[See also nos. 461, 468, 479, 481, 486, 498, 530, 531, 533, 534, 625, 648, and 653.]

562. Alszeghy Zsolt. Magyar lírikusok. Budapest: Pallas Irodalmi és Nyomdai r.t., 1921. 155p.

Studies of Vörösmarty, Komjáthy, Kálmán Harsányi, and Ady, mainly of their character and attitudes toward life as expressed in their writings. MnU FrPIH GeLBM GyBH

563. Barta János. Arany János. Budapest: Művelt Nép Könyvkiadó, 1953. 190p.

A biography of Arany giving major attention to his writings - their ideas and literary characteristics - and to the influence of his environment and times on his development. DLC MnU FrPIH GeLBM GyBH GyBS GyGNSU

564. — "A kritikai realizmus kérdései a magyar irodalomban," A realizmus kérdései a magyar irodalomban (Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1956; 517p.), pp. 159-331.

An examination of 19th-century Hungarian literature in relation to the criticism of literature from a realistic point of view. Given during a congress on Hungarian literary history in Budapest, November 1-3, 1955. Replies by other scholars. [The book is concerned with a reexamination of all of Hungarian literature as realism from a Marxist point of view.] MnU GeLBM GyBA GyBH

565.Madách Imre. Budapest: Franklin-Társulat, 1942. 187p.

A biography of Madách giving considerable attention to his character and to the literary qualities of his works. Appendix: Chronology of the growth of Madách's reputation through the presentations of The Tragedy of Man in Hungary and abroad and the reactions to them. Bibliographical notes, pp. 184-187. MnU OCl AsWN FIPIH GyMWd

566. Benedek Marcell. A modern magyar irodalom. Budapest: Béta Irodalmi r.t., 1924. 120p.

Hungarian literary history from around the last third of the 19th century to its own date. Concentrates on writers of narratives, lyrics, and dramas. NN OCl GyBH

567. Ember Ernő. A magyar népszínmű története Tóth Ede fellépésétől a XIX. század végéig. Debrecen: Csáthy Ferenc r.t. Egyetemi Könyvkereskedés, 1934. 88p.

The theory and history of Hungarian drama based on peasant life in the last quarter of the 19th century, the period in which, the author claims, it reached its highest point of development. Plays examined in relation to form, subject matter, and history of the period: their antecedents, their development and the environment in which they occurred, the devices they utilized for further development, and the causes of their decline. Table of plays performed in the National Theater, 1875-1903. MH FiHU GyBH GyGNSU

568. Farkas Gyula. Az asszimiláció kora a magyar irodalomban. Budapest: Magyar Történelmi Társulat, 1938. 303p.

The regeneration of the intellectual and spiritual life of Hungary in its literature from the Compromise of 1867 to the beginning of World War I. Development considered in two stages: (1) Period of alienation, 1867-1900, and (2) Beginnings of regeneration, 1900-1914, with the role of Ady in the latter receiving extensive treatment. Bibliographical notes, pp. 283-291. MnU AsWN FiHI GeCU GeLBM GyBH

569.Der Freiheitskampf des ungarischen Geistes, 1867-1914. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1940. 280p. [An enlarged edition of no. 568]

Intellectual development in the Hungarian epoch from the Settlement with Austria to the first World War. Farkas uses literary activity as the main basis of his views, and concentrates on two large periods: (1) the regeneration that began as a countercurrent to foreign influences at the turn of the century, and (2) the new generation of poets who followed in the footsteps of Ady after the appearance of his first volume of poetry in 1899 and created a new intellectual life in Hungary. DLC MH NN OCl AsWN AsWU FiHU FrPBN GeCU GeLBM GeLU GyBH GyGNSU ItFU

570.A magyar szellem felszabadulása. Budapest: Stádium Sajtóvállalat r.t., 1943. 399p.

An examination of Hungarian literature, literary criticism, and, especially, literary history, to show the various stages through which manifestations of the self-realization of true Hungarian character passed and the forces it had to overcome before it realized its own individuality in the early part of the 20th century. Emphasis on the barrier that continuing German influence presented to its emergence, mainly from the beginning of the 18th century on. Bibliographical notes, pp. 377-385. MnU NNC

571. Féja Géza. Nagy vállalkozások kora. A magyar irodalom története 1867-től napjainkig. Budapest: Magyar Élet Kiadása, 1943. 428p.

The history of Hungarian literature from the Compromise of 1867 to the 1940's, beginning with Lajos Tolnai and Lajos Kossuth and closing with Sándor Márai. Point of view: mainly to determine the Hungarian spirit and temper of each author. Individual treatments of writers, arranged chronologically under genres or literary schools. Major attention to writers at the turn of the century and to Ady and his followers. MnU AsWN FiHI GeLBM

572. Galamb Sándor. A magyar dráma története. 1867-1896. I-II. kötet. Budapest: Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, 1937-1944.

The development of Hungarian drama considered chronologically by types and literary movements, from 1867 to 1896. Attention to the subject matter, form, and techniques of the drama. Vol. I, 1867-1880; vol. II, 1880-1896. MH MnU NNC [AsWN] AsWU [FiHI] [FrPBN] GeLU GyBH GyGNSU GyMWd

573. — "A magyar líra a kiegyezés után," Magyar Múzsa, I (1920), 402-409, 460-468. [A periodical edited by Elemér Császár and published by Múzsa r.t. that ceased publication after two numbers in its first year]

Characterizations of the viewpoints and tendencies and of the changes in forms in the Hungarian lyric during the period immediately after the Compromise of 1867. MnU

574. — "A rajzforma fejlődése elbeszélő irodalmunkban," Budapesti Szemle, 201, no. 580 (1925), 47-72.

A survey of the origin and development of the prose sketch in Hungary during the last third of the 19th century, including the foreign influences, among them American, that affected the evolution of the form in Hungary. CtY DLC NNC AsWN FiHI FrPIH GeLBM GyBH

575. Halász Gábor. Magyar századvég. Budapest: Officina, 1945. 80p.

An illustrated discussion of the cultural life of Hungary during the latter part of the 19th century, especially in relation to the influences of the aristocracy under Francis Joseph. NN NNC ItFU

576. Horváth János. "A nemzeti klasszicizmus irodalmi ízlése," Tanulmányok (Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1956; 638p.), pp. 272-458.

The development of classical tastes in Hungarian literature from Petőfi, the classical pattern in his poetry and its reception, through modifications of that pattern by Mihály Tompa and Arany, with special attention to Petőfi's friendship with and influence on the latter and with a treatment of Arany's literary responses to the results of the events of 1848-49. DLC MH MnU NNC GeLBM GeLU GyBH GyGNSU

577. — "Újabb költészetünk világnézeti válsága," Tanulmányok (Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1956; 638p.), pp. 466-481.

Studies of the effect of Reviczky's and Komjáthy's intellectual views on the turning point of classical outlooks in Hungarian poetry in the last quarter of the 19th century. DLC MH MnU NNC GeLBM GeLU GyBH GyGNSU

578. Kéky Lajos. "A magyar verses elbeszélő költészet a XIX. század második felében," Irodalomtörténet, I (1912), 225-237.

Hungarian narrative poetry during the second half of the 19th century: to place it in the stream of the development of the genre, to connect it with the genre in world literature, and to evaluate the narrative poems critically. Attention to connecting writers with earlier Hungarian poets using the form. DLC MnU NNC AsWN AsWU GeLBM GyBH GyGNSU

579. Király István. Mikszáth Kálmán. Budapest: Művelt Nép Könyvkiadó, 1952. 269p. [A second edition scheduled for publication in 1960 by Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó]

A biography of Mikszáth concentrating on the stages of the development of realism in his style. Appendix: five essays on special questions about the art of his works. DLC NN NNC GeLBM GyBH GyBS GyGNSU

580. Kokas Endre. Az 1880-as évek irodalmi élete. Pannonhalma: Dunántúl Egyetemi Nyomdája, 1930. 165p.

Mainly concerned with disclosing the movements and occurences in Hungarian literature after the Compromise of 1867 evident in the activities of the 1880's. Examines the novel, drama, and lyric and epic poetry. Finds conflict between conservatism and the new spirit, between Hungarian and foreign poetic forms, between classicism and various new tastes, with the two major new currents being pessimism and romanticism. Bibliography, pp. 163-165. MH GyBH GyGGaU

581. Komlós Aladár. Irodalmi ellenzéki mozgalmak a XIX. század második felében. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1956. 115p.

A chronological examination of the cliques, periodicals, learned societies, and individual scholars and writers from the 1860's to the end of the 19th century that participated in the literary conflicts of the period, to reveal the bases on which they approached judgments of new developments in Hungarian literature - whether political, social, or aesthetic. Special attention to the roles of Pál Gyulai, János Vajda, Károly Zilahy, Szende Riedl, the Petőfi Társaság, the Kisfaludy Társaság, the Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, Lajos Tolnai, and Menyhért Palágyi. DLC MH NNC AsWN AsWU FrPBN FrPIH GyBA GyBH

582.A magyar költészet Petőfitől Adyig. Budapest: Gondolat Kiadó, 1959. 522p.

A history of Hungarian poetry, especially the lyric, in three periods: 1850-1867, 1867-1880, and 1880-1896. Considers the first to be one in which the cultivation is among the lesser nobility, whose poetry has at the time some moral basis; the second, one in which capitalism begins and disillusionment and pessimism prevail; and the third, one in which idealism opposes capitalism and the people enter the literature. Bibliography, pp. 495-508. MH NN NNC GeLU GyBH GyGNSU ItFU

583.Reviczky Gyula. Budapest: "Művelt Nép" Tudományos és Ismeretterjesztő Kiadó, 1955. 163p.

A biography of Reviczky giving considerable attention to an examination of his writings. Bibliography of his works, pp. 151-163. DLC MH MnU GeLBM GyBH GyBS GyGNSU

584.Vajda János. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1954. 363p.

