Born April 11, 1905 in Budapest; died December 3, 1937 in Balatonszárszó. Poet, translator. Father a soapmaker who left family in 1908 to go to the United States to make money for support of family but got only as far as Rumania and never returned. Mother soon forced to board József and a sister with peasant family in Öcsöd through Országos Gyermekvédő Liga. József was seven when mother was able to support the family herself with earnings from domestic work. Family lived under continuing difficult circumstances, and children were forced to earn money through odd jobs. During World War I mother's health worsened, and children were often in care of other families. In summer 1918 József spent a few weeks in Abbazia on organized holiday for children. He was writing poetry regularly by this time. Went to relatives in Szabadszállás for food; mother dead by the time he returned. At this time his sister, Jolán, married Ödön Makai and undertook care of József and his younger sister. Tried to become deck boy for a time. József was sent to boarding school in Makó to resume studies, where he was an outstanding student. Worked guarding cornfields during summer. Attempted suicide and abandoned school studies. His poetry gained attention of Gyula Juhász (q.v.), who helped him to publish poems in periodicals and wrote introduction to his first published volume, Szépség koldusa (1922). Became independent financially through work as tutor and laborer, completed gymnasium studies, and entered University of Szeged to study Hungarian and French. Left university when professor vowed to use any means to bar him from teaching career because of attitude. Went to Vienna in 1925 with help of brother-in-law to study at university. Became acquainted with emigrant writers: Lajos Kassák, Tibor Déry, Béla Balázs (qq.v.), György Lukács, Andor Németh (who became best friend), and Lajos Hatvany. Shortly after return to Budapest went to Paris in 1926 with help of Lajos Hatvany. Studied at Sorbonne, became acquainted with works of Marx, Hegel and Lenin and with workers' movement, and joined Union Anarchiste-Communiste. Returned to Budapest in 1927. Poems were published in many periodicals and dailies, including Népszava, Pesti Napló, Nyugat, A Toll, and Korunk. Resumed studies briefly at University of Budapest. Formed firm friendship with Gyula Illyés (q.v.). Knew French and German, shorthand, and typing but could not obtain steady employment. Loved girl from middleclass family, but marriage did not take place. Hospitalized at this time because of neurasthenia. Increased political activities at end of 1920's. Joined Socialist party in 1929 and Communist party in 1930, for which he conducted seminars and lectures in Újpest, Angyalföld, Rákospalota, and Ferencváros. Attended illegal meetings and supported workers' cause by his writings. Participated in revolutionary mass demonstration on September l, 1930. Founded periodical, Valóság, in 1932, which was quickly banned by police. Often arrested for political activities. Insisted on combining ideas of Marx and Freud in lectures. Severed connection with Communist party in 1935 because of differences in views. Already considered as outstanding poet by Dezső Kosztolányi, Mihály Babits (qq.v.), György Bálint, and Gábor Halász. Broke friendship with Judit Szántó. Love affairs continued to be unhappy. Became editor of newly founded Szép Szó in 1936. Obtained grants from Baumgarten Foundation in 1936 and 1937. Grew increasingly despondent, with sense of being abandoned in alien world. Spent several months in hospital with help of friends. Care undertaken by sisters in Balatonszárszó. Gave up hope of cure in this isolation and ended life by throwing himself under wheels of passing freight train. Awarded Kossuth Prize for lifework in 1948. ¶ One of the most important lyric poets in 20th-century Hungarian literature. Individuality emerged over long period of time through numerous Hungarian and foreign literary influences. Poems are full of humanism and will power and of desire for unity with outer world. Socialistic themes stem from love of mankind. Used great variety of poetic forms and techniques with skill. Translated numerous authors, as well as European and African folk poetry: among them, J. Hora, P. Bezruč, J. Wolker, Mayakovsky, S. Yesenin, A.Blok, Verhaeren, Rimbaud, and Villon (probably his best). ¶ Editions of his poems are available in Bulgarian, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, French, German, Italian, Polish, Rumanian, and Russian; and some of his poems have been translated into Arabian, English, Finnish, Hebrew, Slovakian, and Swedish.

FIRST EDITIONS: A szépség koldusa. Versek. Szeged: Koroknay, 1922. 48p. - Nem én kiáltok. [Versek] Szeged: Koroknay, 1925. 110p. - Nincsen apám se anyám. Versek. Budapest: Genius, 1929. 61p. - Döntsd a tőkét ne siránkozz! [Versek] Budapest: Új Európa, 1931. 48p. - Külvárosi éj. [Versek] Budapest: A Szerző, 1932. 32p. - Medvetánc. Válogatott költemények 1922-1934. Budapest: Révai, 1934. 108p. - Nagyon fáj. [Versek] Budapest: Cserépfalvi, 1936. 95p. - See also nos. 1449 and 1592.


See also nos. 1601, 1606, 1607 (in French translation), and 1621. Annotated work: no. 2200.

1591. Összes versei és válogatott írásai. [1st collected ed.] Sajtó alá rendezte Németh Andor. Budapest: Cserépfalvi, 1938. 567p. [C] IC NN GeLU

1592. Költészet és nemzet. E munka anyagát József Attila hátrahagyott írásai közül Sándor Pál válogatta ki és rendezte sajtó alá. Budapest: Dokumentum Könyvek, 19411. 63p. [C] NNC

1593. Összes versei és műfordításai. Sajtó alá rendezte Bálint György. Budapest: Cserépfalvi, 1945. 544p. DLC IEN LU MH MiD NN NNC OCI FiHI GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU

1594. Összes verse. Sajtó alá rendezte Kardos László. Budapest: Révai Könyvkiadó Nemzeti Vállalat, 1950. 637p. [C] DLC NN FiHI GeLBM GyGGaU

1595. Összes művei. Sajtó alá rendezte Waldapfel József és Szabolcsi Miklós. Eddig I-III. kötet. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1952+. [A]

1. kötet: Versek, 1922-1928. 1952. 462p.

2. kötet: Versek, 1929-1937. 1952. 511p.

3. kötet: Cikkek, tanulmányok, vázlatok. 1958. 468p.


1596. Válogatott művei. Sajtó alá rendezte Szabolcsi Miklós. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1952. 462p. [C] DLC NN GyBDS

1597. Összes művei. Sajtó alá rendezte Waldapfel József és Szabolcsi Miklós. 2., javított és bővített kiadás. Eddig I-II. kötet. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1955+. [A]

1. kötet: Versek, 1922-1928. 480p.

2. kötet: Versek, 1929-1937. Zsengék, töredékek, rögtönzések. 531p.


1598. Összes versei és műfordításai. Sajtó alá rendezte Szabolcsi Miklós. Budapest: Magyar Helikon, 1963. 973p. [C] NNC GeLBM GyBDS


See also nos. 1605, 1609, 1611, 1622, and 1625.

1599. Írások József Attiláról. Bibliográfia. Összeállította Reguli Ernő.Szeged: Szegedi Egyetemi Könyvtár, 1955. 40p.

Studies to July 1, 1954, in two parts: (1) those that were published separately and (2) those that appeared in journals and newspapers, with the citations under each by date of publication. Data: for monographs, author, title, place and date of publication, publisher, and pages; for periodicals, name of periodical, volume and date, and page numbers. Indexes: name, titles of journals and newspapers, titles of his works and their reviews, and illustrations. DLC


See also nos. 327, 1645, and 2885.

1600. József Jolán. József Attila élete. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 19554. 327p. [19401]

An intimate biography based on the recollections of his sister. DLC ICU MH MnU NN NNC FiHI GeCU GeLBM GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU

1601. Galamb Ödön. Makói évek. József Attila élete nyomában I. Budapest: Cserépfalvi, 1941. 173p.

An account of his school years in Makó (1920-1923) and his visits and letters to the town after his departure, commenting on his early literary creativity at school and his relationships with his teachers and schoolmates. Contains letters written by the poet to the author. Appendix: 35 previously unpublished poems written from 1922 to 1926. MnU GeLBM

1602. Bányai László. Négyszemközt József Attilával. Budapest: Körmendy, 1943. 279p.

Intended neither as a novel nor as a biography of the poet but as a "confession of everything that occurred between and around Attila and me, and, not the least, of what happened simultaneously within us." MH MnU NNC

1603. Németh Andor. József Attila. Budapest: Cserépfalvi, 1944. 219p.

An intimate account of his life and works based on Németh's personal recollections. CoU DLC InU MH MnU NNC AsWN GeLBM GyGNSU

1604. Bóka László. József Attila. Essay és vallomás. Budapest: Anonymus, 1947. 105p.

A study concentrating on the emergence and development of his poetic individuality for the purpose of encouraging attention to the whole through short analyses of some of his poems. DLC NN

1605. Fövény Lászlóné. József Attila. Budapest: Művelt Nép, 1953. 190p.

His life and works from a Marxist-Leninist viewpoint. Characterizes him as a communistic poet whose works are concerned with the "battle of the people against imperialism and fascism and with the struggles and eventual victory of the workingman." Bibliographical notes, pp. 188-190. Facsimiles. DLC MH MnU NN NNC GeLBM GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU

1606. József Attila. Összeállította Szántó Judit és Kovács Endréné. Budapest: Magyar Helikon, 1958. 229p.

Mainly illustrations, facsimiles of correspondence and manuscripts, sketches of the poet, and other matters connected with his life and writings. An introductory essay on his poetry by József Révai (see no. 1623). A curriculum vitae from the poet's own hand. DLC MH NNC GeLBM GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU

1607. Rousselot, Jean. Attila József (1905-1937). Sa vie, son oeuvre avec une suite de poemès du hongrois par Jean Rousselot d'après les traductions de Ladislas Gara. Paris: Les Nouveaux Cahiers de Jeunesse, 1958. 119p.

