Hungarian Literature

by Albert Tezla

Library of Congress Catalog Card no. 64-19586


for his illumination and inspiration


  Abbreviations, Symbols, and Hungarian Bibliographical and Literary Terms

Part one: Secondary Sources

  I. Bibliographies
    A. General Bibliographies
    B. Bibliographies of Foreign Literary and Cultural Influences and Relations
      1. Translations
      2. Literary and Cultural Influences and Relations
        A. Albania
        B. England and America
        C. France
        D. Germany
        E. Greece
        F. Italy
        G. Norway
        H. Orient
        I. Poland
        J. Rumania
        K. Russia
    C. Classified and Detailed Bibliographies of Literature and Related Subjects
    D. Indices to Contents of Scholarly Periodicals

  II. General Encyclopedias

  III. Hungarian Dictionaries

  IV. Grammars of And Treatises on The Hungarian Language
    A. Grammars
    B. Treatises

  V. Biographical Dictionaries and Literary and Fine Arts Lexicons

  VI. Historical, Cultural, and Religious Backgrounds
    A. Historical
      1. General
      2. Period
      3. Area
    B. Cultural
      1. General
      2. Fine Arts
    C. Religious

  VII. Foreign Literary and Cultural Influences and Relations
    A. General
      1. Americas
      2. Austria
      3. Classical Greece and Rome
      4. England
      5. France
      6. Germany
      7. Holland
      8. Ireland
      9. Israel
      10. Italy
      11. Poland
      12. Rumania
      13. Russia
      14. Slavonia
      15. Sweden
      16. Switzerland

  VIII. General Histories of Hungarian Literature

  IX. Histories of and Treatises on Literature and Related Subjects by Periods
    A. Ancient Times and Middle Ages (900-1450)
    B. Renaissance and Reformation (1450-1630)
    C. Counter-Reformation and Baroque (1630-1772)
    D. Literary Revival, Age of Reform, And Romanticism (1772-1849)
    E. Age of Realism and National Romanticism (1849-1890)
    F. Age of Modern Literary Trends (1890-1945)
      1. Search For New Paths and The Progressives of "Nyugat" (1890-1918)
      2. Middle Class, Populist, and Socialist Literature (1919-1945)
    G. From 1945 to The Present

  X. General Histories of And Treatises on Literary Types
    A. Drama and Theater
    B. Poetry
    C. Prose Fiction

  XI. General Histories of and Treatises on Hungarian Aesthetics and Literary Criticism

  XII. Miscellaneous
    A. Folklore and Ethnology
    B. Humor
    C. History of Publishing
    D. Collections of Critical and Scholarly Essays
    E. Sociological Treatises
    F. Other