A biography of Vajda devoting considerable attention to his works in order to determine his individuality and to provide an understanding of them. Develops the characteristics of the times in which he lived. Bibliography of his books, editorships, articles, and poems, pp. 337-354. DLC MH MnU NNC FrPIH GeLBM GyBA GyBH GyBS GyGNSU

585. Mahotka Jenő. Szépirodalmi folyóirataink az abszolutizmus korában. Budapest: n.p., 1934. 43p.

A history of belles-lettristic periodicals in Hungary from 1849 to 1865. Bibliography, pp. 3-4. NN AsWU FiHI GyBH

586. Moldvai Klára. Az 1870-es évek irodalmi élete. Budapest: Athenaeum, 1939. 95p.

A study of Hungarian literature in the 1870's, concerned with (1) the connections between the political, economic, social, and literary elements of the decade, (2) the spread of positivism in Hungarian learning, (3) the conflicts between writers, (4) the influence of Russian and French realism, (5) the Age's view of itself in its writings, and (6) the change in its literary taste in turning from tradition and searching for a new direction. Bibliography, pp. 88-89. MnU

587. Németh László. "A Nyugat elődei," Tanú, I (1932), 68-90. [A literary periodical published from 1932 to 1936 by Első Kecskeméti Hírlapkiadó és Nyomda and edited by László Németh]

The antecedents of the periodical Nyugat (no. 1272), to show that its creation was made possible through a number of forces originally set in motion by János Vajda. This and other developments from 1860 to 1925. MnU GyBH

588. Papp Ferenc. Báró Kemény Zsigmond. I-II. kötet. Budapest: Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, 1922-1923.

A biography of Kemény giving considerable attention to his literary works and activities. Bibliographical footnotes. Vol. I, 1814-1848; vol. II, 1849-1875 (index to both volumes). MH OCl FiHI FrPBN GeCU GeLU GyBH GyMWd

589.Gyulai Pál. I-II. kötet. Budapest: Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, 1935-1941.

A biography of Gyulai detailing both his life and literary activities extensively. Vol. I, 1826-1862; vol. II, 1863-1909 (name and title indices). MH [NN] AsWN FrPIH GeCU [GeLBM] GeLU GyGNSU GyMWd

590. Remenyi, Joseph. "Ferenc Toldy, Hungarian literary historian (1805-1875)," Unpublished manuscript. 11p.

Mainly a critical discussion of Toldy's scholarly contributions and his critical methods. NjR

591. — "Imre Madách," Bulletin. National Theater Conference, XII (1950), 6-26. [Published at Western Reserve University]

After reviewing the condition of Hungarian drama in the first half of the 19th century, turns to a critical examination of the Tragedy of Man. CSt DLC MB MiD MoS NN NjP OCl PP TxH and others

592. — "Jenő Péterfy, Hungarian critics essayist and monographer, 1850-1899," Symposium, IV (1950), 107-119. [Published at Syracuse University]

Mainly a critical examination of the man and the writer, his personality and the nature of his critical views and principles. Bibliographical notes, p. 119. Widely available in U.S.; FiHU FrPS

593. — "Kálmán Mikszáth (1847-1910)," American Slavic and East European Review, VIII (1949), 214-225.

Mainly a critical discussion of the characteristics of Mikszáth's novels and short stories, their themes and literary qualities. Widely available in U.S.; AsWN FiHU FrPS GeCU GeLBM GeLU GyBS GyGNSU

594. — "Mór Jókai, Hungarian romancer," Poet Lore, LXII (1950), 355-371. [Published in Boston, Massachusetts]

Mainly a critical discussion of the writings of Jókai, chiefly his novels and short stories, as expressions of the romantic taste of 19th-century Hungary. Widely available in U.S.

595. — "Pál Gyulai, Hungarian critic (1826-1909)," Modern Language Journal, XXXVII (1953), 393-397.

Chiefly a critical discussion of Gyulai's characteristics as a literary critic, with some attention to his poetic and narrative works. Widely available in U.S.; FiHU GyBS

596. — "Poètes Misères (three 19th-century Hungarian poets): János Vajda, Gyula Reviczky and Jenő Komjáthy," Symposium, IX (1955), 91-105. [Published at Syracuse University]

After drawing parallels between Hungary's literary culture and that of the West, critically examines the characteristics of the writings of Vajda, Reviczky, and Komjáthy in individual sections. Bibliographical notes, p. 105. Widely available in U.S.; FiHU FrPS GeLBM

597. — "Two 19th-century Hungarian men of letters: János Arany and Baron József Eötvös," Symposium, VI (1952), 157-180. [Published at Syracuse University]

Individual critical studies of Arany and Eötvös, aiming to determine the character of their works through an examination of their thought and style. Bibliographical notes, pp. 179-180. Widely available in U.S.; FiHU FrPS GeLBM

598. — "Zsigmond Kemény, Hungarian novelist," The Personalist, XXXVI (1955), 385-392. [Published at the University of Southern California]

Mainly a critical discussion of Kemény's ideas and literary style through an examination of his major works. Widely available in U.S.; [AsWN] FiHU FrPBN FrPS

599. Riedl Frigyes. Arany János. (Sajtó alá rendezte, a bevezetést és a jegyzeteket írta Balassa László) Budapest: Gondolat Kiadó, 1957. 335p. [Several editions]

Discusses the writings of Arany - their chief characteristics and the way in which they are related to his life, personality, and environment. Begins with an examination of his life and personality, respectively, in order to be able to analyze his poetry and prose in their light. Appendices: (1) Tables on the composition of Toldi szerelme and on the four periods of his ballad writing, and (2) Summaries on important biographical and bibliographical sources on his life, his works, and the appearance of his writings in textbooks. Bibliographical notes, pp. 295-300; bibliography of Arany for the years 1917 to 1957, pp. 315-317. DLC InU MH MnU NN NNC AsWN FiHU FrPIH FrPS GeLBM GeLU GeOB GyBH GyBS GyGNSU

600.Vajda, Reviczky, Komjáthy. Budapest: Királyi Magyar Egyetemi Nyomda, 1932. 140p.

Individual essays on Vajda, Reviczky, and Komjáthy, preceded by an essay on Hungarian literature from 1867 to 1900. Seeks to characterize the spirit and qualities in the various writings of each author. MnU AsWN GyBH

601. Rónay György. Petőfi és Ady között. Az újabb magyar irodalom életrajza. (1849-1899) Budapest: Magvető Könyvkiadó, 1958. 249p.

The development of Hungarian literature from 1849 to 1899, with most attention to poetry. Examination and characterization of writings. Bibliography, pp. 245-247. Illustrated. DLC MH MnU GeLBM GyBS GyGNSU ItFU

602.A regény és az élet. Bevezetés a XIX-XX. századi regényirodalomba. Budapest: Káldor György, 1947. 376p.

The Hungarian novel from József Eötvös (1813-1874) to Dezső Szabó (1897-1945). Discussion of selected novels centered on their interpretation and on the relationships between them, the reader, and society. NN GeLBM GyBS

603. Sós Margit. Arany János irodalmi ellenzéke. Pécs: Pécsi Irodalmi és Könyvnyomdai r.t. Nyomása, 1933. 90p.

The opposition to Arany's writings and critical principles, led by János Vajda and Gyula Reviczky. A record of the controversy by literary type and title and an exploration of the opposition between Arany and Petőfi. Appendix: Texts of some of the criticisms and parodies written in the controversy. Bibliography, pp. 85-88. MnU GyBH

604. Sőtér István. Eötvös József. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1953. 418p.

A biography of Eötvös emphasizing his participation in social and political currents and reforms intended to elevate the status of the Hungarian people. Bibliographical notes, pp. 397-403. InU MH MnU NNC FiHI FrPIH GeCU GeLBM GyBA GyBH GyBS GyGNSU

605. Szerb Antal. "A magyar újromantikus dráma," Irodalomtörténeti Közlemények, XXXVII (1927), 11-39.

After establishing the distinctive characteristics of the new romantic drama in Hungary (triumph of love as a theme, frequent scene changes, unmotivated entrances and exits, dialogue for emotional revelation, etc.), delineates its history (1866-1896), its roots in romanticism, and the influence of Shakespeare and of Spanish and German drama on its character. DLC MH [OCl] NNC AsWN AsWU FrPIH GeLBM [GeLU] GyBH ItFU

606. Szinnyei Ferenc. Novella- és regényirodalmunk a Bach-korszakban. I-II. kötet. Budapest: Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, 1939-1941.

A literary history of the short story and novel in Hungary providing material on their antecedents, the social, political, and cultural background of the period from 1849 to 1859 directly related to their development, and characterizations of their subject matter and style, Extensive treatment of the romantic and realistic expressions of these forms, with special attention to Jókai in the discussion of the former. Bibliography, vol. II, 661-716. Name index in vol. II only. Vol. I, mainly antecedents, cultural background, and romantic use of both genres; vol. II, a continuation of romantic use of both forms but mainly the realistic short story and novel. MH AsWN AsWU FrPBN GeCU GeLU GyBH GyGNSU

607. Voinovich Géza. Arany János életrajza. I-III. kötet. Budapest: Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, 1929-1938.

A biography of Arany giving major attention to his works, literary principles and characteristics, and other creative activities. Vol. I, 1817-1849; vol. II, 1849-1860; vol. III, 1860-1882. [MH] [MnU] OCl AsWN FiHI GeLBM GeLU GyBH GyGNSU GyMWd

608.Madách Imre és Az ember tragédiája. Budapest: Franklin-Társulat, 19222. 596p.

A biography of Madách giving major attention to his works, especially the Tragedy of Man. Bibliography, pp. 569-596. MH MnU NNC AsWU FiHI FrPIH GeLBM GyBH GyMWd ItFU

609. Zsigmond Ferenc. Jókai. Budapest: Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, 1924. 415p.

After a brief biographical sketch, discusses the development of Jókai's literary characteristics, his world outlook and poetic motivations, the protagonists in his novels, his humor, his creative methods, and his literary criticism. MH MnU OCl AsWN FiHI FrPIH GeLBM GeLU GyBH GyMWd



[See also nos. 461, 533, 562, 564, 566, 567, 568, 569, 570, 571, 572, 574, 575, 587, 602, 659, 660, 663, 664, and 687.]

610. Ady Lajos. Ady Endre. Budapest: Amicus kiadás, 1923. 245p.

A biography of Ady by his brother, which intends not to be complete and thorough but to record only those events with which the author was most familiar and which were within his experience. Record of Adys travels, including a map and calendar, pp. 242-245. MH AsWN FiHI GeLBM GeLU GyBH

611. Babits Mihály. "A kettészakadt magyar irodalom," Nyugat, XX (1927), 527-539.

Babits's reply to the attack of the President of the Academy on Endre Ady and his followers, primarily against the charge that members of the new school of literature had abandoned Hungarian tradition and imitated foreign cultures. NNC FiHU FrPIH GeLBM GyBH

612. Baránszky-Jób László. "Az impresszionizmus irodalmunkban," Irodalomtörténet, XXVII (1938), 105-117, 153-161.

The growth of impressionistic poetry in Hungary, beginning with the 20th century, and the characteristics of its style. Attention to the effect of Ady and the periodicals Nyugat (no. 1272) and Élet (no. 1224) on the movement; also to Babits, Kosztolányi, Margit Kaffka, Gyula Juhász, Zoltán Nagy, Simon Kemény, Árpád Tóth, Gyula Szini, István Tömörkény, Dezső Szomory, Gyula Krúdy, and Cecil Tormay. DLC MH MnU NN NNC NjP OClW AsWN AsWU FrPIH FrPS GeLBM GyBH [GyGNSU]

613. Bóka László. Ady Endre élete és művei. Ady Endre pályakezdése. I. kötet. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1955. 319p. [The second volume, which is to complete the life and to include the bibliography for the entire work, has not been published yet.]

