Born July 18, 1889 in Székelyzsombor; died October 16, 1953 in Madrid. Novelist and short-story writer. Completed schooling at Catholic gymnasium in Székelyudvarhely, Catholic seminary in Gyulafehérvár, and Pazmaneum in Vienna. Ordained in 1912. Taught theology in Nagyszeben and became a priest in Kide, Kolozs County, in 1915. Left priesthood in 1919 and married. For a time he earned a living by operating his own grist mill. Following success from publication of his short stories in periodicals, he became staff member of Keleti Újság in Kolozsvár at end of 1920. Worked for 10 years as journalist. Began to farm an inherited estate in Alsórákos in summer of 1931. Resumed journalistic activities, became editor of Keleti Újság, its head in early 1940's. Served concurrently as parliamentary representative of Transylvania in Budapest and editor of Magyar Erő in 1941. Served as member of Parliament in Sopron. Fled to Germany in 1945, then settled in Spain, where he died of cancer. ¶ Novels and short stories were influenced by expressionism. Stories were the first treatment of people living in Székely area. His writings show people living in close relationship with nature, claiming this state to be source of human happiness. Strong in poetic feeling. Vivid descriptions of Transylvanian mountains. ¶ Isten igájában has been translated into Dutch, Rumanian, and Slovakian; Kopjafák into German; Az én apám into Italian; Uz Bence into Esthonian, German, Italian, Slovakian, and Spanish; Havasok könyve into Czech, Dutch, German, Italian, and Spanish; and some of his short stories into English, French, German, Portuguese, and Rumanian.


2841. A Jézusfaragó ember. [Novellák] Budapest: Minerva, 19242. 165p. [1st ed., published in Kolozsvár, also dated 1924, but author was connected with the publication of the 2d] (1937, 1941, 1944) NN NNC OCI AsWN GeLBM

2842. Isten igájában. [Regény] I-II. kötet. Kolozsvár: Erdélyi Szépmíves Céh, 19261. [1930, 1936, 1939, 1940] IC NN OCI AsWN GeLBM

2843. A sibói bölény. Regény. I-II. kötet. Kolozsvár: ErdéIyi Szépmíves Céh, 1928-19291. [1934, 1941, 1944] CoU MH NN NNC OCl AsWN FiHI GeLBM GyBH

2844. Júlia szép leány. Zenés színmű. Kolozsvár, 19331. [From Pintér, VIII,. 1056] (1939) NNC

2845. Kopjafák. [Elbeszélések] Kolozsvár: Erdélyi Szépmíves Céh, 19331. 228p. [1941] NNC GeLBM GyGNSU

2846. Az én népem. [Regény] Budapest: Révai, 19351. 275p. [1941, 1943] NN OCI AsWN GeLBM

2847. Uz Bence. [Regény] Székelyudvarhely: A Szerző, 19351. 158p. [1936, 1939] IC NN NNC AsWN FiHU GeLBM

2848. Havasok könyve. [Novellák] Kolozsvár, 19361. [From Magyar irodalmi lexikon, II, 384] (1941, 1944) NNC OCI AsWN GeLBM

2849. Székelyek. Elbeszélések és rajzok. Cluj : Erdélyi Szépmíves Céh, 19361. 184p.

2850. Jézusfaragó ember. [Színjáték] Kolozsvár, 19371. [From Magyar irodalmi lexikon, II, 384]

2851. Mádéfalvi veszedelem. [Történeti regény] Kolozsvár, 19391. [From Magyar irodalmi lexikon, II, 384] (1939, 1940, 1941, 1944) CoU NN NNC OCl AsWN

2852. Új haza. [Színmű] Kolozsvár, 19401. [From Magyar irodalmi lexikon, II, 384]

2853. Halhatatlan élet. Regény. Budapest: Révai, 19411. 271p. CU DLC NN NNC AsWN FiHI GeLBM

2854. Az elszántak. [Regény] Budapest: Révai, 19431. 237p. NNC AsWN FiHI GeLBM

2855. Néma küzdelem. Regény. Budapest: Révai, 19441. 576p. GeLBM

2856. A zöld csillag. Regény. Madrid: A Szerző, 19501. 275p.

2857. Íme az emberek! [Regény] Madrid: A Szerző, 19511. 365p. DLC

2858. Kopjafák. [Regény] Cleveland: Katolikus Magyarok Vasárnapja, 1956. 196p. [C] IC MH NN OCl

2859. Uz Bence. [Regény] Graz: Akademische Druck- und Verlagsanstalt, 1959. 265p. [C] CU

2860. Mi az igazság Erdély esetében? Cleveland, ca.19601. [From Magyar irodalmi lexikon, II, 384]


See no. 2864.


2861. Sárközi György. "A sibói bölény: Nyírő József regénye," Nyugat, XXII (December 16, 1929), 743-744.

A review stating that his rhetorical and poetical language "washes out the form of the novel, benumbs its characters, and ruins its immediate effects." MnU NN NNC [FiHI] FiHU GeLBM GyBH

2862. Schöpflin Aladár. "Isten igájában: Nyírő József könyve," Nyugat, XXIII (December 1, 1930), 780-782.

A review analyzing the central character and stating that the characters lack unique qualities, that the novel is in the genre of the mémoire-novel, that its richness of atmosphere stems from the excitement pervading it, and that the first-person narrator, the priest, holds all the details together. MnU NN NNC FiHU GeLBM GyBH

2863. Németh László. "Nyírő József: Isten igájában (1930)," Készülődés. A Tanú előtt. I-II. kötet. Budapest: Magyar Élet, 1941. I, 177-179. [Appeared in Protestáns Szemle, XL (1931), 61-63]

A review considering the novel to be among the "worthwhile bad novels " finding it weak in the handling of its theme and narrative development, and contending that its beauty turns into melodrama when the author becomes poetic, that it is a mixture of the false and the beautiful, and that it shows a poor writer of novels and a genuine poet quarreling with each other. InU NNC FiHI GyBH GyGNSU

2864. Tóth Ervin. Nyírő József. Hajdunánás: Katona Ferenc, 1934. 56p.

A study of his works by genres, describing their characteristics and evaluating their qualities. His use of language always in the forefront. Also chapters on the parallels between Ady's and Nyírő's ideas of death and on the similarities and differences between the writings of Áron Tamási and Nyírő. Bibliography, pp. 55-56. NN GyGNSU


Born August 9, 1718 in Tarnaörs; died July 28, 1789 in Pest. Poet. Descendant of landed gentry. Entered army in 1741 and became noted for heroic exploits during 22-year military career. Participated in War of Austrian Succession, Seven Year War, and ransom of Berlin. Retired to estate in Tarnaörs in 1764. Named lieutenant governor of Abauj County in 1764 and was lord lieutenant 1767-1784. Published János Illei's translation of Boethius' meditations. Began writing poems early, stopped in 1765, and resumed in 1772 at urging of György Bessenyei (q.v.). Worked on establishing regulations for control of Felső-Tisza and other rivers 1774-1782 under royal appointment. Seldom left estate; did not visit Pest and Buda frequently until after 1772. ¶ Had a vast knowledge of world literature. Influenced by Horace, Boileau, and Voltaire. Most at home in French literature, especially the non-revolutionary concepts of Voltaire. Thought in poems touched by Rousseauistic return to nature for happiness. Indebted for verse techniques to István Gyöngyösi (q.v.). Preferred Alexandrines. Basically opposed to ideals of period of the Literary Revival. ¶ Some of his poems have been translated into French and German.


See also no. 149 (letter).

2865. Mátra hegyei között mulatozó Nimfáknak éneke . . . Sine loco : n.p., 17611. [42]p.

2866. Báró Ortzi Lőrinc úrnak . . . gróf széki Teleki Jósef . . . Ugotsa vármegyei fő ispányi hivatallyába lett beiktattatása alkalmatosságával el-mondott beszéde, gróf Teleki Jósef arra tett feleletével. Pest: Eitzenberger Anna, 17821. 37p.