Attention to the details of his life but mainly concerned with the nature of his poetry and the development of his attitudes and ideas of literature and of his relation to his times through evidence from his poems. Contains 25 poems in French translation. DLC GyBH

1608. Imre Katalin. "ASzép Szó és József Attila," Irodalomtörténeti Közlemények, LXVI (1962), 40-58.

His connection with the periodical and the times, the circumstances surrounding the development of these connections and their causes, and the nature and significance of his role. Bibliographical footnotes. Summary in Russian, p. 58. DLC MnU NN NNC AsWU GeLBM GyBH

1609. Szabolcsi Miklós. Fiatal életek indulója. József Attila pályakezdése. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1963. 634p.

A detailed biography and study of his literary activities and development to 1923. Attention to other young writers, 1919-1923. Bibliographical notes, pp. 6-7. Illustrations, family trees, facsimiles. MH NNC AsWN GeLBM GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU

1610. Saitos Gyula. József Attila Makón. Budapest: Magvető, 1964. 199p.

His life, environment, friends, and other matters which gave his career its impetus and initial strength during his student days at Makó, 1920-1923. By a journalist who knew him during those years. Illustrations. DLC InU MnU NNC AsWN FiHI FiHU GeLBM GyBDS GyGNSU

1611. Vértes György. József Attila és az illegális kommunista párt. Budapest:Magvető, 1964. 174p.

The six stages of his movement toward participation and membership in the Hungarian Communist party, from 1928 to the end of 1935, when he joined the communist periodical Gondolat. Bibliography, pp. 166-[175]. CU DLC InU MH MnU GeLBM GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU


See also nos. 80, 1057, 1645, 1653, 2756, 4322, 4380, 4624, 4633, 4644, and 4646.

1612. Scheiber Sándor. József Attila istenes verseinek tárgy- és képzettörténeti háttere. Budapest: Magyar Irodalomtörténeti Társaság, 1946. 15p.

A documentation of six folklore motifs in his "istenes versek" showing that the presence of these ancient eastern legends is not accidental in a cultured modern poet. Bibliographical footnotes.

1613. Bóka László. "József Attila," Arcképvázlatok és tanulmányok. Budapest: Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Irodalomtörténeti Intézete, 1962; 543p. Pp. 209-267. [First published: Budapest: Athenaeum, 1947; 105p.]

Purpose: not to evaluate him and his poetry but to penetrate his verses and to "sweep away the oblivion" and the misunderstandings about his poetry. Analysis governed by three "inseparable criteria" in the following order of importance: language, the work as a product of society, and aesthetics. MH MnU NNC AsWN GeCU GeLBM GyBDS GyBH

1614. Fejtő Ferenc. József Attila, az útmutató. Budapest: Népszava, 1947. 29p.

His efforts to awaken the conscience of those around him by using his poetical power and ideas to achieve socialistic aims in Hungarian society. Based on evidence in his poems and on Fejtő's personal recollections.

1615. Németh Andor. "József Attila és kora," Csillag, I (December, 1947), 2-7; II (January, 1948), 9-17, (February, 1948), 17-25, (March, 1948), 26-34, (April, 1948), 23-31, (May, 1948), 23-30, (June, 1948), 10-19, (July, 1948), 28-35, (August, 1948), 34-42, (September, 1948), 1-9.

His life and writings, literary development, and the elements of his life and times that affected him. Based on Németh's personal recollections. Much attention to the content of his poems. [DLC] MnU NNC [FiHI] [GyGGaU]

1616. Komlós Aladár. "József Attila és kritikusai," Magyarok, IV (1948), 2-12.

An examination of the criticism of his works by his contemporaries to understand why he was first considered to be a second-rate writer and why he was discovered later. DLC MnU NN NNC

1617. Sík Sándor. "József Attila Istenélménye," Vigilia, XIII (1948), 582-589.

His views of his relationships with God as expressed in his poems. Described as "child-like in intimacy, concrete in human experience, and strongly intellectual in character." DLC NN NNC

1618. Bóka László. "József Attila költői eszközei," Irodalomtörténet, XXXIX (1952),287-301.

His search for new means of expression through free verse and folk poetry resulting in a verse form that he could use to explain his feelings and in a lyricism that could distill his complicated emotions. CU DLC [MH] MnU NN NNC AsWU GeLBM GyBDS GyBH [GyGNSU]

1619. Gáldi László. "József Attila a műfordító," Irodalomtörténeti Közlemények, LIX (1955), 155-177.

Examines his translations of French, Russian, Belgian, and Rumanian authors, and compares them with the originals. Tended to translate works of lesser known poets and works not translated by his or the preceding generation. Among poets: Villon, Rimbaud, Verhaeren, Mayakovsky, Alexander Blok, Sergei Yesenin, Bezruč, Josef Hora, Jiři Wolker, Mihail Săulescu, Tudor Arghezi, V. Ciocâltău, Aron Cotrus, Gheorghe Cošbuc. Bibliographical footnotes. DLC MnU NN NNC AsWU GeLBM GyBH

1620. Horváth István Károly. "József Attila és a klasszikus metrum," Irodalomtörténeti Közlemények, LIX (1955), 178-191.

An analysis of the classical meter of time in his poetry, from his experimental and long developmental period following his youth to the period 1935-1937, when he attains a "flawless handling of the classical meter." Much scanning of his verses. DLC MnU NN NNC AsWN GeLBM GyBH

1621. Péter László. "József Attila Szegeden," Irodalomtörténet, XLIII (1955), 115-163.

An account of his early creative years in Szeged to provide definite bases for the evaluation of his works or, at least, to provide "road signs" which will simplify the task of surveying and connecting his lifework and literary activities. Evidence from his letters. Bibliographical footnotes. [CU] DLC MH MnU NN NNC AsWU GeLBM GyBDS GyBH

1622. József Attila emlékkönyv. Szerkesztette Szabolcsi Miklós. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1957. 496p.

A memorial book consisting of 71 studies dealing with various aspects of his life, character, and writings. Arranged chronologically to parallel his life. Bibliographical notes for the author and title of each study, pp. 487-493. Closes with numerous illustrations.

1623. Révai József. "Bevezetés: József Attila költészetéről," József Attila. 1905-1937. Szerkesztették Szántó Judit és Kovács Endréné. Budapest: Magyar Helikon, 1958; 229p. Pp. 5-40.

His poetic development and the characteristics of his poetry. DLC MH NNC GeLBM GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU

1624. Diószegi András. "József Attila öröksége és a mai líra," Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Nyelv- és Irodalomtudományi Osztályának Közleményei, XIV (1959), 65-81. [Also a reprint]

His influence on the course followed by Hungarian lyrists after 1954;their use of his socialistic themes, ideas, and forms. Bibliographical footnotes. DLC MnU NNC GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU

1625. Szabolcsi Miklós. "József Attiláról," Költészet és korszerűség. Budapest: Magvető, 1959; 266p. Pp. 7-122.

Separate studies dealing with his life and works, his relations with Gyula Derkovits and Béla Bartók, his father's life, and technical matters in his verses. Bibliographical notes, p. 264. NN NNC GeLBM GyBDS GyBH GyGGaU GyGNSU

1626. Tamás Attila. "Eszmélet (József Attila költői világképe)," Tanulmányok a magyar szocialista irodalom történetéből. Szerkesztette Szabolcsi Miklós és Illés László. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1962; 676p. Pp. 372-398. [Appeared in Irodalomtörténeti Közlemények, LXV (1961), 32-49, 179-192]

Characterizations of the various motifs and conceptions that make up the world view in his poetry and poetic traits and means, according to the dialectical method. Bibliographical footnotes. DLC NNC AsWN GeCU GeOB GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU

1627. "József Attila-emlékszám," Kortárs, VI (1962), 1785-1862.

A memorial issue containing numerous separate studies of his life and works, by several hands. DLC MH FiHU GeLBM GyBH

1628. Szabolcsi Miklós. "A Szépség koldusa-kötet," Irodalomtörténeti Közlemények, LXVI (1962), 540-563.

Finds that his first volume of poetry shows the influence of many poets (Endre Ady, Gyula Juhász, Lajos Kassák, Árpád Tóth, and Charles Baudelaire), and that though the poems in the volume reveal his lassitude, despair, and futility, they show the beginnings of his revolt against the world he knew and his desire to reform it. Bibliographical footnotes. Summary in French, p. 563. DLC MnU NN NNC AsWU GeLBM GyBH

1629. Tamás Attila. "József Attila és a Nyugat költői," Irodalomtörténeti Közlemények, LXVI (1962), 564-579.

Seeks to show what the "proletariat-lyrist" borrowed from the most important Hungarian poets of the preceding generation, especially from Dezső Kosztolányi and to a lesser extent from Mihály Babits. Bibliographical footnotes. Summary in German, p. 579. DLC MnU NN NNC AsWU GeLBM GyBH

1630. Gyertyán Ervin. Költőnk és kora. József Attila költészete és esztétikája. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1963. 305p.