A biography of Ady, from 1877 to 1905, giving attention to his works and to his concern for social reform. Survey of previous scholarship on Ady in the introduction. DLC MH FiHU FrPBN GeCU GeLBM GyBA GyBH GyBS GyGNSU ItFU

614. Bölöni György. Az igazi Ady. Budapest: "Magvető," 19553. 359p.

A biography of Ady based on the author's personal experiences with the poet and devoted to the last fourteen years of his life, beginning with the poets first visit to Paris. Seeks to correct misconceptions of him. Numerous illustrations. MH NNC FiHI FiHU FrPBN GeCU GeLBM GeOB GyBH GyBS GyGNSU ItFU

615. Csajkos Éva. Lírai költészetünk a XIX. és XX. század fordulóján. Debrecen: Csuka László Könyvnyomdája, 1943. 37p.

After recording the social, political, and cultural background, examines Hungarian lyric poetry from 1890 to 1910 in relation to the characteristics of the conservative and Nyugat schools of poetry, with more attention to the former. Bibliography, p. [38]. MnU

616. Czine Mihály. Móricz Zsigmond útja a forradalmakig. Budapest: Magvető Könyvkiadó, 1960. 611p.

Biographical, but aiming mainly at providing an insight into the nature and development of Móricz's thought and writings between two cultural and intellectual poles, that of the East and that of the West, toward an identification with revolutionary socialism. Closes with 1919. Bibliographical notes, pp. 529-578. DLC MH NNC AsWN GeLBM GyBH GyBS

617. Devecseri Gábor. Az élő Kosztolányi. Budapest: Officina, 1945. 95p.

Written nine years after Kosztolányi's death; intended to be a partial examination of his art and works rather than a biography. IC MnU NN NNC GyGNSU

618. Farkas Lujza. A Nyugat és a századeleji irodalomforduló. Budapest: Gyarmati Könyvnyomtató Műhelye, 1935. 113p.

Traces the forces that led to the creation of the periodical Nyugat (no. 1272), and then provides details of its establishment and its editorial policies. Treats its effects on Hungarian literature at the turn of the century. Appendix: ten of Adys previously unpublished letters. Bibliography, pp. 102-113. MnU GyBH

619. Fenyő Miksa. Följegyzések a Nyugat folyóiratról és környékéről. [n.p.]: Pátria Könyvkiadó, 1960. 205p. [Printed in Niagara Falls, Ontario]

Accounts of matters related to the periodical Nyugat (no. 1272) based on the author's own experiences and recollections, with attention to the years prior to its founding. Among literary figures: Ernő Osvát, Ignotus, Ady, Zsolt Beöthy, Ferenc Herczeg, Zsigmond Móricz, Mihály Babits, Dezső Kosztolányi, Gyula Illyés, Jenő Heltai, Lajos Nagy. DLC MnU NNC AsWN

620. Földessy Gyula. Ady minden titkai. Budapest: Athenaeum, 1949. 318p.

A series of commentaries on Adys lyrics, giving attention to the time, circumstances, and causes of their creation, and determining their character in relation to other writers, both Hungarian and foreign. DLC IC MiD NN GeLBM GeLU GyBS GyGNSU

621. Gellért Oszkár. Kortársaim. Budapest: Művelt Nép Könyvkiadó, 1954. 366p.

Individual portraits of deceased writers whom the author knew well or with whom he was at least acquainted. Major attention to Ernő Osvát, Margit Kaffka, Endre Ady, Zsigmond Móricz, Ignotus, Mihály Babits, Aladár Schöpflin, Gorky, Dezső Kosztolányi, Frigyes Karinthy, Gyula Juhász, Árpád Tóth, Attila József. Brief attention to 33 others. Name index. DLC MH MnU FiHU FrPIH GeLBM GyBH GyBS GyGNSU

622. Halász Gábor. "A magyar regény problémája," Magyar Szemle, V (1929), 283-288.

An evaluation of the most recent novels (at the time of the article) by Komáromi, Kassák, Bibó, Tamási, and Mihály Földi. States their problem to be their failure to provide lasting and psychological truths for the reader because they continue to enlarge upon provincial situations and turn merely to the conventional, the sickly, or the erotic in their portrayals of city life. CSt-H CtY ICJ MH MnU NN NNC [NjP] OCl OClW GeCU GeLBM [GeOB] GyGNSU

623. Hatvany Lajos. Ady. Cikkek, emlékezések, levelek. I-II. kötet. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1959.

A series of studies aimed at defending Ady against his detractors and concentrating on the exposition of his poems. Bibliographical footnotes. [No clear division into volumes] MH FrPIH GeLU GyBH GyBS GyGNSU

624. Hegedűs Nándor. Ady Endre nagyváradi napjai. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1957. 463p.

A detailed treatment of Ady's almost daily activities in Nagyvárad, from January 1900 to October 1903. Purpose: to correct errors in previous accounts of events and occurrences during this period. Appendix: Chronological catalogue of Ady's activities during the period covered by the study. Illustrations. DLC MH NN NNC AsWN FrPBN FrPIH GeLBM GyBA GyGNSU

625. Horváth János. Aranytól Adyig. Irodalmunk és közönsége. Budapest: Pallas Kiadása, 1921. 59p.

Concerned with the controversies regarding Hungarian literature from Arany to Ady. The attitudes of critics and the general reading public toward the differences between Hungarian classical literature and the new spirit of Ady's poetry. MnU AsWN GeLBM

626. — "Forradalom után," Magyar Figyelő, III (1912), 207-227.

The style of the revolutionary poets of 1910 and after, to characterize it and to explain their attitude toward Vörösmarty, whom they reject even though they are romantic. MnU GeLBM

627. József Farkas. "Rohanunk a forradalomba." A modern magyar irodalom útja. 1914-1919. Budapest: Bibliotheca Kiadó, 1957. 264p.

A history of those Hungarian writings which, from 1914 to 1919, spoke against the "Imperialistic World War" and most of which prepared the way for the Revolutions of 1918 and 1919 in Hungary. Bibliography, pp. 239-262. FrPIH GyBS GyGNSU

628. Juhász Géza. Bevezetés az új magyar irodalomba. (1900-1928) Budapest és Debrecen: Csáthy Ferenc Egyetemi Könyvkereskedés és Vállalat r.t., 1928. 48p.

Four essays: (1) The new literature and European currents, (2) The new drama and success, (3) Form and world concept in the new novel, and (4) The individuality of the new lyrics. MH GyMWd

629. Kardos László. Tóth Árpád. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1955. 455p.

A biography of Tóth giving considerable attention to his writings their development and characteristics. Bibliographical notes, pp. 407-443. Illustrations. DLC MH NNC FiHU FrPBN FrPIH GeLBM GeLU GyBH GyGNSU

630. Kispéter András. Juhász Gyula. Budapest: "Művelt Nép" Tudományos és Ismeretterjesztő Kiadó, 1956. 247p.

A biography of Juhász almost entirely concerned with summing up the major lines of his career and with building knowledge of his most important writings. Bibliographical notes, pp. 234-244. DLC NNC FrPBN FrPIH GeLBM

631. Komlós Aladár. Írók és elvek. Irodalmi tanulmányok. Budapest: Nyugat Kiadása, 1937. 245p.

A series of essays mainly on the literature of the 20th century. Articles on Sándor Bródy, Móricz, Krúdy, Karinthy, Márai, Béla Zsolt, Georg Trakl, the problem of criticism, the turning point in the development of the Hungarian lyric, and Hungarian literature after World War I. NN OCl GeLBM GeLU GyGNSU

632.Az új magyar lira. Budapest: Pantheon Irodalmi Intézet, 1928. 238p.

The main current of Hungarian lyric poetry and its representative poets, from the beginning of the 20th century to the close of the first World War. Among poets: Ady, Árpád Tóth, Ernő Szép, Kosztolányi, Simon Kemény, Zoltán Nagy, Gyula Juhász, Margit Kaffka, Frigyes Karinthy, Aladár Bodor, Béla Balázs, Anna Lesznai, Babits, Oszkár Gellért, Milán Füst, and István Peterdi. Also chapters on the controversies around the new lyric, human ideals in the new lyric, and the Hungarian lyric after World War I. Bibliography of authors' works, pp. 237-238. MH MnU NNC OCl AsWU FiHI GeLBM GyBH

633. Móricz Miklós. Móricz Zsigmond indulása. Budapest: Magvető Könyvkiadó, 1959. 513p.

A biography covering Móricz's early years, by his brother, giving detailed treatment to the genealogy and history of his family, to his childhood and youth, and attention to his development as a writer. Chronological table of his ancestry and family and the events in his life to 1910. Bibliography of his writings from 1899 to 1908, including a name index, collected by Sándor Kozocsa, pp. 495-511. Illustrations and facsimiles. DLC MnU NN NNC AsWN FrPIH GeLBM GyBH GyBS GyGNSU

634. Nagy Péter. Móricz Zsigmond. Budapest: Művelt Nép Könyvkiadó, 1953. 416p.

A biography of Móricz giving considerable attention to his writings their individuality, themes and style, and their connections with his times. Bibliography, 1952-1953, pp. 411-413. DLC MnU FiHI FrPIH GeCU GeLU GyBH GyBS GyGNSU

635. Péczely Ödön. Elvek és költészeti irányok az 1890-es évek irodalmában. Budapest: Sárkány-nyomda, 1932. 50p.

Hungarian literary criticism and poetry in the 1890's. Purpose: to determine their various tendencies and characteristics. Poets: Ödön Jakab, Andor Kozma, Emil Ábrányi, Győző Dalmady, Gyula Szávay, Lajos Palágyi, József Kiss, Gyula Szentessy, Árpád Zempléni, Mihály Szabolcska, Sándor Endrődi, Gyula Varsányi, Jenő Komjáthy, Gyula Reviczky, János Vajda, Géza Szilágyi, Jenő Heltai, Ignotus, Emil Makai. MnU FiHI GyBH

636. Remenyi, Joseph. "Dezső Kosztolányi, Hungarian Homo Aestheticus (1885-1936)," American Slavic and East European Review, V (1946), 188-203.

