Cumania, Cuman chairs
Originally it was the whole Cuman residence, later Moldavia and Wallachia were also included. The title of Hungarian kings since 1233 (rex Cumaniae), first used by Prince Béla (later Béla IV).
Cuman chairs
Cuman residences in Hungary did not have a uniform name in the Middle Ages. The name Small and Greata Cumania appeared first during the Turkish rule. These chairs (law courts) performed administrative and juridical duties, and they were the units of tax collecting as well. Captains stood at the head of them. The list of chairs: 1. Halas chair - Csertán clan. 2. Szentelt [Holy] chair - Kór clan. 3. Kolbáz chair - Olás clan. 4. Kecskemét chair - unknown clan. 5. Klara, later Mizse chair - unknown clan. 6. Hantos chair - unknown clan.
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