Part I.
Authors from 1450 to 1945


Born November 22, 1877 in Érmindszent; died January 27, 1919 in Budapest. Poet, critic, journalist. Son of a member of the gentry making his living as a peasant. Completed elementary gymnasium studies in Érmindszent, attended Piarist Gymnasium in Nagykároly 1888-1892 and then Calvinist College in Zilah 1892-1896, where he started a literary periodical and wrote poems for it. Began law studies in Debrecen in September 1896. Entered University of Budapest for second year of law studies but did not attend lectures. Junior clerk in Temesvár for four months; then, after stays in Budapest, Érmindszent and Zilah, returned to Debrecen in September 1898 to resume law studies. Soon left Református Kollégium and became staff member of Debreceni Főiskolai Lapok, Debreceni Ellenőr, Debreceni Hírlap, and Debrecen. Poems, short stories, and criticism appeared in Debrecen newspapers. In 1900 accepted post with Szabadság in Nagyvárad and decided, contrary to wishes of family, to pursue career as journalist and writer. Disregarded diagnosis that he was suffering from syphilis. Attack on clericalism in article resulted in three days' imprisonment. Left Szabadság and joined staff of Nagyváradi Napló in May 1901. Became acquainted with Adél Brüll, wife of Ödön Diósi and "Léda" of his poems, in summer of 1903 in Nagyvárad, and began ten-year liaison with her that deeply affected both their lives. Decided to go to Paris to begin new life. Spent fall of 1903 in Érmindszent studying French and preparing for journey to Paris. Arrived in France in January 1904, where he spent nearly a year in Paris and on Riviera. Sent articles about experiences to Budapesti Hírlap and Budapesti Napló. Deeply affected by French culture, radical ideas. Left Paris in mid-January 1905, returned to Budapest, and became staff member of Budapesti Napló. Poems became center of literary controversy. Returned to Paris in June 1906; visited Naples, Venice, and Monaco. Sent poems and articles to Budapesti Napló. Returned to Budapest in summer 1907. Poor financial situation forced him to live in Érmindszent. Became life-long contributor and leading spirit of Nyugat in 1908, year of its founding. Returned to Paris in January 1909, rested on Riviera, and visited Italy in spring and summer. Syphilitic condition worsened; controversy about his poetry intensified. Spent more than a month in psychiatric clinic in Kolozsvár during summer 1909. Relations with Adél Brüll worsened. Lived in Paris again from December 1909 to summer 1910. Lived in Érmindszent periodically 1910-1912 but visited Italy and Paris with Adél Brüll in search of health. Hospitalized in Budapest sanitorium in spring 1912. Severed relationship with Adél Brüll in summer 1912. Spent some months in sanitorium in 1913. Lived in Érmindszent for a time and then returned to Budapest. In April 1914 went to Csucsa to visit Berta Boncza, who had first written to him in 1911 at age sixteen. Saddened by outbreak of World War I; spent fall 1914 in Csucsa, Budapest, and Érmindszent. Marriage to Berta Boncza, opposed by her father, took place on March 27, 1915. Lived in Csucsa but was hospitalized in Budapest sanitorium in 1916. Moved to Budapest in 1917. Already fatally ill during period of October Revolution in 1918. Named president of newly established Vörösmarty Academy but was hardly able to deliver acceptance speech. Suffered attack of pneumonia at beginning of December and long history of bad health led to his death the following month in Park Sanitorium. ¶ One of the greatest of Hungarian poets, he began a revolution in lyric poetry and was the leading figure in its development. Style symbolistic. Modes of expression new but contain biblical and rural elements of earlier centuries. Themes range over all aspects of Hungarian life and problems. Poems of personal nature deal with love, death, dissipation, mysticism, and God. Opposed Hungarian ruling classes for their insensitivity to need for social progress and for their materialism. Performed important role in acquainting Hungarians with French culture and literature. Wrote fiction, but his poems are vastly superior. His writings on literature are very valuable to understanding of literature during the early 20th century. ¶ Editions of his poems are available in Croatian, Czech, Dutch, English, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Rumanian, Russian, Slovakian, and Spanish, and some poems in Arabian, Bulgarian, Finnish, Japanese, and Portuguese.

FIRST EDITIONS: Versek. Ábrányi Emil előszavával. Debrecen. Hoffmann-Kronovitz, 1899. 68p. - Még egyszer. [Versek] Nagyvárad. Láng, 1903. 93p. - Új versek. Budapest: Pallas, 1906. 127p. - Sápadt emberek és történetek. [Novellák] Budapest: Lampel Róbert, 1907. 62p. - Vér és arany. [Újabb versek] Budapest: Franklin-Társulat, 1908. 203p. - Az Illés szekerén. Legújabb versek. Budapest: Singer és Wolfner, 1909 [1908]. 171p. - Új csapáson. Novellák. Budapest: Mozgó Könyvtár, 1909. 64p. - A forradalmár Petőfi. [Petőfi Sándor válogatott forradalmi költeményei] Összeállította és elüljáró írással ellátta Ady Endre. Budapest: Pallas, 1910. 208p. - Így is történhetik. [Novellák] Budapest: Nyugat, 1910. 142p. - A Minden Titkok verseiből. Budapest: Nyugat, 1910. 104p. - Szeretném, ha szeretnének. [Versek] Budapest: Nyugat,1910 [1909]. 127p. - A tízmilliós Kleopátra és egyéb elbeszélések. Budapest: Lampel Róbert, 1910. 64p. - Vallomások és tanulmányok. Budapest: Nyugat, 1911. 101p. - Vitéz Mihály ébresztése. Vers. Budapest, 1911. [From Gulyás; I, 225] - A menekülő élet. [Versek] Budapest: Nyugat, 1912. 141p. - A magunk szerelme. [Versek] Budapest: Nyugat, 1913. 120p. - Muskétás tanár úr. Novellák. Békéscsaba: Tevan, 1913. 58p. - Három március. 1911-13. Három ünnepi verse. Budapest, 1914. [From Gulyás, I,225] - Ki látott engem? [Versek] Budapest: Nyugat,1914. 151p. - Gyűjtemény Ady Endre verseiből. Budapest: Pallas, 1918. 109p. - A halottak élén. [Versek] Budapest: Pallas, 1918. 202p. - A zsidóságról. Fehér Dezső előszavával. Nagyvárad, 1919. [From Gulyás, I,226] - Az új Hellász. [Karcolatok] Budapest: Amicus, 1920. 110p. - Margita élni akar. Verses história. Sajtó alá rendezte és bevezette Földessy Gyula. Budapest: Amicus, 1921. 76p. [C] - Márkó király. Ballada. Közzéteszi Ady Lajos. Budapest, 1923. [From Gulyás, I, 226] - Rövid dalok egyről és másról. Összegyűjtötte Földessy Gyula. Budapest: Amicus, 1923. 149p. [C] - Az utolsó hajók. Versek 1914-1918. Sajtó alá rendezte Földessy Gyula. Budapest. Athenaeum, 1923. 158p. [C] -Levelek Párizsból. Összegyűjtötte és kiadta Földessy Gyula. Budapest: Amicus, 1924. 176p. [C] - Párisi noteszkönyve. [Gondolatok, ötletek] Sajtó alá rendezte és bevezette Ady Lajos. Budapest: Amicus, 1924. 61p. [C] - See also nos. 4 and 13.


See also nos. 35 (letters), 42 (letters), 43, 46 (letters), 48 (letters), 51, 60, and 65. Annotated works. nos. 1695, 2693, and 3006.

1. Válogatott versei. Összeválogatta Dóczy Jenő. Budapest: Pallas, 1921.234p. [C] MH NNC OCl GyGNSU

2. Sápadt emberek és történetek. [Novellák] Sajtó alá rendezte Földessy Gyula. Budapest: Athenaeum, 1925.194p. [C] DLC MH NNC GyGGaU

3. Antológia Ady Endre verseiből. Összeállította Szabó Lőrinc. Budapest: Athenaeum, 1927. 264p. [C] MH MiD MnU NB NNC GyBDS

4. "Ha hív az acélhegyű ördög..." Ady Endre újságírói és publicisztikai irásai. Összeállította és kortörténeti ismertetésekkel bevezette Fehér Dezső. Oradea. Szent László, 19271. 256p. [From catalogue of National Széchényi Library]

5. Összes versei. Budapest: Athenaeum, 1929. 544p. [C] DLC IC MH MiD NNC OCl AsWN FiHI GeLBM GyGGaU

6. Jóslások Magyarországról. [Tanulmányok és jegyzetek a magyar sorskérdésről] Szerkesztette és bevezette Féja Géza. Budapest: Athenaeum, 1936. 312p. [C] IC ICU MH MnU NN NNC AsWN GeLBM GeLU GyBH GyGNSU

7. Összegyűjtött novellái. [Bibliographical notes, pp. 509-511] Budapest: Athenaeum, 1939. 517p. [C] DLC NN GeLBM

8. A tegnapi Páris. [Cikkek, tanulmányok] Az anyagát összegyűjtötte és sajtó alá rendezte Kovách Aladár. [Bibliographical notes, pp. 117-121] Budapest: Bolyai Akadémia,1942. 128p. [C] MH NN NNC GeLBM GeLU

9. Vallomások és tanulmányok. Magyar és külföldi.irodalom. Sajtó alá rendezte Földessy Gyula. Budapest: Athenaeum, 1944. 420p. [C] MnU NN NNC GeCU

10. A forradalmi Ady. [Antológia] Szakasits Árpád előszavával, a versek és cikkek kiválasztását Erdődy János és Szalai Sándor végezte. Budapest: Népszava, 1945. 227p. [C] MH NNC

11. Párizsban és Napfényországban. [Tanulmányok] Sajtó alá rendezte Földessy Gyula. Budapest: Athenaeum, 1949. 355p. [C] DLC IC MH MiD NN NNC GeLBM GyBH

12. Összes versei. Földessy Gyula kísérő soraival. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Kiadó, 1950. 707p. [C] 195313 DLC DLH InU MiDW NN GeCU GeLBM GeLU GyBDS

13. Földrengés előtt. Válogatott kiadatlan novellák. Szentimrei Jenő bevezető tanulmányával. Bukarest. Állami Irodalmi és Művészeti Kiadó, 19521. 158p. [C]

14. Válogatott versei. Szerkesztette Bölöni György, Bóka László, stb., sajtó alá rendezte Vargha Kálmán. [Poems in order of composition] Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1952.339p. [C] DLC GyBH

15. Válogatott cikkei és tanulmányai. Sajtó alá rendezte Földessy Gyula. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1954. 503p. [C] DLC MH AsWU GeLBM GeLU GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU

16. Összes prózai művei. [Újságcikkek, tanulmányok] Eddig I-IV., VI. kötet: Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1955+ [A]

1. kötet: 1897-1901. Szerkesztette Földessy Gyula. 1955. 560p.