Part Two: Primary Sources

  XIII. Anthologies And Series

  XIV. Selected Editions of Authors' Works
    Ady Endre (1877-1919)
    Amade László (1703-1764)
    Ambrus Zoltán (1861-1932)
    Apáczai Csere János (1625-1659)
    Apor Péter (1676-1752)
    Arany János (1817-1882)
    Babits Mihály (1883-1941)
    Bacsányi János (1763-1845)
    Bajza József (1804-1858)
    Balassi Bálint (1554-1594)
    Baróti Szabó Dávid (1739-1819)
    Bél Mátyás (1684-1789)
    Berzsenyi Dániel (1776-1836)
    Bessenyei György (1747-1811)
    Bethlen Miklós (1642-1716)
    Bod Péter (1712-1769)
    Bornemisza Péter (1535-1585)
    Bródy Sándor (1863-1924)
    Csokonai Vitéz Mihály (1773-1805)
    Dayka Gábor (1769-1796)
    Déry Tibor (1894)]
    Dsida Jenő (1907-1938)
    Dugonics András (1740-1818)
    Eötvös József (1813-1871)
    Erdélyi János (1814-1868)
    Faludi Ferenc (1704-1779)]
    Fáy András (1786-1864)
    Fazekas Mihály (1766-1828)
    Garay János (1812-1853)
    Gárdonyi Géza (1863-1922)
    Geleji Katona István (1589-1649)
    Gelléri Andor Endre (1908-1945)
    Gvadányi József (1725-1801)
    Gyöngyösi István (1629-1704)
    Gyulai Pál (1826-1909)
    Heltai Gáspár (C.1520-1574)
    Herczeg Ferenc (1863-1954)
    Illyés Gyula (1902)
    Ilosvai Selymes Péter (C.1548- After 1574 [C.1578?])
    Janus Pannonius (1434-1472)
    Jókai Mór (1825-1904)
    Jósika Miklós (1794-1865)
    József Attila (1905-1937)
    Juhász Gyula (1883-1937)]
    Kaffka Margit (1880-1918)
    Karinthy Frigyes (1888-1938)
    Kármán József (1769-1795)
    Kassák Lajos (1887)
    Katona József (1791-1830)
    Kazinczy Ferenc (1759-1831)
    Kemény Zsigmond (1814-1875)
    Kisfaludy Károly (1788-1830)
    Kisfaludy Sándor (1772-1844)
    Kiss József (1843-1921)
    Kölcsey Ferenc (1790-1838)
    Komjáthy Jenő (1858-1895)
    Kossuth Lajos (1802-1894)
    Kosztolányi Dezső (1885-1936)
    Krúdy Gyula (1878-1933)
    Madách Imre (1823-1864)
    Magyari István (Before 1576[155?]-After 1604)
    Márai Sándor (1900)
    Melius Péter (C.1536-1572)
    Mikes Kelemen (1690-1761)
    Mikszáth Kálmán (1847-1910)
    Misztótfalusi Kis Miklós (1650-1702)
    Molnár Ferenc (1878-1952)
    Móricz Zsigmond (1879-1942)
    Nagy Lajos (1883-1954)
    Németh László (1901)
    Nyírő József (1889-1955)
    Orczy Lőrincz (1718-1789)
    Pázmány Péter (1570-1637)
    Péterfy Jenő (1850-1899)
    Petőfi Sándor (1823-1849)
    Radnóti Miklós (1904-1945)
    II. Rákóczi Ferenc (1676-1735)
    Reviczky Gyula (1855-1889)
    Riedl Frigyes (1856-1921)
    Rimay János (1573-1631)
    Sárközi György (1899-1945)
    Sárosi Gyula (1816-1861)
    Szabó Dezső (1879-1945)
    Szabó Lőrinc (1900-1957)
    Szabó Pál (1893)
    Széchenyi István Gróf (1791-1860)
    Szerb Antal (1901-1945)
    Szigligeti Ede (1814-1878)
    Tamási Áron (1897)
    Tinódi Sebestyén (C.1510-1556)
    Toldy Ferenc (1805-1875)
    Tolnai Lajos (1837-1902)
    Tompa Mihály (1817-1868)
    Tóth Árpád (1886-1928)
    Vajda János (1827-1897)
    Vajda Péter (1808-1846)
    Vas Gereben (1823-1868)
    Veres Péter (1897)
    Virág Benedek (1754-1830)
    Vörösmarty Mihály (1800-1855)
    Zrínyi Miklós (1620-1664)


    Appendix A
      Scholarly and Literary Periodicals

    Appendix B
      Hungarian-English, English-Hungarian Dictionaries

    Appendix C
      Directory of Libraries
        A. U.S. Libraries
        B. European Libraries


This bibliography of 1295 secondary and primary sources published through 1960 is designed primarily for those students in the United States who are beginning their study of Hungarian literature or undertaking serious research in the subject. I hope that it will reduce some of the discouragements I have faced. Indeed, without the stimulus of my childhood experiences with Hungarian culture in the United States and the special sense of existence which they eventually enabled me to form, I probably would not have persisted in the serious study of Hungarian literature in this land my parents chose so hopefully as the place where they could fulfill some fragments of their dreams. But recollections of my early years crowd my mind: tales told and songs sung by my parents; harvest dances with my brother and sister swirling around a sawdust-covered floor in their native costumes, their red, white, and green ribbons flying, and with the grapes, pears and apples strung above the celebrants to invite the willing thief; Hungarian plays that interrupted the winter mood and carried me into the adventurous and courageous world of the "huszár" with his blade thrust skyward; careless fraternal picnics on soft summer days with wine and "pálinka" flowing and the gipsy orchestra, eternal and essential, filling the leaves of "Bakonyi erdő" with melodies stirringly melancholy and stirringly gay; the "nem nem soha" embroidered on a white linen wallcover in the kitchen proclaiming unalterable rejection of the partition of Hungary after the first World War; the chiding blows on my head from my mother's hand when I, at the age of six, beated on a stool at my unlettered father's feet, faltered over strange and seemingly endless polysyllables as I read the weekly Hungarian newspaper to him. To this day these remembrances, and many more, bring vividly before me the beginnings of my interest in Hungarian literature and the basis of my conviction that living in two cultures during formative years can give one an insight leading to a relation with his surroundings denied those who abide only in a single culture.

