abbot, bishop, archbishop, Pope
The leader of communities of Cistercian, Carthausian and Trappist orders, which grew out from the reform movements of Benedictine monasteries and the Benedictine order. So the abbot is the person in charge of a monastery.
In the hierarchy of the Catholic church the bishop has the highest rank after the mass-priest. He receives his power by ordaining. Every bishop has his church district, where he can practise his juristic rights (he can consecrate churches, altars or ordain priest, he can confirm, he can appoint parish priests, he can hold a synod for the church district). The bishopric honours of church districts, which were abolished due to the Muslim conquest, were also filled up, the bishops there were called titular- or assistant bishops. They did not have their real church districts, but they performed bishopric duties next to the bishop of a real church district. At first they were chosen by the believers of the church district, later by the chapter, which had to be asserted by a papal bull or an ordain of a bishop. The emblems of bishops were the crosier, cap, ring amd chest cross. He was inaugurated into his office by the recommendation of the king and the assertion of the Pope (in the 14-15th centuries).
A prelate under the juristic authority of whom there are several bishops, that is he is at the lead of the archbishopric district, which included several church districts. He himself has his own church district. He had the right to call a county synod together. In medieval Hungary there were two archbishops: the Archbishop of Esztergom and the Archbishop of Kalocsa-Bács.
The leader of the Roman Catholic church. As St Peter's successor, he is the Bishop of Rome. The emblems of his honour are the pallium (white stripe on the shoulders), the tiara (cap decorated with a triple golden crown), and the straight crosier, a cross decorated with Christ's picture, a fishermen's ring and the papal clothes. The Pope is chosen by the cardinals since the 11th century.