2. kötet: 1901-1902. Szerkesztette Földessy Gyula. 1955. 491p.

3. kötet: 1902 március-december. Szerkesztette Koczkás Sándor és Vezér Erzsébet. 1964. 470p.

4. kötet: 1903 január-december. Szerkesztette Koczkás Sándor és Vezér Erzsébet. 1964. 502p.

6. kötet: 1905 január-szeptember. Sajtó alá rendezte Varga József. 1966. 482p.

[DLC] [MH] [MnU] [NN] [NNC] [AsWN] [FiHU] [GeLBM] [GeLU] [GyBDS] [GyBH] [GyGNSU]

17. Összes versei. Sajtó alá rendezte Földessy Gyula. I-II. kötet: Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1955. [B]

1. kötet: Új versek, Vér és arany, Az Illés szekerén, Szeretném, ha szeretnének, A Minden-Titkok versei, A menekülő élet, Margita élni akar. 544p.

2. kötet: A magunk szerelme, Ki látott engem?, A halottak élén, Az utolsó hajók, Versek (Debrecen, 1899), Még egyszer. A kötetekben meg nem jelent versek. 598p.


18. Összes költeményei. Noviszád: Testvériség-Egység; 1956. 599p. [C] CU IC

19. Válogatott levelei. Válogatta és sajtó alá rendezte, bevezette és jegyzetekkel ellátta Belia György. [Bibliography, pp. 555-611]Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1956. 643p. [B] DLC MnU NNC AsWN GeCU GyBDSyBH GyGNSU

20. Novellák. Összeállította, bevezette és jegyzetekkel ellátta Bustya Endre. I-II. kötet: Marosvásárhely. Állami Irodalmi és Művészeti Kiadó, 1957.[C] DLC IC MH NNC AsWN AsWU FiHI GeLBM

21. Vallomás a patriotizmusról. Cikkek. [1900-1915] A könyv szerkesztője Sőni Pál. Bukarest: Állami Irodalmi és Művészeti Kiadó, 1957. 349p. [C]- GyBDS

22. Ifjú szivekben élek. Válogatott cikkek és tanulmányok. Válogatta és az Ady-tanulmányt írta Koczkás Sándor, jegyzetekkel ellátta Bessenyei György. Budapest: Móra, 1958. 472p. [B] DLC NNC AsWN GeLBM GyGNSU

23. A nacionalizmus alkonya. [Válogatott cikkek] Összeállította Koczkás Sándor. Budapest: Kossuth, 1959. 302p. [B] DLC NN NNC GeLBM GeOB GyBH GyGNSU

24. A fekete lobogó. [Cikkek] Összeállitotta és bevezette Földessy Gyula és Király István. [Bibliographical notes, pp. 240-267] Budapest: Kossuth, 1960. 27p. [B] NN NNC AsWN GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU

25. Versek. Bevezette Szemlér Ferenc. I-II. kötet: Bukarest: Irodalmi és Művészeti Kiadó, 1960. [C]

1. kötet: Új versek (1906), Vér és arany (1907), Az Illés szekerén (1908), Szeretném, ha szeretnének (1909), A minden titkok versei (1910), A menekülő élet (1912). 596p.

2. kötet: A magunk szerelme (1913), Ki látott engem? (1914), A halottak élén (1918), Az utolsó hajók (1923); Versek (Debrecen, 1899), Még egyszer (Nagyvárad, 1903). A kötetekben meg nem jelent versek. 652p.


26. Az irodalomról. Szerkesztette Varga József és Vezér Erzsébet, a bevezető tanulmány Varga József munkája. [Bibliographical notes, pp. 401-421] Budapest: Magvető, 1961. 450p. [A] DLC InU MnU NN NNC GeCU ,GeLBMGeLU GyBDS GyBH

27. Összes novellái. Sajtó alá rendezte és jegyzetekkel ellátta Bustya Endre. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1961. 1406p. [B] NN NNC GeCU GeLU GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU

28. Összes versei. Sajtó alá rendezte Koczkás Sándor és Krajkó András. I.-II. kötet. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1962. [B]

1. kötet: Új versek (1906), Vér és arany (1907), Az Illés szekerén (1908), Szeretném, ha szeretnének (1909), A minden titkok versei (1910), Margita élni akar (1912), A magunk szerelme (1913), Ki látott engem? (1914). 766p.

2. kötet: A halottak élén (1918), Az utolsó hajók (1923), Versek (Debrecen, 1899), Még egyszer (Nagyvárad, 1903). A kötetekből kimaradt versek. Zsengék, Alkalmi versek, Rögtönzések, Rigmusok. 815p.



See also nos. 7, 8, 19, 24, 26, 68, 72, 76, 80, 81, 85, 93, and 2966.

29. Pintér Jenő. "Az Ady-irodalom," Nyugat, XII (February 1, 1919), 285-303.

An annotated bibliography of reviews and studies of his works published from 1899 to 1918. Data. for books, author, title, place and date of publication, total pages; for articles, the year of publication. MnU NN NNC FiHU GeLBM GyBH

30. Dóczy Jenő (összeáll.). "Ady-irodalom," Ady-múzeum. Szerkesztette Dóczy Jenő és Földessy Gyula. I-II. kötet. Budapest: Athenaeum, 1924-1925. II,31-71.

Monographs and articles published from 1908 to 1919, quoting material from each. Data. for monographs, author, title, place and date of publication, and total pages; for articles, also volume and number. MnU NN NNC AsWN GeLBM GyBH

31. Földessy Gyula (összeáll.). "Ady verseinek időrendje," Ady-múzeum. Szerkesztette Dóczy Jenő és Földessy Gyula. I-II. kötet: Budapest: Athenaeum, 1924-1925. II, 13-30.

A chronological list of his poems from March 10, 1900, to 1915, giving the dates of their publication and the works or periodicals in which they appeared for the first time. MnU NN NNC AsWN GeLBM GyBH

32. Gulyás Pál (összeáll.). Ady Endre élete és munkái. Bibliográfiai tanulmány. Budapest: Lantos, 1925. 160p.

A separate publication from Gulyás's continuation of the Szinnyei bibliography in the following parts. (1) his life, (2) his writings in periodicals and newspapers, (3) translations of his poems, (4) independently published works, (5) his pseudonyms and initials, and (6) studies of his life and works. GeLBM


See also nos. 328, 332, 3910, and 4634.

33. Ady Lajos. Ady Endre. Budapest: Amicus; 1923, 245p.

By intention records only those events with which the author, Ady's brother, was most familiar and which were within his own experience. Record of Ady's travels, including a map and calendar, pp. 242-245. MHMnU NNC AsWN FiHI GeLBM GeLU GyBH

34. Révész Béla. Ady Endre tragédiája. A háború, a házasság, a forradalom évei. I-II kötet: Budapest: Athenaeum; 1924.

The last years of his life by a friend . the break with Léda, the relations of the bachelor with the women around him, his meeting his wife, the development of masculine devotion, the lyric poet's new period, his marriage, the Revolution, and his death. Portraits and facsimiles. Vol. I, ca. 1911 to the War years; Vol. II, War years to 1919. DLC MH MnU NN NNC OCl GeLBM [GyBH]

35. Hatvany Lajos. Ady a kortársak közt. Ady Endre levelei és levelek Ady Endréhez. Budapest: Révai, 1928. 255p. [19342

Mainly a collection of the correspondence between Ady and Hatvany. MH NN OCl GeLBM GyBH

36. Bölöni György. Az igazi Ady. Budapest: Magvető, 19553. 359p. [19341, 19472]

Based on Bölöni's personal experiences with Ady and devoted to the last 14 years of his life, beginning with Ady's first visit to Paris. Seeks to correct misconceptions of him. Illustrations. DLC IC MH MnU NN NNC FiHI FiHU GeCU GeLBM GeOB GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU

37. Schöpflin Aladár. Ady Endre. Budapest: Nyugat, 19452. 188p. [19341] A delineation of the man and the poet through his poetry and through the views of Ady, developed by Schöpflin after years of reflection on Ady and readings of his poetry. DLC MnU NN NNC GeLBM GeLU GyBH GyGNSU

38. Révész Béla. Ady trilógiája. A három könyv egy kötetben. Budapest: Nova, 1938. 365p. [19351]

An intimate biography beginning with Révész's first acquaintance with him. Medical documents, pp. 318-337. Numerous illustrations, portraits, and facsimiles. MnU NNC GeLBM GyBH

39. Dénes Zsófia. Élet helyett órák. Egy fejezet Ady életéből. Budapest: Pantheon, 1939. 269p.

Memoirs of her relations with and knowledge of the poet from November 29, 1913, to his death, mainly through 1915. MH MnU NN NNC OCl GeLU GyBH

40. K[ardos] L[ászló]. Az Ady-Rákosi-vita. Egy irodalmi per aktái 1915-1916-ból. Debrecen: Pannonia, 1940. 84p.

More than 60 documents from the years 1915-1916 dealing with the literary controversy between Ady and Jenő Rákosi. Arranged chronologically, with sources identified.

41. Ady Lajosné. Az ismeretlen Ady, akiről az érmindszenti levelesláda beszél. Budapest: Béta, 1942. 412p.

An informal and intimate biography by his sister-in-law. Illustrations and facsimiles. MnU NN NNC GyGNSU

42. Révész Béla. Ady Endre összes levelei Lédához és a nagy regény teljes története. Budapest: Az Író, 1942. 608p.

A detailed account of his relationship with Adél Brüll. Contains all the letters and documents throwing light on this connection and its effect on both Ady and Mrs. Brüll. Illustrations, portraits, and facsimiles. NNC GeLBM

43. Kovalovszky Miklós. Ady Endre önképzőköri tag. Budapest: Fischof Henrik, 1943. 71 p.

His debating and literary activities at Zilahi College. Seeks to evaluate their effect on his development. Provides a record of those minutes of the Debating Society in which his name appears, 1893-1896, and a number of poems from this school period. NNC GeLBM

44. Bóka László. Ady Endre élete és művei. Ady Endre pályakezdése. I. kötet: Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1955. 319p.

