{2-811.} Name Index

Aaron 480

Abdurrahman, Ali Abdi, pasha of Buda 353

Absolon, Dániel 370

Absolon, Dávid 347, 351

Aciliu, Ioan din 599

Aesop 459

Akakia, Roger 342

Alaghy, Menyhért 69, 96-97

Albert, Péter 315

Albrich, Karl 644

Alexa, Romanian villein 310

Alexander the Great, Macedonian king 482

Alexander, Leopold, Archduke 750

Alexei, Mihailovich, Russian czar 133, 140

Ali Chelebi 74

Ali, pasha of Buda 10, 29, 31, 34, 150, 151, 241, 246, 251, 265

Ali, pasha of Temesvár 240, 246

Alsted, Johannes 207, 216

Althusius, (Althaus, Althusen) Johannes 224

Alvinczi, István 298

Alvinczi, Péter 67, 68, 210, 215, 382

Amesius, Wilhelmus 209, 224

Andrád, Sámuel 685

Anghel, Atanasie 387, 425

Angouleme, prince (Charles de Valois) 78

Antioh 416

Antioh, Cantemir Wallachian voivode 416

Apáczai, Csere János 200, 204, 224-225, 309, 437-438, 446-447, 455, 458-459, 461, 492, 616

Apafi, György 483

Apafi, István 142

Apafi, Mihály I, Transylvanian prince 241-246, 249, 251-261, 266, 270, 272-273, 275, 278, 281, 283, 285, 287, 289, 292, 296-297, 301-302, 304-306, 308-309, 316-318, 320, 322, 325-329, 331-349, 351-355, 357-364, 366-368, 372, 376, 385-386, 438-445, 448, 452, 456-460, 463, 467, 477, 483, 488, 492-493, 495, 499, 510, 560, 565

Apafi, Mihály II Transylvanian prince 356, 358, 373, 378-379, 381-382, 385-386, 392, 402, 443, 478, 492, 540, 559

Apafi, Miklós 162

Apáti, Miklós 461-462

Apor, István 277, 279-280, 290, 292, 310, 320-322, 381, 384, 389, 401, 424, 429, 447, 680

Apor, Lázár 156

Apor, Péter 321, 453, 532, 548

Aranka 668, 741, 769-771

Arndt, János 432

Aron, Petru, bishop 588, 599, 615, 689

Asztalos, János 481

Auer, István 466

Auersperg, Maria Joseph 663

Avramovici, Ioan 599

Avramovici, Nicodius 599

B. Nagy, Margit 767

Bacon, Francis 234, 438

Bágyoni, Zsigmond 409

Bajtay, Antal 543, 597, 610, 697, 699

Bakács, István 526

Balassi, Bálint 505

Balica, Vasile 407

Baló, László 332, 337

Balogh, Zsigmond 414

Bánffy, Dénes 237, 239, 244, 249, 261, 293, 298, 319-320, 327-328, 331, 334-335, 337, 339-342, 346, 378, 382, 401, 605, 613

Bánffy, Farkas 669-670, 697

Bánffy, György governor (1660?-1708) 378, 428-429, 494

Bánffy, György governor (1746- 1822) 633, 653, 669-670, 679, 720, 739-741, 748-751, 755, 760-762, 766, 771-772, 780-781

Bánffy, Zsigmond 298

Bánffyhunyadi, János 206, 468

Barabás, Miklós 767

Barac, Ioan 778

Barbenius, Josef, B. 669, 768

Barco, Vince, commander-in-chief 749

Barcsai, Ábrahám treasurer 414, 426, 432-433

Barcsai, Ákos, Transylvanian prince 149-151, 177, 235-237, 240, 253, 440, 456, 494

Barcsai, Mihály 361, 407-408, 433

Barcsay, Ábrahám, guardauthor 680-684, 749

Barkóczy, Ferenc 413

Báróczi, Sándor 683-685

Baróti, Szabó Dávid 685

Bartha, András 408, 422, 425

Bartha, Mózes 761

Bartók, Béla 509

Basarab, Matei, Wallachian voivode 108, 121, 133, 134, 135, 174

Basta, Giorgio 13, 17, 36, 113, 181

Báthori, Gábor Transylvanian prince 3-6, 8-9, 11-23, 25-38, 42, 48-51, 118, 163, 175, 182, 210-211, 215-216

Báthori, István (of Ecsed) palatine (1559–1605) 3, 214-215, 426

Báthori, István Jr. (of Somlyó) 3, 207, 214

Báthori, Stephen (of Somlyó) Transylvanian prince, Polish king 3-4, 19, 45, 50-51, 58, 89, 130, 203, 215