When I was able to pursue the study of English literature at the University of Chicago, I came to an increased realization that belles-lettres remain a major means of securing insights into the character of a people and a nation, and that such is epsecially the case when hardly any distance exists between a country's creative writers and its population. My early years had shown me the significant role literature played in the lives of emigrant Hungarians. Two visits to Hungary in 1959-1960 confirmed my view that in Hungary the distance between writer and audience is so small that her literature is an embodiment of the character and values of her people. Conversations with Hungarians from all walks of life clearly demonstrated their deep reliance on their literary heritage for ideas and responses to human problems. I found statues of writers everywhere in cities and villages, and streets bearing their names. These memorials impressed on me the great significance Hungarians attach to those writers who have both captured and created the character of the Hungarian people throughout their centuries-old history. Because of this close relation, I do not think that the nations of the West will ever have an adequate and true understanding of the Hungarian people without more knowledge of their literature.

During the fall of 1955, I began an investigation of the origins of romanticism in Hungarian literature from about 1770 to about 1845. A dramatic development of a truly national literature in Hungary began in this period, and romanticism contributed to its inception and growth in very important ways. As I sought to collect materials for my study, I quickly encountered serious problems, the first of which was bibliographical. Despite the fact that Pintér's eight-volume history (no. 382, below) contained an extensive bibliographical apparatus, I needed other bibliographical aids, especially to uncover materials published since his history. From Pintér's work I compiled lists of titles and checked them against the National Union Catalog, the first of many attempts to locate useful titles. After I learned which libraries were interested in Hungarian materials, by analyzing the returns from the National Union Catalog and by examining the terms of the Farmington Plan1 and reports of Hungarian periodical holdings in the Union list of serials, I checked my lists against their holdings. Once these findings were in, I began to use interlibrary loan services and to visit libraries in the East and in Chicago. Examination of basic bibliographical tools, especially at the New York Public Library and the Library of Congress, produced additional checklists for canvassing selected United States and European libraries.

The many frustrations I encountered in building a useful bibliography, inlocating titles, and in creating a coherent experience with sources led me to think of preparing an introductory bibliography that would help students to overcome some of the difficulties hampering my own research. In the winter of 1959 the first outline of an experimental bibliography took shape in a manuscript of 120 pages. In 1959-1960, during a Fulbright year in Vienna, when I shifted emphasis from the study of romanticism to the bibliography, the use of rich European resources - including those in Budapest newly and temporarily at hand - provided materials which enabled the bibliography to reach its present form, and determined my choice of 1960 as the closing date. The results of these efforts, arranged, re-checked, and indexed, are now presented in the hope that they will make more possible the study here in the United States of a literature that is both long in tradition and rich in expressions of the human spirit.

I am most grateful to those who have shared in the preparation of this work. Though all final decisions about the titles included in the work are my own, I am indebted to the following for their criticisms and recommendations: Tibor Klaniczay, G. Gábor Kemény, Dezső Tóth, Imre Bán, László Pálinkás, William Juhasz, John Lotz, Emil Lengyel, and August J. Molnar. I am also grateful to the following scholars for their individual contributions: to János Barta for his criticisms of the manuscript, for his help in the selection of primary sources and in the classification of author editions into kinds of editions, and for his assistance in choosing and classifying the periodicals in Appendix A; to László Országh for his encouragement of my efforts and for his counsel during all stages of the manuscript; to Sándor V. Kovács for his assistance during five most fruitful weeks of research in Budapest and for his undertaking numerous detailed tasks, among them, the major part of the description of authors' editions by volumes and the recording of data on first editions of authors' works; to Sándor Kozocsa for his critical scrutiny of both the manuscript and galleys; to Béla Stoll and Richard Allen for their reading of galleys; to George Lowy for his assistance in solving a number of difficult bibliographical problems; and to Robert Hart, W. Carl Jackson, Lewis D. Levang, and Douglas Shepard for their criticisms of the preface, introduction, and annotations.