From 1877 to 1905, giving attention to his works and to his concern for social reform. Survey of previous scholarship on Ady in the introduction. The 2d vol., which is to complete the life and to include the bibliography for the entire work, has not yet been published. DLC MH NN NNC FiHU GeCU GeLBM GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU

45. Ady Endre 1877-1919. Szerkesztették Sári Péter és Pölöskei Ferencné, a bevezetőt írta Bóka László. Budapest: Magyar Helikon, 1957. 169p.

A picture book of persons, places, and events connected with his life. Facsimiles of documents, letters, and poems. DLC InU MH FiHI GeLBM GyBH GyGNSU

46. Dénes Zsófia. Akkor a hársak épp szerettek... Budapest: Magvető, 1957. 294p.

Mrs. Dezső Fehér's recollections of Ady's life in Nagyvárad as written by Zsófia Dénes and documented by her own research. Contains previously unpublished letters by Adél Brüll, Ady himself, Berta Boncza, Mrs. Török, and Lőrinc Ady. Illustrations. DLC MnU NNC GeLBM GyGNSU

47. Hegedüs Nándor. Ady Endre nagyváradi napjai. Budapest: Akadémiai Könyvkiadó, 1957. 463p.

A detailed treatment of his almost daily activities in Nagyvárad, from January, 1900, to October, 1903. Purpose. to correct errors in previous accounts of events and occurrences during this period. Appendix. Chronological catalogue of Ady's activities during the period covered by the study. Plates, portraits, and facsimiles. DLC MH MnU NN NNC AsWN GeLBM GyBDS GyGNSU

48. Lengyel Géza. Ady a műhelyben. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1957. 394p.

His activities as a journalist from 1900 to 1908 by one who was associated with him during the period. Much attention to characterization of the times. Evidence often drawn from previously unpublished letters containing biographical and literary information, DLC MH MnU NNC GeLBMGeLU GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU

49. Hegedüs Nándor. Ady elnyeri a főváros szépirodalmi díját. Budapest: Adadémiai Kiadó, 1959. 58p.

The background for and the circumstances of his receiving the Ferenc József literary award in 1909. Plates, portraits, and facsimiles. DLC MH MnU NN NNC FiHI GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU

50. Emlékezések Ady Endréről. Gyűjtötte, sajtó alá rendezte és magyarázatokkal kiegészítette Kovalovszky Miklós. I.kötet: [Only vol. published] Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1961. 659p.

Recollections from many hands arranged under periods of his life beginning with his family and childhood and closing with his student years in Zilah. Introductory essays to each section; connecting links within sections. Pt. IV. Chronological table of the Ady family's history, including a genealogical table and a map of Hungary showing the most important places connected with the poet in the text. DLCMnU NNC


See also nos. 195, 199, 348, 1242, 1485, 1537, 1628, 1653, 2174, 2420, 2864, 3099, 3184, 3280, 3435, 3515, 3944, 3971, 3977, 4081, 4149, 4618, 4624, and 4644.

51. "Ady Endre-emlékszám," Nyugat, II (June 1, 1909), 511-596.

An issue devoted to separate studies of various aspects of his life, thought, and literary works. Contains his autobiography. MnU NN NNC FiHU GeLBM GyBH

52. Horváth János. Ady és a legújabb magyar lira. Budapest: Benkő Gyula, 1910. 69p.

Examines his poetry in the light of the Hungarian literary tradition of János Arany and Sándor Petőfi, and concludes that its morality and taste do not measure up to the requirements of this national tradition, that his use of forms is entirely new, and that, nevertheless, he is a great poet.

53. "Ady Endre-emlékszám," Nyugat, XII (February 1, 1919), 223-361.

The greater part of an issue on the occasion of his death devoted to separate studies of his life, character, and works by several hands. MnU NN NNC FiHU GeLBM GyBH

54. "Ady Endre-emlékszám," Huszadik Század, XX (August, 1919), 1-136.

A memorial issue on the occasion of his death, consisting of separate studies of various aspects of his life, character, and writings, by several hands. GyBH

55. Földessy Gyula. Ady Endre. (Tanulmány és ismertetés). Budapest: Hungária, 1919. 96p. [Reprinted from Huszadik Század, XX (August, 1919); see no. 54]

The acceptance and criticism of his writings during his lifetime; his attitude toward life and his ideological views; his "Hungarian qualities and his being a prophet of Hungarians and humanity"; and the "difficulties" in understanding his poems. GyBH GyGGaU

56. Szabó Dezső. A forradalmas Ady. Budapest: Táltos, 1919, 32p.

A study of his revolutionary spirit and aims linking him to the European "heroic romanticism" of the early 19th century and to the development of the forces in Hungary beginning with Csokonai that shaped his political and social revolutionary character. NNC GeLBM GyBH

57. Földessy Gyula. Ady-tanulmányok. Budapest: Ethika, 1921. 189p.

In three parts. (1) Ady and his poetry (both a study and a reply to Mihály Babits), (2) a tabulation of the verse forms and lines of 100 of his poems, (3) a summarizing essay on his life and poetry, and (4) a commentary on and notes to individual poems to be used in understanding them. NNC AsWN FiHI GeLBM GyBH

58. Kardos László. A huszonegyéves Ady Endre. Gyoma. Kner Izidor, 1922. 88p.

An account of his literary and journalistic activities, and an assessment of his creative achievement over his earlier writings during his 21st year, prior to the publication of his first volume of poems. MnU NNC GeLBM

59. Révész Béla. Ady Endre életéről, verseiről, jelleméről. Budapest: Béta, 1924. 160p. [19221]

A summary of his life, the nature of his personality, and the characteristics of his poetry. CoU MH NN NNC OCl AsWN FiHI GeLBM GeLU GyBH

60. Ady-könyv. Dokumentumok az Ady-kérdéshez. Összegyűjtötte és sajtó alá rendezte Reiter László. I. kötet: [Only vol. published] Budapest: Amicus 1924. 128p.

Contains (1) a number of his early letters and excerpts from his journal and some early essays, (2) documents showing the reception given his writings, and (3) a number of miscellaneous essays dealing with his life and works. Introduction to each section. Illustrations and facsimiles. MnU NN NNC GeLBM GyBH

61. Benedek Marcell. Ady-breviárum. I-II. kötet. Budapest: Dante, 1924.

His life, character, importance as a poet; the qualities of his prose; his literary development; and the characteristics of his writings from his Új versek to Utolsó hajók. Vol. I, His life, character, significance as a poet, and his prose writings; Vol. II, Commentaries on his works.

62. Hatvany Lajos. Ady világa. Isten könyve. I-II. rész. Wien. Pegasus, 1924. [Also in no. 91, Vol. II]

A tracing of the evolution of Ady's feelings and ideas about God as they are expressed in his poems. Finds beliefs instead of a belief and numerous world views instead of a single, central one; considers Ady to be a "true experimenter with God whose tenacity reminds one mostly of the tenacity of the true experimenter in science." Pt. I, Encounter with God; pt. II, Struggle with God. MH NNC GeLBM GyBH

63. Hatvany Lajos. Ady világa. Szerelem könyve. I-II. rész. Wien. Pegasus, 1924. [Also in no. 91, Vol. II]

A study of the loves of Ady and the poems stemming from these loves. Purpose. to portray his love life and views of women in their "eternal connections," instead of "intimacies and indiscretions." Pt. I, Encounter; pt. II, Ady and Adél Brüll. MH NN NNC GyBH

64. Zulawski Andor, ifj. Írás Adyról. Budapest: Renaissance, 1924. 160p.

His literary works in the light of their patriotic and moral substance, as a defense against his critics.

65. Ady-múzeum. Szerkesztette Dóczy Jenő és Földessy Gyula. I-II. kötet. Budapest: Athenaeum, 1924-1925.

A collection of studies of his life, writings, and viewpoints by many hands. Also some materials from his notebooks, letters, and three previously unpublished poems ("Intermezzo," 1906, "Kleopátra hivása," 1906, and "Barna ég alatt," 1909). See nos. 30 and 31 for bibliographies. MnU NN NNC AsWN GeLBM GyBH

66. Földessy Gyula. Újabb Ady-tanulmányok. Berlin. Ludwig Voggenreiter, 1927. 190p.

Five separate studies, four of them previously published. The mysticism of Ady (Új Magyar Szemle, December 1921), Az Özvegy legények tánca, or how Ady is to be read (Ady-múzeum, I. kötet; see no. 65), Földessy's friendship with Ady (Nyugat, August 16, 1923), János Vajda as Ady's predecessor (Kolozsvári Ellenzék Vasárnap, March-April 1927), and the recognition of Ady in 1927 and a discussion of Sándor Makkai's book on Ady, Magyar fa sorsa (see no. 67). GeLBM GyBH GyGGaU

67. Makkai Sándor. Magyar fa sorsa. A vádlott Ady költészete. Budapest: Soli Deo Gloria, 1927. 142p.

A defense of his poetry against the charges of his detractors emphasizing his religious feelings and patriotism. MnU NNC GyBH

68. Nagy Sándor. Ady Endre költészete. Budapest: A Szerző, 1927. 129p.

Purpose. to provide an objective picture of his spirit as it is revealed in his poetry. Opens with a discussion of his poetic ability, then examines his poems by genres, and concludes with discussions of his stylistic and formal art, the chief attributes of his poems, and the merits of his poetry. Bibliography, p. [130]. NN NNC GeLBM GyBH

69. Az Ady-kérdés története. Idézetekben. A felnőtt ifjúság számára összeállította Zsigmond Ferenc. Mezőtúr: Török, 1928. 143p.

An effort to trace the genesis of the major controversial viewpoints of Ady's poetry by placing them alongside each other in the chronological order of their development, so that the reader can understand the problems and settle them for himself according to his own views. Frequent use of quotations. Bibliographical footnotes.

