh Bards (1856), an allegorical ballad about the poets beheaded by Edward I for refusing to sing to his glory, and written in satirical response to an official approach for a tribute in honor of the still uncrowned Francis Joseph's projected visit to Budapest. Arany was elected to the Academy in 1855, and to the Kisfaludy Society, as secretary, in 1860. He suffered from the mid-1850's on with a nervous condition - depression, headaches, earaches - described in some detail in his letters.
Arany moved to Pest in 1860 as editor of a new literary periodical. Death of Buda appeared in 1864. He became secretary to the Academy in 1865. His daughter died the same year, and his mental health deteriorated further. His Collected Poems appeared in 1867, and in this same year of the Compromise with Austria he was named to the Order of Saint Stephen. He also published his translations of Hamlet and King John. Toldi's Love, which he began in 1863, appeared in 1879; he thereby fulfilled a long and difficult commitment rounding out the Trilogy. In 1880, he published the Comedies of Aristophanes in three volumes on which he had worked for three years. Most significant for his poetic evolution, however, he wrote lyrics which are some of the most exciting in the language. He died October 22, 1882.
Throughout his life, János Arany remained shy, almost diffident. He was born to his parents in their advanced age, and the poet himself observed that this may have affected his personality. While engrossed in a world of epic and ballad imagery, he was at the same time realistic and industrious, carefully husbanding property and placing the welfare of his young family (the Aranys had a son László - poet, collector of folktales and literary historians - and a daughter) above his own personal aspirations. In his semi-autobiographical Bolond Istók (Dumb Steve) he portrays himself as an antihero.
Arany's labors as a notary, schoolteacher, Academy and Society secretary, editor (and even something of a landowner, business man and lender!) leave one almost incredulous about his own literary productivity. His vast work load, which he carried conscientiously, was in conflict with his literary labors, often accomplished on the principle of nulla dies sine linea. Very likely this had much to do with his poor mental health as he approached his forties. But there is something more significant here, too. Arany had a self-effacing nature although he wrote, especially in his old age, outstanding subjective poetry, which however he was reluctant to publish. Throughout his life he would have preferred, evidently, to be a Lönnrot collecting the Magyar Kalevala - but Hungary by then had no equivalent of Karelia. Herein is the basic contradiction of Arany's work - between the demands of a subjective life and of a strong but besieged culture. Arany's outlook on his art as a basically collective value was paralleled in the career of Zoltán Kodály, who was born in the same year Arany died. Ady and Bartók represent the innovative side of the Magyar spirit, Arany and Kodály the integrative. Tragically, they were not infrequently differentiated by compatriots as "un-Hungarian" and "genuinely Hungarian."
Arany is regarded as the most Magyar of poets. Economy and beauty of diction have seldom been more fittingly wedded. He had an enlightened dedication to Hungarian traditions over his long lifetime and was one of the first to portray artistically the sober character of the Magyar people. Arany is a progressive great in the peasant or popular tradition. His ties to the past and the Plain came from his concern for a world of equality more like Hungary knew with its "Asiatic" and Anjou kings prior to the conditions leading to Dózsa's revolt, and the suppression of the serfs in Eastern Europe.
Although he wrote much more, the extent of Arany's greatness will be measured by his epics. His role as a great contributor to this literary form is secure, if not widely familiar in the world. Unlike anyone, he returned the epic to the extraordinary common from where it originally sprang, and thereby led attention to a way of humanity long neglected. That Arany maintained his artistic integrity despite the vast contradictions of his lifetime makes him the true symbol of the cultural coherence and flexibility of modern Hungarians. His importance in a global sense is his sane involvement with life as he tells the epic story of the peasant evolution.
Arany, János. Összes művei (Complete Works). Vol. 1-14. Budapest, Akadémiai Kiadó, 1950-1966.
Arany János népdalgyűjteménye (János Arany's Collection of Folk Songs) by Zoltán Kodály and Gyulai Ágost. Budapest, Akadémiai Kiadó, 1952. /1953/
Bowra, C. M. Heroic Poetry. London, Macmillan and Co Ltd., 1964 (no mention of Arany's epics, but of Hunnish epics in other languages and of Yugoslav poems about János Hunyadi).
Debreczeni, István. Arany János hétköznapjai (János Arany's Everyday Life). Budapest, Gondolat, 1968.
Dóczy, Jenő. Arany János. Életképek (János Arany, Scenes from His Life). Budapest, Genius, 1929.
Ignotus, Paul. Hungary. New York. Praeger, 1972.
Information Hungary ed. by Ferenc Erdei. Oxford, Pergamon Press, 1968.
Keresztury, Dezső. Arany János. Budapest, Akadémiai Kiadó, 1971.
Klaniczay, Tibor. Zrínyi Miklós. Budapest, Akadémiai Kiadó, 1964.
László, Gyula. Hunor és Magyar nyomában (On the Trail of Hunor and Magyar). Budapest, Gondolat, 1967.
Lukács, György. "A százéves Toldi" (The 100-Year-Old Toldi). Magyar Irodalom - Magyar Kultúra, Budapest, Gondolat, 1970.
Maenchen-Helfen, Otto J. The World of the Huns. Berkeley, Cal., University of California Press, 1973.
Mikszáth, Kálmán. Új Zrínyiász (New Zrínyi Epic). Budapest, Révai, 1910.
Reményi, Joseph. Hungarian writers and literature. Modern novelists, critics, and poets. Rutgers University Press, 1964.
Riedl, Frigyes. Arany János. Budapest, Művelt Nép, 1953.
Riedl, Frigyes. Vörösmarty élete és művei (Vörösmarty's Life and Works). Budapest, Csoma Kálmán, 1905. /1937/
Segel, Harold B. The Baroque Poem. A comparative survey. New York, E. P. Dutton and Co., Inc., 1974.
Tezla, Albert. Hungarian authors. A bibliographical handbook. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 1970.
The Hungarian Illuminated Chronicle (Chronica de Gestis Hungarorum) ed. by Dezső Dercsényi, Budapest, Corvina Press, 1969.
Voinovich, Géza. Arany János életrajza (Biography of János Arany). Vol. I-III. Budapest, Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, 1929-1938.
Young, Percy M. Zoltán Kodály. A Hungarian Musician. London, Ernest Benn Ltd., 1964.