A two-part effort to determine the characteristics of his poetry and concepts that elevate him to the forefront of 20th-century "revolutionary" poetry: (1) an analysis of his aesthetics and poetry and (2) an analysis of his theories and concepts of creativity. AsWN GeLBM GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU

1631. Forgács László. József Attila esztétikája. (Tanulmánygyűjtemény) Budapest: Magvető, 1965. 658p.

An introduction to his poetic art in which Forgács attempts an extensive unravelling of Marxist aesthetic categories. Forgács takes issue with Marxist interpretations to date (e.g. by György Lukács) as well as bourgeois aesthetic thought. Bibliographical notes for each chapter. MnU NNC AsWN GeLBM GyBH GyGNSU

1632. Lotz, John. The structure of the sonetti a corona of Attila József. Stockholm: Almqvist and Wiksell, 1965. 22p.

A detailed analysis of the "sonnet wreath" as exemplified by that of József. Accompanied by a design using Hungarian art-motifs in a way that presents an isomorphic projection of certain features of József's poem. Bibliographical footnotes. MnU NNC GeLBM


Born April 4, 1883 in Szeged; died April 6, 1937 in Szeged. Poet, journalist, teacher. Father an official in telegraph office. Spent most of life in Szeged. Completed studies at Piarist gymnasium in Szeged and in 1899 entered Piarist novitiate in Vác. First poems already appearing in Szegedi Napló. Left novitiate after six months because of interest in poetry and unhappy experiences as novice. After year's lapse resumed schooling. Father's death strongly affected him, and he again considered becoming priest. With financial help of relatives studied Hungarian and Latin at University of Budapest 1902-1906. Became friend of Mihály Babits, Dezső Kosztolányi (qq.v.), and Gábor Oláh at university and prepared for career as poet. Met Endre Ady (q.v.) in 1905. Obtained teaching position at Piarist gymnasium in Máramarossziget in fall 1906. Disappeared from city in February 1907 with apparent intention, unfulfilled, to commit suicide. Nervous condition, which first appeared in summer 1903, kept recurring throughout life. On obtaining teaching certificate he took position with Piarist gymnasium in Léva in fall of 1907 but after four months left for Budapest without notice. Returned to Szeged, lost teaching position, and again considered becoming a priest. Obtained temporary position with Premonstratensian gymnasium in Nagyvárad, where he became co-founder of A Holnap anthology and met Anna Sárvári, an actress, who inspired much of his love poetry. Lost position in 1911 and obtained position with high school in Szakolca. Isolation damaged health; he was greatly depressed at time of transfer to high school in Makó in fall 1913. Shot himself in chest in hotel in Pest on March 6, 1914, but recovered in Rókus Hospital, where he was visited by Júlia Eőrsi, a writer, who inspired his poems for several years. Became melancholy again at end of 1916, and in 1917 spent nine months in Moravcsik Clinic in Budapest. Recovered slowly at home in Szeged and resumed writing at end of February 1918. Participated actively in support of October Revolution in 1918. After failure of Revolutionary Government he was forced to earn living entirely from writings and newspaper work. Became member of Social Democratic party. Articles and poems appeared in Munka. Became president of Munkásdalkör in Szeged and lecturer for workers' seminars. Member of Petőfi-Társaság in 1920. Brought to court in 1925 because of newspaper article he wrote, but charge was dismissed. Visited Vienna in 1926. At end of 1928, he received pension with help of friends; awarded Baumgarten Prize in January 1929. Melancholia intensified, and he spent most of 1929 in Schwartzer Sanitorium and then in psychiatric clinic in Szeged. Awarded Baumgarten Prize again in 1930 and 1931 but withdrew increasingly into himself. Spent last years between home and psychiatric clinic in Szeged. Thoughts turned increasingly to suicide and he ended life by taking veronal. ¶ One of the most important lyric poets in 20th-century Hungarian literature. Poems characterized by conflict between Christian consciousness of guilt and pagan longing for life. Early world outlook influenced by Nietzsche, Ibsen, and Tolstoy. Saw sorrow in his human condition and that of man. Poems also contained wonder at and longing for life and love for man which sometimes counteracted his pessimism. Used wide variety of verse forms and made ballad form of Villon native in Hungarian poetry. Most important poet of workers' life before Attila József (q.v.). ¶ An edition of his poems is available in Russian, and some of his poems have been translated into Bulgarian, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Rumanian, Serbian, and Slovakian.

FIRST EDITIONS: Versei. [1905-1907] Szeged: Dugonics, 1907. 77p. - Atlanta. Zenés játék. Nagyvárad, 1909. [From Várkonyi, p. 212] - Szép csöndesen. Idyll. Nagyvárad, 1909. [From Várkonyi, p. 212] - Új versek. 1908-1914. Békéscsaba: Tevan, 1914. [48]p. - Késő szüret. [Versek] Budapest: Táltos, 1918. 111p. - Ez az én vérem. Versek. Szeged: Endrényi, 1919. 55p. - Nefelejcs. [Versek] Szeged: Délmagyarország, 1921. 80p. -Testamentom. [Versek] Szeged : Délmagyarország, 1925. 110p. - Orbán lelke. Kis regény és elbeszélések. Budapest, 1926. [From Várkonyi, p. 212] - Szögedi színház Gyalu műsorával. Tragikomédiák és komitragédiák. Szeged: Délmagyarországi Nyomda, 1926. 111p. - Hárfa. [Versek] Budapest: Révai, 1929. 188p. - Holmi. [Novellák, aforizmák, írói arcképek] Budapest: Genius, 1929. 160p. - Fiatalok, még itt vagyok! [Versek] Babits Mihály előszavával. Szeged: Magyar Téka, 1935. 78p. - See also nos. 1634 and 1639.


See also nos. 318 (letters), 1645 (letters), 1649, and 1655. Material in edition: no. 2641. Annotated works: nos. 1325, 3857, and 3861.

1633. Összes versei. 1905-1929. Sík Sándor előszavával, sajtó alá rendezte Paku Imre. [Bibliography, pp. 367-371] Kecskemét: Szukits, 1940. 384p. [C] NNC GeLBM GyBH

1634. Összes versei. Hírlapi és kézirati vershagyaték. Sajtó alá rendezte Paku Imre. [Bibliography, pp. 357-376] Szeged: Szukits, 19411. 392p. [C] DLC NNC GyBH

1635. Összegyűjtött versei. Budapest: Szukits, 1943. 399p. [C] NN OCl GeLBM GeLU

1636. Válogatott versei. A válogatás Ertsey Péter munkája. Budapest: Szukits, 1947. 192p. [C] OCI

1637. Juhász Gyula-Tóth Árpád válogatott művei. Sajtó alá rendezte Bóka László és László Imre, bevezette Kardos László. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1951. 363p. [C] DLC MH NN NNC GeLU GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU

1638. Válogatott versek. Válogatta, az előszót és a jegyzeteket írta Péter László. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1956. 425p. [C] NNC GeLU

1639. Örökség. Válogatott prózai írások. Válogatta, az előszót és a jegyzeteket írta Péter László. I-II. kötet. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 19581. [C]

l. kötet: Élet és irodalom. Cikkek, tanulmányok. 359p.

2. kötet: Tárcák, novellák, riportok; Orbán lelke, A tékozló fiú, Tömörkény István élete és művei, Szakállszárító. 337p.


1640. Összes versei. Sajtó alá rendezte Ilia Mihály és Péter László. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1959. 1239p. [C] CtY DLC MH MnU NN NNC GeLU GyBDS GyGNSU

1641. Összes művei. Szerkeszti Péter László. Eddig I-III. kötet. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1963+. [A]

1. kötet: Versek, 1898-1911. 1963. 534p.

2. kötet: Versek, 1912-1925. 1963. 611p.

3. kötet: Versek, 1926-1934. 1963. 510p.


1642. Összes versei. Sajtó alá rendezte Péter László. I-II. kötet. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1964. [C] (No clear division of contents into volumes) DLC MnU OCl GyGGaU


See also nos. 1633, 1634, 1646, 1649, 1651, 1652, and 1654.

1643. Grezsa Ferenc és Paku Imre. "Írások Juhász Gyuláról (bibliográfia)," Juhász Gyula. 1883-1937. Szerkesztette, a kísérő szöveget és a jegyzeteket írta Paku Imre. Budapest: Magvető, 1962; 733p. Pp. 606-675.

In three parts, each organized chronologically: (1) 2074 books, studies, articles, and notices; (2) 85 poems about Juhász; and (3) eight of his verses set to music. Data: author, title, publisher, place and date of publication, and number of pages for books; author, title, name of periodical, date, volume and number, and inclusive pages for periodicals. Also an index of names to the bibliography, pp. 691-699. FiHU GeLBM GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU


See also nos. 331 and 3861.

1644. Magyar László. Milyen volt szökesége . . . Juhász Gyula remeteévei. Tabéry Géza előszavával. Nagyvárad: Erdélyi Egyetemes Könyvtár, 1942. 70p.

A view of his retirement to Nagyvárad, 1907-1911, as a period "when his life was already in decline and his mood entered ever darker clouds." By one who knew him at the time. NNC

1645. Péter László. Espersit János (1879-1931). Ismeretlen adatok Juhász Gyula és József Attila életéhez, költészetéhez. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1955. 87p.

A study of the life and activities of János Espersit mainly centered on the life and poetry of Attila József and Gyula Juhász as the two were affected by their relations with him in Makó. Much use of their correspondence. Bibliographical footnotes. DLC MH NNC GeLBM GyBDS

1646. Kispéter András. Juhász Gyula. Budapest: Művelt Nép, 1956. 247p.

A biography entirely concerned with summing up the major lines of his career and with building knowledge of his most important writings. Bibliographical notes, pp. 234-244. DLC MnU NN NNC AsWN GeLBM

1647. Ur György. Juhász Gyula ifjúsága. Szeged: Szegedi Nyomda, 1958. 61p. [Appeared in Délmagyarország, April and May, 1958]

An intimate, narrative portrait of his youth in Szeged to 1899. Attention to his family and school life and his first poems. GyGNSU

1648. Péter László. Juhász Gyula a munkásmozgalomban. Szeged: Hazafias Népfront Szegedi Bizottsága, 1961. 39p.

His support of the workers' movement, mainly from 1918 to 1925, on the basis of evidence from his writings. Major attention to his contributions to the periodical A Munka. MnU NNC AsWN GeLBM GyBDS

1649. Szalatnai Rezső. Juhász Gyula hatszáz napja. Budapest: Magvető, 1962. 278p.

An account of his six hundred days in Szakolca, during which climactic changes occurred in the poet. Discusses his activities and writings in this period, the environment, and his friends. Introduces the 120 poems written in Szakolca. Bibliographical notes, pp. 269-278. IC MnU NNC AsWN GeLBM GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU

1650. Grezsa Ferenc. Juhász Gyula egyetemi évei. 1902-1906. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1964. 111p.