Mainly a critical discussion of the characteristics of his poetry and the nature of his ideas. Brief attention to his novels and sketches. Bibliography, p. 203. Widely available in U.S.; AsWN FiHU FrPS GeCU GeLU GyGNSU

637. — "Endre Ady, Hungary's apocalyptic poet," Slavonic and East European Review, XXII (1944), 84-105. [Published at Harvard University]

After placing Ady in relation to the politics, literary trends, and social structure that preceded him and to the events of his own times, critically examines his personality and his writings, their thought and style, and, especially, the symbolism in his poetry. Bibliography, pp. 104-105. Widely available in U.S.; FiHU FrPS GeLBM GeLU GyGNSU

638. — "Ferenc Herczeg: Hungarian playwright and novelist," Slavonic and East European Review, XXX (1951), 175-184. [Published at the University of London]

Primarily a critical discussion of the characteristics of Herczeg's works, mainly his novels and plays. Widely available in U.S.; FiHU FrPS GeLBM GeLU GyBA GyBS GyGNSU

639. — "Géza Gárdonyi, Hungarian novelist and playwright," Slavonic and East European Review, XXXIII (1954), 17-24. [Published at the University of London]

Mainly a critical discussion of the themes and style of Gárdonyi's novels, short stories, and dramas. Widely available in U.S.; FiHU FrPS GeLBM GeLU GyBA GyBS GyGNSU

640. — "A Hungarian exponent of French realism: Zoltán Ambrus, 1861-1933," Symposium, II (1948), 261-274. [Published at Syracuse University]

After placing Hungarian literature in relation to the influence of French literature, turns to a critical examination of the ideas and style of Ambrus's writings, a definition of the extent of French influence upon him, and an evaluation of his literary artistry. Bibliographical notes, p. 274. Widely available in U.S.; FiHU FrPS

641. — "Mihály Babits, Hungarian Poeta Doctus (1883-1941)," Slavonic und East European Review, XXII (1944), 111-131. [Published at Harvard University]

Contains biographical materials but consists mainly of critical examinations of Babits's style and ideas in his poetry and prose, chiefly in the former. Bibliography, p. 131. Widely available in U.S.; FiHU FrPS GeLBM GeLU GyGNSU

642. — "Three twentieth century Hungarian poets: Margit Kaffka, Árpád Tóth, Gyula Illyés," American Slavic and East European Review, VI (1947), 36-55.

Individual studies containing some biographical materials but mainly concerned with a critical examination of their works, to determine the nature of their ideas and style and to assess each writers merits as an author of universal significance. Widely available in U.S.; AsWN FiHU FrPS GeCU GeLU GyGNSU GyBS

643. — "Two Hungarian romanticists: Gyula Krúdy and Gyula Szini," Poet Lore, LX (1948), 334-351. [Published in Boston, Massachusetts]

Individual critical discussions of the two writers, mainly the literary qualities of their novels and short stories. Widely available in U.S.

644. — "Zsigmond Móricz, Hungarian realist (1879-1942)," American Slavic and East European Review, IV (1945), 165-181.

Chiefly a critical discussion of the subject matter and style of Móricz's novels, short stories, poems, and plays. Bibliography, p. 181. Widely available in U.S.; AsWN FiHU FrPS GeCU GeLU GyGNSU

645. Révai József. Ady. Budapest: Szikra, 19523. 129p.

Views Ady as the democratic revolutionary and the critic of bourgeois democracy, examines the political and social symbolism in his poetry, and treats the aesthetic and political struggles that ranged around the poet prior to World War I. Also includes memorials on the twentyseventh and thirtieth anniversaries of his death, which seek to point up his significance to Hungary. DLC InU MH FiHI FrPIH GeLBM GyBH GyGNSU

646. Révész Béla. Ady Endre életéről, verseiről, jelleméről. Budapest: Béta Irodalmi r.t. Kiadása, 1924. 160p.

A summary of Ady's life, the nature of his personality, and the characteristics of his poetry. MH NN NNC OCl AsWN GeLBM GeLU

647. Schöpflin Aladár. "Konzervativ kritika, fejlődő irodalom," Nyugat, XIV (1921), 565-575.

A defense against the conservative critics of the periodical Nyugat (see no. 1272), especially against the comments of János Horváth in his Aranytól Adyig (no. 625), at the periodicals attempts to stimulate the development of a new Hungarian literature. MH NNC FiHU FrPIH GeLBM GyBH

648.A magyar irodalom története a XX. században. Budapest: Grill Károly Könyvkiadóvállalata, 1937. 311p.

A critical survey of Hungarian literature from the end of the 19th century to the authors dominant after the first World War. Attention focused on delineating the overlapping and stratification of the various literary currents of the period. MH MnU NN NNC NjR OCl FiHI GeCU GeLBM GeLU GyBH GyGNSU

649. Sebestyén Károly. "A dráma és a színpad a XX. században," Budapesti Szemle, 228 (1933), no. 662, 50-73; no. 663, 180-199.

Hungarian drama and theater during the first thirty years of the 20th century, to determine the character of the changes in both during the period which distinguish them from earlier forms of both, with consideration of the effect of the theater on the drama. Attention to foreign influences and to cinematic art. CtY DLC NNC AsWN FiHI FrPIH GeLBM GyBH

650. Szinnyei Ferenc. "Fejezetek újabb regényirodalmunk történetéből," Akadémiai Értesítő, XXXIII (1922), 28-31.

Characterizations of the writings of four contemporary novelists: Ferenc Herczeg, Géza Gárdonyi, Margit Kaffka, and Cecil Tormay. [DLC] GeLBM GyBH GyGNSU

651. Vajthó László. Mai magyar Múzsa. Budapest: Könyvbarátok Szövetsége, 1930. 175p.

An anthology of Hungarian poets born in the last twenty or thirty years of the 19th century, with biographical sketches and portraits and a characterization of each poets works by a literary critic. IC NN FiHI GyBH ItFU

652. Vargha Kálmán (szerk.). Kortársak Móricz Zsigmondról. Tanulmányok és kritikák. (1900-1919) Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1958. 500p.

A collection of scholarly and critical studies of Móricz's life and works published in various periodicals from 1900 to 1919, arranged by years. Translations of studies in foreign languages into Hungarian, pp. 447-461. Bibliography, pp. 463-490. DLC

653. Várkonyi Nándor. Az újabb magyar irodalom. 1880-1940. Budapest: Szukits, 1942. 579p.

A history of Hungarian literature, divided into three periods: (1) Realistic, 1880-1900. (2) Modern, 1900-1920, and (3) Popular, 1920-1940, with each subdivided into types and/or stages of development and frequently introduced by general comment. Brief individual essays on authors characterizing their writings and contributions, if any, to Hungarian literature, followed by a bibliography of primary and secondary sources. Numerous minor writers included. MH MnU AsWN FiHU GeLBM GyBH GyBS ItFU


[See also nos. 564, 570, 571, 602, 621, 628, 631, 632, 648, 649, and 653]

654. Babits Mihály. Írók két háború közt. Budapest: Nyugat Kiadása, 1941. 285p.

A collection of the author's published articles dealing with various Hungarian authors and literary questions in the period between the first and second World Wars. Bibliographical notes, pp. 241-285. DLC NN FiHI GyBH

655. Bisztray Gyula. "Szépprózánk legújabb irányai," Magyar Szemle, X (1930), 356-368.

Seeks to determine and evaluate new tendencies in Hungarian fiction following the first World War, in the writings of József Nyírő, Áron Tamási, and János Kodolányi, and in Mózes Székely's Zátony. CSt-H CtY ICJ MH MnU NN NNC [NjP] OCl OClW AsWN FiHI FiHU FrPBN FrPS GeCU GeLBM GeOB [GyBH] GyGNSU

656. György Lajos. Az erdélyi magyarság szellemi élete. Budapest: Pallas Irodalmi és Nyomdai r.t., 1926. 77p.

Hungarian intellectual life in Transylvania from 1918 to its own date, through its printing presses and book publishers, literary activities, critical and community literature, belles-lettres (lyrical poetry, novels, short stories, and dramas), newspapers, book trades, literary and cultural societies, music, and art. MnU FiHI GeLBM GyGGaU

657. Jancsó Elemér. Az erdélyi magyar líra tizenöt éve. Cluj-Kolozsvár: Grafica Nyomda, 1934. 127p.

A study of Hungarian lyric poems in Transylvania, from 1919 to 1934. Characterizes their tendencies and emphases and discusses individual poets and their writings by schools. Bibliography, pp. 119-121. NN GeLBM GyBH GyGGaU

658. József Jolán. József Attila élete. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 19554. 327p.

A biography of the poet by his sister. DLC MH MnU NNC FiHI FrPIH GeCU GeLBM GyBH

659. Juhász Géza. Népi írók. Budapest: Magyar Élet Kiadása, 1943. 138p.

Examines those Hungarian writers of the 20th century who were concerned about conditions in Hungary, revealed the state of the peasant and worker, and sought a better social order. AsWN FiHI GyBH ItFU

660. Koczogh Ákos. Expresszionizmus. Budapest: Királyi Magyar Egyetemi Nyomda Könyvesboltja, 1938. 102p.

European expressionism from 1900 to 1920, with a brief chapter on its manifestations in the writings of Lajos Kassák (mainly), Zsigmond Móricz, Dezső Szabó, Mihály Babits, and Áron Tamási. MnU

661. Kristóf György. Kritikai szempontok az erdélyi magyar irodalmi életben. Cluj-Kolozsvár: Minerva Irodalmi és Nyomdai Műintézet, 1931. 125p.

A collection of essays on various aspects of the literary life of Transylvania: (1) A definition of "Transylvanianism" in literature, (2) Relations between Transylvanian literature and society, (3) Hungarian literature and international aesthetic views, and (4) Hungarian Transylvanian literature from 1919 to 1929 [the last a reprint of no, 662]. Bibliography, pp. 124-125. MnU GyBH

662. — "Tíz év az erdélyi magyarság irodalmi életéből," Irodalom-történet, XIX (1930), 78-90, 145-158, 235-247.

