For the sake of public library supply the Library Act of 1997 ordains establishing of a nation-wide document supply system, which includes among others interlibrary document supply and document location records.

The ODR (NDSS-National Document Supply System) launched in 1999 also enables sending ILL requests built on location records. The central database contains 1,773,629 bibliographic records, and the number of the registered borrowing libraries has grown from 198 at the end of 2001 to 299 by the end of 2002.

The constantly growing utilisation demands continuous development, which is carried out by the Informatics Department of the University and National Library of Debrecen collaborating with the librarians using the system. In the new NDSS both the location supplying and the ILL requesting libraries can update their own data. The system also accepts ILL requests to documents not yet available in the location database. Requests sent to our library via NDSS are being automatically forwarded into the local ILL registration, which process could be applied to other libraries in the future.