A portrait of the poet, his ideas, literary activities, and development during his years at the University of Budapest, 1902-1906. His search for new ideals through the study of Nietzsche, Tolstoy, Heredia, and Ibsen, and the special influence of the first two on his thought. His continuation of traditional Hungarian poetry and his entrance into the world of modern poetry. Bibliographical footnotes. InU MH AsWN GeLBM GyGNSU

1651. Péter László. Juhász Gyula a forradalmakban. Budapest : Akadémiai Kiadó, 1965. 340p.

A study of his life, activities as a publicist, and his poetry from 1918 to 1919 to show his movement toward and his activities in the revolutions of those years. A chronological table of his activities, January 1918-December 1919. Bibliography, by chapters, pp. 297-308. CU DLC NNC AsWN GeLBM GyBDS GyGNSU


See also nos. 80, 199, 1628, 2213, and 4624.

1652. Baróti Dezső. Juhász Gyula. Tanulmány. Szeged: Prometheus, 1933. 80p.

Some biographical information but almost entirely an analysis of his literary development, the characteristics of his poetry, and the influences that affected him. Bibliography of his works and of a few reviews and articles and studies about him, pp. 67-69. GyBH

1653. Péter László. "Juhász Gyula (1883-1937)," Juhász Gyula: Válogatott versek. Válogatta, az előszót és jegyzeteket írta Péter László. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1956; 425p. Pp. 5-39.

The major details of his life and literary activity, and the characteristics and thought of his poetry. Viewed as a revolutionary poet, coming after Ady and before Attila József. NNC GeLU

1654. Grezsa Ferenc. Juhász Gyula. Pályakép. Budapest: Művelődésügyi Minisztérium és Tudományos Ismeretterjesztő Társulat, 1962. 38p.

Principally concerned with showing the revolutionary and realistic spirit and substance of his poetry, by chronological periods. Bibliography, p. 38. FiHI

1655. Juhász Gyula. 1883-1937. Szerkesztette, a kísérő szöveget és a jegyzeteket frta Paku Imre. Budapest: Magvető, 1962. 733p.

A memorial book containing numerous articles on various aspects of his life and works by many hands, including Juhász himself, arranged by periods of his life. Contains a genealogical table of the family and a chronological table of events in his life. See no. 1643 for bibliography. Illustrations. FiHU GeLBM GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU


Born February 16, 1863 in Pusztaszenttornya; died October 9, 1894 in Cannes, France. Novelist, short-story writer. Descendant of aristocratic family with landed estates. Completed upper gymnasium and university studies in Budapest and law studies in Paris. Spent many years in Paris, where he attended Hippolyte Taine's lectures and became acquainted with Coppée, Daudet, Anatole France, and Sully-Prudhomme. Search for cure of tuberculosis took him to shores of Mediterranean. Visited Africa and Asia and lived in India for time. In Szenttornya established library for use of villagers and theater with peasants forming company of actors, who performed plays of Shakespeare and Molière. For time he was a staff member of A Hét, edited by József Kiss (q.v.). In 1894 dedicated permanent building for Peasant Theater in Szenttornya. In fall of same year, suffering severely from tuberculosis, he went to Paris and then, in own words, to Cannes "to die." ¶ His early writings were much influenced by French literature, especially Balzac and Zola. Planned 14 vol. novel cycle on Hungarian society with title A kiválás genezise, but completed only A pénz legendája, Gányó Julcsa, and Fuimus. Most of his works are concerned with social reform. Novels and short stories deal with landowning aristocracy and peasants. Saw major hope for Hungary in reformation of aristocracy but viewed its members with skepticism and irony. Among the first to express inner tensions of peasants and their desire for improvement of their condition. ¶ A puszta könyve has been translated into French, and some of his short stories into German.


See also no. 1669 (letters).

1656. Káprázatok. [Elbeszélések] Budapest: Pallas, 18871. 261p. GyGGaU

1657. Művészszerelem. [Regény] Budapest: Pallas, 18881. 183p.

1658. Páris elemei. [Karcolatok] Budapest: Révai Testvérek, 18891. 110p. GeLBM

1659. A puszta könyve. [Elbeszélések] Budapest: Singer és Wolfner, 18921. 129p. GeLBM GeLU

1660. A kiválás genezise. Tanulmányok. A pénz legendája. [Regény] Budapest: Singer és Wolfner, 18931. 157p.

1661. A kiválás genezise. Tanulmányok. Gányó Julcsa. [Regény] Budapest: Singer és Wolfner, 18941. 133p.

1662. Delelő és egyéb elbeszélések. Budapest: Athenaeum, 18951. 129p. [C]

1663. A kiválás genezise. Tanulmányok. Fuimus. Regény. Malonyay Dezső és Fekár Gyula bevezetésével. Budapest: Singer és Wolfner, 18951. 269p. DLC

1664. A pénz legendája. Gányó Julcsa. [Regények] Szerkesztette és a bevezetést írta Mikszáth Kálmán. Budapest: Franklin-Társulat, 1905. 246p. [C] DLC OCl AsWU FiHI GyBH

1665. Fuimus. Regény. Szerkesztette és a bevezetést írta Mikszáth Kálmán. Budapest: Franklin-Társulat, 1906. 268p. [C] DLC AsWU FiHU GeLU GyBH

1666. Ádám. Regény. Sajtó alá rendezte Kozocsa Sándor. Budapest: Athenaeum, 19411. 120p. [C] NN

1667. Naplója. [Magyarországi napló, Párizsi napló]Sajtó alá rendezte és jegyzetekkel ellátta Halász Gábor. Budapest: Athenaeum, 19411. 429p. [C] MH NN GeLBM

1668. Fuimus. Sajtó alá rendezte és bevezette Benkő László. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1957. 304p. [C] DLC MH NN NNC GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU


See nos. 1669, 1671, 1672, and 1676.


1669. Gálos Magda. Sigismond Justh et Paris. Contributions à l'histoire relations littéraire franco-hongroises dans la deuxième moitié du XIXe siècle. Budapest: Sárkány Société Anonyme, 1933. 119p.

A study of his life in Paris, his reaction to the milieu, and its effect on his writings. Finds that he remained a Hungarian novelist desirous of bringing about social reform and was fortified by his love for his people and country. Appendixes: (1) thirty-three of his letters to Mme. de Coudekerque-Lambrecht, Étienne Apáthy, Jules de Pekár, (2) twenty letters from Marie Jászai, G. Huysmans, Pierre de Coubertin, François Coppée, Jean de Néthy, Ruth Mercier, Louise Read, Marquise de Grouchy, Duchesse de Luynes, Contesse Diane, Paul Bourget, Sully-Prudhomme, Rupert Bunny, Hippolyte Taine, Comte de Tocqueville, René Maizeroy, and Henriette Batthyány, and three letters of Melchior Polignac to Mme. Marguerite de Coudekerque-Lambrecht about Justh. Two-part bibliography, pp. 112-119: (1) chronological list of his works and (2) works and articles consulted in the preparation of the study. MnU GyBH GyGNSU

1670. [Anonymous]. "Emlékezés Justh Zsigmondra. Halálának negyvenedik évfordulója alkalmából," Budapesti Szemle, CCXLI, no. 703 (1936), 264-292. [Also a reprint]

The major currents of his life by periods and a concluding characterization of his literary activities. On the 40th anniversary of his death. CtY DLC AsWN FiHI GeLBM GyBDS GyBH

1671. Bertha Zoltán. Justh Zsigmond. Budapest: Bokor és Fischer, 1941. 86p.

Purpose: to discuss those elements of his life and works that have not received adequate attention: his Parisian connections, youth, and relations with Hungarian writers. His works discussed by types rather than chronologically: essays, short stories, novels, journal. Closes with a discussion of his literary art. Bibliography, pp. 83-86. GeLBM

1672. Kozocsa Sándor. "Justh Zsigmond parasztszínháza," Válasz, VII, no. 2 (November, 1947), 428-435.

Details of various activities connected with the Körszínház drawn from his letters and from the accounts of others. Provides the program of the première, "Botcsinálta doktor" (Molière's Le médecin malgré lui). Bibliography, p. 435. [CSt-H] DLC [NNC] [FiHI] GeLU [GeOB]

1673. Kovács István. Justh Zsigmond munkássága. Budapest: Kossuth, 1963. 15p.

In three parts: (1) important details of his life, (2) his literary activities, and (3) his establishment of the Peasant Theater, and its productions.

1674. Elek László. Justh Zsigmond. Gyula: Békés Megyei Tanács Végrehajtó Bizottsága Művelődésügyi Osztálya, 1964. 195p.

Both a biography and a study of his writings. Concerned with the influence of Taine, Schopenhauer, and Reviczky on the beginning of his career, the first period of his literary efforts (1885-1889), his organizational support and patronage of literature, and the expansion of his literary activities (1890-1894). Bibliographical footnotes. Illustrations. MnU NNC GyBDS GyGNSU


See also nos. 2947 and 3914.