2867. Költeményes holmi egy nagyságos elmétől. Közre botsátotta Révai Miklós. Pozsony: Loewe Antal, 17871. 236p. [C] MnU

2868. Barcsay Ábrahám és Orczy Lőrinc: Két nagyságos elmének költeményes szüleményei. Közre botsátotta Révai Miklós. Pozsony: Loewe Antal, 1789. 245p. [C] MnU GeLBM


See no. 2869.


2869. Böhm Dezső. Orczy Lőrinc élete és költészete. Bölcsészetdoktori értekezés. Kolozsvár: Gámán J. Örököse Könyvsajtója, 1909. 94p.

A biography and study of his poetry and translations. A chapter evaluating the poet. Bibliography, pp. 88-94. GyBH

2870. Clauser Mihály. "Báró Orczy Lőrinc," Irodalomtörténet, XXIX (1940), 6-10. [Also a reprint]

Orczy seen as "one in whom the fire did not die out." A discussion of his becoming a poet, his friendship with Ábrahám Barcsay, and his relations with the writers of his day, especially Ferenc Kazinczy. Bibliographical footnotes. CU DLC MnU [NjP] NN NNC OCl OClW AsWN AsWU GeLBM GeLU GyBH [GyGNSU]


2871. Arany János. "Orczy Lőrinc," Összes prózai művei. Budapest: Franklin-Társulat, 1938; 1594p. Pp. 460-475. [Appeared in Koszorú, II (1863), 289-292, 313-316]

The life of a writer descended from the aristocracy and the characteristics of his poetry. His importance seen in his revival of a stagnant 18th-century Hungarian literature and as the father of Hungarian comical-satirical poetry. Contends that his popular orientation lies not in democracy but in philanthropy. DLC MnU NN FiHI GeLBM GyBDS

2872. Zlinszky Aladár. "Idegen elemek Orczy költeményeiben," Egyetemes Philologiai Közlöny, XIII (1889), 625-650.

Shows that 130 pages of his 236 pages of poetry are, to varying degrees, based on the works of Horace, Boileau, and Voltaire. Paralleling of passages. CU IU MnU OClW OCU AsWN FiHU GyBH


Born September 24, 1897 in Sopron; died January 1945 in Bergen-Belsen. Short-story writer, novelist. Family name: Pollák. Father a literary historian and rabbi. Completed schooling in Sopron. Volunteered for army service in World War I. Welcomed Revolution of 1918-1919. Served in Vörös Hadsereg and became commander of city of Murakeresztúr. Imprisoned in Szombathely for activities after fall of Revolutionary Government. Family broke relations with him. Emigrated to Vienna in 1923. On return to Hungary supported himself with occasional jobs; was traveling actor for a time; also clerk. Settled in Budapest in 1925. Began to write short stories at urging of Lajos Mikes and Ernő Osvát, and gained first notice when he won Nyugat Prize in 1926. Writings appeared in Nyugat and Az Est Publications. Nominated for Baumgarten Prize in 1930 but name was removed from list because of his record as a revolutionary. Identified himself increasingly with Jewish people and their problems in 1930's. Silent during World War II; worked on novel of Christ. Bátséba produced in 1940 and "Mózes" (still not published) in1944. Became inmate of forced labor camp; transported to Buchenwald as No. 72.713 on November 2, 1944. Circumstances of his death are not clear to date. ¶ Contributed to development of modern Hungarian prose fiction. His stories, often considered to be better than his novels, are tightly structured, poetic, simple in style. Writings are characterized by conflict between vision and reality, between longing for community and desire for solitude and by fate and desires and beliefs of humanity. Themes relate to problems of Jewish people. Concerned with basic ethical questions. ¶ Some of his stories have been translated into English, French, German, Italian, and Portuguese.


See also no. 2829 for annotated work.

2873. Mikáél. Novellák. Budapest, 19291. [From Pintér, VIII, 1252]

2874. Megszabadítottál a haláltól. [Regény] I-II. kötet. Budapest: Nyugat, 19321. [19482] MnU NN NNC GyBH

2875. A nyolcadik stáció. Regény. Budapest: Révai, 19331. 220p. GyBH

2876. Zsidó sebek és bűnök. Vitairat különös tekintettel Magyarországra. Budapest: Kosmos, 19351. 87p. NN GyBH

2877. Azarel. Regény. Budapest: Nyugat, 19371. 231p. [19632] IC MnU NN NNC OCl FiHI GeLBM GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU

2878. Irgalom. [Novellák] Budapest: Athenaeum, 19371. 150p. NNC GyBH

2879. Bátséba. Drámai játék. Ribáry Géza előszavával. Budapest: Tábor, 19401. 47p. [From catalogue of National Széchényi Library]

2880. A szűziesség fátylai. Pap Károly összegyűjtött novellái. Budapest: Athenaeum, 19451. 339p. IC NN OCl GeLU

2881. A hószobor. Válogatott elbeszélések. Válogatta és a bevezető tanulmányt írta Keresztury Dezső. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1954. 259p. [C] NNC GyBH GyGNSU

2882. Szerencse. Válogatott elbeszélések. Válogatta és a bevezető tanulmányt írta Galsai Pongrác. Pécs: Dunántúli Magvető, 1957. 237p. [C] DLC MH NN GyGNSU

2883. A nyolcadik stáció. [Regény] Az előszót írta Keresztury Dezső. Budapest: Magvető, 19592. 229p. [C] DLC MnU NN NNC GyBDS GyGNSU

2884. B. városában történt. Összegyűjtött elbeszélések. Az elbeszéléseket összegyűjtötte és a bevezető tanulmányt írta Szabó József. I-II. kötet. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1964. [C] CLU CSf MnU NNC GeLBM GyBDS


2885. Pap Károlyné. "József Attila és Pap Károly," Új Hang, VI (June, 1956), 41-43.

An account of her first meeting with József and of the relations between Pap and József. DLC NN GyBH


See also 2079.

2886. Németh László. "Pap Károly," Nyugat, XXII (October 16, 1929), 487-491.

His philosophy of the central ideals of humanity, his "evangelical soul," his way of using biblical motifs, his artistry, and some instances of grotesqueness in his fiction. MnU NN NNC [FiHI] FiHU GeLBM GyBH

2887. Németh László. "Pap Károly," Nyugat, XXIV (July 16, 1931), 104-109.

His use of his Jewish heritage and culture openly as symbolic material for the enlightenment of all men, especially the hero Jesus; his becoming a real writer when he entered the center of the spiritual life of the ideal of Jesus. Other aspects of his narrative art. MnU NN NNC [FiHI] FiHU GeLBM [GeLU] GyBH

2888. Szegi Pál. "Pap Károly (A nyolcadik stáció)," Nyugat, XXVII (March 1, 1934), 275-278.

Comments on his combining ethics and artistry, his simple and realistic treatment of the miraculous, and his ability to rise to the greatest heights without losing touch with reality. MnU NN NNC [FiHI] FiHU GeLBM[GeLU] GyBH

2889. Sőtér István. "Pap Károly: Irgalom," Válasz, IV (1937), 502-503.

The collection of short stories evaluated as the work of one who whilepreserving prose style seeks to loosen the bonds of traditional fiction.

2890. Szabó Ede. "Pap Károly poszthumus regénye," Csillag, II (September, 1948), 63-64.

A review of Megszabadítottál a haláltól examining its characters andthought and claiming that no other Hungarian writer has ever managed to reveal so powerfully the belief -pervaded life of ancient Jewry. [DLC]MnU NNC [GyGGaU]

2891. Keresztury Dezső. "Pap Károly," Pap Károly: A hószobor. Válogatottelbeszélések. Válogatta és a bevezető tanulmányt írta Keresztury Dezső. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1954; 259p. Pp. 5-26.