I also wish to thank all those who canvassed the holdings of libraries, and to express special appreciation to May Gardner for having checked lists so frequently against the National Union Catalog and for allowing me to use her Proposed location symbols for all countries of the world.

I am greatly indebted to a number of sources for financial assistance: to the Graduate School of the University of Minnesota for continuous support through its General Research Fund; to the Fulbright Program and the Fulbright Commission in Austria for the year of investigation in Vienna that enabled me to carry the project into its last stages; and to the American Council of Learned Societies for the grant which helped me to complete the research and to cover the costs of typing the manuscript.

To my wife, Olive, and my children, Michael and Kathy, I express my deepest gratitude for their patience, understanding, and devotion.

If users of this bibliography will bring to my attention titles which they believe should have been included, I shall be most appreciative. These and other titles published from 1961 to 1965 will be reported in a supplement to a bibliography of major Hungarian authors, which I am now preparing for publication.

University of Minnesota, Duluth

October 1, 1964

1 Since this time, a work by Melville J. Ruggles and Vaclev Mostecky has provided additional help with this problem: Russian and East European publications in the libraries of the United States (New York: Columbia University Press, 1960; 386 p.).


The need for this bibliography arises mainly from the inadequacy of collections of Hungarian literature in the United States. Its purpose is to help students solve some of the problems resulting from this state of affairs by citing basic secondary sources, by summarizing the contents of these sources, by listing important anthologies, series, and editions of major authors' writings, and by reporting the locations of the cited works in selected United States and European libraries.

In the compilation of secondary sources, I have sought to provide materials in all areas of knowledge required by the work of the literary historian. For this reason the bibliography contains data on bibliographical aids and reference tools; on historical, intellectual, and cultural backgrounds; on resources useful in understanding the Hungarian language; on studies of Hungary's literary and cultural relations with other countries; and in addition to these various areas, works on the history of books and printing, on literary and scholarly periodicals, literary societies, and folklore, and on other subjects closely related to the study of literature. Since the bibliography is introductory, the titles concerned directly with literary matters are general in scope.1 They consist of histories of literature and histories and studies of literary genres, periods, and movements. An article or short monograph on an individual author is included only - with rare exceptions - when it explores his relations with other writers or throws light on the intellectual trends or literary movements of his times or some other basic literary question or problem.2 Only a few authoritative biographies are reported. My decisions about these sources were based on their scholarly reputation, but occasionally I have included a title which did not particluarly impress me if I was unable to find other sources on the subject or if it was available in a library in the United States.

For each of these secondary sources, I have provided the facts of publication and a note on the text. If the source consists of more than one volume, with a clear and useful organization for each volume, a description of the contents of each volume is provided. The details of publication are derived from the title pages of books and separately published monographs or from the periodical in which an article was published. For books and monographs, author, title, place of publication, publisher, date of publication, and total number of pages are given; for articles, author, title, name of periodical, volume number, date, and inclusive page numbers. For books comprising more than one volume, pagination for individual volumes is not given. When information about place or date of publication or publisher not available in the publication itself was found in bibliographical sources, I have recorded the details without square brackets. I have tried to make the annotations as informative as possible within the requirements of brevity, so that a researcher can determine the usefulness of a title for his investigations. These annotations are descriptive, not critical. Points of view are characterized only when the author himself defines his approach to the materials. The annotations record the subject and scope of the work, describe appendices containing materials important to literary research, note the presence of bibliographical material in non-bibliographical works, and provide the page numbers of concealed bibliographies and of introductions and summaries in non-Hungarian languages. The contents of volumes are described with the student in mind who is dependent on interlibrary loan services for his sources.

