heretic, Flagellants, Pataren, Valdens, pagan

St Dominique 1

A notion in church law: the Catholic church regards each person who turns away from the teachings of the Catholic church to follow other beliefs as heretic.


the Flagellants

A religious folk movement, which held ascetic processions. It spread in Hungary during the plague in the middle of the 14th century, its memory was preserved by the Illustrated Chronicle as well. It mentioned a Flagellant procession in Hungary in the 14th century in connection with the 1261 Flagellant movement.



Heretics in South Hungary, and in Bosnia in the 13th century were called Patarens by church documents. Earlier - by mistake - people thought they were in connection with the Bulgarian Bogumils, but their contemporaries always called them Patarens. They said they were Christians and their church was called the Bosnian church. The name Pataren were often used as a synonym for heresy, so it may refer to different disciplines.



This kind of heresy spread in the western cities of the country (Sopron, Kõszeg, Gyõr) in the second half of the 15th century. They had conflicts with the church because of the radical interpretation of poverty and word by word interpretation of the Scriptures. Most of their followers were simple artisans. In 1401 in Sopron, for example, there was a serious Valdens movement. From the order of the Bishop of Gyõr, the inquisitors obliged the people who became converted to public penitence, a blue cross was put on their clothes, ordered the demolition of the houses where they gathered, the digging up of the dead bodies of the heretics, the burning of their bones and the reconsecration of their cemeteries.


pagan (Latin paganus = barbarian, village-man)

The Catholic church declares everyone pagan who are non-Christians, except for the Jews.