Báthori, Zsigmond Transylvanian prince 36, 90, 146

Báthori, Zsófia 140, 504

Batthyány, Ignác 728, 759, 773

Baumeister, Friedrich Christian 616, 687

Baumgarten, Johann Christian 768, 773

Bausner, Bartholomeus 467

Baussnern, Simon Friedrich 667, 669

Bay, Mihály 492

Bayle, Pierre 678

Beaumarchais 675, 676

Beaumont, Nicolas 341

Beccaria, Cesare Bonesana marchese de 724

Bedeus, Joachim 668, 751

Beil, author 676

Bejram pasha 119

Béldi, Pál 252, 290, 304, 309, 319, 322, 340-341, 345-346, 349, 448, 459

Bellarmino, Roberto 224

Benigni, von Mildenberg Joseph H. 625

Benke, József 771

Benkő, Ferenc 674

Benkő, József 526, 670-671, 685, 688, 767, 770, 773

Bényei 208

Bényei, János 208

Bercsényi, Miklós 399, 411, 425

Berlász, Jenő 578, 697

Berzsenyi, Dániel 684, 772, 782

Bessenyei, György 680

Bestuzhev-Riumin, Aleksei Petrovich 599

Bethlen, Ádám 583

Bethlen, Elek 433, 450-451, 460

Bethlen, Farkas chancellor, historian 237, 471

Bethlen, Farkas Jr. 350, 751

Bethlen, Gábor chancellor 542, 549-550, 561, 564, 590, 595, 629

Bethlen, Gabriel Transylvanian prince 3-4, 16-17, 21, 23, 25, 27, 30-37, 39-54, 57-59, 62-63, 65, 67-70, 72-73, 75-80, 82, 84-97, 100-101, 103-104, 106, 114, 116, 118, 122-124, 129, 135, 139, 147, 163, 167-168, 175-176, 180, 182, 184, 195, 201, 203-205, 207, 210, 216, 221, 224, 236, 254-255, 269, 274-275, 277, 282, 293, 302-303, 330, 352, 357, 364, 375, 381, 438, 441, 444, 459, 483, 488, 494-495, 499, 542, 566

Bethlen, Gergely Transylvanian chief general 244, 378, 382

Bethlen, István Jr. captain of Várad 101-102, 104-106, 113

Bethlen, István Sr. Transylvanian prince 81, 460

Bethlen, János governor 103-106, 113, 119-122, 129, 218, 237, 242-244, 268, 290, 293, 298, 318-319, 322, 344-346, 447, 456, 470

Bethlen, József 668

Bethlen, Kata (wife of Mihály Apafi Mihály II) 478

Bethlen, Kata countess, writer 460, 617, 679

Bethlen, Mihály 458

Bethlen, Miklós chancellor 319, 322, 325, 329-333, 339-340, 342, 345-347, 370-372, 376-379, 382, 396, 401, 404, 429, 446, 448-449, 451, 454, 456, 458-460, 472, 476, 493, 497-498, 500, 542, 607, 643

Bethlen, Miklós treasurer 255, 261, 266, 268, 276, 280-281, 286, 289, 292-293, 299, 308, 701

Bethlen, Pál 733, 735, 737

Béthune, count 79

Béthune, Marquis (François Gaston de Selles) 346, 350, 367

Bíró, József 767

Bisterfeld, Hohannes 207, 216

Bocskai, István, Transylvanian prince 3-7, 9-11, 15, 17, 32, 66-67, 69, 83, 106, 205, 210, 215

Bocskor, János 507

Bod, Péter 612, 616-617, 670, 679, 773

Boér, Zsigmond 295

Boghici, Constantin 645

Boham colonel 348

Boldvai, Márton 260

Bölöni, Farkas Sándor 772-773, 782

Bolyai, Farkas 768, 774

Bolyai, János 769

Bonfini, Antonio 469

Bónis, Ferenc 505

Bonneval, Claude-Alexandre de (Ahmed, pasha) 519

Bonta, János 110

Borié, Egidius 601-602

Bornemissza, Anna 280, 285, 287, 289, 345-346, 371, 460, 466, 484

Bornemissza, Ignác 604

Bornemissza, János 606

Bornemissza, János baron, chancellor 517, 548-550

Bornemissza, Kata 319

Boros, János 136

Borsáti, Ferenc 488

Borsos, Tamás 212

Bory, Mihály 330, 332-333

Bota, Ioan 407

Bottyán, János 411

Brahe, Tycho 223

Brandenburg, Katalin (Catherine) of 100, 103

Brankovics, Száva (Sava, Brancovici) 386, 440

Brîncoveanu, Constantin Wallachian voivode 373, 387, 416, 425, 431, 476, 575

Bruckenthal, Karl 676

Bruckenthal, Michael 710, 711, 737

Bruckenthal, Samuel 531, 551, 553, 562-563, 592, 595, 610-611, 613, 657, 670, 675, 678, 698-699, 701, 706-707, 711, 730, 738, 770, 776