His unique place in Hungarian literature, his character and personality, details about his life and family, his revolutionary attitude toward hissociety and his responses to its political issues, his literary career, his roleas a prophet, his use of Jewish legends, and the characteristics of his works. NNC GyBH GyGNSU

2892. Nemeskürty István. "Pap Károly: Ahószobor," Irodalomtörténet, XLIV (1956), 111-112.

Areview of the new collection of short stories (1954) characterizing Papas a supporter of the poor and the humiliated and praising his portrayal ofchildren and their secrets and his clarity and simplicity of style. [CU] DLC[MH] MnU NN NNC AsWU GeLBM GeLU GyBDS GyBH

2893. Galsai Pongrác. "Pap Károly (1897-1944)," Társtalanok. Írói arcképek. Pécs: Dunántúli Magvető, 1957; 135p. Pp. 83-112.

The biographical details of a "solitary" writer, his character, literary career, thought, and the characters in and the style of his literary works. DLC GeLBM

2894. Lengyel Balázs. "Pap Károly: A nyolcadik stáció," Kortárs, III (October, 1959), 642-645.

Areview of the new edition characterizing his wish to improve the condition of suffering mankind, equating the condition of Jewish life with the poverty of Hungarian life. Discusses the ideas related to the fulfillment of that desire, especially as they are revealed in the work being reviewed, and also the art he uses in giving expression to it. DLC MH [FiHI] GeLBM GyBH


Born October 4, 1570 in Nagyvárad; died March 19, 1637 in Pozsony. Prose writer, Catholic prelate. Descendant of aristocratic Protestant family; became Catholic in 1582. Began studies in Kolozsvár in 1585. Joined Jesuit Order two years later. Served probationary years in Cracow and Vienna 1589-1592. Completed studies with philosophy faculty in Vienna and after studying theology was sent to Rome 1593-1597. Assigned to Graz in 1597, where he was superintendent for a year and then taught logic, ethics, and physical science for three years. Began to publish learned works in this period. Devoted nearly 10 years in Graz to attacks on Austrian Protestants; visited Hungary frequently during this time. Sent to Jesuit monastery in Vágsellye in 1601 to undertake analysis of Catholic doctrine. Returned to Graz in 1603 and taught theology for three years. Published Felelet (1603), a reply to István Magyari's book. While at Graz published a translation of De imitatione Christi (1604) and Keresztyéni imádságos könyv (1606). Returned to Hungary permanently in 1607. Joined the court of Ferenc Forgách, Bishop of Esztergom, in Nagyszombat in that year and became leader of the Hungarian Counter-Reformation. In 1609 he wrote Az nagy Calvinus Jánosnak Hiszekegy-Istene, a polemic treatise against Protestantism. In 1613 he published his major work, Isteni igazságra vezérlő kalauz, an exposition of Catholic beliefs. Became Bishop of Esztergom on September 28, 1616. Efforts in the public interest continued to increase. Established Pazmaneum, a seminary, in Vienna in 1622 and University of Nagyszombat in 1635. Named Cardinal by Pope Urban VIII in 1629. Went to Rome in 1632 to seek support for King Ferdinand. Death caused by aging and overwork. ¶ Best prose writer of Hungarian Counter-Reformation; masterful in use of baroque style. Writings show influence of European cultural and artistic developments. Use of language anticipated future strength of Hungarian literary prose. ¶ Some of his writings have been translated into French and Turkish.

FIRST EDITIONS: Assertiones philosophicae de corpore naturali eiusque principiis et passionibus . . . Graz, 1600. [From RMK, III, no. 4813] - Theses Philosophicae: De ente eiusque passionibus ac speciebus. Graz, 1600. [From RMK, III, no. 4814] - Felelet a Magyari István sárvári prédikátornak az ország romlása okairól írt könyvére. Nagyszombat: Esztergomi Főkáptalan Nyomda, 1603. 295p. - Kempis Tamásnak a Kristus követéséről négy könyvei. [Fordítás] Bécs, 1604. [From RMK, I, no. 388] - Diatriba theologica. De visibili Christi in terris ecclesia. Adversus . . . Guilielmi Witakeri librum contra . . . Bellarminum. Graz: Georg Widmanstetter, 1605. 43p. - A mostan támadt új tudományok hamisságának tíz nyilvánvaló bizonysága. Graz: Georg Widmanstetter, 1605. 113p. - Keresztyéni imádságos könyv. Graz: Georg Widmanstetter, 1606. 268 leaves. - Keresztyéni felelet a megdicsőült szentek tiszteletéről. [Vitairat Gyarmathi Miklós ellen] Graz: Georg Widmanstetter, 1607. 100 leaves. - Alvinczi Péternek sok tétovázó kerengésekkel és cégéres gyalázatokkal felhalmazott feleletinek rövid és keresztyéni szelídséggel való megrostálása. Pozsony, 1609. 128p. - Egy keresztyén prédikátortól . . . Alvinczi Péter úramhoz iratott öt szép levél. Pozsony: Érseki Nyomda, 1609. 133 leaves. - A nagy Calvinus Jánosnak hiszek-egy-Istene, azaz a Calvinus értelme szerint való igaz magyarázatja a credonak. Nagyszombat: Esztergomi Főkáptalan Nyomda, 1609. [152] leaves. - Peniculus papporum Apologiae Solnensis conciliabuli et hyperaspiates legitimae Antilogiae . . . Francisci Forgách. Pozsony: Érseki Nyomda, 1610. 102p. - Pozsonyban lett prédikáció. Pozsony: Érseki Nyomda, 1610. [16] leaves. - Logi alogi, quibus baptae calamosphactae Peniculum papporum Solnensis conciliabuli et hyperaspisten Iegitimae Antilogiae vellicant, veritatis radiis adobruti. Pozsony: Érseki Nyomda, 1612. 254p. - Isteni igazságra vezérlő kalauz. [Also contains 1st ed of Egy tudakozó prédikátor nevével iratott öt levél and later printing of Logi alogi, . . . adobruti] Pozsony: Érseki Nyomda, 1613. 816, 1vi, 126p. - Lethenyei István [pseud.]: A calvinista predikátorok igyenes erkölcsű tekélletességnek tevkeore. Bécs, 1614. [24] leaves. [From RMK, I, no. 446] - Szyl [pseud.] Miklós: Csepregi Mesterség, az az Hafenreffernek magyarrá fordított könyve eleiben függesztett leveleknek cégéres czigánysági és orcza-szégyenyítő hazugsági. Bécs, 1614. [From RMK, I, no. 445] - Az igazságnak győzedelme, melyet az Alvinczi Péter Tükörében megmutatott Pázmány Péter. Pozsony: Érseki Nyomda, 1614. 96p. - Csepregi szégyenvallás. Azaz rövid felelet, melyben a csepregi hivságoknak kőszegi toldalékit verőfényre hozza. Praha: Paulus Sessius, 1616. 283p. - Falsae originis motuum Hungaricorum, succincta refutatio. Posonii: n.p., 1619. [16] leaves. - Rövid felelet két kálvinista könyvecskére . . . Wien: Gregor Gelbhaar, 1620. 72p. - Ungerischer Rebellions-Brunn . . . Augsburg: Sara Mangin, 1620. [19] leaves. - Vindiciae ecclesiasticae, quibus edita a principe Bethlen in clerum Hungariae decreta divinis humanisque legibus contraria ipso iure nul1a esse demonstrantur. Wien: Wolfgang Schumpen, 1620. 48p. - Rituale Strigoniense. Jussu et authoritate . . . Petri Pázmány . . . editum. Pozsony: Érseki Nyomda, 1625. 327p. - A Sz[ent]írásról és az anyaszentegyházról két rövid könyecskék. Wien: Gregor Gelbhaar, 1626. 153p. - A sötét hajnalcsillag után bujdosó lutheristák vezetője . . . Wien: Matthäus Formica, 1627. 481p. - Acta et decreta synodi dioecesanae Strigoniensis . . . Pozsony: Érseki Nyomda, 1629. 152p. - Bizonyos okok, melyek erejétől viseltetvén egy fő ember az új vallások tőréből kifeslett és az római ecclesiának kebelébe szállot. Pozsony: Érseki Nyomda, 1631. 47p. - Dissertatio: an unum aliquid ex omnibus Lutheranis dogmatibus, Romanae Ecclesiae adversantibus Scriptura Sacra contineat. Pozsony: Érseki Nyomda, 1631. 35p. - Okok, nem okok. Pozsony, 1631. [Based on the facsimile edition] - Cardinalis Pasmanni ad pontificem Urbanum VIII. anno 1632. Iegati caesarii oratio, pro suppetiis contra Suecum et Saxonem. Epistola ejusdem ad Borgesium et alios cardinales . . . Sine loco: n.p., 1632. 36p. - Cardinal Paszmans alss Kayserl. Gesandten Anbringen . . . Sine loco, 1632. [6] leaves. [From RMK, III, no. 1490] - A Romai Anyaszentegyház szokásából minden Vasarnapokra . . . Predikacziok. Pozsony: n.p., 1636. 1248p. - See also nos. 2902, 2906, and 2908.