The second major division, which I have called Primary Sources, lists anthologies, series, and editions of major authors' writings. As with the secondary sources, the data are based on direct examination of the publications. The anthologies and series range through the whole of language and literature, and the series contain editions of the works of lesser as well as those of better-known authors. The section on editions of 101 authors of major historical or literary importance concentrates on their most important writings and/or on the best editions of their collected works that I have been able to examine. Writers of the twentieth century are well represented in this section, but only a few living authors are listed.3 I have attempted to evaluate editions which were published after a writer's death - or which, as far as I was able to determine, were not edited by the writer himself - according to thoroughness of scholarly and critical handling of the text; thus, at the end of each main citation, I have designated such editions as critical, reliable but not critical, or popular. For editions consisting of more than one volume, I have described the content and recorded the date of publication and the total number of pages for individual volumes to assist the researcher with requests through interlibrary loans. Very frequently, and especially with the works of twentieth-century authors, I have identified the genre. Whenever the genre was not given on the title page, I have placed the information in square brackets. As an aid in the search for other editions of some of the works listed, information about the first editions of the major works of the most important authors no longer living is provided in the headnote, while the first editions among the works listed for living authors are identified by their item numbers in the headnote.

Cross referenses vary from their extensive use in the subsection on General Bibliographies to their complete absence in some sections and subsections. One very important exception to the organization of titles by subject affects the use of cross references. The titles in the section on Histories of and Treatises on Literature and Related Subjects by Periods deal with all aspects of literature within a single literary period or two. Therefore, the cross references in the headnotes refer only to those titles within the section whose contents substantially overlap any of the literary periods. The student who is interested in a particular subject with a separate section heading can locate entries on the subject in the period section by consulting the cross referenses in the headnote to the major topis.

A search of selected libraries in the United States and Europe was conducted in an attempt to locate as many of the titles as possible.4 After an initial canvass of some forty United States libraries, the search was narrowed to the National Union Catalog, to Harvard College Library, Columbia University Library, the New York Public Library, the Cleveland Public Library, and the University of Minnesota Library - all of which are actively building collections of Hungarian literature - and to the University of Chicago Library, the Newberry Library, and the Chicago Public Library, whose holdings I could conveniently examine with some expectation of finding important materials. All but one of the eighteen European libraries listed were searched directly; titles in the West-deutsche Bibliothek, Marburg, were reported by the searcher of the Stadtbibliothek, East Berlin, as part of its own holdings in storage at that West German library. On the other hand, the locations of the periodicals were established through the direct examination of the serial records of the seventeen European libraries and of all the United States libraries that had recorded any of the periodicals among their collections in the Union list of serials. The results of these searches are recorded at the end of each entry for secondary sources, anthologies, and author editions and, with rare exceptions, after the citation of each volume of a series. Whenever a title is available in both United States and European libraries, the symbols of United States libraries are listed first. The symbols of all libraries are to be indentified by consulting Appendix C, the Directory of Libraries. Because of the limitations of my searches and the possibility that some libraries have not reported titles to the National Union Catalog, some of the items, especially general works, are certain to be available in libraries other than those whose symbols appear in the text.

The user is reminded of the fact that in the Hungarian language the surname always precedes the given name. My practice has been to record these names in that order when they appear in Hungarian texts, as in citations of bibliographical data in the entries, but to reverse them when they appear in non-Hungarian texts, as in annotations and foreign titles.

In order to make the contents of this bibliography more readily usable by students not completely at home in the Hungarian language, I have listed editions of Hungarian-English and English-Hungarian dictionaries in Appendix B, and provided a special index to secondary sources written in non-Hungarian languages or containing titles, introductions, and/or summaries in such languages. I have also provided definitions of Hungarian terms that frequently recur in the citations for the use of the non-specialist.

My searches of libraries afford a basis for evaluating the collections which may be useful to researchers. Both the Harvard College Library and the New York Public Library have had a long-standing interest in collecting Hungarian materials and continue to add to their holdings. The collection at the New York Public Library is the more extensive, and its present activity also seems to be greater. The Library of Congress, which has also been collecting materials for a long time, has in recent years greatly increased its acquisitions under the guidance of Elemer Bako. The Cleveland Public Library has a good collection, especially of author editions, but I could find no recent increase in its acquisitions. Among the three libraries in Chicago, only the substantial collection of popular author editions at the Chicago Public Library is worth noting. The Columbia University Library shows a most striking increase since 1959, a development which, along with the large collection at the New York Public Library, makes New York City the best single place for research in this country. The collection is being built by John Lotz, to whom those working in Hungarian studies will be forever indebted, not only for this collection but for his scholarly writings and for his encouragement of the efforts of others to promote Western understanding of Hungary. The University of Minnesota Library, which has only recently begun its collection, is concentrating on belles-lettres and other materials contributing most directly to their study, and will eventually contain the most important secondary sources and the best author editions.