Buccow, Nicolaus Adolf, Baron 530, 591, 597, 600-607

Buczy, Emil 773

Budai-Deleanu, Ion 689, 777-778

Bukováczky, captain (envoy of Péter Zrínyi) 335

Bülfinger, G. B. 575

Buquoi, Charles Bonaventure, count 79

Caian, 481

Calfovici, Manole 642

Calfovici, Toma 642

Calvin, Jean 41, 224

Campe, Hoachim Heinrich 677

Canisius, Peter 224

Cantacuzino, Constantin 416, 431

Cantemir, Dimitrie Moldavian voivode 416, 584, 686

Caprara, Aeneas Sylvius 361

Caraffa, Antonio 367, 370

Carato colonel 605, 607

Casanova 332

Casimir 133, 137, 141

Cato, Marcus Porcius 215

Cercel, Marcu 63

Cesti, Marc Antonio 491

Charles I, English king 84, 86

Charles III, Hungarian king 517, 558, 571, 583, 598

Charles X, Swedish king 137, 139-140, 167

Charles XII, Swedish king 431

Charles, Duke of Lorraine 368-369

Chiaromanni, envoy of Parma 233

Chilko, Krisztián 427

Christina, Swedish queen 128

Clomp, Peter 574

Closca, Ioan Oargu 707-709, 713

Cobb, commander-in-chief of Szatmár 257-258

Cocceius, (Koch) Johannes 438

Comenius, Jan Amos 140, 209, 217, 488

Copernicus, Nicolaus 224

Cornides, Dániel 688

Costin, Miron 585

Crişan, Gheorghe 709, 713

Csáky, István 103, 105, 125, 163, 235, 244, 246

Csáky, Kata 643

Csanaki, Máté 207, 222-223

Császár, Pál 110-112

Csécsi, János 448

Cserei, Farkas Jr. 774

Cserei, Farkas Sr. 773-774

Cserei, György 533

Cserei, János 311, 433, 733

Cserei, Mihály 371, 375, 380, 429, 453, 472, 495, 679

Cserényi, Judit 162

Csernátoni, Pál 309, 463

Csernojevics, Arzén (Arzenije, Cernojevic) 558

Csicsói, Gedő István 311

Csiszár, János 315

Csokonai, Vitéz Mihály 683-684, 778

Csuka, Imre 110-111

Csűrös, Antal 767

Csűrös, József 767

Csűrös, Mihály 767

Cusani colonel-general 429

Czabán, Izsák 462

Czegei, Wass György 290, 400, 493

Czeglédi, István 334, 501

Czernin, vice commander-in-chief 571, 601

Cziráky, Antal 780

D'André, György 647

Daczó, János 284

Dallos, Miklós 78

Dálnoki, Veres Gerzson 497, 502

Daniel, István 613, 733

Daniel, István Vargyasi 493

Daniel, János Vargyasi 447

Darabont, Ignatie 745

Dávid, Zoltán 522, 525

De Forbin, bishop of Marseille 342

Defoe, Daniel 417

Dengelegi, Mihály 17

Dersi, Pál 740

Des Alleurs, Pierre Puchot marquis 412, 423

Descartes, René 224, 436, 438, 461-463, 466, 672

Dési, Mihály 463

Dézsi, Márton 309, 461

Dietrichstein, cardinal 80

Dietterich, Friedrich Wilhelm 601

Dimitriu, Toma 660

Diruta, Girolamo 497

Dobai, Péter 414

Dobosi, Samuel 595, 597, 651-652

Dobra, Petru 526, 555, 584, 690

Döbrentei, Gábor 771-774, 782

Dobrovský Czech linguist 774

Dolhay, György 414

Domokos, György 476

Dózsa, György 111, 704

Drauth, Simon 308

Duca, Gheorghe Moldavian voivode 338

Dünewald director 350

Dunod, Antidius 360

Dusch German writer 684

Dzsauli, Koszta Demetru 644

Ebeni, János 242

Eder, Joseph Carl 675, 677

Elek, János 12

Elizabeth (Stuart) English princess 55

Elizabeth I English queen 87

Elizabeth Russian czarina 600

Endes, Miklós 311, 315

Enyedi, György 216

Enyedi, Sámuel 209, 309, 438, 461, 466-467, 637, 696

Ercsei, János 768

Erlach, Fischer von 613-614

Esad effendi 73

Esterházy, Antal count 520

Esterházy, Ferenc count, chief chancellor 712-713, 720

Esterházy, János count, statesman 652, 668, 671, 730, 761

Esterházy, Miklós count 69, 79-80, 82-83, 88, 104, 106-107, 112, 120, 125-126, 137-138, 496

Esterházy, Pál prince, palatine 358, 392, 506

Esze, Tamás brigadier 422, 424, 427

Eszéki, István 488

Étienne, André 673

Eustatievici, Dimitrie 660, 669, 690, 730, 777

Evlia, Chelebi 265, 276

Fábián, Dániel 668

Fasching, Ferenc 572

Fazekas, Mihály 778

Fekete, Ferenc 669, 750

Fekete, Klára 319

Fénelon, François de Salignac de la Mothe 613

Ferdinand I 36

Ferdinand II (Habsburg) Hungarian king 60, 62-63, 65-67, 70, 72-74, 77-81, 86-88, 90, 96-98, 103-104, 106, 108-109, 123