1675. Szinnyei Ferenc. "Justh Zsigmond," Budapesti Szemle, CLXXIII, no. 495 (1918), 372-407.

A portrait of the writer as one whose life and works interlock and whose surroundings strongly affected his literary development and activities. His creativity viewed in three categories on the basis of his familiarity with each milieu: the world of the writer and artist, the peasant of the Hungarian plain, and the aristocrat. CtY DLC [NN] AsWN GeLBM GyBDS GyBH

1676. Kiss Gizella. Justh Zsigmond. Budapest: A Szerző, 1932. 36p.

A biographical sketch and a survey of the characteristics of his writings. Bibliography of his works and studies about him, pp. 33-36.

1677. Halász Gábor. "Justh Párizsban," Válogatott írásai. Szerkesztette, az utószót és a jegyzeteket írta Véber Károly. Budapest: Magvető, 1959; 801p. Pp.573-588. [Appeared as introduction to Justh Zsigmond naplója; see no. 1667]

A characterization of the Paris of the 1880's known by Justh, followed by an examination of his Napló showing his effective and creative portrayals of the people and the events of the times. DLC NNC GeLBM GeLU GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU

1678. Kozocsa Sándor. "Justh Zsigmond, a regényíró," Irodalomtörténet, XXXVI (1947), 55-59.

Examines the form and content of his novels, beginning with Ádám (written in 1885) and closing with Fuimus (1895), and finds them concerned with psychological and social problems. Notes Justh's interest in learning what advancement society can provide, and also the influence of the French realists on his early efforts. [CU] DLC [MH] MnU [NjP] [NN] [NNC] [OClW] AsWU GeLBM GeLU GyBH GyGNSU

1679. Rónay György. " 'Fuimus,' " A regény és az élet. Bevezetés a 19-20. századi magyar regényirodalomba. Budapest: Káldor György, 1947; 376p. Pp. 151-163.

Compares him with Ödön Iványi and discusses the content and themes of A pénz legendája and Gányó Julcsa. Examines Fuimus with respect to its subject and characters, and states that the author, like his age, created a false image of the peasant, mistaking the peasants' terror under the ruling class for harmony and balance and not recognizing the signs of serious organic difficulties appearing in the middle- and upper-class culture. NN GeLBM GyBDS

1680. Diószegi András. "Justh Zigmond," Irodalomtörténeti Közlemények. LXIV (1960), 651-673. [Also a reprint]

Primarily concerned with characterizing his views and literary qualities, mainly through an examination of Párizsi napló, A pénz legendája, Gányó Julcsa, and Fuimus. Comments on his impressionism and neo-romanticism, and discusses his view of the peasant. Bibliographical footnotes. Summary in French, p. 673. DLC MnU NN NNC AsWU GeLBM GyBH


Born June 10, 1880 in Nagykároly; died December 1, 1918 in Budapest. Novelist, short-story writer, poet. Descendant of family of gentry, which was poor by time of her birth; father a lawyer. After father's death, when she was six, she lived with mother in Szatmár, where she completed her schooling and obtained teaching certificate in 1898. Taught in charitable institute in Miskolc 1898-1899 and then registered in Erzsébet Nőiskola, from which she obtained certificate to teach in higher elementary schools in 1902. Devoted most of her time for 15 years to teaching in Miskolc and Budapest. Married Brunó Fröhlich in 1905; divorced him in 1910. Her poems began to appear in Magyar Géniusz in 1901. She was associated with Nyugat from its founding in 1908, and began to publish fiction in 1905. In 1914 married Ervin Bauer, physician and younger brother of Béla Balázs (q.v.). During World War I lived in Budapest and Temesvár, where her husband was stationed. Gave up teaching to devote time to literary career in 1915, including various kinds of publicist writings. Both she and son died of influenza near end of war. ¶ Wrote poetry, but her novels and short stories make her the foremost woman writer in Hungarian literature and place her on a level with major literary figures of her own times. Central themes: decay of gentry and problems of women in period of great social change. Strongly humanitarian toward those seeking to hold on to past but disapproving of their reasons and pointing toward need for change without becoming didactic. Színek és évek considered to be her best work. Also wrote children's literature. ¶ Színek és évek has been translated into Czech, German, and Polish, and some of her poems and short stories into French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Rumanian, Russian, and Serbian.

FIRST EDITIONS: Versek. Budapest: Lampel Róbert, 1903. 82p. - Levelek a zárdából. Nyár. [Elbeszélések] Budapest: Lampel Róbert, 1905 [1904?]. 62p. - A gondolkodók és egyéb elbeszélések. Budapest: Athenaeum, 1906. 164p. - Könyve. [Versek] Budapest: Athenaeum, 1906. 131p. - Képzelet-királyfiak. Mese. Budapest: Lampel Róbert, 1909. 62p. - Csendes válságok. Novellák. Budapest: Nyugat, 1910. 237p. - Csonka regény és novellák. Budapest: Politzer Zsigmond és Fia, 1911. 58p. - Tallózó évek. Versek. Budapest: Nyugat, 1911. 38p. - Süppedő talajon. Elbeszélések. Budapest: Lampel Róbert, 1912. 87p. - Színek és évek. Regény. Budapest: Franklin-Társulat, 1912. 322p. - Mária évei. Regény. Budapest: Nyugat, 1913. 207p. - Utólszor a lyrán. Új versek. Anthologia a régebbi versekből. Budapest: Athenaeum, 1913. 48p. - Szent Ildefonso bálja. Novellák. Békéscsaba: Tevan, 1914. 72p. - Két nyár. Novellák. Budapest: Nyugat, 1916. 104p. - Állomások. Regény. Budapest: Franklin-Társulat, 1917. 448p. - Hangyaboly. Regény. Budapest: Nyugat, 1917. 130p. - Az élet útján. Válogatott gyűjtemény Kaffka Margit régi és legújabb költeményeiből. Budapest: Nyugat, 1918. 97p. - Kis emberek, barátocskáim. [Mesék] Budapest: Pallas, 1918. 193p. - A révnél. Elbeszélések. Budapest: Franklin-Társulat, 1918. 238p. - See also nos. 1681 and 1686.


See also nos. 473 and 474 for annotated works.

1681. Álom. Kaffka Margit kiadatlan elbeszélései. Budapest: Franklin-Társulat, 19421. 200p. [C] AsWN GyBH

1682. Összes versei. Budapest: Franklin-Társulat, 1943. 173p. [C] (1947) IC MnU GeCU GeLBM GeLU

1683. Kis emberek, barátocskáim. [Mesék] Budapest: Franklin Könyvkiadó, 1949. 156p. [C] DLC

1684. Válogatott művei. Válogatta és bevezette Bodnár György, sajtó alá rendezte Szücs Éva. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1956. 556p. [C] IC MH NB FiHU GeLBM GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU

1685. Állomások. Regény. Az utószót írta és sajtó alá rendezte Kozocsa Sándor. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1957. 546p. [C] DLC InU MH NN NNC GyBH GyGNSU

1686. Hullámzó élet. Cikkek,tanulmányok. A válogatás, az előszó és a jegyzetek Bodnár György munkája. [Bibliographical notes, pp. 321-340] Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 19591. 342p. [B] CU DLC NN NNC AsWN GeLBM GyBH GyGNSU

1687. Lázadó asszonyok. Összegyűjtött elbeszélések. Sajtó alá rendezte Kozocsa Sándor. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó 1961. 540p. [B] DLCIC MH NN NNC AsWN FiHU GeLBM GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU

1688. Összes versei. Sajtó alá rendezte és a jegyzeteket írta Kozocsa Sándor, a kísérő tanulmány Radnóti Miklós Kaffka Margitról írt munkájának részlete. [Bibliographical notes, pp. 221-239] Budapest: Magyar Helikon, 1961. 253p. [C] MnU NN NNC AsWN GeLBM GyBH GyGNSU

1689. Regényei. I-II. kötet. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1962. [B]

l.kötet: Állomások, Lírai jegyzetek egy évről, Két nyár. A bevezető tanulmány Bodnár György munkája. 588p.

2. kötet: Színek és évek, Mária évei, Hangyaboly. A bevezető tanulmány Bodnár György munkája. 674p.


1690. Színek és évek. Az utószót Bodnár György írta. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1963. 302p. [C]


See nos. 1686, 1688, 1697, 1698, 1699, and 2966.


1691. Schöpflin Aladár. "Kaffka Margit most tíz éve halt meg," Nyugat, XXI (December 1, 1928), 710-712.

An account of Schöpflin's last visit with her, discussion of the problems she faced, and comment on her creative capacity. MnU NN NNC [FiHI] FiHU GeLBM GyBH


See also nos. 80 and 4624.

1692. Móricz Zsigmond. "Kaffka Margit," Válogatott irodalmi tanulmányok. A kötetet összeállította Vargha Kálmán. Budapest: Művelt Nép, 1952; 380p. Pp. 116-122. [Appeared in Nyugat, V (February l, 1912), 212-217]

A review of Színek és évek stating that she is the foremost woman writer in Hungary and that the work shows it could have been created only by a woman. DLC MnU NNC AsWN GyBH GyGNSU

1693. Schöpflin Aladár. "Kaffka Margit," Magyar írók. Irodalmi arcképek és tollrajzok. Budapest: Nyugat, 1917; 236p. Pp. 164-174. [Appeared in Nyugat, V (December 16, 1912), 933-944]

The qualities and merits of two of her novels, Színek és évek and Mária évei, and evidence of her having found the genre which best suits her voice. InU MnU GeLBM GyBH GyGGaU

1694. Tóth Árpád. "Kaffka Margit új regényeiről," Bírálatok és tanulmányok. Debrecen: Debreceni Zsidó Gimnázium VIII. Osztálya, 1939; 111p. Pp. 61-72. [Appeared in Nyugat, X (November 16, 1917), 792-798]

A review of Hangyaboly and Állomások maintaining that these novels mark a new point in her creative development wherein she no longer searches for themes as she writes. Records the flow of her mind clearly without giving time to polishing words into fine expressions. Each novel examined for its particular character and merit.