After a brief general survey of previous Hungarian literature in Transyl-vania, examines the various types of literary works by Hungarian writers from 1919 to 1929. Brief section on Rumanian influence. Bibliography, p. 247. DLC MnU NN NNC NjP OClW AsWN AsWU FrPIH GeLBM GyBH GyGNSU

663. Lengyel Balázs. A mai magyar líra. Budapest: Officina, 1948. 116p.

The development of the Hungarian lyric from Ady to its own time, not only through the pointing out of individual and inner connections, but also through an analysis of the poems of individual writers. Poets covered: Ady, Babits, Kosztolányi, Árpád Tóth, Gyula Juhász, Lajos Kassák, Gyula Illyés, Miklós Radnóti, Jenő Dsida, Lőrinc Szabó, Sándor Weöres, István Vas, and Zoltán Zelk. Also a brief chapter on recent young poets. DLC MH MiD GeLBM

664. Miklósy Lajos. A modern magyar regény. Pécs: Dunántúl Pécsi Egyetemi Könyvkiadó, 1937. 62p.

A characterization of the Hungarian novel in the 20th century (to 1935) and studies of the novels and contributions to its development by Zsigmond Móricz, Dezső Szabó, Miklós Surányi, Sándor Sásdi, Sándor Márai, and Ferenc Körmendi, who are claimed to be its chief representatives. Bibliography, pp. 61-62. MnU

665. Rass Károly. "A mi regényirodalmunk," Erdélyi Múzeum, XLI (1936), 245-273.

A survey of nearly forty Hungarian novels written since 1918 as to subject and quality, by types: historical, Transylvanian but mirroring Hungarian life, psychological, social, and war. Among writers: Károly Kós, Sándor Makkai, György Szántó, József Nyírő, Géza Tabéry, Károly Molter, Mária Berde, Albert Wass, Mózes Székely, Sándor Kacsó, Miklós Bánffy, Ligeti, Grandpierre, Imre Kádár, Tamási, Károly Pakots, Rodion Markovits, Aladár Kuncz. CU DLC NN NNM WU [FrPS] GyBH

666. Remenyi, Joseph. "Attila József, contemporary Hungarian poet (1905-1937)," Voices, a Quarterly of Poetry, 1948, pp. 55-62.

Mainly a critical discussion of József's ideas and poetic style. Widely available in U.S.

667. — "Dezső Szabó, Hungarian novelist and pamphleteer (1879-1945)," Slavonic and East European Review, XXV (1946), 105-109. [Published at the University of London]

Primarily a critical examination of the ideas and literary characteristics of Szabó's novels and short stories. Widely available in U.S.; FiHU FrPS GeLBM GeLU GyGNSU

668. — "Ferenc Molnár, Hungarian playwright," PMLA. Publications of the Modern Language Association of America, LXI (1946), 1185-1200.

After a brief survey of the history of the theater and acting in Hungary, turns to a critical discussion of Molnár as a writer of novels, short stories, and, mainly, plays. Bibliography, pp. 1199-1200. Widely available in U.S.

669. — "Frigyes Karinthy, Hungarian humorist, 1888-1938," Poet Lore, LII (1946), 69-79. [Published in Boston, Massachusetts]

Mainly a critical discussion of the qualities of Karinthy's humorous writings and the nature of his ideas. Widely available in U.S.

670. — "Hungarian literature in the past three decades," Books Abroad, XXX (1956), 13-20. [Published by the University of Oklahoma Press]

Critical characterizations of Hungarian writers from the 1920's to the 1940's, with brief attention to those in exile and in Czechoslovakia, Rumania, and Yugoslavia. Widely available in U.S.; FrPBN FrPS GeLBM GyBS

671. — "Hungarian writers and the tragic sense," Books Abroad, XIV (1940), 361-364. [Published by the University of Oklahoma Press]

A discussion of the concerns of numerous Hungarian writers of the late 1930's and early 1940's in relation to their awareness of life as a tragic obligation. Widely available in U.S.; FrPBN [GeLBM] GyBS

672. — "Lajos Kassák, Hungarian 'avant-garde' writer and poet," Modern Language Journal, XXXV (1951), 119-123.

Mainly a critical discussion of Kassák's literary style and themes. Widely available in U.S.; FiHU GyBS

673. "The Transylvanian poet Jenő Dsida (1907-1938)," Slavonic and East European Review, XXXV (1956), 249-255. [Published at the University of London]

Mainly a critical discussion of the themes and style of Dsida's poetry. Widely available in U.S.; FiHU FrPS GeLBM GeLU GyBA GyBS GyGNSU

674. Szántó Judith és Kovács Endréné (összeáll.). József Attila. Budapest: Magyar Helikon, 1958. 229p.

Mainly illustrations, facsimiles of correspondence, manuscripts, sketches of the poet, and other matters connected with the poets life and writings. An introductory essay on the poetry of József by József Révai. A Curriculum vitae from the poets own hand. DLC MH GeLBM GyBH GyBS GyGNSU

675. Tolnai Gábor. Erdély magyar irodalmi élete. Szeged: Magyar Irodalomtörténeti Intézet, 1933. 141p.

A history of Hungarian authors in Transylvania who created a distinctly Hungarian literature, from 1918 to 1933. Seeks to throw light, not on the literature itself, but on the environment in which it developed: the periodicals, newspapers, literary societies, theaters and dramas, and publication of books. Bibliography, pp. 133-138. DLC MnU NNC AsWU GyBH


[See also 642.]

676. Barkan, Pierre. "Littérature de la République Populaire de Hongrie," Histoire des littératures. Encyclopédie de la Pléiade. Volume publié sous la direction de Raymond Queaneau. (Paris: Gallimard, 1956; 1967p.), II, 1342-1344.

A concise summary of Hungarian literature during the period of the People's Republic. Bibliography, pp. 1340-1341. CU DLC AsWN FiHU FrPBN FrPS GeCU GeLBM GyBS

677. Gömöri, G. The Hungarian literary scene, 1957-1959. Oxford, England: St. Antony's College, 1959. 12p.

Analyzes the effect of political considerations on literary creativity in Hungary during two periods: (1) November 1956 to the end of 1957 or to January-February 1958 - the period of "hopeful expectation," and (2) Early 1958 to the end of 1959 - the period of "Communist counter-offensive." DLC MnU GeOB

678. Juhasz, William and Rothberg, Abraham (ed.). Flashes in the night: a collection of stories from contemporary Hungary. New York: Random House, 1958. 87p.

An account of the revolt of the writers in 1956 in the introduction. Brief biographical sketches of Tibor Déry, Miklós Gyárfás, Gyula Háy, Gyula Illyés, Lajos Kónya, Ferenc Sánta, Pál Szabó, Áron Tamási. CU DLC InU MB MnU NN NcD OCl OrU ViU and others

679. Király István. "Népi demokráciánk irodalma," Irodalomtörténet, XXXIX (1950), 33-56.

An attempt to present a comprehensive view of the literature of the day for the purpose of directing the attention of the readers of literary history and especially of pedagogues to the development of a literature in a people's democracy and to its contemporary state, so that they may be more aware of literature as a weapon of socialism. [CU] DLC [MH] MnU NN NNC OCl AsWU GeLBM GyBH GyGNSU

680. A magyar írók első kongresszusa. Budapest: Művelt Nép Könyvkiadó, 1951. 310p.

An expansion of the reports in the periodical Csillag (no. 1219), V (1951), 515-601, on the First Congress of Hungarian Writers, held from April 27 to April 30, 1951, in Budapest, to determine the best ways in which they could serve their country and people. Various speeches evaluating the course of Hungarian literature during the regime of Horthy and the present and recommending the exercise of socialistic views and ideals in the creation of a new literature. DLC MH NN GyBH GyBS

681. Nagy Péter. Új csapáson. Budapest: Magvető Könyvkiadó, 1956. 150p.

A study of Hungarian novels after the introduction of socialistic realism in the pattern of Soviet literature, 1948 to 1954. Bibliography, pp. 149-150. GeLBM ItFU

682. Remenyi, Joseph. "Áron Tamási, the Transylvanian regionalist (1897- )," American Slavic and East European Review, V (1946), 135-149.

After a survey of Tamási's life and Hungarian literature in Transylvania between the two World Wars, examines critically the subject matter and style of his short stories, novels, and plays. Bibliography, p. 149. Widely available in U.S.; AsWN FiHU FrPS GeCU GeLU GyBS GyGNSU

683. — "László Németh, Hungarian writer and reformer (1901- )," The Personalist, XXXI (1950), 380-389. [Published at the University of Southern California]

Chiefly a critical discussion of Németh's approach to Hungarian problems between the two World Wars and the characteristics of his critical and imaginative writings. Widely available in U.S.; [AsWN] FiHU FrPBN

684. — "Lőrinc Szabó, contemporary Hungarian poet," The Western Review, XIV (1950), 121-126. [Published at the University of Iowa]

Mainly a critical discussion of Szabó's poetical style and the nature of his ideas. Widely available in U.S.

685. — "Sándor Márai, 'Blender of Dreams and Substance,' " Books Abroad, XXIII (1949), 339-344. [Published by the University of Oklahoma Press]

A summary of Márai's life and critical characterizations of his writings, especially his novels. Widely available in U.S.; FrPBN FrPS GeLBM GyBS

686. — "Sándor Weöres, contemporary Hungarian poet (1913- )," Modern Language Journal, XXXIII (1949), 302-308.

Mainly a critical discussion of the themes and style of Weöres's poetry. Widely available in U.S.; FiHU GyBS

687. Révai József. Irodalmi tanulmányok. Budapest: Szikra, 1950. 318p.

Besides essays on Kölcsey, Petőfi, and Ady, contains a study of the questions of literary and cultural life in contemporary Hungary consisting of articles recommending the study of Soviet art and culture to Hungarians and of an article examining the issues raised by György Lukács's views of literary and critical principles in a socialistic society. DLC MH NN NNC AsWU GeLBM GyBH GyGNSU

688. Staud Géza (szerk.). Magyar színházművészet. 1949-1959. Budapest: Színháztudományi Intézet, 1960. 219p.

A history of the ten years of Hungarian theaters after their nationalization in 1949. Mainly individual articles on specific theaters arranged in two major divisions - theaters in Budapest and theaters in the provinces. List of performances at end of article on each theater. Statistical tables on numbers of theaters in Budapest and the provinces in chronological order, of the number of performances and playgoers in each category, of the number of performances in Budapest and the provinces, and of the number of playgoers in 1958. Also an alphabetical list of outstanding performers, stating their special area in the performing arts and the years they won awards. Illustrated. DLC MnU AsWN FrPS GyBS

689. Tóth László. A Janus-arcú jelenkori magyar irodalom. Roma: Katolikus Szemle Kis Könyvtára, 1955. 40p.

The characteristics of two groups of Hungarian writers since 1944: (1) those who have remained in Hungary, Czechoslovakia, and Yugoslavia, and (2) those who emigrated. ItFU



[For a subject bibliography, see no. 104. For other studies, see nos. 217, 419, 435, 450, 466, 469, 513, 519, 520, 522, 531, 532, 557, 567, 572, 605, and 649.]

