The Gothic and Renaissance Styles

Géza ENTZ, 'Le chantier cistercien de Kerc (Cîrţa)' (Acta Hist. Artium Hung., 1963), and A széki református templom (Kolozsvár, 1946); V. DRĂGUŢ, Arta gotică în România (Bucharest, 1979); and 'Egy 13. századi kapuzat továbbélése Erdély építészetében a 14-15. században' (Művészettörténeti Értesítő, 1982-83) by Géza Antal ENTZ, who kindly allowed me to read his manuscript on Gothic architecture in Transylvania. Cf. E. MAROSI, 'Stiltendenzen und Zentren der spätgotischen Architektur in Ungarn' (Kunsthist. Jahrbuch VI, Graz, 1971). On the winged altar at Medgyes, see O. FOLBERT, Gotik in Siebenbürgen (Vienna, 1973). In Die Bergkirche zu Schässburg und die mittelalterliche Baukunst in Siebenbürgen (Munich, 1977), Chr. MACHAT makes the fundamental mistake of assuming that the Saxon seat of Segesvár was established at the beginning of the 13th century, and that the crypt, with a semicircular apse, can be attributed to the Saxons; in fact, as Nägler noted in Der Ansiedlung, the Saxons only moved in after the Székelys had departed in ca. 1270 . See also H. FABINI, Sibiul gotic (Bucharest, 1982); R. HEITEL, Monumentele medievale din Sebeş-Alba (Bucharest, 1963); P. NIEDERMAYER, {1-790.} 'Turda, dezvoltarea a unui centru minier pînă în secolul al XVII-lea" (ACMI, 1977); W. HORWATH, Siebenbürgisch- sächsische Kirchenburgen (Sibiu-Hermannstadt, 1940).