See also nos. 2913 (letters) and 3177.

2895. Válogatott egyházi beszédei. Szerkesztette Bellaagh Aladár. Budapest: Franklin-Társulat, 1889. 204p. [C] FiHI GeLBM GyBH

2896. Kalauzának [Isteni igazságra vezérlő kalauz] I. és II. könyve. Bevezetéssel, magyarázatokkal és szótárral szerkesztette Bellaagh Aladár. Budapest: Franklin-Társulat, 1893. 172p. [B] FiHI

2897. Összes munkái. Egybegyűjtötte és sajtó alá rendezte a Budapesti Királyi Magyar Tudományegyetem Hittudományi Kara. I-VII. kötet. Budapest: Magyar Sorozat, 1894-1905. [A]

l.kötet: Felelet az Magyari István sárvári praedicatornak az ország romlása okairól írt könyvére. Kempis Tamás Krisztus követéséről. Az új tudomány hamisságának tíz bizonysága. 1894. 588p.

2. kötet: Imádságos könyv. Rövid tanuság. Keresztyéni felelet a megdicsőült szentek tiszteletirül. Alvinczi Péterhez iratott öt szép levél. Alvinczi feleletinek megrostálása. Calvinus Hiszek egy istene. Posonban lött praedikacio. 1895. 801p.

3-4. kötet: Hodoegus. Igazságra vezérlő kalauz. 1-2. kötet. 1897-1898.

5. kötet: Csepregi mesterség. Calvinista tükör. Az igazságnak győzedelme. Csepregi szégyenvallás. Rövid felelet két calvinista könyvecskére. Bizonyos okok. A szent írásrul és az anyaszentegyházrul. A setét hajnalcsillag után bujdosó lutheristák vezetője. 1901. 823p.

6-7. kötet: Prédikációk. 1-2. rész. 1903-1905.

MnU [FiHI] [GeLBM] [GyBH]

2898. Opera omnia. Ed. per Senatum Academicum Reg. Scient. Univ. Budapestinensis, recensionem accurante collegio professorum theologiae. I-VI. kötet. Budapest: Typis Regiae Scientiarum Universitatis, 1895-1904. [A]

1. kötet: Dialectica. 1904. 688p.

2. kötet: Physica. 1895. 614p.

3. kötet: Tractatus. 1897. 556p.

4-6. kötet: Theologia scholastica. 1-3. kötet. 1899-1904.


2899. Gyöngyök Pázmány Péter összes műveiből. Gyűjtötte Vargyas Endre. Veszprém: Krausz, 1896. 350p. [C] FiHI

2900. Munkáiból. Sajtó alá rendezte és bevezetéssel ellátta Fraknói Vilmos.[Bibliography of his works in Hungarian, pp. 27-32] Budapest: Franklin-Társulat, 1904. 346p. [C] DLC MH MnU NNC OCl FiHI GeLU GyBH

2901. Válogatott munkái. Szerkesztette Bellaagh Aladár. Budapest: LampelR., 1906. 302p. [C] DLC NN NNC GeLU

2902. Összegyűjtött levelei. Sajtó alá rendezte Hanuy Ferenc. I-II. kötet.Budapest: Egyetemi Nyomda, 1910-19111. [B]

1. kötet: 1601-1628. 1910. 804p.

2. kötet: 1629-1637. 1911. 790p.

2903. Prédikációi. Sajtó alá rendezte Petró József. I-III. kötet. Eger: EgriEgyházmegyei Irodalmi Egyesület, 1931-1933. [B] (No clear division ofcontents into volumes) GeLBM GyBH

2904. Pázmány világa. Összeállította Brisits Frigyes. Budapest: KirályiMagyar Egyetemi Nyomda, 1933. 184p. [C] MnU

2905. Műveiből. Sík Sándor bevezetésével. Budapest: Franklin-Társulat, 1934. 206p. [C]

2906. Harminckilenc kiadatlan Pázmány-levél. Levéltári jegyzetekkel ésvonatkozó oklevelekkel kiadta Galla Ferenc. Vác: n.p., 19361. 97p. [C]GyBH

2907. Ismeretlen magyar könyve. Okok, nem okok. Pozsony 1631. Hasonmásban közrebocsájtja és ismerteti Sztripszky Hiador. Budapest: Pázmány-Egyetem, 1937. 23, 15p. GyBH

2908. Kiadatlan levelei. Körmend: Rábavidék Nyomda, 19431. 45p. [B]

2909. Újabb kiadatlan Pázmány-levelek. Budapest: Stephaneum, 1943. 19p.[A] (A reprint from Regnum Egyháztörténeti Évkönyv Szekfű Gyula Emlékkönyv)

2910. Remekei. Bevezette és sajtó alá rendezte Sík Sándor. Budapest: Ardói, 1944. 351p. [C]

2911. Válogatott írásai. Rónay György gondozásában. Budapest: Magvető, 1957. 321p. [C] AsWN FiHI GeOB GyBDS GyGNSU


See nos. 2900, 2914, 2915, 2922, and 2924.


2912. [Fraknói] Frankl Vilmos. Pázmány Péter és kora. I-III. kötet. Pest: Ráth Mór, 1868-1872.

Emphasizes his confrontation of the issues of the Hapsburg dynasty andCatholicism without sacrificing his nation's independence, and as pontiff, his influence on his times through his writings and activities. Bibliographical footnotes. Index to each volume. Vol. I, 1570 to 1621; Vol. II, 1622 to 1631; Vol. III, 1632 to 1637. NN AsWN GeLBM GyBH

2913. [Frankl] Fraknói Vilmos. Pázmány Péter. 1570-1637. Budapest:Méhner Vilmos, 1886. 344p.

Major attention to his involvement in the historical events of his times and to his relationships with individuals. Appendix: Five letters from or to him, and his Bibornok diploma. Bibliographical footnotes. Illustrations. MH NN AsWN GeCU GeLBM

2914. Sík Sándor. Pázmány. Az ember és az író. Budapest: Szent István Társulat, 1939. 449p.

An attempt to find the man in the writer, the environment that shaped and molded him. Details of life used only when they help to complete the picture of the man. Bibliographical notes, pp. 404-449. CoU MH MnU NN NNC AsWN FiHI GeLBM GeLU GyBH GyGNSU

2915. Frideczky József. Pázmány Péter. Budapest: Pray Rendtörténetíró Munkaközösség, 1942. 78p.

Deals with his religious and political activities and his characteristics as a writer and orator. Chronological table of his life and important events. Bibliography of the writings of his opponents, p. 76; bibliography, p. 75.


See also nos. 1212 and 3257.

2916. Huttkay Lipót. Pázmány Péter magyar irodalmi szempontból. Bölcselet-doktori értekezés. Eger: Érseki Lyceum, 1897. 49p.