690. Bárdi Ödön. A régi Vígszínház. Budapest: Táncsics Könyvkiadó, 1957. 233p.

A history of the Comedy Theatre from its founding in 1896 to the 1950's. Special attention to Dániel Jób, Irén Varsányi, Gyula Hegedűs, Emil Fenyvesi, Lina Nikó, Frigyes Tanay, Hermin Haraszthy, Zoltán Szerémy, Hedvig Harmath, Ferenc Vendrey, Miklós Tihanyi, Ella (Kertész) Góth, Jenő Balassa, Aladár Sarkadi, Rózsi Kész, Lajos Győző, Artúr Somlay, Gyula Csortos, Sándor Góth, Gábor Faludi, István Keglevich, Mari Jászai, Dezső Tapolczai. Illustrated. DLC MH NN NNC FiHU GeCU GyBS

691. Bayer József. A magyar dráma története. I-II. kötet. Budapest: Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, 1897.

A history of Hungarian dramatic literature from the Middle Ages to 1867. Subject paralleled with the history of the theatrical arts, so that their effects on each other can be observed. Also discusses the political and historical events of the various periods. The more important Appendices: (1) Chronological table of the dramas of the Jesuit School (1601-1775); (2) Chronological table of the dramas of the Piarist and Paulite Schools (1700-1783); (3) Chronological table of the dramas of the minor schools at Kézdivásárhely-Kant and Csiksomlyó (1721-1784); (4) Catalogue of Hungarian comedies in translation or in foreign languages, giving translator, Hungarian title, type and date, foreign title, and author; and for those in Hungarian, giving the author, the title, the type and date, and the work or subject on which the drama is based; (5) Catalogue of plays performed in the name of the National Hungarian Theatrical Society from 1790 to 1796 and from 1799 to 1801, providing type, number of acts, and classification as a translation or original; (6) Chronological list of Kotzebue's plays, giving the history of their publication in Hungary, and (7) Chronological list of original Hungarian plays presented at the National Theater from 1837 to 1867. Name and title indices in each volume. Vol. I, Middle Ages to Ede Szigligeti; vol. II, Historical comedies from the 1830's to 1867. DLC AsWU FiHU FrPS GeLBM GyBA GyGNSU

692. Csathó Kálmán. Ilyeneknek láttam őket. Régi Nemzeti Színházi arcképalbum. (Szerkesztette Hubay Miklós) Budapest: Magvető Könyvkiadó, 1957. 328p.

Individual portraits of directors, actors, and actresses connected with The Hungarian National Theater, based on the author's own experiences with them. Arranged chronologically by date of birth. Directors: Imre Tóth, Zoltán Ambrus, Sándor Hevesi. Actors and actresses: Ferenc Náday, Gyula Vízvári, Ede Újházi, Árpád Gabányi, Mari Jászai, Emília P. Márkus, Teréz Csillag, Lujza Blaha, Szidi Rákosi, Imre Szacsvay, Károly Mihályfi, László Gyenes, Jenő Ivánfi, Mari K. Hegyesi, Irma Cs. Alszeghy, Szeréna S. Fáy, Gyula Gál, Imre Pethes, Árpád Odry, Károly Sugár. Author: István Tömörkény. Illustrated. MnU NN NNC AsWN FrPBN GeLBM GyBH GyBS

693.A régi Nemzeti Színház. Az "Ilyeneknek láttam őket régi Nemzeti Színházi arcképalbum" II. kötete. Budapest: Magvető Könyvkiadó, 1960. 336p.

Sketches of and comments on actors, actresses, and others connected with the history of the Hungarian National Theater and considered to be important by the author. Also an account of the building housing the National Theater and of the failure to construct a new building after the old one was demolished in 1913, based on the author's own involvment in efforts at new construction. Sections on personages arranged chronologically by date of birth. Actors, actresses, and others given attention: Gizi Bajor, Kálmán Rózsahegyi, Oszkár Beregi, Irén Kiss, Gyula Bartos, Juliska D. Ligeti, József Dezső, Mariska Vízvári, Jenő Horváth, József Kürti, Artúr Somlay, József Hajdu, Ilona Cs. Aczél, Erzsi Paulay, Adorján Nagy, Attila Petheő, László Molnár, Ibolya Nagy, László Bakó, Irma Török, József Pataki, Béla Náday, Aranka Hettyey, Erzsi Ághy, Jenő Kéméndy, Albert Váradi, Gyula Péchy, Mari Demején, Emma Somló, Lajos Szőke, Dezső Szomory, Zsigmond Móricz, Sándor Hegedűs (ifj.), László Márkus, Géza Voinovich, József Kessler. Closes with a number of plates. NNC AsWN GyBH

694. Gombos Andor. A magyar népszínmű története. Mezőkövesd: Balázs Ferenc Könyvnyomdája, 1933. 42p.

A history of Hungarian dramas based on peasant life, from 1765 to 1931. Focus on the origin of the genre and its distinctive characteristics during the various literary periods. MnU AsWU

695. Gyárfás Miklós és Hont Ferenc (szerk.). Nagy magyar színészek. Budapest: Bibliotheca, 1957. 489p.

Individual portraits of twenty-three Hungarian actors and actresses in chronological order, with a span of 170 years between the first and the last: Anna Engelhardt Kántor, Róza Széppataki Déry, Károly Megyeri, Márton Lendvay, Gábor Egressy, Róza Laborfalvi, József Tóth, Kornélia Prielle and Kálmán Szerdahelyi, Ede Újházi, Mari Jászai, Lujza Blaha, Emília Márkus, Imre Pethes, Gyula Hegedűs, Árpád Ódry, Irén Varsányi, Márton Rátkay, Károly Sugár, Gyula Csortos, Artúr Somlay, Jenő Törzs, Gyula Kabos, Gizi Bajor. Not intended to be primarily a work on the history of the theater but a work interesting to read, and focused on an examination of each artist's theatrical individuality. Illustrated. DLC MnU NNC GyBS

696. Kardos Tibor. Régi magyar drámai emlékek. I-II. kötet. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1960.

An anthology containing an extensive literary and historical treatment of Hungarian drama from the 11th century to the end of the 17th, Vol. I, 1-232. Bibliographical footnotes at the end of each chapter and after each dramatic text. Vol. I, Dramatic texts from the 11th to the 16th century; vol. II, Dramatic texts from the 17th century. DLC MH NNC NjR AsWN GeCU GyBA GyBH GyBS

697. Kárpáti Aurél. Színház. Budapest: Gondolat, 1959. 358p.

A collection of the author's previously published reviews and articles including those on world drama but mainly those on the dramatic arts in Pest and on Hungarian dramatic literature, and sketches of individuals connected with the Hungarian theater: Mari Jászai, Imre Pethes, Gyula Gál, Gyula Hegedűs, Sándor Hevesi, Árpád Ódry, József Kürti, Károly Sugár, Gizi Bajor. DLC NN NNC FrPIH GyBS GyGNSU

698. Kozma Magdolna. A magyar történeti vígjáték. Budapest: Dunántúl Pécsi Egyetemi Könyvkiadó, 1931. 39p.

Identifies historical comedies in Hungary and examines their characteristics and development, mainly with respect to their subject matter, from their inception at the beginning of the 19th century to 1917. In three periods: (1) from the beginning of the 19th century to 1848, (2) from 1857 to the end of the century, and (3) the 20th century. Chronological table of the 34 comedies and 5 translations covered in the study, giving the author, title, number of acts, and place and date of first performance for each. MnU NN FrPIH

699. Lukács Gáspár. A magyar társadalmi dráma fejlődése. Budapest: Pallas Irodalmi és Nyomdai r.t., 1934. 65 p.

Nearly one hundred years of the development of the Hungarian drama of manners from its beginnings, with special attention to Gergely Csiky as the creator of the genre and Ferenc Herczeg as its chief developer. Also a brief survey of the form in the 20th century prior to the first World War. DLC FiHU GeLBM GeLU GyGGaU

700. Országh Sándor. Budai színházak és játékszín. 1783-1895. Budapest: "Kosmos" Műintézet Nyomása, 1895. 102p.

A history of the theater in Buda from 1783 to 1895. Affairs of the theater treated in strict chronological order. Appendices: (1) German description of the new Buda Theater as given in a notice in 1788 and (2) List of the members of the Budapest Theatrical Society and the new plays performed in 1787 and 1788. MnU GeLBM

701. Pataki József. A magyar színészet története. 1790-1890. Budapest: Táltos, 1922. 222p.

A history of theatrical arts in Hungary from 1790 to 1890, in three parts: (1) national theatrical activity, 1790-1837, (2) the National Theater, 1837-1890, and (3) provincial theaters. OCl GeLBM GyBH

702. Péntek Irma. A történeti vígjáték a magyar irodalomban. Karcag: Klein Mór Könyvnyomdája, 1931. 62p.

The origin and development of historical comedy in Hungary from the early part of the 18th century to the 1920's. Explores the reasons why the genre did not flower or develop greater quality, even though excellent plays were written by Károly Kisfaludy, Szigligeti, Kálmán Tóth, Rákosi, Dóczy, Földes, Berczik, Lampérth, Sajó, Pekár, Herczeg, and Hevesi. Bibliography, pp. 61-62. Catalogue of first performances, p. 62. MnU FiHI GeLBM GyBH

703. Pukánszkyné Kádár Jolán. A Nemzeti Színház százéves története. I-II. kötet. Budapest: Magyar Történeti Társulat, 1938-1940. [Title given is that of Vol. I, published in 1940; vol. II, published in 1938, is entitled: Iratok a Nemzeti Színház történetéhez.]

The evolution and development of the Hungarian National Theater from its founding in 1837 to 1937. Concerned with determining how it met the principles that attended its creation and how individual periods in its history fulfilled the mission outlined at its founding, how each of the periods respected the growing traditions of the Theater, and what role it played in the cultural and intellectual development of Hungary. Attention to antecedents and to theatrical criticism. Provides previously unpublished letters, records, and documents connected with the Theater in chronological order. Bibliographical notes, vol. I, pp. 521, 545. Chronological list of documents, vol. II, pp. 867-878. Index to each volume. Illustrations. Vol. I, History of the National Theater, 1837-1937; vol. II, Previously unpublished documents dealing with the history of the National Theater. MnU FrPIH GeCU GeLBM GyBH GyGNSU ItFU

704. Riedl Frigyes: A magyar dráma története. I-II. rész. Budapest: Királyi Magyar Egyetemi Nyomda, 1939-1940

The origins and development of Hungarian drama and the distinctive forms effected by dramatic poetry under the influence 0f the milieu of each age and the spirit of writer, from the Middle Ages to the 1840's. Pt. I, Middle Ages to the end of the 18th century; pt. II, End of the 18th century to the 1840's. DLC MH AsWN

705. Romhányi Gyula. "A magyar politikai vígjáték fejlődése," Irodalomtörténeti Közlemények, XL (1930), 277-303, 413-432.