The best European collections I located were those in East Berlin, Vienna, London, and Paris.5 Of the three libraries in East Berlin, that of the Finnisch-Ugrisches Institut was the best; indeed, it has the best collection of materials I have discovered outside Hungary. This library has been acquiring materials since about the middle of the nineteenth century, and continues to add regularly to its holdings under the guidance of Béla Szent-Iványi. The Nationalbibliothek and the Universitätsbibliothek in Vienna are also rich in titles. The larger collection is at the Nationalbibliothek; the Universitätsbibliothek, which is adding new titles very modestly, contains materials for nineteenth and early twentieth century literature. Although the collections in London do not seem so strong as those in East Berlin and Vienna, the British Museum and the School of Slavonic and East European Studies have extensive holdings. The British Museum is especially strong in nineteenth century literature, and is actively collecting new titles in the whole spectrum of Hungarian literature. Among the libraries in Paris, the Hungarian Institute seems to have the largest repository; many of the basic titles, especially those published early, are also available in the Bibliothèque Nationale and the Sorbonne. The small, uncatalogued library of the Hungarian Institute at the University of Florence contains the best single collection of studies written in English, French, German, and Italian that I found.

Unfortunately what these canvasses demonstrate is that the collections for research in the United States are still inadequate. A student can not complete a major project without the use of European sources, and probably not without those in Hungary. The materials in the United States, though growing in number and depth, are still too limited for thorough studies of even the most important authors and literary movements. It seems to me that a cooperative venture is required for the establishment of collections that will substantially support serious work in the field. Perhaps those libraries in the United States that are strongly interested in Hungarian literary materials could render more effective service by dividing the task among themselves. Though each of these libraries would want to hold many basic titles, concentration of the acquisitions of each on selected literary periods and authors would, I think, considerably advance the day when a student can carry on research in depth either at a particular library or through combined holdings in United States libraries sharing their collections through a more liberal interlibrary loan policy than now prevails. Unless steps similar to there are taken, this vast and important literature will not soon receive the attention it so richly merits.

1 The author bibliography on which I am working will include additional authors, record and annotate books and articles dealing with matters central to a detailed understanding of an individual author's life and writings, and report more extensively on editions of his works than the section on primary sources in the present volume.

2 I have, however, included numerous journal articles by the late Joseph Remenyi, most of which are concerned with individual authors, not merely because they are in English and easily available or because they deal mainly with more recent authors, but because each of them contains biographical materials and critical comments and often places the author in relation to the movement of which he is a part and to the European tradition which he reflects. A collection of Remenyi's articles, edited and with an introduction by August J. Molnar, was recently published: Hungarian writers and literature: modern novelists, critics, and poets (New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1964; 912 p.).

3 My first inclination was to omit living authors, but because of the strong interest in them and the need for knowledge about them, I finally included a number who have received wide acceptance, even though my choices are certain to be challenged.

4 During the early stages of my work, I also checked the Canadian National Union Catalogue in the National Library, Ottawa, and the holdings of several major Canadian universities, but the findings were so nearly negligible that I discontinued the canvass.

5 I have been informed that in Rome, the Hungarian Academy, the National Library, and the Vatican Library contain large holdings, but I have not been able to arrange for a search of their holdings.