Ageneral characterization of the religious controversies of the age followed by a discussion of his works and use of language. GeLBM GyBH

2917. Patay József. Pázmány Péter egyetemes történelmi felfogása. Kolozsvár: Stief Jenő és Társa, 1909. 126p.

The general character of his connected historical writings and his shorter notes on world history. Concluding chapter on his sources. Bibliographical footnotes. GyBH

2918. Szirmai Erika. Pázmány Péter politikai pályája. Budapest: Nap, 1912. 36p.

The Jesuit influence on his political views, and his activities. Appendixes: (1) Commentary on his letters, (2) Study of his Kalauz and Bellarmin's Disputatio, and (3) Commentary on his Diatriba theologica. Bibliographical footnotes. FiHU GyBH

2919. Kosztolányi Dezső. "A magyar próza atyja," Nyugat, XIII (1920),911-917.

Examines his style and his views as a writer, and discusses his thought. Considers him the "father of Hungarian prose." [CSt-H] MH MnU NNC FiHU GeLBM GyBH

2920. Laczkó Géza. "Cardinalis Pázmány (1570-1920)," Nyugat, XIII (1920), 905-910.

Examines him as a Jesuit, theologian, Hungarian, and writer, and describes him as the creator of the Hungarian literary language. Maintains that, contrary to scholarly belief, his Prédikációk is his best work and shows his individuality as a writer most clearly. [CSt-H] MH MnU NNC FiHU GeLBM GyBH

2921. Kornis Gyula. Pázmány személyisége. Budapest: Franklin-Társulat, 1935. 66p.

An analysis of his personality on the basis of his attitudes toward events and ideas of his time. AsWU GeLBM GyBH GyGGaU

2922. Gerencsér István. A filozófus Pázmány. Budapest: Élet, 1937. 135p.

His philosophical writings in three parts: (1) the relationship between his philosophical writings and the intellectualism of the 16th century, (2) an examination of his Dialectica and Physica, and (3) a discussion of thecharacter of these two works and of Pázmány as a philosopher. Bibliography, pp. 130-135. GeLBM GyBH

2923. Kornis, Jules. Le Cardinal Pázmány. (1570-1637) Paris: Association Guillaume Budé, 1937. 76p.

A study to show (1) his individuality and personality, (2) his view of learning and education, (3) his patriotism, (4) his political concept of thewar between the Turks and the Germans, (5) his view of European politics, (6) his knowledge of man and his philanthropy, (7) his sincerity and straightforwardness in politics, (8) his strength of personal character, (9)his political wisdom, and (10) his relationship with Richelieu and Bossuet, and his traits and historical importance. AsWU

2924. Körtvélyesy Ferenc. Az egyetemes fogalmak tana Pázmány bölcseletében. Budapest: Korda R. T., 1943. 46p.

The universal precepts found in his philosophy. Chapters on the similarities of his ideas with those of Thomas Aquinas, Aristotle, and the Jesuit School. Bibliography, p. [47].

2925. Klaniczay Tibor. "Pázmány Péter," Reneszánsz és barokk. Tanulmányok a régi magyar irodalomról. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1961; 595p. Pp. 340-360. [Appeared as the epilogue to Pázmány Péter válogatott írásai, pp. 281-302; see no. 2911]

A re-examination of him to correct pre-Marxist conceptions. Seen as a servant of his people even though he was a Jesuit supporting the Hapsburgs. Maintains that his works and style show future tendencies in their language and prose. DLC MnU NN NNC AsWN GeLBM GeLU GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU


Born September 13, 1852 in Marosvásárhely, Transylvania; died January 5, 1910 in Kolozsvár, Transylvania. Short-story writer. Son of a shopkeeper and smallholder. Attended first four forms at gymnasium in Marosvásárhely, next three in Kolozsvár, and last in Székelyudvarhely. Entered University of Budapest in 1872, completed philosophy studies in 1877. Returned to parents' home, where he spent three years gardening, reading, and sending manuscripts to editors of periodicals in Budapest and Kolozsvár. In 1880 he became journalist on Kelet in Kolozsvár and member of Petőfi-Társaság. Returned for time to Marosvásárhely in 1881, partly because of heart ailment. Became assistant editor of Kolozsvári Közlöny in 1883; editor of Kolozsvár 1886-1891. In 1888 he founded Erdélyi Irodalmi Társaság and married Irma Korbuly. Served as president of Kemény Zsigmond Társaság in Marosvásárhely. Withdrew to Marosvásárhely in 1891, unable to carry on editorial work because of nervous condition. Spent last days in psychiatric clinic in Kolozsvár. ¶ One of the best known and most respected short-story writers at the end of the 19th century. Subject matter that of ordinary people and their everyday lives. Found tragedy in every daily event and believed in biological determinism. Style very realistic, viewpoint highly fatalistic. Particularly influenced by Russian writers, especially Turgenev. ¶ Some of his short stories have been translated into French, German, and Slovakian.


2926. Keresztek. Tíz rajz. [Elbeszélések] Budapest: Révai Testvérek, 18821. 266p.

2927. Az én utczám. [Elbeszélések] Budapest: Pallas, 18861. 280p. Ocl

2928. A fülemile. [Regény] Budapest: Singer és Wolfner, 18861. 105p. NN FiHI GyBH

2929. Jetti. Képek, történetek. [Elbeszélések] Kolozsvár: Singer és Wolfner, 18941. 243p. NN

2930. Alkonyat. [Elbeszélések] Budapest, 18961. [From Várkonyi, p. 55]

2931. Felhők. Elbeszélések. Budapest: Franklin-Társulat, 18971. 256p. OCl GeLBM

2932. Vidéki emberek. Novellák. Budapest: Athenaeum, 18981. 153p. FiHI

2933. Az élet. Történetek, képek. [Elbeszélések] I-II. kötet. Budapest: Franklin-Társulat, 19051. [1908] NN OCl GyBH GyGGaU

2934. Elbeszélések. Az életrajzot Gyalui Farkas írta. I-II. kötet. Kolozsvár: Erdélyi Irodalmi Társaság, 1912. NN OCl

2935. Egy asszonyért. Regény. Cluj-Kolozsvár: Haladás, 19241. 98p.

2936. A fülemüle. [Regény] Szentimrei Jenő bevezető tanulmányával. Budapest: Singer és Wolfner, 19432. 231p. [C]

2937. Lobbanás az alkonyatban. Válogatott elbeszélések és rajzok. A bevezetés, a válogatás és a jegyzetek Bisztray Gyula munkája. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1955. 538p. [C] DLC GyGNSU

2938. Válogatott elbeszélések. A kötetet összeállította és előszóval ellátta Kéri József. Marosvásárhely: Állami Irodalmi és Művészeti Kiadó, 1955. 245p. [C]


See no. 2943.


2939. Gyalui Farkas. "Petelei Istvánról," Petelei István: Elbeszélések. Az író arcképével és életrajzával kiadja az Erdélyi Irodalmi Társaság. I-II. kötet. Kolozsvár: Singer és Wolfner, 1912. I, v-li.

Considerable attention to his literary career, the form and content of his works, and the critical reception given to them. NN OCl

2940. Bisztray Gyula. Petelei István családja. Budapest: Egyetemi Nyomda, 1949. 24p.

Records data on treatises of his life and literary remains, and provides biographical information about the members of his family beginning with his grandfather.


2941. Péterfy Jenő. "Egyetemes regénytár. Budapest, 1885-1888. Singer és Wolfner kiadása," Összegyűjtött munkái. I-III. kötet. Budapest: Franklin-Társulat, 1901-1903. III, 473-487. [Appeared in Budapesti Szemle, LVI, no. 142 (1888), 145-152]

Areview of a number of novels from several hands. Comments on his Fülemüle, and characterizes him as a writer combining the poetic and the psychological, suffering from excessive analysis and monotony, not yet having given complete expression to his subjective nature, and using a much too mannered style. MH MnU NNC OCl GeLBM GeLU

2942. Schöpflin Aladár. "Petelei István," Magyar írók. Irodalmi arcképek és tollrajzok. Budapest: Nyugat, 1917; 256p. Pp. 55-62. [19252; appeared in Nyugat, III (January 16, 1910), 81-86]

Discusses the development of the Hungarian short story in the 1890's and the influences upon it. Establishes the reasons for Petelei's works not being widely known in his times, and examines the nature of his characters, the period he portrays, and the qualities of his writings. InU MnU NNC GeLBM GyBH GyGGaU

2943. Rossmann Magda. Petelei István. Budapest: A Szerző, 1932. 37p.

Biographical details followed by a discussion of his novels and narratives and of his place in Hungarian literature. Bibliography of his writings andstudies about him, including necrologues, pp. [38-40].