1695. Ady Endre. "Kaffka Margit versei," Nyugat, XI (May 1, 1918), 789-790.

Criticizes her arrogance and pomposity as a poetess on the occasion of her volume Az élet útján, but finds value in her poetry and would consider it "near meanness on my part if I were to tell her to return to her novels and short stories." MnU [NN] NNC FiHU GeLBM GyBH

1696. Király György. "Kaffka Margit. Évfordulóra," Nyugat, XIII (January 1920), 4-12.

The literary characteristics and themes of her poetry and novels, with her novels giving "real life" to the tendencies in her poetry. Some attention to influences and techniques. [CSt-H] MH MnU NNC FiHU GeLBM GyBH

1697. Bánhegyi Jób. "Kaffka Margit," Pannonhalmi Szemle, VII (1932), 244-254.

Details of her life, the characteristics of her writings, and her literary development to evaluate her importance as a writer. Related to the literary currents of her times. Believes that she was an original writer with great potential but that her unfavorable surroundings kept her from developing adequately. Bibliography, p. 244. KyBgW NN FiHU GyBH

1698. Dénes Tibor. Kaffka Margit. Pécs és Budapest: Danubia, 1932. 59p.

Intended as an introduction to her prose works: the characteristics of their subject matter, the nature of the characters, the kinds of problems they concern themselves with, and the artistic aspects of their prose. Opens with a biography. Bibliography of her writings and studies about her, pp. 57-59. MnU

1699. Ágoston Julián. Kaffka Margit. Budapest: Heinrich J., 1934. 163p.

A critical analysis of her writings to show the emergence of her freedom and power to write novels. Mostly concerned with her productive years as her creativity moved from lyric poetry to short stories to novels. Appendix: Comments on her criticism, articles, and two books of short stories. Bibliography, pp. 157-161. CSt-H MiU MnU NNC GyBH

1700. Radnóti Miklós. "Kaffka Margit művészi fejlődése," Tanulmányok, cikkek. E kötetet összeállította Réz Pál. Budapest: Magvető, 1956; 284p. Pp. 5-104. [First published: Szeged, 1934; 85p. See also no. 1688]

Purpose: to determine her literary qualities by examining the development of spirit and form in her art. DLC MH MiD FiHI GeLBM GyGNSU

1701. Rónay György. "Kaffka Margit," A regény és az élet. Bevezetés a 19-20. századi magyar regényirodalomba. Budapest: Káldor György, 1947; 376p. Pp. 267-278.

Analyses of three novels: Színek és évek (1912), Mária évei (1913), and Két nyár (1916): the first as combining the past with the present as a living element in the inner life of the characters in the manner of Virginia Woolf and Proust; the second as expressing the effect of daily reality on a generation seeking to be independent for the first time at the beginning of the 19th century; the third as showing greatness in its simplicity, disciplined realism, the accuracy of its character portrayal, the absence of devices, and its "deeply moving" humanity. NN GeLBM GyBDS

1702. Bodnár György. "Apublicista Kaffka Margit," Irodalomtörténeti Közlemények, LXV (1961), 286-298.

A survey of her political articles characterizing the development of her outlook, especially the effect of World War I on her, and her support of social revolution in Hungary. Bibliographical footnotes. Summary in Russian, p. 298. DLC MnU NN NNC AsWU GeLBM GyBH


Born June 24, 1887 in Budapest; died August 29, 1938 in Siófok. Humorist, short-story writer, novelist, poet, critic, translator. Father a clerk in Ganz factory. Family experienced economic hardships. Completed gymnasium studies in Budapest. Began writing early; his Nászutazás a Föld középpontja felé, a novel, was published in Magyar Képes Világ in 1902; writings appeared regularly in periodicals from 1906 on, including Az Újság, Budapesti Napló, Borsszem Jankó (humor magazine), and Budapesti Hírlap. Entered University of Budapest to study mathematics and natural science and then medicine, but wide-ranging interests made strict regimen unendurable and he decided to become journalist. Formed friendship with Dezső Kosztolányi (q.v.) at university in 1906. His short stories and poems appeared in Nyugat, with which he was associated until his death. Widely known as humorist mainly until outbreak of World War I. During war he openly opposed inhumanity and destructiveness of war. Supported October Revolution in 1918. At beginning of 1920's his writings were morbid and not many were published. In closing years of 1920's, he resumed attacks on society in poems, fiction, and articles. Underwent partially successful surgery for brain tumor in Stockholm in 1936. ¶ Very prolific and popular writer. Wrote poetry and criticism but best known for humorous writings. First true humorist in 20th century Hungarian literature, and his caricatures of Hungarian and foreign writers in Így írtok ti remain his most popular work. His thought was strongly affected by developments of science and all fields of learning, and he believed that man would establish world order based on peaceful uses of knowledge. Criticized all forms of existing governments and societies. Viewed himself as rationalist and encyclopedist. Influenced by ideas of Freud. Noted for translations of Swift and Milne. ¶ Capillária has been translated into Czech and French; Görbe tükör into Slovakian; A bűvös szék into Chinese and Slovakian; Tanár úr kérem into Czech, Esthonian, German, Hebrew, and Polish; Utazás a koponyám körül into English, Danish, French, Italian, Spanish, and Swedish; Utazás Faremidóba into Czech, German, and Spanish; and some of his poems and short stories into Czech, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Rumanian, Serbian, and Slovakian.

FIRST EDITIONS : Ballada a néma férfiakról. Novellák. Budapest : Athenaeum, 1912. 30p. - Együgyű Iexikon. [Humoreszkek] Békéscsaba: Tevan, 1912. 69p. - Esik a hó. Novellák. Budapest: Nyugat, 1912. 140p. - Görbe tükör. [Humoreszkek] Budapest: Athenaeum, 1912. 287p. - Így írtok ti. Irodalmi karikaturák. Budapest: Athenaeum, 1912. 191p. - Budapesti emlék. Meséskönyv. Képeskönyv. Budapest: Athenaeum, 1913. 157p. - Találkozás egy fiatalemberrel. Elbeszélések. Budapest: Athenaeum, 1913. 60p. - Grimasz. Szatirák és humoreszkek. Budapest: Athenaeum, 1914. 128p. - Írások írókról. Kritikák. Békéscsaba: Tevan, 1914. 87p. - Beszéljünk másról. Újabb karcolatok. Budapest: Athenaeum, 1915. 122p. - Két hajó. Novellák. Budapest: Athenaeum, 1915. 204p. - A repülő ember. Wittman Viktor emlékére. [Tanulmány] Budapest: Athenaeum, 1915. 47p. - Tiándor katona. Emőd Tamással. Budapest, 1915. [From Várkonyi, p. 270] - Aki utoljára nevet. [Humoros elbeszélések] Budapest: Galantai Gyula, 1916. 61p. - Holnap reggel. Tragikomédia. Békéscsaba: Tevan, 1916. 120p. - Ó nyájas olvasó! Mindenféle dolog. [Humoreszkek] Budapest: Dick Manó, 1916. 223p. - Tanár úr kérem. Képek a középiskolából. [Humoros elbeszélések] Budapest: Dick Manó, 1916. 185p. - Utazás Faremidóba. Gulliver ötödik útja. [Regény] Budapest: Athenaeum, 1916. 126p. - Így láttátok ti. A háborús irodalom karrikaturája. Budapest: Dick Manó, 1917. 212p. - Legenda az ezerarcú lélekről és egyéb elbeszélések. Budapest: Lampel Róbert, 1917. 66p. - A bűvös szék. Komédia egy felvonásban. Budapest: Athenaeum, 1918. 28p. - Hogy tesz a gránát? [Jelenetek] Budapest: Tábori Levél, 1918 [1917 ?]. 212p. - Krisztus és Barabbás. Háború és béke. [Karcolatok] Budapest: Dick Manó, 1918. 155p. - Gyilkosok. Novellák. Budapest: Dick Manó, 1919. 178p. - Kacsalábon forgó kastély. [Mese-paródia a magyar humoristákról és színházakról] Budapest: Kultúra, 1920?. 89p. - Kolombuc tojása. Az álomkép. [Tréfás jelenetek] Budapest: Kultúra, 1920. 77p. - Capillária. Regény. [Riport Gulliver hatodik útjáról] Budapest: Kultúra, 1921 [1922?]. 162p. - Hököm-színház. Kis tréfák és jelenetek. Budapest: Athenaeum, 1921. 167p. - Jelbeszéd. Válogatott novellák. Budapest: Dick Manó, 1921. 158p. - Ne bántsuk egymást. Újabb tréfák. Budapest: Pallas, 1921. 216p. - Zsuzsa Berengócziában. Elbeszéli Kozma László, versbe szedte Karinthy Frigyes. Budapest, 1921. [From Várkonyi, p. 270] - Két mosoly. Elbeszélések. Sine loco: Pegazus, 1922 [1920?]. 77p. - Visszakérem az iskolapénzt. [Humoros jelenetek] Budapest: Franklin-Társulat, 1922. 83p. - Vitéz László színháza. Új jelenetek. Karinthy Frigyes előszavával, Gömöri Jenő bevezetésével. Bécs: Új Modern Könyvtár, 1922. 101p. - Fából vaskarika. A csokoládékirály meséi. Budapest, 1923. [From Várkonyi, p. 270] - Két álom. Mozgóképjáték három felvonásban és három filmben. Budapest: Franklin-Társulat, 1923 [1922?]. 45p. - Kötéltánc. Regény. Budapest: Dick Manó, 1923. 192p. - Nevető dekameron. Száz humoreszk. Budapest: Athenaeum, 1923. 272p. - Harun al Rasid. Kis novellák. Budapest: Athenaeum, 1924. 136p.-Egy tucat kabaré. [Kabaréjelenetek és karcolatok] Budapest: Tolnai Világlapja, 1924. 157p. - Drámák ecetben és olajban. [Humoreszkek] Békéscsaba: Tevan, 1926?. 205p. - Írta . . . Színházi karikaturák. Budapest: Kultúra, 1926. 93p. - Ki kérdezett? [Cikkgyűjtemény] Budapest, 1926. [From Várkonyi, p. 271] - Panoráma. [Humoros elbeszélések] Budapest: Grill Károly, 1926 [1921?]. 237p. - Heuréka. [Vidám rajzok] Budapest: Singer és Wolfner, 1927. 186p. - Lepketánc. Fantasztikum egy felvonásban. Budapest: Athenaeum, 1927. 56p. - A másik Kolumbusz és egyéb elbeszélések. Budapest: Lampel Róbert, 1927. 68p. - Notesze. [Gondolatok] Budapest: Singer és Wolfner, 1927 [1928?]. 110p. - Nem tudom a nevét. Ott ki beszél? Kísérleti módszer. [Kis vígjátékok] Budapest: Singer és Wolfner, 1928. 33p. - Continued under EDITIONS.