70. Fodor Árpád János. Ady a modern individualizmus sodrában. Budapest: Pallas, 1928. 83p.

After characterizing the essential qualities of classical Hungarian literature and of the spirit of the modern age - the former as cultivating men's spirit toward society and the latter as creating individualism and a liberal democracy in society - seeks to find that "seed" which makes his life and poetry individualistic. Maintains that Ady fails to achieve harmony between social principles and individualism. Bibliographical footnotes. DLC DSI

71. Horváth Cyrill. Ady Endre hite, erkölcse, magyarsága. Budapest: Hírlap, 1928. 79p.

The nature of his religious beliefs, morality, and attitude toward Hungary based on an examination of his poems. GyBH

72. Sík Sándor. "Ady Endre," Gárdonyi, Ady, Prohászka. Lélek és forma a századforduló irodalmában. Budapest: Pallas, 1928, 404p. Pp. 131-291.

The internal and many-layered complexities of his views of the world and his environment as leading him to the creation of a "new, monumental, and tragic" form of the lyric at the turn of the century. Discussion of his roots, "decadence," "tragical quality," the internal form of his lyrics, his imagination, dual lyrical style, rhythms, etc. Bibliographical notes, pp. 289-291. [See no. 75 for a reply] CoU MH NNC GeLBM GyBH

73. Vajthó László. "Én, Ady Endre," Széphalom, II (1928), 186-189, 266-277, 347-360, 439-144; III (1929), 27-38, 103-116. [Also a reprint]

A four-part study. his attitude toward women, his view of his country, his concept of God, and his originality. DLC NN [OCl] AsWN [FiHI] GyBH

74. Arcok és harcok Ady körül. Írták Földessy Gyula, Gaál Gábor, Csécsi Imre, Balázs Béla, stb. Budapest: Lantos A., 1929?. 136p.

Ten separate studies by his friends and associates dealing with aspects of his life and works, including a long article by Gyula Földessy on the reception of Ady's works during his lifetime, his outlook on life, his Hungarian quality and prophetic character, and the "difficulties" of understanding his poetry. Among the others. Ady's mythology, his German translators, Ady and Goethe, the Ady cult, Ady's various "masks."

75. Földessy Gyula. Ady problémák. Budapest: Századunk, 1929. 23p.

The author's reply to Sándor Sík's criticisms of Ady (see no. 72). Contrasts the world outlooks of the two men; discusses the role of "decadence" in Ady's poetry, and his mysticism. GyBH

76. Büky Katalin. A fiatal Ady költői fejlődése. Karcag. Turul, 1939. 54p.

An analysis of changes in his poetic style in the period from his leaving the Zilahi Gymnasium to the years in Paris (1904-1906). his early style, the destruction of form and the movement toward a new style, and the beginnings of a new form and style. Bibliography, pp. 53-54.

77. Földessy Gyula. Ady értékelése az Új versek megjelenésétől máig. Kosztolányi és Babits szerepe az Ady problémában. Budapest: Kelet Népe, 1939. 62p.

The critical controversies raging around him from the publication of his Új versek to the 1930's with considerable attention to the roles of Dezső Kosztolányi and Mihály Babits. MnU NNC GeLBM

78. Hegedüs Lóránt. Ady és Tisza. Budapest: Nyugat, 1940. 120p.

An attempt to explore and explain the great differences in political outlooks that existed between Ady and István Tisza. By one who knew both men. Illustrations and facsimiles. DLC NN NNC GeLBM GeLU GyBH

79. Földessy Gyula. Az ismeretlen Ady. Budapest: Debreceni Ady-Társaság, 1941. 45p.

The greatness of his poetic individuality as it emerged from the outlooks and styles of the intellectual and cultural elements of his times. MnU GeCU

80. Reminiczky Erzsébet. Ady hatása líránkra. Budapest: Grafika, 1941. 84p.

His influence on Hungarian lyrists. Characterizations of his poetry followed by a discussion of his influence on writers, among them. Margit Kaffka, Oszkár Gellért, Mihály Babits, Gyula Juhász, Dezső Kosztolányi, Árpád Tóth, Lajos Kassák, Lőrinc Szabó, Gyula Illyés, and Attila József. Bibliography, pp. 75-81.

81. Szetey András. A másik Ady. Budapest: Nógrádvármegyei Madách-Társaság, 1941. 104p.

Purpose: to correct misconceptions of Ady and his poetry by not limiting the evaluation to his early poems, on which these opinions are based, but by tracing his "remarkable development" from his first verse to his last, mainly through an examination of his ideas on moral questions and issues. Bibliography, p. 104. NNC GeLBM

82. Halász Előd. Nietzsche és Ady. Budapest: Danubia, 1942. 223p.

Examines the thought of Nietzsche and Ady and finds numerous parallels. Considerable exposition of their ideas through textual examination. Bibliographical footnotes.

83. Földessy Gyula. Ady, az ember és a költő. Budapest: Exodus, 1943. 192p.

Fourteen previously published articles on Ady dealing with his life, friends and relatives, motifs, and writings.

84. Révai József. Ady. Budapest: Szikra, 19523. 129p. [19451 19492]

Views him as the democratic revolutionary and the critic of bourgeois democracy, examines thé political and social symbolism in his poetry, and treats the aesthetic and political struggles that ranged around him prior to World War I. Also includes memorials on he 27th and 30th anniversaries of his death, which seek to point up his significance to Hungary. DLC InU MH NNC FiHI GeLBM GyBH GpGNSU

85. Szabó Richárd. Ady Endre lírája. Budapest: Ady Könyvkiadó, 1945. 213p.

A detailed study of his lyric poetry tracing the emergence of the "váteszi" words of his final development from his first "groping surmises" through his "visionary and rich personal experiences." Bibliographical notes, pp. 209-211. DLC MH MnU NNC GeLBM GyGNSU

86. Rónay György. " 'Még egyszer' (Jegyzetek a fiatal Ady költészetéről)," Magyarok, II (1946), 270-280.

Notes on various earlier poems and some of his prose placing their times of origin, discussing their motifs, and linking them with his life, thought, development, and later poems. DLC MnU NNC

87. Földessy Gyula. Ady minden titkai. Budapest: Athenaeum, 1949. 318p. [19622]

A series of commentaries on his lyrics giving attention to their motifs and to the time, circumstances, and causes of their creation, and determining their character in relation to other writers, both Hungarian and foreign. DLC IC MH MiD MnU NN NNC GeCU GeLBM GeLU GyBDS GyGNSU

88. Lukács György. Ady. Budapest: Szikra, 1949. 31p.

The effect of the "age of imperialism" on his place in literature; his Hungarian, political, and revolutionary verses as the key to his lyrics. GeLBM GyGNSU

89. Bölöni György. Ady az újságíró. Budapest: Magvető, 1956. 68p.

An examination of his newspaper articles especially as a reflection of and a key to understanding the social and political injustices of his times and the conditions leading to the 1918 Revolution. Illustrations and facsimiles. MH NNC GeLBM GyBDS

90. Zolnai Béla. "Ady és Paul Verlaine álma," Nyelv és stílus. Tanulmányok. Budapest: Gondolat, 1957; 349p. Pp. 313-342.

A very detailed examination of his translation of Verlaine's "Mon réve familier" comparing it with the original and determining the qualities he introduced into the translation which also make it one of "the most beautiful Hungarian poems," for "in it Ady presented himself as if he wanted to accelerate Verlaine's slow film." Bibliographical footnotes. DLC MH AsWN FiHU GyBDS GYBH GyGGaU GyGNSU

91. Hatvany Lajos. Ady. Cikkek, emlékezések, levelek. I-II. kötet: Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1959.

A series of studies defending him against his detractors and concentrating on the exposition of his poems. Bibliographical footnotes. [No clear division of contents into volumes] DLC MH NN NNC AsWN GeCU GeLBM GeLU GyBDS GyGNSU

92. Komlós Aladár. "A fiatal Ady nyomában," Irodadomtörténeti Közlemények, LXIV (1960), 17-33.

Seeks to explain the difference in the quality of his poetry between 1898 and 1905 (between Versek and Új versek), finding that his genius is apparent in the early poems but that it did not truly fulfill itself until 1904-1905. Summary in Russian, pp. 32-33. DLC MnU NN NNC AsWU GeLBM GyBH

93. Csukás István. Ady Endre a szlovák irodalomban. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1961. 147p.

Traces the development of Slovakian knowledge of his writings from 1910 to 1957 through translations of his poems and studies of his works. Finds 250 poems in translation, numerous studies, reviews, criticisms, and the development of an Ady "cult" after 1945. List of translations published to 1957, pp. 133-142. Summary in Russian, pp. 143-144. DLC MH NNC GeLBM GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU

94. Varga József. Ady útja az "Új versek" felé. Budapest: Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Irodalomtörténeti Intézete, 1963. 92p.

Examines his poetic development from 1899, to characterize the various forces that influenced his literary and philosophical viewpoints and poetic character prior to Új versek, with emphasis on the year 1905, when he first worked in Budapest on the Budapesti Napló. Centered on finding his Hungarian voice: the birth of the motif of the Hungarian land and Hungarian "messiah." Bibliographical footnotes. MH AsWN GeLBM GeLU GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU

95. Vatai László. Az Isten szönyetege. (Ady lírája) Washington, D.C.. Occidental, 1963. 390p.

The development of the "prophetic poet and his inner self" through an examination of his lyrics; an evaluation of the qualities of his lyrics. Some biographical data. DLC NNC AsWN GeLBM GeLU

96. Kovalovszky Miklós. Egy Ady-vers világa. Új, tavaszi seregszemle. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1965. 72p.

An extensive analysis of his poetry showing the inner connections between his creative method and his poems. Employs the most mature of his poems to determine how he infuses their form with language and how the subject matter, the times, the situation, the opportunity, and the public affect the construction of the poems and his use of poetic instruments. AsWN GeLBM GyBH GyGNSU

97. Varga József Ady Endre. Pályakép-vázlat. Budapest: Magvető, 1966. 633 p.

Both a biographical and a literary study based on research to date and on Varga's own investigations to show the view of Ady that has emerged through succeedinggenerations and evaluations. Extensive bibliographical footnotes. CLU DLC GeLBM GyBH GyGNSU


Born July 26, 1704 in Bős; died December 22, 1764 in Felbár. Poet. Descendant of landowning family. Published Victor in proelio S. Ivo, a disputatious religious speech, in 1722 at his father's expense. In 1725 completed studies in Graz begun in Jesuit schools in Győr and Nagyszombat, receiving doctorate in philosophy. Served at court of Bishop of Esztergom 1727-1729. Married Zsuzsanna Orczy in 1729; marriage very unhappy. Began military career in 1734 and spent 1734-1736 in Italy. In 1736, after death of first wife, made second unfortunate marriage, to Mária Paulina Weltzl. Became captain in 1742, general-adjutant in 1744. Wife left him in 1746, never returned, and died in 1754. Ended military career in 1750 and became adviser to court chamber at Pozsony; divided remaining time between estate and court. Appeared at parliamentary session in Pozsony at Maria Theresa's request in 1764 despite poor health. ¶ Greater part of poems concerned with subject of love and written with artful solutions and rococo facility. Only his religious poems were published during his lifetime: Buzgó szivnek énekes fohászkodásai (1755). ¶ Some of his poems have been translated into Italian and German.