2944. Veégh Sándor. "Petelei Istvánról," Emlékkönyv: Kristóf György hatvanadik születésnapjára. Kolozsvár: Minerva, 1939; 330p. Pp. 280-284.

An evaluation of his works, their contemporaneous quality, and their expression of the spirit and attitudes of Transylvania.

2945. Bisztray Gyula. "Petelei István. 1852-1910," Petelei István: Lobbanás az alkonyatban. Válogatott elbeszélések és rajzok. A bevezetés, a válogatás és a jegyzetek Bisztray Gyula munkája. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1955; 538p. Pp. 5-38.

The outlines of his life and career, the effect of his journalism on his narration, his characters as representing the middle class in the provinces and the village people, and the frequent escape of his characters into a Nirvana. DLC GyGNSU

2946. Nagy István. "Egy feledésbe merült erdélyi novellista," A harc hevében. Irodalmi vallomások és észrevételek. Marosvásárhely: Állami Irodalmi és Művészeti Kiadó, 1957; 273p. Pp. 221-233.

His short stories considered for their demonstrated opposition to the landed society of the times, the element of hope in his female characters, his use of realistic techniques, and as an evaluation of his attempt to originate the short short story in Hungary. MH GyBDS GyGNSU

2947. Diószegi András. "Turgenyev magyar követői," Tanulmányok amagyar-orosz irodalmi kapcsolatok köréből. Szerkesztőbizottság: Bor Kálmán, Czine Mihály, Kemény G. Gábor, Nyírő Lajos, Rejtő István, szerkesztette Kemény G. Gábor. I-III. kötet. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1961. II, 84-137.

The influence of Turgenev on his prose as well as on the writings of Lajos Tolnai, Gyula Reviczky, Ödön Iványi, Elek Gozsdu, Kálmán Mikszáth, Zsigmond Justh, István Tömörkény, and Gyula Krúdy, among others. DLC MH MnU NNC AsWN AsWU FiHU GeCU GeLBM GeLU GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU


Born January l, 1823 in Kiskőrös; died July 31, 1849 in Segesvár. Poet. Father a butcher. Family moved to Kiskunfélegyháza in October 1824. Schooling frequently interrupted. Studied in Kiskőrös, Félegyháza, Kecskemét, Szabadszállás, and Sárszentlőrinc; then in Pest at Evangelical and at Piarist gymnasiums, and at Evangelical Gymnasium in Aszód, September 1, 1835, to June 30, 1838. Knew Greek, Latin, English, and French. Entered Evangelical Lyceum in Selmec on August 31, 1838. Father suffered economic difficulties and disowned him. Ran away from Selmecbánya on February 15, 1839 and began long period of wandering. Actor at National Theater in Pest. Spent summer 1839 with relative in Ostffyasszonyfa. Joined army in September 1839 in Sopron. Served with regiment in Austria and Croatia. Discharged in February 1841 because of ill health. Roamed till fall of 1841, visiting parents in Dunavecse and acting in traveling company for three months. In October 1841 entered gymnasium in Pápa, where he met young Mór Jókai (q.v.) and completed seventh form. Poem "A borozó" published in Athenaeum, May 22, 1842. Resumed wandering. Worked as actor in Kecskemét for a time. Obtained position as translator in 1843. In fall 1843 again became traveling actor, but illness forced him to stay in Debrecen. Moved to Pest where he successfully published an edition of his poems with help of Mihály Vörösmarty (q.v.). Became assistant editor of Pesti Divatlap on July l, 1844. Resigned position in spring 1845 and lived on income from his writings. In April 1845 went on long tour of provinces, during which he met young Mihály Tompa (q.v.). Spent summer, winter, and spring in Pest, Szalkszentmárton, and Gödöllő. Went to Transylvania with Károly Obernyik near end of August 1846. Met Júlia Szendrey in Nagykároly and married her on September 8, 1847. Began friendship with János Arany (q.v.) in June 1847 in Szalonta. Established Tizek Társasága with other young writers in 1846, among them Mór Jókai, Mihály Tompa, and Károly Obernyik. His political activities attracted attention of Austrian spies. Active in stirring Revolution in March 1848. Entered military service as captain in September 1848, serving in Debrecen October 22-November 16, 1848. Angered by defeat of Hungarian forces. Moved to Transylvania and reported to József Bem for military duty on January 25, 1849. Sent to Debrecen as messenger on February 8, 1849. Disagreed with military authorities and resigned commission. Returned to Bem in Transylvania and rejoined military. Became major and sent as messenger to Lajos Kossuth and György Klapka, minister of war. Quarreled with Klapka and again resigned. Went from Debrecen to Pest with family. Traveled to Mezőberény, Torda, and Marosvásárhely. Left Marosvásárhely on July 30, 1849 to rejoin Bem. Killed following day in clash between Hungarian and Russian forces in Segesvár. Controversy about circumstances of death and place of burial continues. ¶ Poetry received quick and lasting attention. One of the greatest Hungarian poets. The importance of his poems to history of Hungarian literature is equivalent to that of a literary period. Adopted more realistic themes. Believed freedom was greatest part of human happiness. Poems deal with nature and people of Great Plains, with love of family life, of children for parents, and of husband for wife in personal and vivid manner. Extended range of Hungarian poetry on basis of highly active and varied imagination. Depth of Hungarian quality and expression of thought and emotion in character, life, and symbols of folk and peasants beyond those of any predecessor. Folk poetry especially noteworthy for use of native rhythms and introduction of people and mythology of the Great Plains in lyrical synthesis. Among his narrative poems, János vitéz considered best for its blending of folk subject matter, outlook, and form. In prose fiction he also made significant contributions to development of Hungarian literature. Accounts of travels are models of genre. Attempted drama, but best known in this genre for translation of Shakespeare's Coriolanus. ¶ Editions of his poems are available in Albanian, Arabian, Armenian, Bulgarian, Chinese, Croatian, English, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Kazakh, Kirgizian, Korean, Lithuanian, Moldavian, Mongolian, Persian, Polish, Rumanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovakian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkomanian, Ukrainian, Vietnamese, and Volapuk; and some of his poems have also been translated into classical Greek, modern Greek, Icelandic, Latin, Romansch, Malayan, Portuguese, and Turkish.

