From the Eastern Hungarian Kingdom to the Principality of Transylvania


The principal collections of documents on the period are A. von GÉVAY, Urkunden und Aktenstücke zur Geschichte der Verhältnisse zwischen Österreich, Ungarn und der Pforte im XVI-XVII. Jahrhundert I-III (Vienna, 1840-42); EOE I-V (Budapest, 1875- 79); L. SZALAY, Erdély és a Porta (Pest, 1862); Török-magyarkori államokmánytár I, ed. by Á. SZILÁDY (Pest, 1868); Székely oklevéltár I-VIII; Documente privi-toare la istoria Românilor (Bucharest), edited by E. HURMUZAKI and others from 1877 onwards; R. GOOSS, Österreichische Staatsverträge, Fürstentum Siebenbürgen (Vienna, 1911); the five volumes of FRT; and Documente privitoare la istoria Ardealului, Moldovei şi Tării Româneşti I-VII, ed. by E. VERESS (Bucharest, 1929-34).

The most important narrative sources include Nicolaus Istvánffy, Historiarum de rebus Ungaricis libri XXXIV (Colonia Agrippina, 1622); Farkas Bethlen, Historia de rebus Transylvanicis I-VI (Cibinium, 1782-93); Deutsche Fundgruben zur Geschichte Siebenbürgens I-III, ed. by J. KEMÉNY and E. TRAUSCHENFELS (Klausenburg, 1839-60); Erdélyi történelmi adatok I-IV, ed. by I. MIKÓ and K. SZABÓ (Kolozsvár, 1855-62); György Szerémi, Epistola de perditione regni Hungariae (MHH-S 1, Pest, 1857), but since this edition contains numerous errors, it is better to use László JUHÁSZ's translation of the original manuscript, György Szerémi, Magyarország romlásáról (Budapest, 1961 and 1979); J.M. Brutus, Ungaricarum rerum libri 1490-1552 (MHH-S 12-14, Pest, 1863 - Budapest, Pest, 1876); and János Baranyai Decsi (Czimor), Commentariorum de rebus Ungaricis libri qui aestunt (MHH-S 17, Pest, 1866). The surviving works of István Szamosközy, some in Hungarian, most in Latin, were published by S. SZILÁGYI, Szamosközy István történeti maradványai (MHH-S 21, 28-3O, Budapest, 1876-80). A judicious selection from these works can be found in István Szamosközy, {1-791.} Erdély története (Budapest 1963 and 1981). See also Ferenc Forgách, De statu reipublicae Hungaricae 1542-1572 MHH-S 16, Budapest, 1866); for a recent but incomplete Hungarian edition, see Ferenc Forgách, Emlékiratok (Budapest, 1982). A very useful selection from the above works and other less important ones can be found, in Hungarian translation, in the series Erdély öröksége.

The major scholarly studies covering this period have been listed at the beginning of the bibliography to Chapter III. The most significant general works on the 16th century include Sándor SZILÁGYI's introductions to individual chapters in Erdélyi országgyűlési emlékek; G. and Fr. TEUTSCH, Geschichte der Siebenbürger Sachsen für das sächsische Volk I-IV (Hermannstadt, l899).

More recent overviews include J. HÖCHSMANN, 'Siebenbürgische Geschichte im Zeitalter der Reformation' (AVSL, 1908-1909); I. LUKINICH, Erdély; Zoltán I. TÓTH, 'Biographie d'une frontière: La formation du "Partium"' (RHC 24: 1946); Bálint HÓMAN and Gyula SZEKFŰ, Magyar történet III (Budapest, 1935).