
Narrative sources that cover the entire period include Scriptores rerum Hungaricarum tempore ducum regumque stirpis Arpadianae gestarum I-II, ed. by E. SZENTPÉTERY (Budapest, 1937-38), which also contains the 14th-century revisions; Catalogus Fontium Historiae Hungaricae I-III, ed. by F.A. GOMBOS (Budapest, 1937-38); Johannes Thuróczy, Chronica Hungarorum (Brünn, 1488), translated into Hungarian by L. GERÉB, (Budapest, 1957) and J. HORVÁTH (Budapest, 1978); Historiae Hungaricae fontes domestici I-IV, ed. by M. FLORIANUS (Quinque-Ecclesiis/Budapest, 1881-85), which includes the Chronicle of Dubnic from the 14th-15th centuries); Rerum Hungaricum monumenta Arpadiana, ed. by St.L. ENDLICHER (Sanktgallen, 1849), which includes the 'Regestrum of Várad').

On documentary sources, the most comprehensive collection of material concerning medieval Transylvania is the series Documenta Romaniae Historica, C. Transilvania (Bucharest, 1951-81). The first six volumes, compiled by several editors, cover the period 1075-1350; the two volumes for the 1351-1360 period were edited by Şt. PASCU. The work includes extracts - translated into Romanian - of previously published documents (with bibliographic references) as well as a few additional, Latin documents, published and unpublished, in the appendix; the collection covers not only Transylvania but also the eastern regions of Hungary annexed to Romania in 1920. This collection does not diminish the utility - particularly with regard to the critical apparatus - of some other publications concerning Transylvania: Urkundenbuch zur Geschichte Siebenbürgens, ed. by G.D. TEUTSCH and F. FIRNHABER (Vienna, 1857), covering the period up to 1301; Urkundenbuch zur Geschichte der Deutschen in Siebenbürgen I-III, ed. by F.R. ZIMMERMANN, C. WERNER, and G.MÜLLER (Hermannstadt, 1892-1902), covering 1191-1415, and two further volumes, covering 1416-1457, ed. by G. GÜNDISCH (Hermannstadt, 1937, and Bucharest, 1975); Székely oklevéltár I-VII, ed. by K. SZABÓ and L. SZÁDECZKY (Budapest, 1872- 98), covers the period 1211-1750, and supplementary material dating from 1219 to 1776 was edited by S. BARABÁS (Budapest, 1934); documents dating up to 1400 are found in Documenta historiam Valachorum in Hungaria illustrantia, ed. by A. FEKETE-NAGY and L. {1-784.} MAKKAI (Budapest, 1941). Zsigmondkori oklevéltár I-II/1-2, ed. by E. MÁLYUSZ (Budapest, 1951-58), contains some documents dating to 1410 that are missing from the above collections. Additional post-1360 documents concerning Transylvania can be found in the following general collections: Codex diplomaticus Hungariae ecclesiasticus et civilis I-XLIII, ed. by G. FEJÉR (Buda, 1829-44), which covers the period to 1440; Mór CZINÁR, Index alphabeticus (Pest, 1866), is a guide to the previous publication; Hazai okmánytár I-VIII, ed. by I. NAGY et al., (Budapest, 1865-1879), covers 1068-1627; Hazai oklevéltár, ed. by I. NAGY, F. DEÁK, and Gy. NAGY (Budapest, 1879), covers 1234-1536; Kiadatlan oklevelek, ed. by M. WERTNER (TT 1908-11), covers 1260-1733; and Magyar erdészeti oklevéltár I-III, ed. by K. TAGÁNYI (Budapest, 1896). Further documentation can be found in county archives (Alsó-Fehér, Fo-garas, Hunyad), municipal archives (Beszterce, Brassó, Kolozsvár, Nagyszeben), private archives (notably those of the Bánffy, Batthyány, Csáky, Kállay, Károlyi, Lónyay, Révay, Teleki, Tholdaghy, Thorotzkay, and Zichy families), and church archives (the monasteries of Gyulafehérvár and Kolozsmonostor, and Saxon chapters); for a guide to these sources, see Domokos KOSÁRY, Bevezetés a magyar történelem forrásaiba és irodalmába I (Budapest, 1951), pp. 12-17).

The following surveys of Transylvanian history in medieval and modern times include only the earliest, along with some more recent ones that retain their utility. The earliest scholarly surveys are those of László KŐVÁRY, Erdély története I-V (Pest, 1859-69) and Sándor SZILÁGYI, Erdélyország története különös tekintettel művelődésére I-II (Pest, 1865-66). More recent, comprehensive studies by Hungarian historians include Benedek JANCSÓ, Erdély története (Cluj-Kolozsvár, 1931); László MAKKAI, Histoire de Transylvanie (Budapest-Paris, 1946). Comprehensive studies by Romanian historians include Siebenbürgen (Bucharest, 1943); C. DAICOVICIU et al., Din istoria Transilvaniei I-II (Bucharest, 1960-63), and its Hungarian version, Erdély története I, ed. by M. CONSTANTINESCU (Bucharest, 1964); Brève histoire de la Transylvanie, ed. by C. DAICOVICIU and M. CONSTANTINESCU (Bucharest, 1965); and Ştefan PASCU, Voivodatul Transilvaniei I-II (Cluj, 1972-79). The more significant works on the coexistence of different ethnic groups in Transylvania are Ioan MOGA, Les roumains de Transylvanie au Moyen Age (Sibiu, 1944); Relations between the autochthonous population and the migratory populations on the territory of Romania, ed. by M. CONS-TANTINESCU, Şt. PASCU, and P. DIACONU (Bucharest, 1975); as well {1-785.} as A magyar nemzetiség története és testvéri együttműködése a román nemzettel I, ed. by Lajos DEMÉNY (Bucharest, 1976), and volume I of StGDN. The last two works were also published in Romanian (Bucharest, 1976).