FIRST EDITIONS: Victor in proelio S. Ivo. [Hitvitázó beszéd] Nagyszombat, 1722. [From Pintér, IV, 239] - Buzgó szivnek énekes fohászkodásai. [Vallásos versek] Bécs: Kurtzböck, 1755. 32p. [From catalogue of National Széchényi Library] - Versei. Pest, 1836. [From Pintér, IV, 240]


See also nos. 99 and 101.

98. Versei. Összegyűjtötte, bevezette és jegyzetekkel kísérte Négyesy László. Budapest: Franklin-Társulat, 1892. 575p. [B] MnU GeLBM GyBH


See no. 100.


99. Vértessy Jenő. "Adalékok Amade László életéhez," Irodalomtörténeti Közlemények, XII (1902), 77-100, 216-232, 350-368, 502-535.

Provides a biographical discussion and some comment on the character of his poetry, and includes the texts of some of his poems and most interesting letters to be found in the archives of the Hungarian National Museum, some being published for the first time. DLC MH MnU NNC AsNW AsWU FiHI GeLBM [GeLU] GyBH

100. Gálos Rezső. Báró Amade László. Pécs: Dunántúl Pécsi Egyetem, 1937. 226p.

Very brief discussion of his poetry. Genealogical tables. Bibliographical notes, pp. 181-226. List of his published works, p. [227]. MH MnU NNC AsWU GeLBM


101. Erdélyi Pál. "Várkonyi báró Amade László költészetéhez," Egyetemes Philologiai Közlöny, XXXI (1907), 81-93, 201-213.

The texts of 28 previously unpublished songs and a discussion of the sources in which they were found. IU MnU OClW OCU FiHU GyBH

102. (Koltay) Kastner Jenő. "Amade gáláns versei," Egyetemes Philologiai Közlöny, XLVI (1922), 55-58.

Finds similarities in structure between his amatory poetry and that of the second Silesian school of German poets, who derived their uses of the form from Italian poets. Poems cited as showing parallels. IU MnU OClW OCU FiHU GyBH


Born February 22, 1861 in Debrecen; died February 28, 1932 in Budapest. Novelist, short-story writer, critic, translator. Father a railroad official. Family moved frequently, to Pest in 1871. Completed gymnasium studies in Debrecen and Budapest. Studied law in Budapest. Father's death made him sole support of family when 18. First tutored, then contributed criticisms and articles on theater to Fővárosi Lapok, Pesti Napló, and later, with help of Pál Gyulai, Budapesti Szemle; also employed by Hungarian Mortgage Bank, where László Arany (qq.v.) encouraged his pursuit of a literary career. In 1885 went to Paris, where he engaged in life of artists and studied French literature and related subjects at Collège de France and the Sorbonne. Especially interested in French theater. On return to Pest he became a major contributor to A Hét; published many short stories. Considered an intellectual leader by young writers. Became editor of Új Magyar Szemle in 1900, and contributed to Nyugat. Member of Kisfaludy-Társaság and Petőfi-Társaság. Named corresponding member of Academy in 1911. Lived solely on writing income 1897-1917. Co-edited Klasszikus Regénytár series with Géza Voinovich and wrote many introductions for this series. Dramaturge of National Theater for some time, its director 1917-1922. Had trouble maintaining himself. After series of illnesses died in home where he had lived 40 years. ¶ Central figure among young writers of 1880's. Development of intellectual viewpoint much affected by erperiences in Paris. Considered to be first real writer about big-city life in Hungarian literature. Novels and short stories deal with changes occurring in Hungarian society in decades after Compromise of 1867. Midás király (1906), his most important novel, strongly naturalistic but also has impressionistic strain; also a landmark in developwent of Hungarian fiction in its psychological analysis and Art Nouveau tendencies. Short stories often considered to be best. Influenced by Bergson's philosophy and Freud's concepts in Ámor és a halálfej, a collection of stories, and Tóparti gyilkosság, a novel. Satirical vein in Kultúra füzértánccal, ashort-story cycle, and in some stories in A kém és egyéb elbeszélések. Translated mostly French literature, particularly Flaubert, Cherbuliez, Maupassant, Anatole France, and Balzac; also Grillparzer and Ibsen. Many writings still not published in book form. ¶ Szeptember has been translated into French, Midás király and A gyanú into French and Italian, and some of his short stories into French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Swedish.

FIRST EDITIONS:Holdenis Meta. Írta Victor Cherbuliez. [Fordítás] Budapest, 1888. [From Gulyás, I, 507] - Miss Ravel. Írta Victor Cherbuliez. [Fordítás] Budapest, 1890. [From Gulyás, I, 507] - Három novella. Budapest, 1893. [From Gulyás, I, 507] - Ninive pusztulása és egyéb történetek. [Elbeszélések] Budapest: Athenaeum, 1895. 171p. - Szeptember. Regény. Budapest: Athenaeum, 1897. 168p. - Francia elbeszélők tára. [Fordítások] I-III.füzet. Budapest, 1897-1900. [From Gulyás, I, 508] - Az agglegények. Vígjáték 5 felvonásban. Írta Victorien Sardou. [Fordítás] Budapest, 1898. [From Gulyás, I, 508] - Az államtitkár. Vígjáték 3 felvonásban. Írta Alerandre Bisson. [Fordítás] Budapest, 1898. [From Gulyás, I, 508] - Hajótöröttek. Nyolc elbeszélés. Budapest: Lampel Róbert, 1898. 63p. - Medea. Szomorújáték 5 felvonásban. Írta Franz Grillparzer. [Fordítás] Budapest, 1898. [From Gulyás, I, 508] - Pókháló kisasszony. Tíz elbeszélés. Budapest: Athenaeum, 1898. 166p. - Régi dolgok. Írta Anatole France. [Fordítás] Budapest, 1899 ?. [From Gulyás, I, 508] - A gyanú és más elbeszélések. Budapest: Singer és Wolfner, 1900. 163p. - Árnyék alakok. Hét elbeszélés. Budapest; 1901?. [From Gulyás, I, 508] - Giroflé és Girofla. Regény. I-II.kötet: Budapest: Singer és Wolfner, 1901. - Berzsenyi báró és családja. Tollrajzok a mai Budapestről. Budapest: Lampel Róbert, 1902. 79p. - Kevélyek és lealázottak. Elbeszélések. Budapest: Lampel Róbert, 1903. 80p. - Bováryné. Írta Gustave Flaubert. [Fordítás] Budapest, 1904. [From Gulyás, I, 509] - Gyöngykisasszony és egyéb elbeszélések. Írta Guy de Maupassant. [Fordítások] Budapest, 1905 ?. [From Gulyás, I, 509] - Continued under EDITIONS.


103. Munkái. I-XVI. kötet. Budapest: Révai Testvérek, 1906-1913.

1-2. kötet: Midás király. [Regény] 1-2. kötet. 19061.

3. kötet: Álomvilág. [Elbeszélések] 19061. 329p.

4. kötet: Berzsenyi báró és családja. [Tollrajzok a mai Budapestről] 19062.

5. kötet: Solus eris. [Regény] 19071. 288p.

6. kötet: A Berzsenyi leányok tizenkét vőlegénye. [Tollrajzok a mai Budapestről] 19071. 285p.

7. kötet: Törpék és óriások. [Elbeszélések] 19071. 336p.

8. kötet: Őszi napsugár. (1st) A gyanú. (2d)[Elbeszélések] 1907. 313p.

9. kötet: Giroflé és Girofla. (2d) [Regény] A türelmes Grizeldisz. (1st) [Elbeszélés] 1908. 272p.

10. kötet: Leányok, asszonyok. [Elbeszélések] 19081. 336p.

11. kötet: Budapesti mesék. [Elbeszélések] 19081. 362p.

12. kötet: Furcsa emberek. [Elbeszélések] 19081. 318p.

13. kötet: A tegnap legendái. [Tollrajzok] 19131. 288p.

14. kötet: Vezető elmék. [Irodalmi karcolatok] 19131. 384p.

15. kötet: Nagyvárosi képek. [Tollrajzok] 19131. 295p.

16. kötet: Régi és új világ. [Elbeszélések] 19131. 416p.

[NN] [NNC] [OCl] [GeLBM]

104. Ámor és a halálfej. Elbeszélések. Budapest: Lampel R., 19091. 62p. GyBH

105. Kegyelemkenyér és egyéb elbeszélések. Budapest: Engel S. Zsigmond, 19091. 64p.

106. Ismerd meg magadat! Írta Paul Hervieu. [Fordítás] Budapest, [19101]. [From Gulyás, I, 509]

107. Jancsi és Juliska és egyéb elbeszélések. Budapest: Lampel R.; 19101. 63p.

108. Kultúra füzértánccal. Elbeszélések. Budapest: Nyugat, 19101. 193p. NNC OCl

109. Téli sport és egyéb elbeszélések. Budapest: Lampel R., 19101. 61p. IC GeLU

110. Az utolsó jelenet. [Novellák] Budapest: Schenk Ferenc.19101. 64p.

111. Ifjúság. Elbeszélések. Budapest: Nyugat, 19111. 74p.

112. Lillias. [Elbeszélések] Budapest: Lampel R., 19111. 63p.

113. Az ízlés fiziológiája. Írta Brillat-Savarin. Fordította Ambrus Gizellával. Budapest, 19121. [From Gulyás, I, 509]

114. Mozi Bandi kalandjai. [Ifjúsági elbeszélés] Budapest: Magyar Kereskedelmi Közlöny, 19131. 185p.

115. Színházi esték. [Tanulmányok] Budapest: Élet, 19141. 400p. NN OCl AsWN GyBH

116. Régi és új színművek. Színházi bírálatok. I-II.füzet. Budapest: Lampel R., 1914-19171. [NN] GyBH

117. A tóparti gyilkosság és egyéb elbeszélések. Budapest: Athenaeum, 19151. 206p. [1918] GeLU GyBH GyGNSU

118. A kém és egyéb elbeszélések. Budapest: Athenaeum, 19181. 160p. CSt CSt-H IC MH GyBH

119. A kritikáról. Budapest: Genius, 19201. 101p. NNC GyBH

120. Költők és szerzők. Irodalmi karcolatok. Budapest: Athenaeum, 19231. 165p. GeLBM GyBH

121. Elbeszélések. Budapest: Magyar Bibliophil Társaság, 19261. 83p.

122. A Berzsenyi dinasztia. [Tollrajzok a mai Budapestről; 1st but variation of Berzsenyi család]Budapest: Révai, 1928. 207p. IC NNC OCl