Ferdinand III Hungarian king 69, 75, 126-127, 129, 138

Ferinand archduke 67, 69, 74

Fichte, Johann Gottlieb 765

Fichtel, Johann 669

Filtsch, Johann 669, 675, 775, 778

Flämitzer, Johann Nikolaus 371

Fleischer, András 252

Fleury, Claude 687

Fogarasi, Pap József 673

Fogarasi, Sámuel 637

Foktűi, Máté 12

Fonáci, Mátyás 407

Forgách, Simon 409, 412, 471, 481

Forgách, Zsigmond palatine 8, 27-28, 66, 69, 78-79

Forval abbot 346

Francis I (Habsburg) Hungarian king 620, 670, 677, 737, 779

Francisci, Pál 466

Francke, August Hermann 463, 666

Franklin, Benjamin 672, 773

Franzenau, Felix 637

Frederick III Danish king 141

Frederick V Czech king 61, 64, 82, 84

Frederick, William elector of Brandenburg 367

Fridvaldszky, János 671-672, 696

Funk, Andreas 675

Galambos, Ferenc 411

Galenus, Claudius 222

Gálffi, Péter 414

Gauss, Carl Dietrich 768

Gebler, Thobias Philipp 699, 705

Geleji, Katona István 217-218, 222, 224

Gellert, Christian Fürchtegott 676

Geréb, János 310

Gergelyffy, András 769

Gessner, Salomon 677

Ghica, Gheorghe Moldavian voivode 250, 255, 260, 266

Ghiczy, András 28-32, 35

Ghiczy, János 17

Ghidru, Dimitrie Hagi 642

Girej, Tartar khan 34

Glöckelsperg, Dietrich 412

Goddard, Jonathan 467

Goess, Johann 250

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang 675-677, 680, 774

Goldoni, Carlo 675

Gotter German playwrite 676

Gotzmeister, Kalmár Kristóf 309

Grabarics, Jakab 409, 428

Graffius, Lukas 553, 573, 666

Gratiani, Caspar 57-60

Graven, Ludwig F. general 404

Grémonville, Jacques 325, 327-328, 330

Grotius, Hugo 234, 438

Gunesch, János 466

Gurdji, Mehmed 28, 73-74

Gustavus Adolphus Swedish king 84-85, 87-89, 103, 108

Guthi, István 401, 407

Gyarmathi, Sámuel 774-775

Gyergyai, Mihály (of Kissolymos) 289, 478

Gyerőffy, György 142, 163

Gyöngyösi, István 503, 683

György blacksmith in Kóródszentmárton 195

Győri, Jakab 120

Habermann professor 573

Hadik, András 539, 602, 609, 693, 696

Hagi-Pop, Constantin 563

Halici, Mihail 309, 449, 459, 462

Haller, Gábor 243-244, 246, 251-252, 254, 433, 449-450, 612-613

Haller, György 97

Haller, István 384, 429

Haller, János 237, 243, 246, 320, 345, 349, 362-363

Haller, János count 378, 448, 479, 518, 582-583, 613

Haller, László 612

Haller, Pál 156, 320

Halmágyi, István 605, 609

Hammer, Konrad 572

Hann, Friedrich 624

Hann, Sebestyén 478

Harsányi, Jakab 145, 438

Harteneck, János 395

Harvey, William 466

Haţieganu, Marcu 407

Hatzfeld councillor 698-699, 705

Haugwitz, Friedrich Wilhelm 719

Hedry, Benedek 337

Heineccius, Johann Gottlieb 574

Heisler, Donathus 374

Hell, Miksa 614-615, 773

Hellenbach, János Gottfried 419

Heltai, Gáspár (Kaspar, Helth) 213

Henry IV French king 55

Henter, Benedek 414

Henter, Mihály 416

Herberstein count, general 356

Herbeville, Ludwig baron 411-412

Heriza Wallachian rival voivode 136

Hermányi, Dienes József 679

Hevenesi, Gábor 386, 688

Heydendorf, Michael Conrad von 635, 656, 703, 720, 732, 736

Hildebrandt, Johann Lucas von 614

Hiszmann, Michael 674-675

Hochmeister, Martin 641, 669, 675, 686, 740, 770

Hoffnungswald, Michael Philipp von 539

Hohenlohe, Julius count 256

Homonnai, Bálint 3-11, 28, 39-40

Homonnai, György 39, 71

Honterus, Johannes 458

Horea (Vasile, Nicula) 653, 661, 690, 706-709, 713-714, 718, 732, 734, 740

Horváth, András 293

Horváth, István 502

Huber, Johann 637

Hunyadi, András 461, 463

Hunyady, István 433

Hussein grand vizier 80, 122

Hussey, William 379

Huszti, Péter 215, 662, 666

Huszti, Szabó István 467

Huszty, András 574

I. Tóth, Zoltán 526

Ibrahim pasha of Buda 354, 356-357

Ibrahim sultan 144-145

Iffland, August Wilhelm 676

Ilie bishop 202, 219

Illésházy, Gáspár, baron 10, 12, 68

Illésházy, István, baron 68, 83

Illia, András 572

Illyés peasant leader 135

Illyés, András 384, 568

Inczédy, Mihály 332

Ipsilanti, Alexandru Moldavian voivode 668

Irene, daughter of Vasile Lupu 130, 134

Isabella (Jagelló) Hungarian queen (wife of John I) 36

Ispán, Ferenc 334, 336

Izdenczy, Pál 493, 704, 715

Jan, Casimir Polish king 133, 137, 141

Jancsó, Benedek 522, 525-526

Jankovics, Antal 711, 713, 739

Jantsó, Pál 771

Jó, János 293, 308

Johann, Georg II Saxon prince 235

Johann, Philip bishop of Mainz 235, 255

John I (Szapolyai) Hungarian king 357

John II (Szapolyai) elected Hungarian king (John Sigismund) Transylvanian prince 74, 142, 488

Jónás, voivode 177

Joó, Dániel 407

Joseph I Hungarian king 370, 411, 413-414, 417, 428-429, 432, 517

Joseph II Hungarian king 526, 608, 652, 655, 660, 669, 690-691, 693, 697-698, 701, 703-705, 708, 711-716, 718-721, 724, 732, 735-737, 741, 743, 757, 771

Jósika, Antal 668

Jósika, Gábor, baron 408

Jósika, Imre, baron 389

Jósika, János, baron 668, 780

Kádár, Györgyné Mrs. 486

Kájoni, János 464, 467, 508

Káldi, György 224

Kálmánczay, István 413

Kálnoki, Antal 606

Kálnoki, Mihály 433

Kálnoki, Sámuel 382, 384, 394, 429

Kalyáni, Sylvester 573, 588, 615

Kamuti, Farkas 17, 32

Kant, Immanuel 760, 765

Kapi, Erzsébet 321

Kapi, Gábor 482

Kapi, György 333

Kaposi, Sámuel 448, 464

Kaprinai, István 572

Kapustrán, Tamás 479

Kara, Mustapha grand vizier 344, 350, 354-357

Karakas, Mehmed pasha of Buda 77

Károlyi, Ádám 237

Károlyi, Gáspár 217-218

Károlyi, Sándor count 411-412, 428, 432

Kaszás, Pál 407-408

Kászoni, Márton 239, 245, 256-258, 334

Káthay, Mihály Transylvanian chancellor 210, 215

Katona, István 688

Katona, József 773

Katona, Mihály 413

Katona, Szász István 302

Kaunitz, Wenzel Anton prince 600, 602, 704, 738

Kazinczy, Ferenc 612, 673, 765, 770-773, 782

Kecskeméti, Mihály 209

Keczeli, István 407

Keczer, Menyhért 329, 336

Kemény, Farkas baron 668

Kemény, János 126, 142, 150, 235-237, 240-245, 247-250, 252, 255, 266, 272, 319, 438, 453, 494-495, 499, 502-503, 667