See also nos. 1752 (in English translation), 2644, and 3934 (vol. 2) for a translation. Material in edition: no. 2644. Annotated works: nos. 1053, 2201, 2480, and 2643.

1703. Munkái. Gyűjteményes kiadás. I-X. kötet. Budapest: Athenaeum 1928-1929.

l. kötet: Így írtok ti. [Irodalmi karikaturák] 2., bővített kiadás. 1928. 373p.

2. kötet: Capillária. [Regény] 19283. 161p.

3. kötet: Tanár úr kérem. Képek a középiskolából. [Humoros elbeszélések] 19284. 178p.

4. kötet: Gyilkosok. [Novellák] 19282. 178p.

5. kötet: Krisztus vagy Barabbás. Háború és béke. [Tárcák] 19282. 156p.

6. kötet: Harun al Rasid. [Novellák] 2., bővített kiadás. 1928. 208p.

7. kötet: Új görbe tükör. [Humoreszkek] 19281. 259p.

8. kötet: Színház. [Színmű és kisebb színpadi jelenetek] 19281. 321p.

9. kötet: Esik a hó. [Novellák] 19282. 151p.

10. kötet: Két hajó. [Novellák] 2., bővített kiadás. 1929. 191p. [MH] MnU NN [NNC]

1704. Földnélküli János. Vígjáték. Lengyel Menyhérttel. Budapest, 19291. [From Várkonyi, p. 271]

1705. Minden másképpen van. Ötvenkét vasárnap. [Humoreszkek] Budapest: Athenaeum, 19291. 326p. MnU NNC OCl

1706. Nem mondhatom el senkinek. Versek. Budapest: Athenaeum, 19301. 64p. NN AsWN GyBH

1707. Polgári kiáltvány a társadalom megmentéséről. Többekkel. Budapest, 19321. [From Várkonyi, p. 271 ]

1708. Haditanács Anthroposban. Élettan-politikai dráma és tudománytörténelem. Előjátékkal, utójátékkal, happy enddel. Budapest: Révai, 19331. 31p. MH

1709. Hasműtét. Novellák. Budapest: Athenaeum, 19331 [1932?]. 185p. OCl GeLBM

1710. Vendéget látni, vendégnek lenni . . . Gundel Károly tanácsaival. [Tanulmány] Budapest: Cserépfalvi, 19331. 74p.

1711. Még mindig így írtok ti. Karinthy Frigyes új karikaturái. Kosztolányi előszavával. Budapest: Nyugat, 19341 [1933?]. 192p. GeLBM

1712. 100 új humoreszk. Budapest: Nyugat, 19341. 224p. OCl

1713. Barabbás. [Elbeszélés] Budapest: Hungária, 19351. 18p. MH NN NNC GeLBM

1714. Nevető betegek. [Novellák] Budapest: Athenaeum, 19361. 163p. IC NN OCl

1715. Mennyei riport. [Regény] Budapest: Nova Irodalmi Intézet, 19371 [1934?]. 240p. IC NN OCl GeLBM

1716. Utazás a koponyám körül. Egy életmentő műtét története. [Regény] Budapest: Athenaeum, 19371. 239p. CtY DLC IC OCl GyBH

1717. Amiről a vászon mesél. Jegyzetek a filmről. [Humoreszkek] Budapest: Singer és Wolfner, 19381. 78p. NNC OCl GeLBM

1718. Kiadatlan naplója és levelei. Babits Mihály bevezetésével sajtó alá rendezte Ascher Oszkár. Budapest: Nyugat, 19381. 201p. [From catalogue of National Széchényi Library] IC

1719. Üzenet a palackban. [Versek] Budapest: Cserépfalvi, 19381. 80p. [1947] DLC GeLBM

1720. Betegek és bolondok. Elbeszélések. Budapest: Új Idők, 19461. 244p. [C]GeLBM

1721. Azemberke tragédiája Madách Imrike után Istenkéről, Ádámkáról és Luci Ferkóról. A versikéket írta Karinthy Frigyes. [Acsonkán fennmaradt kézirat kiegészítő részeit írta Karinthy Ferenc] Budapest: Új Idők, 19461. 42p. [C]

1722. Martinovics [Ignác.] [Költemény] Budapest: Új Idők, 1947. 30p. [C] NN

1723. Így írtok ti. [Irodalmi paródiák] Válogatta, sajtó alá rendezte és bevezetéssel ellátta Szász Imre. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1954. 684p. [C] (1959) DLC IC MH MnU NN OCl AsWN FiHI GyBH GyGNSU

1724. Omnibusz. Humoreszkek, jelenetek. A válogatás Abody Béla munkája. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1954. 224p. [C] DLC InU GeLU GyBDS

1725. Nem nekem köszöntek. Válogatott humoreszkek. A válogatás Abody Béla munkája. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1955. 191p. [C]

1726. Cirkusz. Válogatott írások. Válogatta és az előszót írta Kolozsvári Grandpierre Emil, sajtó alá rendezte és az utószót írta Vajda Miklós. I-II. kötet. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1956. [C]

l. kötet: Tanár úr kérem, Humoreszkek, Így írtok ti, Kabaré. 789p.

2. kötet: Versek. Novellák. Utazás a koponyám körül. "Ki kérdezett? . . ." (cikkek, tanulmányok). 613p.


1727. Hököm-színház. [Drámák] Sajtó alá rendezte és az utószót írta Kellér Andor. I-III. kötet. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1957. [C] C DLC IC NNC AsWN FiHI GeCU GyBDS GyGNSU

1728. A lélek arca. Összegyűjtött novellák. Szerkesztette Abody Béla és Szalay Károly. I-II. kötet. Budapest: Magvető, 1957. [C] CU DLC IC MH NNC OCl AsWN FiHU GeCU GeLBM GyBDS GyGGaU GyGNSU

1729. Számadás a tálentomról. [Versek] Összeállította és bevezette Abody Béla. Budapest: Magvető, 1957. 216p. [C] DLC MH MiD NN FiHI FiHU GeCU GyBDS GyGNSU

1730. Utazás Faremidóba. Capillária. [Kisregények] Budapest és Bukarest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó - Állami Irodalmi és Művészeti Kiadó, 1957. 209p. [C] DLC IC InU MH NN NNC OCl AsWN GeLBM GyGNSU

1731. Az egész város beszéli. Karcolatok. Összegyűjtötte és az utószót írta Abody Béla. I-IV. kötet. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1958. [C] DLC MnU NN NNC GeLBM GyBDS GyGNSU

1732. Kötéltánc. [Regény] A bevezetést írta Szalay Károly. Budapest: Magvető, 19582. 227p. [C] MH NNC WaU GyGNSU

1733. Mennyei riport. Regény. Budapest: Magvető, 19582. 250p. [C] DLC MH MnU AsWN GyBDS

1734. Tanár úr kérem. Humoreszkek. Bevezette Illés Endre. Budapest: Ifjúsági Kiadó, 19595. 81p. [C] DLC MH NN NNC AsWN GeCU GeLU GyBH GyGGaU

1735. Az író becsülete. Válogatott írások. Az utószót írta Erdős Magda. Budapest: Magyar Helikon, 1962. 229p. [C] NN NNC GeLBM GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU

1736. Utazás a koponyám körül. [Regény] Az utószót írta Szalay Károly. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1962. 230p. [C] GeLBM

1737. Válogatott művei. Válogatta, sajtó alá rendezte és a jegyzeteket összeállította Kardos László. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1962. 770p. [C] NB NN NNC AsWN FiHU GeCU GeLBM GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU

1738. Így írtok ti. [Paródiák] Sajtó alá rendezte és jegyzetekkel ellátta Szász Imre. I-II. kötet. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1963. [B]

l. kötet: Magyar írók. 494p.

2. kötet: Idegen írók. 516p.