123. Őszi napsugár. [Regény] Budapest: Közművelődési r.t., 19291.138p. OCl

124. Elbeszélések. Írta Maupassant. Többekkel fordította és bevezetéssel ellátta. Budapest, [19301]. [From Gulyás, I, 510]

125. Rosmersholm. Színmű 4 felvonásban. Írta Ibsen Henrik. [Fordítás] Németből. Budapest, [19301]. [From Gulyás, I, 510]

126. Válogatott elbeszélések. Voinovich Géza válogatása. Budapest: Révai, 1944. 265p. [C] GyBH

127. Berzsenyi báró és családja. Tollrajzok a mai Budapestről. 1-2. sorozat. Budapest: Lampel R., 1947. [C] FiHI

128. Régi és új színművek. Színházi bírálatok. Budapest: Lampel R., 1947. 103p. [C]

129. Kultúra fűzértánccal. Elbeszélések, karcolatok. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1951. 195p. [C] DLC MH NN NNC OCl GeLBM

130. Giroflé és Girofla. Regény és válogatott elbeszélések. Válogatta és sajtó alá rendezte Fallenbüchl Zoltán, a bevezetőt írta Gyergyai Albert. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1959. 738p. [C] CtY MH NN NNC AsWN GeCU GeLBM GyBH GyGNSU

131. A tóparti gyilkosság. Kisregények és válogatott elbeszélések. Sajtó alá rendezte Fallenbüchl Zoltán. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Kiadó, 1961. 387p. [C] DLC IC NN NNC AsWN GeLBM GyBH GyBDS

132. Levelezése. Sajtó alá rendezte és a jegyzeteket írta Fallenbüchl Zoltán, az előszót írta Diószegi András. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 19631. 527p. [B] CU MH MnU NN NNC AsWN FiHI GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU


See nos. 135, 139, and 141.


133. Basch Lóránt. "Ambrus és a Baumgarten-alapitvány. Halála 25. évfordulójára," Irodalomtörténet, XLV (1957), 203-206.

His viewpoints and judgments in decisions about the literary prize of the Baumgarten Foundation as chairman of the selection committee, especially his independence and his use of literary criteria in the deliberations. CU DLC MH MnU NN NNC AsWU GeLBM GeLU GyBDS GyBH

134. Fallenbüchlné Ambrus Gizella. "Ambrus Zoltánról," Irodalomtörténet, XLIX (1961), 143-154. [Also a reprint]

His life and literary activity, his dramatic criticism, his work with journals, and his problems as director of the National Theater. By his daughter. CU DLC MH MnU NN NNC AsWU GeLBM GeLU GyBDS GyBH


See also nos. 1428, 2553, and 4624.

135. Szinnyei Ferenc. "Ambrus Zoltán," Irodalomtörténet, VII (1918), 6-30, 105-127.

A brief summary of his life and literary activities followed by a four-part discussion of his writings: his novels and short stories; his art as a narrator; his sketches, drama criticism, and literary studies; and his world outlook. Bibliography of his writings and studies about him, pp. 7-10. DLC MnU NNC AsWN AsWU GeLBM GyBH GyGNSU

136. Gyergyai Albert. "Ambrus Zoltán," Nyugat, XXIV (March 1, 1931), 339-341.

Seeks to explain the bases of his value to three generations of the Ambrus cult. MnU NN NNC [FiHI] FiHU GeLBM [GeLU] GyBH

137. Kárpáti Aurél. "Ambrus Zoltán," Tegnaptól máig. Válogatott irodalmi tanulmányok. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1961; 427p. Pp. 153-163. [Appeared in Pesti Napló, no. 149 (March, 1932), l-2]

His literary career, the qualities of his writings, and his place in the literature of his times. DLC NN AsWN GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU

138. Schöpflin Aladár. "Ambrus Zoltán," Nyugat, XXV (March 16, 1932), 297-299.

An explanation of why he never became widely known and popular with the reading public. MnU NN NNC FiHU GeLBM [GeLU] GyBH

139. Dávidné Angyal Paula. Ambrus Zoltán. Budapest: Kertész József, 1934. 46p.

A brief biographical discussion followed by an examination of his writings. Chapters on Midás király and on Ambrus as novelist, short-story writer, and critic. Bibliography, pp. 43-46.

140. Csiszár Béla. "Ambrus Zoltán," Budapesti Szemle, CCXXXVII, nos. 689, 690, 691 (1935), 80-97, 201-217, 343-356. [Also a reprint]

The characteristics of the works; the career of the author who "expressed the highest artistic level of the turn of the century"; and his place in Hungarian literature. Presented within the framework of the literary, social, and economic forces of his times that affected his career and literary activity. Bibliographical footnotes. CtY DLC AsWN FiHI GeLBM GyBH

141. Faludi István. Ambrus Zoltán elbeszélő művészete. Szeged: Athenaeum, 1941. 118p.

After a brief discussion of his life and of his career and characteristics as a writer, his novels (3) and short stories (11) are examined as to the development of unity between their form and substance. Uses materials from his critical and aesthetic writings. Closes with comment on his place in Hungarian literature. Bibliography of both his works and studies about him, pp. 103-113.

142. Dénes Tibor. "Ambrus Zoltán," Ködlovagok. Írói arcképek. Szerkesztette Thurzó Gábor, Márai Sándor előszavával. Budapest: Szent IstvánTársulat, 1942; 347p. Pp. 9-33. [1st publication]

The failure of his desire to give leadership to a needed literary current through his works; the development of the novelist from the critic; and, mainly, his introduction of a new literary form, the roman à thèse, into Hungarian literature, and his inability to create classic and further enjoyable works of this type. Some attention to characterizations of his other works.

143. Voinovich Géza. "Ambrus Zoltán," Budapesti Szemle, CCLXIV, no. 786 (May, 1943), 257-270.

Details of his literary career and characterizations of the subject matter and form of his writings, with special attention to his short stories as his most distinctive form of expression. DLC NNC FiHI GyBH

144. Fallenbüchlné Ambrus Gizella. "Ambrus Zoltán, a színikritikus," Irodalomtörténet, XLVI (1958), 31-35.

The subject matter and critical viewpoints of his drama reviews. CU DLC MH NN NNC AsWU GeLBM GeLU GyBDS GyBH

145. Gyergyai Albert. "Előszó," Ambrus Zoltán: Giroflé és Girofla. Regény és válogatott elbeszélések. Válogatta és sajtó alá rendezte Dr. Fallenbüchl Zoltán. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó; 1959; 738p. Pp. 5-55. [Major part also published in Kortárs, III (1959), 575-591]

His youthful years and his journalistic efforts and the environment in which they took place; an examination and evaluation of his writings. CtY MH NN NNC AsWN GeCU GeLBM GyBH GyGNSU

146. Diószegi András. "Ambrus Zoltán," Ambrus Zoltán levelezése. Sajtó alá rendezte Fallenbüchl Zoltán. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1963; 527p. Pp. 5-24.

A survey of his literary career, the characteristics of his novels and short stories, his journalistic activities, and his relations with his times. Attention to his short stories as realism and to their superiority over his novels. CU MH MnU NN NNC AsWN FiHI GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU


Born December 28, 1756 in Esztergár; died September 5, 1784 in Veszprém. Poet. Descendant of ancient aristocratic family in Trans-Danubian region. Completed studies in Komárom, Győr, Veszprém, and later Pápa, where he attended a well-known Pauline school. Joined Pauline Order in 1772. Received doctorate in philosophy in 1776. Was already writing poetry. Continued university studies at Nagyszombat, where he was much influenced by István Katona, András Dugonics (q.v.), and Ábrahám Barcsay, whose regiment was stationed there. Also became acquainted with Benedek Virág and writings of István Gyöngyösi and György Bessenyei (qq.v.); developed lasting interest in Tacitus, Cicero, Ovid, and Gyöngyösi. Completed studies in Buda, whither University of Nagyszombat moved in 1777. Ordained in 1780, and lived in Pauline monastery in Felsőelefánt. Taught in Pauline gymnasium in Székesfehérvár in 1782, where he was closely associated with Virág for almost two years. Troubled by strictness of his Order and isolation from social and literary life. He spent his last months seriously ill in Veszprém, where he died. He was highly esteemed by Virág, Bessenyei, and Lőrinc Orczy (q.v.), who included him in their literary and literary-political plans, including the intended establishment of Hazafiúi Magyar Társaság. ¶ First important figure in development of Hungarian sentimental poetry. Wrote love lyrics, political satire, and, mainly, verse letters; notable for powerful lyrical expression of his emotions. Left 40 poems, about 50 poetic letters, and some prose. Dominant theme in sentimental poems: the meaninglessness and transitoriness of life. ¶ Some of his works are available in 19th-century English and German anthologies.