FIRST EDITION: A koros hölgy. Francia regény. Írta Bernard Károly. Fordította. Pest, 1843. [From Szinnyei, X, 974] - A helység kalapácsa. Hősköltemény négy énekben. Pest: Geibel, 1844. 68p. - Robin Hood. Angol regény. Írta James György. Fordította. Pest, 1844. [From Szinnyei, X, 974] - Versek. 1842-1844. [Összesen 109 költemény] Buda: Magyar Királyi Egyetem Betűivel, 1844. 192p. - Czipruslombok Etelke sírjáról. [Versek] Pest: Beimel József, 1845. 63p. - János vitéz. [Verses elbeszélés] Buda: Magyar Királyi Egyetem Betűivel, 1845. 113p. - Szerelem gyöngyei. [Költemények] Pest: Landerer és Heckenast, 1845. 70p. - Versek. 1844-1845. Pest: Beimel József, 1845. 188p. - Felhők. [Versek] Pest: n.p., 1846. 70p. - A hóhér kötele. [Regény] Pest: Hartleben Konrád Adolf, 1846. 155p. - Összes költeményei. [Öt költői elbeszélés, 452 másféle költemény] Pest: Emich Gusztáv, 1847. 537p.- Tigris és hiéna. [Történeti dráma] Pest: Emich Gusztáv, 1847. 106p. - Coriolanus. Shakespeare után angolból fordította. Pest, 1848. [From Szinnyei, X, 976] - Az Egyenlőségi Társulat proclamátiója. Petőfi Sándor az Egyenlőségi Társulat megbízásából. Pest, 1848. [From Szinnyei, X, 977] - Készülj hazám. [Röplap] Pest, 1848. [From Szinnyei, X, 976] - Király és hóhér. [Röplap] Pest, 1848. [From Szinnyei, X, 977] - A királyhoz. [Röplap] Pest, 1848. [From Szinnyei, X, 976] - A kis-kunokhoz. [Röplap] Pest, 1848. [From Szinnyei, X, 977] - Lapok Petőfi Sándor naplójából. Első ív. Pest, 1848. [From Pintér, VI, 394] - A nemzetgyűlési követekhez. [Röplap] Pest, 1848. [From Szinnyei, X, 977] - Nemzeti dal. [Röplap] Pest, 1848. márcz. 15. [From Szinnyei, X, 976] - Nyílt levél a szabadszállásiakhoz. Június végén. [Petőfi búcsúszava] Pest, 1848. [From Szinnyei, X, 977] - Buda várán újra német zászló! [Röplap] Debrecen, 1849. [From Szinnyei, X, 977] - Európa csendes, újra csendes . . . [Röplap] Debrecen, 1849. [From Szinnyei, X, 977] - Az erdélyi hadsereg. Petőfi Sándor. Szászsebes. [Röplap] 1849. ápr. 11. [From Szinnyei, X, 977] - Csatadal. Petőfi Sándor. Karánsebes. 1849. ápr. 17. [From Szinnyei, X, 977] - Élet vagy halál. Petőfi Sándor. Pest, 1849. május végén. [From Szinnyei, X, 977] - A honvéd. Petőfi Sándor. [Röplap] Pest, 1849. jún. [From Szinnyei, X, 977] - Újabb költeményei. 1847-1849. Pest: Emich Gusztáv, 1851. 480p.

See also p. 6 and nos. 203 (letters), 225 (letters), 2966, 2969, 2987, and 3001 [nos. 4, 9 (letters)].

2948. Vegyes művei. 1838-1849. Kiadta Gyulai Pál. I-III. kötet. Pest: Pfeiffer, 1863. [C]

1. kötet: Beszélyek. A helység kalapácsa. 255p.

2. kötet : Drámák. 340p.

3. kötet: Útirajzok. Töredékek. Hírlapi cikkek. Költemények. Levelek. Pótlék: A fakó leány és pej legény. 354p.


2949. Újabb költeményei. 1847-1849. 4. javított kiadás. I-II. kötet. Budapest: Athenaeum, 1873. [C]

1. kötet: Elbeszélő költemények: Bolond Istók, Szécsi Mária, Lehel vezér. Kisebb költemények, 1847. 304p.

2. kötet: Kisebb költemények, 1847-1849. 296p.


2950. Költeményei. Hiteles kézirat alapján megigazított s hazai művészek rajzaival díszített első teljes kiadás. Budapest: Athenaeum, 1874. 758p. [C]

2951. Összes művek. Havas Adolf gondozásában. I-VI. kötet. Budapest: Athenaeum, 1892-1896. [A]

l. kötet: Elbeszélő költemények. Jókai Mór: Petőfi Sándor élete és költeményei, pp. i-xcv. 1892. 423p.

2. kötet: Kisebb költeményei, 1842-1846. 1892. 576p.

3. kötet: Kisebb költeményei, 1847-1849. 1893. 719p.

4. kötet: Vegyes művek. Drámák. 1. kötet. 1895. 431p.

5. kötet: Vegyes művek. Elbeszélések, úti rajzok és naplójegyzetek. 2.kötet. 1895. 585p.

6. kötet: Hírlapi cikkek, levelezés, vegyes iratok. 1896. 519p.


2952. Munkái. Sajtó alá rendezte és bevezetéssel ellátta Badics Ferenc. I-IV. kötet. Budapest: Franklin-Társulat, 1906. [C]

1. kötet: Kisebb költemények, 1842-1846. 406p.

2. kötet: Kisebb költemények, 1847-1849. 347p.

3. kötet: Elbeszélő költemények. Függelék: Ifjúkori kísérletek (1838-1842), A költő által gyűjteményeibe föl nem vett költemények (1842-1849), Félbenmaradt elbeszélő költemények. 398p.

4.kötet: Beszélyek. Tigris és hiéna (történeti dráma). Útirajzok. Naplójegyzetek és hírlapi cikkek. 316p.


2953. Összes költeményei. Bevezetéssel és jegyzetekkel kiadja Voinovich Géza. [Poems arranged in order of composition; notes on circumstances attending their composition] I-II. kötet. Budapest: Franklin-Társulat, 1921. [B]

1. kötet: 1838-1847. 381p.

2. kötet: 1847-1849. 344p.


2954. Összes költeményei. Bevezetésül a költő életrajzáról és költészetéről szóló tanulmány: Gyulai Pál: Petőfi és lyrai költészetünk. Előszóval ellátta Pekár Gyula. [Omits many poems with revolutionary themes] Budapest: Petőfi-Társaság, 1933. 626p. [C]

2955. Összes művei. [E kiadásban a versek sorrendje és szövege Petőfi összes költeményeinek két kötetes gyűjteményén alapul, amelyet Voinovich Géza rendezett sajtó alá (1921), a prózai rész a Havas Adolf által hat kötetben kiadott összes művek (1892-1896) szövegét követi] Budapest: Franklin-Társulat, 1941. 1631p. [B] MnU NNC AsWN GeCU GeLBM GyGNSU

2956. Összes költeményei. 1838-1844. Sajtó alárendezte és a szövegkritikai jegyzeteket készítette Varjas Béla. [Only published volume of a planned edition of his complete works] Budapest: Budapest Székesfőváros, 1948. 376p. [A] MnU NNC AsWN GyBDS

2957. Összes művei. Eddig I-VII. kötet. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1951 +. [A]

1. kötet: Költeményei, 1842-1845. Jegyzetekkel ellátva kiadta Varjas Béla. 1. kötet. 1951. 430p.

2. kötet: Költeményei, 1846-1847. Jegyzetekkel ellátva kiadta Varjas Béla. 2. kötet. 1951. 407p.

3. kötet: Költeményei, 1848-1849. Függelék: Ifjúkori versek, 1838-1842. Töredékek. Kétes hitelűek. Jegyzetekkel ellátva kiadta Varjas Béla. 3. kötet. 1951. 383p.

4. kötet: Szépprózai és drámai művek. 1952. 432p.

5. kötet: Vegyes művek. Úti rajzok, naplójegyzetek, hírlapi cikkek és egyéb prózai írások. Sajtó alá rendezte és jegyzetekkel ellátta Varjas Béláné. 1956. 280p.

6. kötet: Prózafordítások (Sue, Macpherson, Dumas père, Seneca, stb). Sajtó alá rendezte Varjas Béláné, V. Nyilassy Vilma és Kiss József. 1956. 489p.

7. kötet: Levelezése. Függelék: Vegyes feljegyzések, szerkesztői jegyzetek, dedikációk, másolatok, rajzok. Sajtó alá rendezte Kiss József és V. Nyilassy Vilma, a függelék H. Törő Györgyi és a pótlás Kiss József munkája. 1964. 701p.


2958. Összes művei. Sajtó alá rendezte és a bevezetést írta Pándi Pál. I-III. kötet. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1955. [C]

1.kötet: Versek, 1842-1846. 624p.

2. kötet: Versek, 1847-1849. Zsengék, töredékek. 691p.

3. kötet: Prózai és drámai írások. Levelek. 703p.


2959. Összes költeményei. I-II. kötet. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1959. [C]

1. kötet: 1842-1846. 579p.

2. kötet: 1847-1849. Függelék: Ifjúkori költemények, kisebb töredékek, kétes hitelűek. 659p.