The development of political comedies in Hungarian drama from Ignác Nagy's Egyesüljünk! in 1839 to Árpád Berczik's Miniszterválság in 1905. Concerned with the subject matter, the methods of presenting political satire, and the effect of various plays on the growth and development of the type. DLC MH NNC [OCl] AsWN AsWU FrPIH GeLBM [GeLU] GyBH GyGNSU ItFU

706. Szász Károly. A magyar dráma története. Budapest: Franklin-Társulat, 1939. 352p.

A history of Hungarian drama from its beginnings in the 16th century to 1937. Intended for the cultured general audience, not scholars and literary historians; presents its materials in simple form. AsWN GyBH

707. Szivák Iván. A magyar dráma kezdete. Budapest: Aigner Lajos, 1883. 82p.

The origins of Hungarian drama from the 16th century to the end of the 18th, closing with Dugonics as the first notable author to write plays for the stage. Purpose: to determine the various types created, their nature and development, as compared with like forms in other European countries. MnU GyBH

708. Váli Béla. A magyar színészet története. Budapest: Aigner Lajos, 1887. 464p

A history of theater and acting in Hungary from the 15th century to 1837. Bibliography, pp. 460-464. DLC GeLBM GyBH


[See also nos. 354, 355, 406, 407, 447, 460, 468, 491, 502, 507, 517, 530, 531, 532, 534, 573, 577, 578, 582, 612, 615, 632, 635, 652, 657, 663, and 687.]

709. Alszeghy Zsolt. "Epigon lírikusaink a XIX. századig," Irodalomtörténeti Közlemények, XXVII (1917), 419-437.

Explores the influence of Balassi, Amade, Faludi, Csokonai, Sándor Kisfaludy, and Berzsenyi on their numerous imitators, and concludes that these imitators reproduce only the popular effects and characteristics of such models acknowledged by the taste of the times, not the true values of each lyricist. CtY DLC MH NNC AsWN AsWU FiHI FrPBN FrPIH GeLBM [GeLU] GyBH [ItFU]

710. Arany János. "A magyar népdal az irodalomban," Arany János válogatott művei (Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1953; I-IV. kötet), IV, 173-188.

Purpose: to determine the extent to which Hungarian poets from the 14th to the 18th century utilized the folk song in their creation of a national literary ballad. Findings mainly negative. NNC FrPIH GyGNSU

711. — "A magyar nemzeti vers-idomról," Arany János válogatott művei (Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1953; I-IV. kötet), IV, 44-81.

An examination of the characteristics of rhythms and rhymes native to Hungarian poetry. NNC FrPIH GyGNSU

712. — "Naiv eposzunk," Arany János válogatott művei (Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1953; I-IV. kötet), IV, 35-43.

Seeks to determine whether any authentic epics based on ancient Hungarian history exist in Hungarian literature. After examining epics from the 16th to the 18th century, concludes that very few of them were composed in the spirit of the historic past, because the poets of the 16th century failed to transfer into their writings such epic spirit as existed near the end of the previous century and because literary poetry separated itself from folk poetry, even looked down upon it and renounced it. NNC FrPIH GyGNSU

713. Csernátoni Gyula. "A magyar ódaköltés története a legrégibb időtől Vörösmartyig," Figyelő, XII (1882), 321-347.

The history of the ode in Hungary with an eye to its spirit, thought, and form, through an examination of the odes of those poets who developed it or enriched it with a new voice, beginning with the Hymn of St. Bernard. Among poets studied: Balassi, Zrínyi, Faludi, Baróti Szabó, Rájnis, Révai, Verseghy, and Virág. MnU GeLBM GyBH

714. Dános Erzsébet. A magyar népballada. Budapest: Hornyánszky Viktor r.t. Magyar Királyi Udvari Könyvnyomda, 1938. 170p.

An examination of the various types of Hungarian folk songs for their subject matter and characteristics, providing (1) a section of ballad texts representative of the various styles, and (2) a catalogue of ballads under subject headings, giving (a) a paraphrase of the song, (b) references or studies concerned with it, (c) its melody, if any, (d) translations of it, (e) its parallels in foreign songs, (f) comments from referenses, and (g) a characterization of its poetic form. Bibliography, pp. 160-161. Summary in German, pp. 163-167. MH NN NNC AsWN

715. Gábor Ignác. A magyar ritmika válaszútja. Budapest: Dr. Vajna és Bokor, 1952. 119p.

Though giving much attention to defending his views of ancient Hungarian prosody from his attackers, provides chapters on the change in the alexandrine from Gyöngyösi to János Arany, Zrínyi's new and individualistic use of ancient alliterative patterns, and his use of the twelvefoot poetic line. MnU

716. Greguss Ágost. A balladáról. Budapest: Franklin-Társulat, 18862. 110p.

An attempt to determine the definite characteristics of the Hungarian folk and literary ballad by tracing its development from its beginnings to János Arany and by distinguishing it from other poetical forms. Defines the ballad as a merging of three branches of poetry - taking its narrative method from the epic, its song from the lyric, and its action from the drama; and calls it a tragedy narrated in song, with tragic drama giving it its dramatic quality, the song its lyrical element, and narration its epic character. MH MnU AsWN FrPS GeLBM

717. Horváth János. A magyar vers. Budapest: Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, 1948. 314p.

The rhythms, verse theories, metrics, history of Hungarian verse, etc., to delineate its character and attainments. Bibliographical notes, pp. 273-304. DLC MH MnU NNC AsWN GeCU GeLU GyBH GyBS GyGNSU

718.Rendszeres magyar verstan. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1951. 210p.

A detailed study of Hungarian prosody, analyzing national verse forms, rhymes, forms borrowed from other literatures, and rhythms; examining practices in prosody from Ráday to Petőfi; and delineating the search for forms after Petőfi and Arany to its own date but considering only those poets who were no longer living at the time of the publication of the work. Examines materials concerned with national and imported verse forms from the viewpoint of natural Hungarian rhythms, and also treats each aspect of prosody historically in its chronological place. Appendices: (1) An examination of the strophe in the psalms of Szenczi Molnár and also of representative rhymes from the writings of Arany, Gyula Vargha, and Andor Kozma, and (2) Individual characterizations of the prosody of József Kiss, Ady, Babits, Kosztolányi, Árpád Tóth, and Attila József. Bibliography of studies concerned with various aspects of Hungarian prosody, pp. 6-14. DLC MH MnU NN NNC AsWN FrPIH GeCU GyBA GyBH GyBS GyGNSU ItFU

719. Lábán, Antal. Ungarn in seiner Dichtung. Zürich, Leipzig und Wien: Amalthea-Verlag, 1923. 164p.

Hungarian poetry from ancient times to János Arany. Numerous German translations of lyric and epic poems. CU CtY NN OCl AsWN AsWU FiHI FiHU FrPBN FrPIH GeLBM GyBH GyBS

720. Lotz, John. Hungarian meter. [n.p.]: Instituti Hungarici Universitatis Holmiensis, 1952. 4p.

Characterizations and illustrations of the two kinds of Hungarian meter, syllabic and quantitative. MnU NNC

721. Mailáth, Johann. "Übersicht der Geschichte der magyarischen Poesie," Magyarische Gedichte (Stuttgart und Tübingen: J. G. Cotta'sche Buchhandlung, 1825; 248p.), xi-xlviii.

An introductory essay to the anthology of Hungarian poetry translated into German beginning with Ferenc Faludi, surveying the history of that poetry from the Middle Ages to its own time and characterizing the poets and commenting on their works. Also a brief treatment of Hungarian prosody, lvii-lxxii. AsWU GeLBM GyBH GyGNSU

722. Négyesy László. A mértékes magyar verselés története. Budapest: Kisfaludy-Társaság, 1892. 337p.

The influence of classical and western European meters on Hungarian poetry discovered through examination of the poems of those writers who best reproduce these meters. A number of statistical compilations and tables for the various verse forms and of the extent of their use by various Hungarian poets. Among poets studied: János Sylvester, Gedeon Ráday, Baróti Szabó, Révai, Rájnis, Virág, Kazinczy, Dayka, Bacsányi, Verseghy, Földi, Csokonai, Fazekas, Berzsenyi, Kölcsey, Vörösmarty, and Arany. DLC AsWN FrPS GeLBM GyBH

723. Pickel Ferenc. A magyar ódai költészet fejlődése. Nagykanizsa; Krausz és Farkas Könyvnyomdája, 1908. 61p.

The development of the various forms of the ode in Hungary from the Middle Ages to 1867, emphasizing the stimuli under which they were created and the individual characteristics of their use by Hungarian poets. Maintains that these poetic forms ceased significant development after 1867. Bibliography, p. [63]. MnU GyBH

724. Radó Antal. A magyar rím. Budapest: Kisfaludy-Társaság, 1921. 264p.

The history and characteristics of Hungarian rhymes from their beginnings in folk poetry to the contemporary period. Chapter headings: I. Rhyme in folk poetry; II. Rhyme to Faludi; III. From Ráday to Petőfi; IV. The rhymes of Arany; V. Rhyme in contemporary poetry. MH MnU GeLU GyBH ItFU

725. Sebestyén Gyula. A magyar honfoglalás mondái. I-II. kötet. Budapest: Franklin-Társulat, 1904-1905.

A history and critical examination of the origins of Hungarian myths, sagas, and legends and of their use by Hungarian poets from the beginnings to the Age of János Arany. Vol. I, origins of Hungarian legends and Hungarian Hun-myths; vol. II, second half of the 12th century to the Age of Arany. DLC IC MH [AsWN] FiHI FrPS GeLBM GyBH

726. Szabolcsi Bence. Vers és dallam. Tizenöt tanulmány a magyar irodalom köréből. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1959. 207p.

Individual studies examining Hungarian poetry from the 12th to the 20th century and aiming to show the role that Hungarian melodies and musical rhythms played in the development of its meters. Attention to foreign influences. Among studies: "A Halotti Beszéd ritmusa," "Az Ómagyar Máriasiralom dallama," "Magyar vagánsdalok," "A régi magyar metrikus énekek történetéhez," "Balassi Sicilianája," "Három régi magyar vers ritmusáról ['Gianeta Padovana,' 'Pokolról,' 'Szencsei György dalaihoz']," "A Balassi és Himfy-vers történetéhez," "A magyar barokk versművészetért," "Vers- és dallam-emlék Mikes 'Törökországi Levelei-ben,' " "A romantika prózaritmusához," "Arany János népdalgyűjteménye," "Ady jambusai Kodály zenéjében," "József Attila 'dallamai.' " DLC NN AsWN FrPBN GeLBM GyBA GyBH GyBS GyGGaU GyGNSU

727. Toldy, Ferenc. Geschichte der ungrischen Dichtung. Pest: Verlag des Gustav Heckenast, 1863. 460p.

Hungarian poetry from ancient times to Sándor Kisfaludy. MH MdBP NN AsWN AsWU FiHU GeOB GyBH GyGNSU

728. — "Geschichte der ungrischen Poesie," Handbuch der ungrischen Poesie (Pesth und Wien: G. Kilian und K. Gerold, 1828; 2 Bände), I, iii-lxxxvi.