FIRST EDITIONS: Igaz hazafi, azaz . . . gróf Károly Antal úrnak . . . jeles példával megmutatott hazája szerelme. [Vers]Pest: n.p., 1778. [12]p. - Az orvosi oktatások szerzőjéhez. [Rácz Sámuelhez] Pest, 1778. [From Ványi, p. 55] - Kártigám nevezetes írójához. [Dobokai Sárközi István álnév alatt] Sine loco, n.d. [From Ványi, p. 55] - A szép tudományoknak áldozott versek a budai királyi universitásnak felszentelése alkalmatosságával. Buda, 1780. [From Szinnyei, I, 198] - Nagy mélt. gróf Eszterházy Pálnak püspökségre lett emeltetését ünneplő versek. Pest, 1781. [From Ványi, pp. 55-56] - Énekek könyve szükséges litaniákkal és imádságokkal. Pest: Füskúti Landerer Mihály, 1785. 320p. [An anthology containing some of his poems and others by Benedek Virág, Ferenc Verseghy, and Imre Kreskay] - Munkáji. Sajtó alá rendezte Batsányi János. Életrajzzal és arcképpel. Bécs: Özvegy Alberti Ignátzné, 1798. 260p. - Ányos Pálnak a Budapesti Királyi Magyar Tudomány egyetem 1780-ban történt újjáalakíttásának ünnepélyes beiktatása alkalmából megjelent költeménye. Budapest: Magyar Királyi Egyetem Könyvnyomdája, 1880. 2p. [C] - Elmélkedései melyeket a székesfehérvári királyi oskolákbeli ifjúsággal. . . tartott 1783-ban. Sajtó alá rendezte s előszóval és függelékkel ellátva közrebocsátotta Csaplár Benedek. Budapest: Szent-István-Műintézet, 1889. 48p. [B]


See also no. 149.

147. Költeményei. Jegyzetekkel és életrajzi essayvel ellátott bővített új kiadás. Kiadja Abafi Lajos. Budapest: Aigner, 1875. 119p. [B]

148. Versei. Bevezetéssel és jegyzetekkel kísérve kiadta Császár Elemér. [Bibliographical notes, pp. 227-317] Budapest: Franklin-Társulat, 1907. 303p. [B] NNC AsWN FiHI GeLBM


See no. 148.


149. Koltai Virgil. Ányos Pál élete és költészete. Bölcsészettudori értekezés. Budapest: Idősb Poldini Ede és Társa, 1882. 61p.

Both a biography and a study of his poetry leading to a view of his character and personality. Attention to his relations with writers of his times. Appendixes: (1) Nine previously unpublished poems and (2) Letter to him from General Orczy. MnU GyBH

150. Császár Elemér. Ányos Pál. (1756-1784) Budapest: Magyar Történelmi Társulat, 1912. 255p.

A biography detailing his development as a writer, the nature of his poems, and his relations with literary figures of his time, in an effort to throw light on the course of his life and to understand his inner life and poetry on the basis of already uncovered materials and the analysis of his poetry. Bibliographical footnotes. Illustrations and facsimiles. MH NN AsWN GeCU GeLBM GeLU GyBH GyGGaU GyGNSU


151. Gellért Jenő. Ányos Pál. Budapest: Lampel Róbert, 1895. 85p.

After a brief sketch of his life, examines his writings by genre as to their subject matter and form, their distinctive character, and their revelation of his feelings and thoughts. Bibliographical footnotes. GyBH

152. Horváth Dezső. Ányos Pál. (1756-1784) Doktori értekezés. Budapest: Molnárok Lapja, 1906. 53p.

The development of his poetry in relation to the influences of the age, other writers, and the events of his life. Bibliographical footnotes.

153. Kelemen Béla. Ányos Pál. Irodalomtörténeti tanulmány. Székesfehérvár: Számmer Imre, 1906. 48p.

In two parts: (1) a life sketch and (2) a study of the nature and motifs of his poetry.

154. Bóka László: "Ányos Pál emlékezete," Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Nyelv- és Irodalomtudományi Osztályának Közleményei, XI (1957), 73-94.

His sensitivity, or sentimentality, as a poet (responsiveness to both sorrow and joy, intelligent use of his perception, etc.); the development of his creative career. DLC MnU NNC GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU

155. Kovács Győző. "Az érzékenység poétája (Ányos Pál, az első magyar szentimentális költő)," Irodalomtörténeti Közlemények, LXII (1958), 37-43.

A characterization of his literary works and development as Hungary's first writer of sentimental poetry. Summary in German, p. 43. DLC MnU NN NNC AsWU GeLBM GyBH


Born 1625 in Apáca; died December 31, 1659 in Kolozsvár. Pedagogical writer, philosopher. Name has various forms: Apáczai, Apácai, Csere, Cseri, Cserei. Parents were serfs. Completed studies at Reformed Church schools in Kolozsvár and Gyulafehérvár and then went to Holland on fellowship (1648-1653), where in addition to other subjects he studied oriental languages. Attended University of Utrecht and then University of Harderwijk, where he received doctorate in philosophy and theology in 1651. In Holland also became acquainted with ideas of Descartes, which were to affect all his writings. Traveled in England, France, and Belgium. Married in 1651. Summoned home by Bishop György Csipkés in 1652 but did not arrive in Gyulafehérvár with wife and child until August 1653 because his major work, Magyar encyclopaedia (1655), was in press. Began to teach in Gyulafehérvár November 2: poetry, Hebrew and Greek languages, and Latin classics. In 1654 published Tanács, a pedagogical work. Controversy with Izsák Basire in 1655 created much difficulty for him. In 1656 assigned to Kolozsvár to teach theology, philosophy, mathematics, and law. On November 20, 1656, presented famous Kolozsvár inaugural address: De summa scholarum necessitate. Already lacked strength to undertake preparation of any substantial scholarly or creative work, but in 1658 worked out plan for establishment of university in Transylvania and presented views of state of Protestant schools to György Rákóczi, new Prince of Transylvania. His "Philosophia naturalis" remained in manuscript because of his death and has not been published to date. ¶ Significance of his learning lies in directing attention to necessity of disseminating knowledge about the human environment in order to improve Hungary. His place in Hungarian literary history was established by his efforts to formulate progressive pedagogical and philosophical ideals in the Hungarian language.

FIRST EDITIONS:Disputatio theologica de introductione ad philologiam sacram. Utrecht, 1650. [From Pintér, III, 174] - Disputatio theologies inauguralis de primi hominis apostasia. Harderwijk, 1651. [From Pintér, III,175] - Magyar encyclopaedia. Azaz minden igaz és hasznos bölcseségnek szép rendbe foglalása és magyar nyelven világra bocsátása Apáczai Csere János által. Utrecht, 1653 [1655]. [From Pintér, III, 175] - Oratio de studio sapientiae. Gyula-Fehérvár, 1653. [From Szinnyei, I, 201] - Magyar logikácska, melyet kicsindedek számára írt Apáczai János, egy a tudomány dolgában megkivántatott tanáccsal egyetemben. Gyulafehérvár: Fejérvár Major Marton, 1654. 32p. [Based on a photostatic copy in National Széchényi Library] - Disputatio de politica ecclesiastica. Kolozsvár, 1658. [From Pintér, III, 175] - Disputatio philosophica de mente humana. Nagyvárad, 1658. [From Pintér, III, 175] - Catechesis secundum dogmata Calvini. Amstelodami, n.d. [From Szinnyei, I, 201] - A magyar nemzetben immár el végtére egy académia felállításának módja és formája. Pest, 1872. [From Szinnyei, I, 201] - See also no. 159.


156. Magyar encyclopaedia, az az: Tudománytárkönyv, avagy minden igaz és hasznos böltseségnek szép rendbe foglalása. Győr: Streibig József, 1803. 520p. [C]

157. Bölcsészeti dolgozatai. Kiadja Horváth Cyrill. Pest: Eggenberger Ferdinánd, 1867. 160p. [C] MnU GeLBM

158. Apáczai Cséri János Barcsai Ákos Fejedelemhez benyújtott terve a magyar hazában felállítandó első tudományos egyetem ügyében. Közli Szabó Károly. Pest: Eggenberger, 1872. 18p. [B] AsWU GeLBM

159. Oratio de summa scholarum necessitate earumque inter Hungaros barbariei causis. Cum praefatione Ludovici Felméri. Claudiopoli: Typis Alberti Kovács, 18941. 27p. [B]

160. Pedagógiai munkái: Fordította és kiadta Hegedüs István. Budapest: Franklin-Társulat, 1899. 161p. [C]

161. Szemelvények Apáczai Csere János paedagógiai műveiből. Összegyűjtötte és bevezette Neményi Imre. Budapest: Singer és Wolfner, 1900. 92p. [C]

162. Válogatott pedagógiai művei. Összeállította, bevezette, jegyzetezte, a latin szövegeket fordította Orosz Lajos. Budapest: Tankönyvkiadó, 1956. 217p. [C] DLC MnU GeOB

163. Magyar enciklopédia. Sajtó alá rendezte Bán Imre, a jegyzeteket összeállította Gyenis Vilmos. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1959. 441p. [B] DLC MH MnU NN NNC GeLBM GeOB GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU

164. Művei. Kiadja Lázár György, Molnár József és Orosz Lajos. Eddig I-II. kötet. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1959+. [A]

1. kötet: Magyar enciklopédia. I. Logika. 1959. 159p.

2. kötet: Magyar enciklopédia. II. Matematika. 1961. 198p.



See also nos. 166 and 169.

165. Gyalui Farkas. Apáczai Cseri János életrajzához és műveinek bibliográfiájához. Tanulmány. Kolozsvár: Ajtai K. Albert, 1892. 43p.

A study of sources dealing with his life and works which are not known in literary history or bibliography. Citations of sources used in text provided in footnotes.


166. Kremmer Dezső. Apáczai Cseri János élete és munkássága. Budapest: Politzer Zsigmond és Fia, 1911. 203p.

Gives attention to his learned works, and relates him to the currents of his times. Closes with comment on him as a man and a pedagogue. Bibliography, pp. 201-203. MnU

167. Neményi Imre. Apáczai Csere János. Születésének háromszázadik évfordulójára. Budapest: Lampel Róbert, 1925. 179p.

Considerable attention to his writings, especially their subject matter. Bibliographical footnotes. NNC


168. Neményi Imre. Apáczai Csere János mint paedagógus. Neveléstörténeti tanulmány. Budapest: Lampel Róbert, 1893. 71p.

A discussion of his concepts of teaching and education as revealed in his writings. Shows him to be a champion of national culture, the first to advocate the use of the Hungarian language in teaching, the "apostle and martyr" in the reform of Hungarian education, and a model for all teachers. NNC

169. Király István. Apácai Cseri János művelődéstörténeti jelentősége. Bölcsészetdoktori értekezés. Maros-Vásárhely: Révész Béla, 1911. 71p.