Kemény, László governor 601-602

Kemény, Simon 414, 418, 425, 433, 732, 734, 736

Kempis, Tamás (Thomas Kempen) 224

Kende, Gábor 332

Kendeffi, Ádám 781-782

Kendi, István 14, 17-18, 20-22, 27

Keresztúri, Pál 208

Khmelnytsky, Bohdan 130, 133-134

Khmelnytsky, Timus 134, 136

Kinsky, Ulrich 376

Király, Sámuel 408

Kirillovics, Sofronie bishop 690

Kismarjai, Albert 427

Kleist, Heinrich von 677

Klobusiczky, Ferenc bishop 140

Klopstock, Friedrich Gottlieb 677

Kocsi, Csergő Bálint 617

Köleséri, Sámuel 209, 221, 309, 459, 464, 467, 549, 567, 574-576, 662, 666

Kollonich, Lipót archbishop 382, 385, 443

Kollonits, László 700

Kolowrat, Franz Anton 581-582

Kolozsvári, István 359

Kolozsvári, Márton 408

Komáromi, István 308

Komáromi, János 492

Komlóssy, Sándor 416

Königsegg-Eprs, Karl-Ferdinand count 582

Königsmark war leader 127

Konrád, Sámuel 429

Konstantin church painter 481

Köpeczi, János 464

Köprülü, Ahmed grand vizier 245, 248, 250-255, 257-258, 338, 344

Köprülü, Mehmed grand vizier 143-145, 147-149, 235, 240, 245

Kornis, Boldizsár 17, 21

Kornis, Ferenc 96

Kornis, Gábor 495

Kornis, Gáspár 17-18, 244, 289

Kornis, Zsigmond count 17, 476, 498, 500, 517-518, 569

Kőrösi, Csoma Sándor 775

Kos, Mihály 401, 407

Kösem valide sultana 144

Koszta, István 644, 656, 669, 690-691

Kotore, Gherontie 686

Kovács, János 304

Kovács, József 673

Kovásznai, Péter 438-439

Kozma, Mihály 480

Kray, Pál baron 712-713

Kressel, Franz 699

Kreutz, Caspar 308, 371

Kriechbaum, Georg Friedrich baron 429

Krüger, J. G. 673

Küchük, Mehmed pasha grand vizier 242, 246, 274

Ladislas I (Saint) Hungarian king 233, 487, 489

Lang, Martin 669-670, 674-675

Laskai, Matkó János 217

Lassú, István 624-625

Lavoisier, Antoine Laurent 673-674

Lazăr, Gheorghe 776

Lázár, István 96, 481

Lázár, János 606, 696

Lebrecht, (Läpprich) I 677

Leményi, Ioan 777

Lengyel, Péter 483

Leopold I Hungarian king 133, 140-141, 148, 151, 235, 239-240, 244-247, 256-257, 259-260, 326-328, 332, 334, 336-338, 345, 353-354, 358-361, 363-364, 367-368, 371, 377-379, 386, 388, 410, 434, 454, 492-493, 518, 558, 588, 596, 602

Leopold II Hungarian king 645, 738-739, 742, 746

Leslie, Walter count, general 327

Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim 676-678, 681

Lészai, István 177

Liechtenstern, Joseph Max baron 625

Limona, Dumitru 563

Limona, Elena 563

Linczeg, János 455

Lipsius, Justus 215, 217, 439, 472

Litzmann, Josef 615

Lobkowitz, Wenceslaus prince 329

Locke, John 674

Löhr councillor 700, 706

Lorántffy, Zsuzsanna 140, 202, 211, 457

Louis XIII French king 78, 86, 94

Louis XIV French king 261, 325, 328, 341-342, 346-347, 350-351, 359, 361, 367, 410, 412, 420, 423

Louis XVI French king 766

Louis, Marquess of Baden 374-375

Luca, Petru 564

Lukács priest painter 483

Lupu, Vasile Moldavian voivode 108, 122, 133-135, 159, 174

Machiavelli, Niccolò 221, 439, 472, 496

Macskási, Boldizsár 244, 340, 371

Magyar, Oglu Ali pasha 29, 34

Maior, Grigore 574, 589, 616

Maior, Petru 687-690, 777-778

Mansfeld, Karl count 85-86

Manzador, Pius 701

Marck, Joseph van der 604

Marcu, Dimitrie 661

Maria (daughter of voivode Vasile Lupu) 131

Maria Theresa Hungarian queen 470, 562, 582-583, 588, 608, 612, 629, 659, 668, 681, 697, 700, 702, 729, 740