n.d.:no date of publication
n.p.:no publisher
v, v.:volume(s)
pt., pts.:part, parts
MnU:item on microfilm or photostat at the library designated
[MnU] :item incomplete in the holdings of the library designated
1912+:item still being published or periodical holdings in the designated library continuous from the year given
v1+:periodical holdings in the designated library continuous from the volume number given
[1921-1922]:years of a periodical incomplete in the holdings of the designated library
v[11-12]:volumes of a periodical incomplete in the holdings of the designated library
adta közre:issued by
arckép(ek):sketch(es), portrait(s)
átdolgozta:revised by
beszéd(ek):speech(es), address(es)
beszély(ek):short story(ies) tale(s)
bevezetésével:introduction by
bevezetéssel ellátta:introduction by
bevezető tanulmányt írta:introduction by
bevezetővel ellátta:introduction by
bevezette:introduction by
bírálat(ok):review(s), critical work(s), critique(s)
dolgozatai:(author's) dissertations, papers
dolgozat(ok):dissertation(s), paper(s)
eddig:to date, as in "eddig három kötet," "3 volumes to date"
egybegyűjtötte:collected by
elbeszélés(ek):short story(ies), novelette(s), tale(s)
elbeszélő:narrative, epic
élet(e) :life (of author)
életrajzokkal kísérte:biographical sketches prepared
by előszóval ellátta:preface or introduction by
emlékbeszéd(ek):memorial speech(es), address(es)
emlék(ei):(author's) memories, recollections
emlékek:remains, relics
emlékezet(ek):memorial(s), remembrance(s)
erkölcsrajz(ok):moral sketch(es)
és később:and later
és többen:and others
folyóirat(ok):periodical(s), journal(s)
fordította:translated by
füzet:issue(s), fascicle(s)
gondozásában:under the editorship of
gyűjtötte:collected by
hagyaték(ok):literary remains, posthumous paper(s)
hősköltemény(ek):heroic epic(s), lay(s)
humoreszk(ek):humorous sketch(es), writing(s)
ifj. (ifjabb):junior
illusztrálta:illustrated by
irodalomtörténet:literary history
író(k):author(s), writer(s)
jegyzeteket írta:notes prepared by
jegyzetekkel ellátta:notes prepared by
jegyzetekkel kísérte:notes prepared by
jegyzetelte:annotated by
jegyzetezte:annotated by
kiadása:a publication of
kiadja:issued by
kiadják:issued by
kiadója:published by
kiegészítette:supplemented [the work] with
kiegészítő sorozat:supplementary series
kinyomtatta:had [the work] printed
kisregény(ek):short novel(s), romance (s)
költeményei:(author's) poems
kor:period, age
köt. (kötet):volume(s)
kötetben:in [number of] volumes, as in "három rész két kötetben," "3 parts in 2 volumes" and as in "négy kötet három kötetben," "4 volumes in 3 volumes"
közrebocsátja:issued by
közrebocsátotta:issued by
közre botsátotta:issued by
közreműködésével:with the collaboration of
közzéteszi:edited by
közzéteszik:edited by
közli:edited by
levelek:letters, correspondence
líra:lyric poems, lyric poetry
maradvány(ok):remains, relic(s)
mondás(ok):saying(s), expression(s)
műfordítás(ok):translation(s) of belle(s)-lettre(s)
munkái:(author's) works, writings
művei:(author's) works, writings
művészet:(fine) art
napló:journal, diary
népballada(ák):folk ballads)
népdal(ok):folk song(s)
népköltészet:folk poetry
népmese(ék):folk tale(s)
novella(ák):short story(ies), novelette(s)
nyelvemlék(ek):language remains, relic(s)
összeáll. (összeállító[k]):compiler(s)
összeállította:compiled or arranged by
összegyűjtötte:collected by
összevetette:collated by
pálya:career, profession
pótkötet:supplementary volume
rege(ék):tale(s), saga(s), legend(s)
regény(ek):novel(s), romance(s)
régi:ancient, old, early
rendezte:prepared for press by
r.t. (részvénytársaság):company, ltd.
sajtó alá rendezte:prepared for press by
stb. (s a többi):et cetera
széppróza:artistic prose writing, fiction
szerk. (szerkesztő[k]):editor(s)
szerkesztette:edited by
szerkesztették:edited by
szerkeszti:edited by
szerkesztőbizottság:editorial board
színjáték(ok):drama(s), play(s)
színmű(vek):drama(s), play(s), dramatic piece(s)
tanulmány(ok):study(ies), treatise(s), essay(s)
tár(a):(author's) depository, collection
tollrajz:pen sketch
úti jegyzetek:travel notes
útirajz(ok):travel sketch(es)
utószót írta:epilogue, postscript, or introductory essay (placed at end of volume) by
válogatta:selected by
vers(ek):verse(s), poem(s), piece(s) of poetry
vígjáték(ok):dramatic comedy (ies)