A study of his attitudes toward learning and knowledge and of his importance to the advancement of Hungarian culture. Bibliography, pp. 69-71. GyBH

170. Tavaszy Sándor. Apáczai Cseri János személyisége és világnézete. Cluj-Kolozsvár: Minerva, 1925. 56p.

An examination of the events of his life and his writings to determine the characteristics of his personality and the nature of his world outlook. Attention to his connection with the thought of Descartes and Sir Francis Bacon. Bibliographical footnotes.

171. Bán Imre. Apáczai Csere János. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1958. 606p.

His lifework from the viewpoint of the literary historian and philologist. Concerned with the learned sources of his works, the relations of his works with the intellectual movements of his day, the characteristics of his style, and his contributions toward the creation of the Hungarian language. Bibliographical footnotes. Summary in French; pp. 563-585. DLC MH MnU NNC FiHU GeCU GeLBM GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU


Born 1676; died 1752. Historian, poet. Descendant of ancient aristocratic family. Related to Mihály Cserei, historian. Beginning in 1686 studied at Jesuit schools in Kolozsvár and Nagyszombat. In 1695 received doctorate in philosophy and in 1696 doctorate in jurisprudence from University of Nagyszombat. Returned to Transylvania and engaged in public activity. During Ferenc Rákóczi II's War of Independence fled to Brassó on January 4, 1704, and then to Walachia. Returned to Transylvania by July 1705 and shortly joined Kuruc Movement. Captured in 1706 and imprisoned in Brassó. Released in July 1707 but did not gain complete freedom till November 10. Faithful service and strong Catholicism gained him high positions: lord lieutenant of Küküllőmegye in 1699 and captain-general of Háromszék in 1708. Became baron in 1713. Led opposition to Tartar invasion of 1717 in Székelyföld. Driven from home in Altorja by plague in 1718 and 1719. Lived in Galacz in 1722. Declined post as adviser to governor-general in 1744. Became blind in 1747. ¶ Mainly of historical interest in development of Hungarian literature and culture. His Lusus mundi is concerned with the history of his family and others related to it; Synopsis mutationum notabiliorum records contemporary events in Transylvania. Both of these works were first published in Gábor Kazinczy's 1863 edition. In 1736 completed his major work, Metamorphosis Transylvaniae, in which he intended to preserve ancient Hungarian values and social life of Transylvania. He believed his poetry to be better than his Metamorphosis, but his real importance lay in his historical writings. His Latin and Hungarian works in verse and prose were not published during his lifetime.


172. Munkái. Közli Kazinczy Gábor. Pest: Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, 18631. 484p. [B] MB MH MnU NN NNC AsWU GeCU GeLBM GeOB GyBH GyGNSU

173. Szemelvények Apor Péter Metamorphosisából. (Metamorphosis Transylvaniae) Budapest: Lampel Róbert, 1890. 76p. [C]

174. Verses művei és levelei. (1676-1752) Szerkesztette Szádeczky Lajos: I-II: kötet. Budapest: Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, 1903. [B]

1. kötet: Versei fogságáról 1706-ban. Metamorphosis Transylvaniae. Versei a nemes familiákról. Cserey Mihály névsora kortársairól. Versei kora történetéről, 1712-1743. Az Apor családra és rokonaira vonatkozó levelek. 591p.

2. kötet. Levelezése, 1687-1752. Keletnélküli levelek. Gyermekeire vonatkozó levelek. Függelék: Gyalakutai Lázár György naplója a Rákóczi forradalom idejéből; Háromszék lakósi hűségeskűje II. Károlynak s a lófők és puskások névsora 1713-ból. Tervezet Erdély közállapota reformálásáról. 754p.


175. Lusus mundi. Az Apor és azzal vérrokon családok története és nemzedékrendje. Fordította Szász Ferenc. Kolozsvár: Stief Jenő és Társa, 1912. 64p. [C]

176. Metamorphosis Transylvaniae. (Erdély változása) Cserei Mihály pótló megjegyzéseivel, a szöveget gondozta és jegyzetekkel ellátta Wildner Ödön, sajtó alá rendezte Sugár Jenő. Budapest: Rózsavölgyi és Társa, 1927. 104p. [C] NNC GeCU GeLU GeOB

177. Metamorphosis Transylvaniae, azaz Erdélynek régi együgyű alázatos idejében való gazdagságából a mostani kevély, cifra, felfordult állapotjában koldusságra való változása. Gyoma: Kner Izidor, 1941. 10p. [C]


178. Balló István. Altorjai báró Apor Péter élete és működése: (1676-1752) Csik-Szereda: Györgyjakab Márton, 1897. 112p.

Both a biography and a study of the characteristics and development of his writings, closing with a discussion of their qualities. Chapters on: Lusus mundi, Synopsis, and Metamorphosis Transylvaniae. Bibliographical footnotes. GeLBM GyBH


Born November 14, 1887 in Brassó; died August 7? 1967 in Budapest. Poet, translator. Original name: Lajos Jékely. Zoltán Jékely (q.v.) is his son. Completed schooling at Reformed Gymnasium in Székelyudvarhely and his studies with philosophy faculty at University of Kolozsvár. Taught in gymnasium in Nagyenyed 1909-1926, Kolozsvár 1926-1929, and in Reformed gymnasium in Budapest 1929-1934. Director of Baár-Madas School in Budapest 1934-1943. Edited Protestáns Szemle at various times. Awarded Attila József Prize for translation of Pushkin's Onyegin in 1954. ¶ Poems set him apart from experimentations of 20th-century poets. Follows poetic traditions of Csokonai and Berzsenyi (qq.v.) but with diction of contemporary world. Beauties of nature, especially those of Transylvania, very strong in poems. Humanistic in outlook. Translations important, especially Ibsen's Peer Gynt and Pushkin's Onyegin. Also translated Tudor Arghezi, Gheorghe Coşbuc, Lermontov, Turgenev, Gogol, and Nekrasov. ¶ Some of his poems have been translated into English, French, German, Polish, Rumanian, and Slovakian.


See also no. 836 for editorial work. Material in edition: no. 3440.

179. Falusi elégia. Versek. Cluj-Kolozsvár: Minerva, 19211. 91p.

180. Esti párbeszéd. Versek. Dicsőszentmárton: A Szerző, 19231. 78p.

181. Versek. Budapest: Athenaeum, 19241. 90p. FiHI

182. Rasmussen hajóján. [Versek] Berlin: Ludwig Voggenreiter, 19261. 62p.

183. Vers vagy te is. Antologia és új versek. [Műfordítások; Áprily Lajos költészete, by Aladár Kuncz] Cluj-Kolozsvár: Erdélyi Szépmíves Céh, 19261. 156p. OCl

184. Idahegyi pásztorok. Dráma egy felvonásban. Kolozsvár: Erdélyi Szépmíves Céh, 19291. 81p.

185. Az aranymosó balladája. [Versek: Falusi elégia, Esti párbeszéd, Rasmussen hajóján, Rönk a Tiszán (1st), and Idahegyi pásztorok]Kecskemét: Első Kecskeméti Hírlapkiadó, 1934. 298p.

186. Úti jegyzetek. Egy pedagógiai vándorlás megfigyelései. [Tanulmány] Budapest: Sylvester, 19361. 30p.

187. A láthatatlan írás. Versek. Kolozsvár: Erdélyi Szépmíves Céh, 19391. 91p. NNC GeLU

188. Ábel füstje. Válogatott versek. Drámák. [About one-third new, including Oedipus Korinthosban, one-act play] Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1957. 396p. [19652] DLC MH NNC OCl GyBDS GyGNSU

189. Az aranyszarvas. Válogatott versfordítások. Budapest: Európa, 1964. 447p. MH MnU GeLBM GyGNSU

190. Fecskék, őzek, farkasok. Elbeszélések. Budapest: Móra, 19651. 159p. DLC MnU GeLBM GyBDS GyGNSU

191. Jelentés a völgyből. [Versek] Budapest: Magvető, 19651. 239p. CLU NNC GeLBM GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU

192. Fegyvertelen vadász. [Válogatás gyermekek számára korábbi verseiből] Budapest: Móra, 1966, 38p. MnU GeLBM


See also no. 3102.

193. Alszeghy Zsolt. "Áprily Lajos," Élet, XV (1924), 301-303.

A study of his poetry finding his major roots to be recollections and the natural beauty of Transylvania. MnU GyBH

194. Kiss Ernő. "Áprily Lajos," Pásztortűz, XII (1926), 170-172.

Examines him as a member of the "decadent school" of poetry, maintaining that his insistence on belief prevents him from becoming entirely a member of that school; surveys the spirit of his writings, finding an "artistic aristocratism" probably originating in Gerhart Hauptmann. GyBH

195. Németh László. "Áprily Lajos," Protestáns Szemle, XXVI (1927), 504-507.

A study of his poetry finding it easier to read than that of Endre Ady, expressing a melancholy attitude toward life, representing a new intimacy between man and nature in Hungarian literature, and moving from the "elegiac face" to the "tragic grimace" that gives true expression to his poems. CtY NjP NNC NNUT GeLBM GeLU GyBH

196. Péterffy László: "Áprily mint formaművész," Debreceni Szemle, I(1927), 396-399.

A study of his use of imagery, sounds, and meters leading to praise of his artistry. MnU GyBH

197. Szondy György. "Áprily Lajos," Debreceni Szemle, I (1927), 377-395.

The nature of his life, his ideas, and his feelings and attitudes toward life as shown by his poems. Attention to his use of nature and to his style. Bibliographical footnotes. MnU GyBH

198. Gáldi (Gőbl) László. "Áprily és a parnasszisták," Vasárnap, XVII (1934), 181-183.

A dissent from Gábor Tolnai's view of Áprily as a "Transylvanian flowering of the Parnassians" (in Napkelet, April 1934). Maintains that his roots lie in German literature, that his forms, intonation, and poetic program link him with Stephan George, that his lyric poems are connected with the impressionism of Hugo von Hoffmanstahl, and that the classicism of Babits, the impressionism of Kosztolányi, and the "guarded polishing" of János Arany affected his poetry.

199. Németh László. "Áprily Lajos," Készülődés. A Tanú előtt. I-II.kötet. Budapest: Magyar Élet, 1942. I, 99-104.

Maintains that after the revolution in poetry begun by Endre Ady, Áprily chose not to become a pioneer in the use of new verse forms, that he has a melancholy feeling for life, that this melancholy is rooted in German sentimentalism and is comparable to that of Gyula Juhász, and that his descriptions of nature express the new intimacy between man and nature. InU NNC FiHI GyBH GyGNSU