Tudománytár repertórium

1836. 3. évf.

Nyitólap Tárgymutató Névmutató Rövidítések

174. SZALAY LÁSZLÓ: Angol literatura. [Ism.]
1836. 11. k. 190-205.
Bentham, Jeremy: Deontology or their Science of Morality: in which the Harmony and Coincidence of Duty and Self-interest, Virtue and Felicity, Prudence and Benevolence are Explained and Exemplified. Arranged and edited by John Browning. London-Edinburgh 1834.
Az Allgemeine Literatur Zeitung 1835. novemberi száma után.
Cook, S. E. Captain [Widdrington, Samuel Edward]: Sketches in Spain During the Years 1829, 1830, 1831, 1832. H.n. 1834.
A Göttingische Gelehrte Anzeigen 1836. 89. száma után
Report of a Committe of the Manchester Statistical Society on the State of Education in the Borough of Salford, in 1835. London é.n.
A The Athenaeum, Science, and The Fine Arts 1836. augusztusi száma után.

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