Marienburg, Lucsa Joseph 626

Markó voivode, diplomat 177

Marmontel, Jean-François 684-685

Martini, Karl Anton von 705

Martonfalvi, (Tóth) György 209, 462

Mártonffi, József 702-703

Mártonffy, György baron 569, 571, 581

Mary (Stuart) Scotish queen 87

Matthias I (Hunyadi) Hungarian king 63, 90, 139, 253, 440, 492, 496

Matthias II Hungarian king 6, 8-11, 13-15, 25, 32, 34, 37, 40, 63, 65-66, 69, 74

Mátyus, István 629, 674, 770

Mavrocordat, Alexandru Moruzi Wallachian voivode 669

Mavrocordat, Nicolae Wallachian voivode 576

Mayerhoffer, András 766

Medgyesi, Pál 218, 221, 225

Méhesi, Iosif (József) 692, 746

Mehmed IV sultan 137, 355

Mester, János 195

Mészáros, György 636, 770

Micu, Efrem 768

Micu-Klein, Inochentie 550, 556, 559, 574, 583-589, 600, 617, 687, 689-690, 778

Micu-Klein, Samuil 687-688, 690, 714, 746, 768, 777

Mihai (Michael) Viteazul Wallachian voivode 17, 57-58, 168

Mihnea, Radu Wallachian or Moldavian voivode 23, 25, 28, 34, 150, 250

Mikes, Kelemen 433, 492, 511-512, 520, 548, 679-680

Mikes, Mihály count 384, 401-402, 405, 408, 413, 416-417, 427, 430-432, 480

Mikhail (Mihail Fyedorovich Romanov) czar 89

Miles, Mátyás 308

Milotai, Nyilas István 210

Miskolci, Csulyak Zsigmond 492-493

Misztótfalusi, Kis Miklós 309, 449, 451, 459, 461, 482, 490, 492, 500, 663

Mizald, Antoine 468

Moga, Vasile 777

Molnár, Albert 478

Montecuccoli, Raimondo 239, 241, 245, 247-248, 258

Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat baron de 614, 668, 679

Möringer, Lambert 676

Mósa, László 413

Movilă, Gavrilă Wallachian voivode 177

Movilă, Ieremia Moldavian voivode 14

Movilă, Simion Wallachian or Moldavian voivode 51

Muharrem pasha of Szolnok 104-105

Müller headmaster of a secondary school in Szeben 670

Munteanu, Ursu 638

Murad IV sultan 121-122

Murad pasha 3-4, 7-8, 29

Nachtigall, Johann 573, 614

Nadányi, János 462, 466, 468, 470-471

Nádasdy, Ferenc count 246, 255, 326, 331, 333

Nádudvari, Sámuel 575

Nagy, Ambrus 111-112

Nagy, András 10-12, 26-27

Nagy, János captain 407

Nagyari, Benedek 209, 439

Nagybányai, Ferenc 439

Nagyszegi, Gábor 388-389, 414

Naláczi, István 256, 260, 346

Naláczi, József 648, 686

Naláczi, Lajos 501

Nasuh Pasha grand vizier 29-30, 34, 39, 59, 119

Nasuh, Hussein 119-122

Neuhauser, Ferenc Jr. 768

Neuhauser, Ferenc Sr. 768

Neuhauser, Gottfried 768

Neumann, Balthasar 615

Newton, Isaac 437, 458, 463, 468, 673

Nikitics Orthodox bishop 711

Nógrádi, Mátyás 503

Novákovics, Dénes (Dionisie Novacovici) 601, 691

Nyéki, Vörös Mátyás 217

O'Donel governor 603, 611, 630, 698

Oláh, Miklós 585

Omer pasha of Bosnia 28

Opitz, Martin 207

Oppenheimer, Samuel 392

Orange, William of, prince 379

Orlay, Mihály 403, 405

Orosz, Pál 402, 428

Oroszhegyi, Mihály 194

Osman II sultan 58, 74, 109

Oxenstierna, Axel 137, 274

Paget, John 458

Paget, William lord 380

Pákei, József 670, 761, 766

Pálffy, János count 431-432

Pálffy, Károly József count 707, 737

Pálffy, Pál count 138

Pálffy, Tamás bishop 343

Panajot chief interpreter at the Porte 250-251, 332

Pánczél, Dániel 686

Pap, Ştefan 688

Pápai, János 419, 495

Pápai, Páriz Ferenc 269, 309, 443, 448, 450, 456, 458, 460, 462, 465, 468-469, 472, 493, 663

Paracelsus (Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim) 222

Parajdi, Illyés István 482

Paskó, Kristóf 343, 503-504

Pataki, Füsüs János 210

Pataki, Ioan 573-574, 583

Pataki, István 464

Pataki, Mózes 774

Pataki, Sámuel 674

Pataki, Sámuel Jr. 769

Páter, János 292-293, 298, 308

Pázmány, Péter 65-66, 68, 80, 83, 88, 120, 203, 219, 224, 497

Péchi, Simon 74-75, 79, 96, 114-115, 215, 227

Pekry, Lőrinc 164, 390, 395, 401, 405-406, 408, 413, 417, 419-420, 422, 427, 508

Perényi, Imre 427

Pestalozzi, Johann Heinrich 774

Peter I (Great) Russian czar 416, 431

Petes, Ferenc 411

Petki, Dávid 432

Petki, István 252

Petki, János 17, 213, 215, 280, 305

Petki, Nagy Zsigmond 408

Petrik, János 697

Petrőczi, Kata Szidónia 508-509

Petrőczy, István 336, 340, 405

Petrovics, Péter 36

Philip IV Spanish king 327

Pintea, Grigore (Pintye Grigor) 398

Piscator, Ludwig 208, 216

Piuariu-Molnár, Ioan 645, 670, 674, 690-691, 711, 715, 771, 779

Plenck, Joseph Jakob 674, 690

Poiret, Pierre 462-463

Pop, Nicolae 600

Popa, "Tunsu" (father of Piuariu-Molnár) 690

Popovici, Stan (Sofronie) 601

Popp, Vasile mine doctor 770

Porcia, Johannes Ferdinand, prince 237-238, 240, 245-247, 249-250, 258, 261, 326

Porthan Finnish scholar 775

Pósaházi, János 463-464

Prágai, András 210

Preisz, Franz general 711-712

Prodan, David 270, 537

Püspöki, János 470

Rabutin, de Bussy Jean-Louis count 294, 380-381, 389-390, 395-396, 400-401, 404, 419, 423, 426-427, 429, 498

Racoviţă, Mihai Moldavian or Wallachian voivode 416

Rácz, Sámuel 674

Ráday, Pál 408, 413, 418, 423, 425

Radvánszky, János 405-407, 410

Radziwiłł, Janusz 129-130

Rajka, Péter 769

Rákóczi, Ferenc I Transylvanian prince 137, 328-330, 333-335, 343

Rákóczi, Ferenc II Transylvanian prince 317, 357, 398-433, 445, 468, 472-473, 484, 491, 494-495, 497-498, 501, 504, 506, 508, 510-512, 517, 520, 522, 524, 528, 568, 572-574, 679-680