Outlines the history of Hungarian poetry from King Etele to the 1820's. Numerous translations into German in vol. II. DLC MB NNC AsWN FiHI GeLBM GeLU GeOB GyBH GyGNSU

729.A magyar költészet kézikönyve. I-V. kötet. Budapest: Franklin-Társulat, 18762.

A history and anthology of the major Hungarian poets, beginning with Szkhárosi Horváth in the 16th century and closing with the third quarter of the 19th century. Each century characterized in a brief introduction, and selections from each poet preceded by critical comments and observations on his literary characteristics and origins. Vol. I, 1526-1772; vol. II, 18th century (from 1772); vol. III-V, 19th century (to 1872). DLC MH MnU NNC FrPIH FrPS GeLBM GyBH

730.A magyar költészet története. I-II. kötet. Pest: Heckenast Gusztáv, 1854.

The development of Hungarian poetry from its beginnings to Sándor Kisfaludy. Purpose: to elevate Hungarian literary history at least to the point at which it will merit the name of history. Frequent division of materials into genres within literary periods. Vol. I, Beginnings to Zrínyi; vol. II, Zrínyi to Sándor Kisfaludy. MH MnU AsWN FrPBN GeLBM

731. Tompos József. A magyar ballada története. Kolozsvár: Ajtai K. Albert Könyvnyomdájában, 1909. 289p.

The development of the ballad in Hungary in relation to the principles governing the composition of each type. Chapters on the theories of the ballad in folk and literary ballads, Székely and Magyar ballads, Kuruc ballads, the literary ballad before János Arany, the ballads of János Arany, and the more recent writers of ballads (Pál Gyulai, Károly Szász, Kálmán Tóth, Lajos Tolnai, and József Kiss). Concerned with determining the characteristics of the individual writers, the influence of their writings on others, and the effect of German influence on the form. Bibliography, p. [290]. MnU

732. Vargyas Lajos. A magyar vers ritmusa. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1952. 263p.

On the basis of observations of the connections between the rhythms of test and melody in folk songs, traces Hungarian verse rhythms through the major periods of poetry, examines briefly the forms borrowed from foreign literatures in relation to the nature of Hungarian verse, and considers the connections between language and rhythms, matters of cadence, the evolution of verse, and questions of artistic rhythms. Bibliography, pp. 255-258. DLC MH NNC AsWU FrPIH GeLBM GyBA GyBH GyBS GyGNSU ItFU


[For a bibliography, see no. 102. For other studies, see nos. 355, 490, 492, 542, 561, 574, 602, 606, 622, 650, 655, 664, 665, and 681.]

733. Baránszky-Jób László. A magyar széppróza története szemelvényekben. Budapest: Királyi Magyar Egyetemi Nyomda, n.d. 557p.

The development of Hungarian prose from its beginnings to the 1930's. In two sections: (1) Prose style, and (2) The novel. Comments on style and the forms of the novel followed by illustrations of each. InU MH MnU NN GeCU GyBH GyBS ItFU

734. Beöthy Zsolt. A szépprózai elbeszélés a régi magyar irodalomban. I-II. kötet. Budapest: Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, 1886-1887.

The development of prose fiction in Hungary from 1526 to 1788: the novel and other forms related to it - the short story, the prose epic, romantic histories and travel literature, popular writings and collections of anecdotes, and the different types of tales. Attention to foreign influences. Vol. I, 1526-1774; vol. II, 1774-1788. MH MnU NNC AsWN FrPIH FrPS GeLBM GyGGaU

735. Császár Elemér. A magyar regény története. Budapest: Pantheon Irodalmi Intézet, 1922. 336p.

The growth of the Hungarian novel from András Dugonics to Kálmán Mikszáth, with a brief discussion of its antecedents and of novelists after Mikszáth to around 1896. Concerned with the short story only when it affects the evolution of the novel. Emphasis on the novel as an expression of the inner life of man and the spirit of an age. Attention to foreign influences. MH MnU NN NNC AsWN FiHI FrPIH GeCU GeLBM GyBH ItFU

736. György Lajos. A magyar anekdota története és egyetemes kapcsolatai. Budapest: "Studium" Kiadása, 1934. 272p.

After a survey of the anecdote in world literature, delineates its history in Hungary from the end of the 15th to the end of the 19th century. Major section devoted to 250 anecdotes arranged by subject, documenting their origins, first use, and the relations between their Hungarian use and that in other literatures, and providing a bibliography of scholarship under each heading. Bibliography of primary sources for both foreign and Hungarian anecdotes, pp. 227-255. MH AsWN GyGNSU


[See also nos. 495, 514, 537, 547, 551, 564, 603, 625, 661, and 751.]

737. Csahihen Károly. Szépirodalmi kritikusaink. Budapest: Stephaneum Nyomda, 1923. 89p.

The history of Hungarian literary criticism from its creation by Bessenyei, Csokonai, Kazinczy, and, especially, Kölcsey, through its clarification by Szontagh, Bajza, Toldy, and Vörösmarty, to its flowering in the works of Erdélyi, Greguss, Csengery, Kemény, Salamon, Gyulai, and Arany. Characterizes the major critical phases as (1) the deepening of content, (2) the development of an unaccustomed objectivity in exercising judgments, and (3) the careful documentation of evaluations. CtY MH GeLU

738. Császár Elemér. A magyar irodalmi kritika története a szabadságharcig. Budapest: Pallas Irodalmi és Nyomdai r.t., 1925. 409p.

Covers the first seventy or so years of Hungarian literary criticism, which is claimed to have closed when Szépirodalmi Szemle ceased publication in 1847. Maintains that the period created literary criticism, developed its forms, and achieved its purposes, but that it failed to provide a basis on which post-revolutionary critics could build their approach and methods. Index divided into (1) Critics, (2) Journals and newspapers, and (3) Poets and works (and publications containing criticisms of the works). MH MnU NN AsWN GeLU GyBH

739. Fábián Pál, Szathmári István és Terestyéni Ferenc. A magyar stilisztika vázlata. Budapest: Tankönyvkiadó, 1958. 297p.

An analysis of Hungarian literary style, with evidence of its characteristics from both prose and poetry. Essentially a university textbook. Bibliographies at end of each chapter. DLC MnU NN GyBH GyGGaU GyGNSU

740. Füst Milán. Emlékezések és tanulmányok. Budapest: Magvető Könyvkiadó, 1956. 539p.

Essays on and criticisms of literary and cultural subjects directed toward their aesthetic evaluation. DLC MnU FrPBN FrPIH GeLBM GyBH GyBS

741. Jánosi Béla. "Metaphysikai aesthetika Németországon kívül. Aesthetikai törekvések Magyarországon," Az esztétika története (Budapest: Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, 1899-1901; I-III. kötet), III, 461-479.

Creative aesthetic endeavors in Hungary - György Szerdahelyi, Mihály Greguss, Lajos Schedius, István Nyíri, Imre Henszlmann, Gusztáv Szontagh, József Purgstaller, János Erdélyi, and Ágost Greguss. Maintains that no Hungarian aesthetic work of real value appeared after Ágost Greguss. NN NNC AsWN FrPS GeLBM GyBH GyMWd

742. Mitrovics Gyula. A magyar esztétikai irodalom története. Debrecen és Budapest: Egyetemi Könyvkereskedés és Irodalmi Vállalat, 1928. 448p.

The contributions of all authors and scholars to the development of Hungarian aesthetics. Arranged by literary periods, beginning with the end of the 18th and continuing into the first quarter of the 20th century, with greatest attention to the literature of the 19th century. Considers literature, the arts, theater, foreign influences, etc. Claims that the larger part of Hungarian aesthetics resulted from foreign influences. Bibliographies at ends of chapters. MH NjR GeLBM GyBH

743.A műalkotás szemlélete. Budapest: Rózsavölgyi és Társa, 1940. 334p.

Discussion of Hungarian fine arts and literature from an aesthetic point of view for the purpose of encouraging the exercise of independent judgments, instead of learned systematization. Acknowledges indebtedness to Croce's views. A 7-page bibliography inserted at end. NN NNC OCl FrPIH GyBH ItFU

744. Murajda F. Nándor. A magyar kritika fejlődése különös tekintettel Bajza József működésére. Eger: Érseki Lyceum Könyvnyomdája, 1895. 208p.

The development of literary criticism in Hungary from the 17th century, with major attention to the first four decades of the 19th century and with special emphasis on the contributions of József Bajza. GyBH

745. Négyesy László. A magyar verselmélet kritikai története Budapest: n.p., 1888. 74p.

The development of and the critical conflicts over theories of Hungarian prosody seeking to establish distinctly Hungarian rhythms, beginning with János Földi, in 1787, and closing with Ágost Greguss. Presents individual views and compares and contrasts the various principles. Chapters on Hungarian prosody prior to Fogarasi, Fogarasi and Erdélyi, Toldy, Greguss, János Arany, László Torkos, Emil Thewrewk. MnU

746. Pais Dezső (szerk.). Dolgozatok a magyar irodalmi nyelv és stílus történetéből. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1960. 289p.

Seven studies concerned with the character of the Hungarian literary language or with the history of the development of Hungarian style. Among them: characterizations of the styles of 17th and 18th century writers, of the nature of Csokonai's poetic vocabulary, and of Bánk bán, and an account of the controversies of Nyelvőr (no. 1258). DLC MH NNC GeCU GyBA GyBH GyBS

747. Pitroff Pál. A szépirodalom esztétikája. Budapest: Szent István-Társulat, 1933. 151p.

Concerned with the principles of aesthetics in literature generally, but, on occasions, takes into account the attitudes of Hungarian writers and scholars toward them. Attention to questions of poetic form, but main focus on the factors affecting the creation of belles-lettres.

748. Zolnai Béla. Nyelv és stílus. Tanulmányok. Budapest: "Gondolat" Kiadó, 1957. 351p.

A collection of the author's previously published articles concerned mainly with questions of aesthetics in the study of the Hungarian language - its development, style, and expression. Bibliographical notes, pp. 343-347. DLC MH AsWN FiHI FiHU GyBA GyBH GyBS GyGNSU