1739. Hátrálva a világ körül. Válogatott cikkek. Összegyűjtötte, az utószót és a jegyzeteket írta Szalay Károly. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 19641. 716p. [B] CLU CSf DLC IC InU MH MnU NB AsWN GeLBM GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU

1740. Naplóm, életem. [Önéletrajzi irások: Gyerekkor, Noteszlapok, Útinaplók vonaton és repülővel, Levelek, A nagy műtét, Epizódok]Válogatta és bevezette Szalay Károly. [Bibliographical notes, pp. 859-861] Budapest: Magvető, 1964. 876p. [C] C DLC IC MH MnU NB NNC AsWN FiHU GeLBM GeLU GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU

1741. Miniatűrök. [Kritikák, esszék] Összeállította és bevezette Szalay Károly. Budapest: Gondolat, 1966. 364p. [From catalogue of National Széchényi Library]


See nos. 1740, 1746, and 1752.


1742. Babits Mihály. "Karinthy, szellemidézés," Nyugat, XXXI (October, 1938), 233-235.

A perspective of Karinthy, his surroundings, and his relationships with literature. On the occasion of his death. MnU NN NNC [FiHI] FiHU GeLBM [GeLU] GyBH

1743. Füst Milán. "Néhány fájdalmas szó Karinthy Frigyesről," Emlékezések és tanulmányok. Budapest: Magvető, 1956; 539p. Pp. 56-61. [Appeared in Nyugat, XXXI (October, 1938), 244-247]

A sketch of his character and personality based on Füst's personal recollections. On the occasion of Karinthy's death. DLC MnU NNC GyBDS GyBH

1744. Karinthy Ferenc. Szellemidézés. Budapest: Hungária, 1946. 139p.

A son's memories of his father and the life of the family in narrative form. Karinthy's life when he was past fifty. Conversations recreated in dialogue form. DLC NNC GeLBM

1745. Füst Milán. "Találkozásom egy fiatalemberrel. (A fiatal Karinthy Frigyes emlékezete)," Emlékezések és tanulmányok. Budapest: Magvető, 1956; 539p. Pp. 62-69. [Appeared in Csillag, IX (1955), 1275-1279]

Füst's account of his first meeting with the young Karinthy. DLC MnU NNC GyBDS GyBH

1746. Szalay Károly. Karinthy Frigyes. Budapest: Gondolat, 1961. 365p.

Considerable analytical and critical attention to his writings and literary development. Bibliographical notes, pp. 301-339; chronological list of his publications, pp. 341-343; chronological bibliography of studies about Karinthy and his works, pp. 345-355. MnU NN NNC AsWN GeLBM GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU


See also no. 4624.

1747. Kosztolányi Dezső. "Karinthy Frigyes," Írók, festők, tudósok. Tanulmányok magyar kortársakról. Gyűjtötte, sajtó alá rendezte, az utószót és a jegyzeteket írta Réz Pál. I-II. kötet. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1958. I, 281-312. [Appeared in Világ, no. 50 (February 28, 1912), 17; Nyugat, VIII (April 16, 1915), 459-460, IX (December 1, 1916), 797-798; Délmagyarország, no. 35 (February 11, 1917), 5; Pesti Napló, no. 117 (May 6, 1917), 12; Nyugat, XI (September 16, 1918), 393-395, XIV (February 1, 1921), 240-241, XXVI (February 1, 1933), 190-196]

Eight reviews of separate works commenting on their characteristics and content and analyzing their humor, style, caricatures, etc. DLC MH NjN NN NNC AsWN GeCU GyBH GyGNSU

1748. Babits Mihály. "Könyvről könyvre: Karinthy és új novellái," Nyugat, XXVI (April 16, 1933), 486-487.

A review of the short stories commenting on his humor and intellectual imagination and pointing out the new characteristics that emerge in some of the stories. MnU NN NNC FiHU GeLBM [GeLU] GyBH

1749. Kardos László. Karinthy Frigyes. Tanulmány. Budapest: Anonymous, 1946. 78p.

The philosophical view of idealism and relativism in his writings. Seeks to show that he belongs in the ranks of those who feel the power of absolutism but who rebuff philosophical conjectures by using analytical intelligence. NN

1750. Rónay György. "Karinthy Frigyes," A regény és az élet. Bevezetés a 19-20. századi magyar regényirodaIomba. Budapest: Káldor György, 1947; 376p. Pp. 334-341.

Analyses of two novels: Utazás Faremidóba (1916) and Capillária (1922?). The humorous-philosophical aspects of the first, and the failure of the criticism hidden within the parody in the second. NN GeLBM GyBDS

1751. Kolozsvári Grandpierre Emil. "Karinthy," Irodalomtörténet, XLIV (1956), 397-423.

His humor as not stemming from folk or anecdotal sources but as touching the concerns of 20th-century man, his use of paradox, his view of the relationship between the individual and society, his philosophical outlook, and individual examinations of the ideas and content of Tanár úr kérem (as psychological humor), Így írtok ti (as caricature), and Utazás Faremidóba (as his confrontation of reality). [CU] DLC [MH] MnU NN NNC AsWU GeLBM GeLU GyBH

1752. Vajda, Miklós. "Frigyes Karinthy," New Hungarian Quarterly, III (April-June, 1962), 42-67.

After outlining the emergence of a new generation of Hungarian writers in the first two decades of the 19th century, characterizes the development of his writings, the form and thought of his various kinds of humorous writings, and his aims. Comment on the content of his major works. [Same issue contains English translations of selections from his works, pp. 68-95]. DLC IaU MnU NNC AsWU FiHU GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU


Born March 14, 1769 in Losonc; died June 3, 1795 in Losonc. Writer of novellas, essayist. Descendant of family of Protestant ministers. Completed schooling in Losonc. Entered University of Pest in 1785 to study law. Transferred to University of Vienna in 1788 and took position in attorney's office. Correspondence with Countess Miklós Markovich revealed literary bent. Returned to Pest in fall 1791 with lawyer's diploma but did not practice law. Became member of Freemason chapter in Pest in 1792. Formed connections with number of aristocratic families to gain support for center of literature in Pest. Founding of Uránia grew out of these relationships. Periodical reached three volumes 1794-1795, which he edited and published and to which he contributed much material. Returned to Losonc in April 1795, possibly fearing detention because of Jacobin sympathies. ¶ Fanni hagyományai, first published in Uránia (1794), is considered to be the best sentimental work in Hungarian literature and, though linked with Goethe's Werther, is original and has distinctive Hungarian style. Its story of a young girl's unhappy love affair and her fading away brings to Hungarian literature the pre-romantic turning inward for revelation of inner personality. Essays on advancement of Hungarian literature advocated establishment of intellectual center where literary salons could develop and, unlike Kazinczy, he maintained that original writings were more needed than translations. Ability not noted until Ferenc Toldy published biographical sketch and edition in 1872. ¶ Fanni hagyományai has been translated into German.

FIRST EDITIONS: Írásai és Fanni hagyományai. Újra kiadta és bevezette Schedel [Toldy] Ferenc. Pest: Hartleben Konrád Adolf, 1843. 148p. - See also no. 1753.


See also nos. 1188, 1758 (letters), and 1759.

1753. Kármán [József] és M[arkovich Miklósné] grófné Ievelei. Kiadja Székely József. Pest: Hartleben Konrád Adolf, 18601. 147p. [C] (1941) MH MnU NNC AsWN AsWU GeLBM

1754. Művei. Kiadja Abafi Lajos. I-II. kötet. Budapest: Aigner Lajos, 1879-1880.[B]

1. kötet: Fanni hagyományai, A nemzet csinosodása, stb., szépirodalmi művek. 1879. 263p.

2. kötet: Vegyes iratok, levelezés. Abafi Lajos: Kármán József életrajza, i-lxxp. 1880. 132, 154p.


1755. Kármán József - Berzsenyi Dániel [munkái.] Sajtó alá rendezte és bevezetéssel ellátta Heinrich Gusztáv. Budapest: Franklin-Társulat, 1906. 294p. [C] DLC MH MnU NNC OCI AsWU FiHI GyBH

1756. Válogatott művei. Válogatta és a bevezetést írta Némedi Lajos, sajtó alá rendezte Némediné Dienes Éva. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1955. 280p. [C] DLC GyBH GyGNSU


See no. 1759.


1757. Bodnár Zsigmond. Uránia. Kármán és Pajor. Irodalomtörténeti értekezés. Budapest: Aigner Lajos, 1880. 86p.

Discussion of the periodical Uránia, its history and content, and the lives and contributions of its two editors, Kármán and Gáspár Pajor. Attention to problems of the times. CtY GyBDS

1758. Szalóky Mária. Gróf Markovich Miklósné és Kármán József levelezése. 1789. Budapest: Danubia, 1941. 87p.

Sixty-six letters covering the six-month relationship between Kármán and Countess Markovich. Comment and information preceding each letter. MH MnU GeLBM GyBH

1759. Gálos Rezső. Kármán József. Budapest: Művelt Nép, 1954. 193p.

Seeks to illuminate the circumstances of his life and also examines his writings. Summary of previous studies of Kármán in the introduction. Appendixes: (1) Connections between the Kármán and Ráday families and (2) Texts of his previously unpublished works. Bibliographical notes, pp. 167-193. DLC MH MnU NNC FiHI GeCU GeLBM GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU


1760. Szinnyei Ferenc. Kármán József és az Uránia névtelenjei. Budapest: Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, 1924. 36p.

His style determined through an examination of Fanni hagyományai. Seeks to identify a number of unsigned writings in the periodical Uránia as being from Kármán's hand. Bibliographical footnotes. MnU NNC AsWN AsWU GyGNSU

1761. Némedi Lajos. "Bevezetés," Kármán József válogatott művei. Válogatta Némedi Lajos, sajtó alá rendezte Némediné Dienes Éva. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1955; 280p. Pp. 7-62.

After a brief survey of his life, discusses his relations with Uránia, the character of his more important works (including a section on his shorter writings), his style, and the critical reception given his works in his own times. Attention to the currents of the age. DLC GyBH GyGNSU