Rákóczi, György I Transylvanian prince 63, 67-68, 83, 89, 98, 100, 102-110, 112-127, 129-131, 137-138, 163, 165, 167, 171, 175-176, 181-182, 184, 193, 195, 204, 207-208, 217-218, 221, 225, 253, 285, 295, 302, 304, 490, 496, 567

Rákóczi, György II Transylvanian prince 131, 133-134, 136-137, 139-143, 145-150, 163, 171, 175-176, 218, 225, 236-237, 249-250, 253, 285, 319, 349, 352, 496, 504-505

Rákóczi, József 520-521

Rákóczi, László 258, 506, 510

Rákóczi, Zsigmond 127, 130-131, 138

Rákóczi, Zsigmond Transylvanian prince 4-8, 10-13, 38, 49, 107, 215

Ramazzini, Bernardino 576

Ramus, Petrus (Pierre de la Ramée) 209, 225

Ráth, Mátyás 686

Ráthonyi, János 427

Rednic, Athanasie 616

Régeni, Mihály Pál 463, 465

Regius 225, 467, 553

Reichenstein, Franz Müller von, baron 670

Reichman councillor 604

Révérand, Dominique abbot 347, 501

Rhédey, Ferenc 17, 147, 164, 237, 253

Richelieu, Armand Jean du Plessis 85

Riegger, Joseph 688

Rimay, János 10, 215

Roe, Sir Thomas 109

Rottal, János 258, 261, 325-327, 331, 334, 337

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 674

Rozsnyai, Dávid 254, 334-335, 494

Rudolph I Hungarian king 6, 9-11, 14-15

Rudolph II 55

Russbazki, Aloisius 636

Sáfár, Miklós 285

Sagredo Venetian envoy 261, 325

Sallák, András 277

Samarjai, Péter 425

Sándor, Gergely 579, 596, 652

Sándor, János Székely envoy 414

Sarai, Visarion 587

Sárosi, István 408

Sárpataki, Márton villein (Keresztes Márton) 320

Savoy, Eugene of, prince 380, 417, 432, 519, 615

Scherffenberg Transylvanian commander-in-chief 370

Schiller, Friedrich Johann Christoph 677, 681, 774

Schlözer, August Ludwig 775

Schmidt imperial general 34

Schmidt, József 776

Schröder, Wilhelm 677

Schubert, F. N. 625

Schuchbauer, Anton (Antal) 573, 615, 767

Schultz lieutenant-colonel 714

Sebestyén, András 353-354

Seckendorff, Friedrich Heinrich count 520

Seeau, Ehrenreich 396

Seeberg, Zacharias Wanckhel von 530, 553, 595, 694

Seipp, Ludwig 676

Seivert, Johann 677

Seldtmajer, Sebestyén 413

Sennyey, Pongrác 17-18

Serban, Constantin 136

Şerban, Radu (Radul) Wallachian voivode 14, 22-23, 25-28, 136

Serédi, István 127

Serena, Agostino 451

Seuler, Martin Gottlieb 668

Shakespeare, William 677, 774

Siavus pasha, governor of Silistra 134

Sikó, János 467

Silius, Italicus 215

Simion, Ştefan 219-220

Sinan pasha grand vizier 145

Şincai, Gheorghe 687, 689, 731, 777-778

Sípos, Dávid 478

Sípos, János 482

Sipos, Pál 766

Siskovics, József baron 607-608

Skender pasha 33-35, 38-39, 42, 57-58

Sobieski, Jan 341, 351, 359, 361, 373

Sombori, Sándor 535

Sonnenfels, Joseph von 688, 692

Soppel, András 414

Soterius, Michael 733, 737, 761

Souches, Louis de 236

Speer, Daniel 500

Spener, Jakob 464

Stan Romanian church painter 483

Starhemberg, Maximilian, prince 370

Ştefan, Gheorghe Moldavian voivode 134, 136, 235

Steinhilbert, von Thalheim J. G. 540

Steinville, Stephan von, count 429, 431-433, 517, 539-540, 571

Stephen I (Saint) Hungarian king 70, 368, 494

Strahlenberg German language scholar 575

Stranoves, Jeremiás 483

Strassburg, Paul 274

Strassoldo, Carlo 344, 354

Strattmann, Heinrich Johann 377

Straussenburg, Daniel 670

Stupan councillor 602-603

Suleiman I, the Great sultan 58, 109

Szabó, András 774

Szabó, István 526

Szabó, Mihály 478

Szabó, Zsigmondné Mrs. 467

Szacsvay, Sándor 686

Szakál, Ferenc 309, 496

Szalárdi, János 193, 219, 221-222, 471

Szalay, László 470

Szamosközy, István (Enyedi, Pál) 471, 503

Szaniszló, Zsigmond 406, 496

Szász, György 433

Szatmárnémeti, Mihály 338

Száva, Mihály 393

Szebelédi, Bertalan 441

Széchényi, Ferenc count 689

Széchényi, Pál archbishop of Kalocsa 404

Széchy, György 68, 70, 80

Székely György see Dózsa György

Székely, István 258, 408

Székely, László 293, 319, 346, 386

Székely, Mózes Jr. 119

Székely, Mózes Transylvanian prince 27, 36-37, 97, 113-115, 119, 258

Székely, Sándor, Aranyrákosi 774

Szekfű, Gyula 364

Szelepcsényi, György chancellor, archbishop of Esztergom 353

Szenczi, Kertész Ábrahám 217, 460, 478

Szenczi, Molnár Albert 224, 448, 465, 618

Szent-Ábrahámi, Mihály 575, 663

Szentgyörgyi, Ferenc 244

Szentiványi, Márton 387

Szentmártoni, Bodó János 193

Szentmártoni, György 408

Szentpáli, János 244

Szentsimoni, Endes Miklós 311

Szepessy, Pál 336

Szepsi, Csombor Márton 189

Szigethi-Gyula, István 521, 572

Szikra, István 439

Szilágyi, Sámuel 613

Szilágyi, Tönkő Márton 465

Szilvási, Boldizsár 17

Szőcs, Tódor 195

Szőllősi, István 216

Szombathelyi, Márton 98

Szőnyi, Nagy István 459

Szotyori, József 769

Sztojanics lieutenantcolonel 713

Szudricsány, István 407

Táncos, Kata 467

Tartler, Johann 670

Teleki, Ádám count 653, 656, 669, 761

Teleki, Domokos count 767

Teleki, János (Jankó) 460, 484

Teleki, Jánosné Mrs. 484

Teleki, Lajos 669

Teleki, László count (1710-1778) 596-598, 644, 652-653

Teleki, Mihály Jr. count, captain of Kővár 472, 771

Teleki, Mihály count, chancellor 237, 239, 244, 247, 249, 256-258, 260, 277, 280, 288, 290, 293, 298, 319, 321, 326, 328-329, 332, 334, 339-346, 348-350, 356, 360-362, 370-371, 375, 401-402, 408-409, 411, 413, 417, 432-433, 450-455, 458-459, 473-473, 479, 484, 490, 507, 551, 613, 669, 680

Teleki, Sámuel count, chancellor 613, 653, 780

Tempea, Radu 778

Teofil bishop 385, 387

Ţepes, Vlad Wallachian voivode 778

Teutsch, Andreas (András) 463-464, 469-470, 528, 574

Teutsch, Friedrich 677

Thököly, Imre 344, 348, 350-358, 360-362, 367, 370, 372-377, 380, 382, 390, 399, 401, 403, 405, 407, 409, 411, 472-473, 479, 494, 497, 506, 508

Thököly, István 328-329, 336

Tholdalagi, László 615, 633, 669, 671

Thomasius, Christian 463

Thoroczkai, István 401, 403, 408, 425, 432

Thurn, Matej 66

Thurzó, Imre count 68, 75, 80

Thurzó, Szaniszló count 67-68, 79-83

Tige, Jean-Charles 404, 422

Tikos, János 414

Tinódi, (Lantos) Sebestyén 504

Tofeus, Mihály bishop 320, 463-464

Tolnai, Dali János 208-209

Tolnai, F. István 443, 460, 472

Tolnai, Mihály 472

Tomşa, Ştefan I Moldavian voivode 25

Tomşa, Ştefan II Moldavian voivode 51

Töpfer, Márton 467

Toppeltinus, Laurentius (Lorenz, Töppelt) 220, 309

Török, János stableman 20

Tótfalusi, Kis Miklós 218

Troester, Johann (János) 190, 220, 270, 309

Ţumbru, Mihail 660

Turenne, Henri de 255

Türi, László 669, 671, 733, 749, 750, 758-760, 764

Überlacher, Anton 767

Ugrai, László 767

Újfalvi, Imre 210

Újfalvi, Krisztina 774

Uzoni, Balázs 459

V. Windisch, Éva 677

Vajda, Ladislau lawyer 777

Vajda, László envoy 351, 358

Van, Swieten Gerhard 470

Váradi, Borbála 318, 454

Váradi, Szabó György 509

Varkoch, György 17

Vásárhelyi, Tőke István 575

Vay, Ádám 413, 421, 425

Verancsics, Antal 159

Veresmarti, Mihály 224

Verzirescu, (Verzár) Oxendie 559

Vest, János 483

Veterani, Friedrich 367, 370-371, 374, 378

Vette, Georg 770

Virmont, Hugo count 518, 576

Visconti, Morando 559

Vitnyédi, István 251, 328, 330, 333

Vizaknai, Bereck György 398, 467, 484, 495

Vlad, Dumitru 645

Vlad, Ioan 645

Voigt professor 574

Voltaire, François-Marie Arouet 676, 772

Wallenstein, Albrecht count 86, 108

Wallis, Franz Paul commander-in-chief 584

Weber, Johann 472

Weber, Péter 429

Weiss, Mihály 14, 20, 26, 29, 32, 212

Wesselényi, Farkas, baron 17

Wesselényi, Ferenc count 236, 238-239, 246, 249, 251, 253-255, 260, 328-332, 335, 348, 354, 472, 507

Wesselényi, István baron (1674-1734) chairman of the parliament 429, 483-484, 498, 501-502, 740

Wesselényi, István baron (1708-1758) 532

Wesselényi, Miklós Jr. baron (1796-1850) 627, 704, 773-774, 782-783

Wesselényi, Miklós Sr. baron 627, 740, 750-751, 767, 772-773

Wesselényi, Pál baron 341

Wieland, Cristoph Martin 677

Winchelsea envoy of the Porte 255

Wolf, A. 676

Wolff, Christian 575, 617, 668, 676

Wrangel general 128

Young, Edward 686

Zeyk, Dániel 784

Ziska (Jan Žižka) 62

Zoltán, József 614

Zólyomi, Dávid 101-102, 106-107, 111, 113-114, 119, 350

Zólyomi, Erzsébet 177

Zrínyi, Ádám 375

Zrínyi, Ilona 353, 356

Zrínyi, Miklós 139, 235, 238, 243, 248-249, 255-257, 261, 289, 328-329, 370, 472-473, 497-498, 504-505

Zrínyi, Péter 330-331, 333-335

Zsirai, Miklós 776

Zülfikar pasha 33