2960. Összes költeményei. Az utószót írta Pándi Pál. Budapest: Magyar Helikon, 1960. 1306p. [C] ICU NNC GeOB GyGGaU

2961. Összes prózai művei és levelezése. A kötetet Pándi Pál rendezte sajtó alá. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1960. 757p. [C] DLC MH MnU NNC GyBDS

2962. Útirajzok. Úti jegyzetek. (1845) Úti levelek. Budapest: Magyar Helikon, 1962. 91p. [C]


See also nos. 229, 2968, 2972, 2976, 2978, 2981, 2986, 2999, 3017, 3018, 3028, 3030, and 3031.

2963. Ferenczi Zoltán (összeáll.). "Petőfi-kiadások, 1843-1897," Petőfi-album. Szerkesztette Bartók Lajos, Endrődi Sándor és Szana Tamás. Budapest: Athenaeum, 1898; 263p. Pp. 256-260.

Achronological list of editions of his works giving the title, place of publication, publisher, pagination, and description of the title page. GeLU

2964. Szinnyei József. Petőfi Sándor. Budapest: Hornyánszky Viktor, 1905. 235p.

A separate publication from Szinnyei's 14 volume work, providing, in addition to a brief biography, a list of his works and their editions, translations into other languages, and a catalogue of secondary sources from 1844 to 1904. Chronological organization in each section. GeLBM

2965. Petőfi napjai a magyar irodalomban. 1842-1849. Összeállította Endrődi Sándor. Budapest: Petőfi Társaság, 1911. 543p.

Provides complete bibliographical data for all his works in chronological order published from May 22, 1842, to July 1, 1849: his poetry, whether published as an edition or individually, and all his works and all criticism dealing with them to whatever degree. Lists contents of individual editions. Also contains excerpts from articles on him and the texts of poems written about him during the period. Facsimiles. MnU NNC AsWU GeLBM

2966. Szendrey Júlia levelesládájának kincsei. Szendrey Júlia ismeretlen naplója, Petőfi Sándor, Arany János stb. ismeretlen kéziratai. Bevezetéssel és magyarázó jegyzetekkel ellátta Mikes Lajos. Budapest: Lantos, 1928. 76p.

A descriptive catalogue of three previously unknown János Arany manuscripts, of ten such Petőfi manuscripts, and of parts of Júlia Szendrey's journal, the 22-page statement she prepared on her deathbed to her mother, and her last message to Petőfi. Appendixes: (1) Descriptive catalogue of materials found in the collection of Hugó Meltzl (1846-1908), 12 translations of Petőfi's works, and six previously unknown and unpublished letters from G.Cassone; and (2) Descriptive catalogue of 119 manuscripts of works or letters of other writers, among them: Endre Ady, János Arany, József Eötvös, Mór Jókai, Margit Kaffka, Ferenc Kazinczy, József Kiss, Kálmán Mikszáth, Gyula Reviczky, Mihály Tompa. Facsimiles. MH NNC


See also nos. 231, 233, 235, 1560, 3001 (nos. 1-3, 7, 11-12, 15, 16, 22, 24, and 26), and 3879.

2967. Zilahy Károly. Petőfi Sándor életrajza. Pest: Emich Gusztáv, 1864. 159p.

Attention to his literary activities. The first biography. NNC

2968. Fischer Sándor. Petőfi élete és művei. Előszóval ellátta Jókai Mór és németből fordította Tolnai Lajos. Budapest: Grill Károly, 1890. 639p. [The original: Petőfis Leben und Werke. Leipzig: Verlag von Wilhelm Friedrich, 1889; 628p. Contains bibliography, pp. 619-628.]

Both a biography and a study of his works. Chapters on individual works and genres. Illustrations. MH NNC GeLU

2969. Hentaller Lajos. Petőfi mint követjelölt. Episod a költő életéből. Budapest: Athenaeum, 1895. 63p.

A recounting of the rejection of his selection as parliamentary representative from Szabadszállás. Use of letters dealing with the episode and of evidence from newspapers in 1848 and from interviews with individuals who had been involved in the matter. NNC

2970. Ferenczi Zoltán. Petőfi Sándor életrajza. I-III. kötet. Budapest: Franklin-Társulat, 1896.

Also presents a picture of the literature of his period. Index for each volume. Vol. I, to April, 1844; Vol. II, April, 1844 to August, 1846; Vol. III, September, 1846 to 1849. DLC MnU NN NNC GeLBM GeLU GyBH GyGGaU GyGNSU

2971. Yolland, Arthur B.Alexander Petőfi. Poet of the Hungarian War of Independence. A Iiterary study. 1823-1849. Budapest: Franklin-Society, 1906. 62p.

Attention to the nature and characteristics of his poetry. DLC IC ICU MH NN NNC OCl OClW GeCU GeLU GeOB GyBH

2972. Barabás Ábel. Petőfi. Budapest: Franklin-Társulat, 1907. 286p.

In three parts: (1) his life, (2) the emergence of his personal character, and (3) the poet (the man of emotion, the man of thought, the artist, his role). Contains his contract with Gusztáv Emich (1847) and an account of his portraits. Bibliography of his works published during his life, the first complete edition of his works (1874), and his smaller verse collections, pp. 279-284. NNC FiHI GeLBM GyBH

2973. Ferenczi Zoltán. Petőfi élete a főbb adatok szerint. Budapest: Hornyánszky Viktor, 1909. 46p.

A chronological table of major events connected with him and his family from 1667 to 1908.

2974. Hatvany Lajos. Feleségek felesége. Petőfi, mint vőlegény. Budapest: Pallas, 1919. 354p.

His relations with Júlia Szendrey from their first meeting to their marriage -September, 1846, to September, 1847. Illustrations and facsimiles. MHMnU NNC AsWU GeLBM GeLU

2975. Riedl Frigyes. Petőfi Sándor. Budapest: Franklin-Társulat, 1923. 236p.

Concerned with his life and works, the effect of his times on his development, and the relationship between his writings and European romanticism and realism. CoU InU MH MnU NNC AsWN GeLBM GyBH

2976. Szendrey Júlia ismeretlen naplója, levelei és halálos ágyán tett vallomása. Közzéteszik és feldolgozták Mikes Lajos és Dernői Kocsis László. Budapest: Genius, 1930. 400p.

Contains (1) a biography of Petőfi's wife from 1849 to 1868 by László Dernői Kocsis, (2) a study intended to clear her reputation of the gossip and legends that arose in the 1880's and 1890's, (3) accounts of some of the unknown manuscripts of János Arany and Petőfi, (4) the text of her journal, (5) the text of her deathbed letter and the background of her last letter to her husband, Árpád Horvát, and (6) the texts of the correspondence between her and Mari Térey (1845-1848). Bibliography, p. 394. Illustrations and facsimiles. MH NN NNC GeLBM GyBH

2977. Illyés Gyula. Petőfi. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1963. 681p. [Rev. ed. containing around a third more material than previous editions: 1936, 1939, 1941, 1945, 1948, 1950, 1952, 1954, 1958]

Much attention to the relations between Petőfi and his environment and times, and extensive use of his poems as evidence of his views and attitudes. DLC MH MnU NN NNC OCl AsWN AsWU FiHI FiHU GeCU GeLBM GeLU GyBDS GyBH GyGGaU

2978. Gigante, Silvino. Alessandro Petőfi. Milano: L'Eroica, 1938. 292p.

Italian translations of his poems used within chapters to illuminate his thoughts and responses to events and persons. Bibliography, p. [293]. DLC GyBH GyGNSU

2979. Sándor József. Nemes Petőfi Sándor költőnk Szabadszálláson született és Szibériában halt el. Budapest: Vitéz Cséka Ferencné, 1939. 160p.

Seeks to prove that Petőfi was born in Szabadszállás and died as a prisoner of the Russians in Siberia. Portraits, facsimiles of documents and letters, maps, and genealogical tables. NNC

2980. Sándor József. Petőfi Sándor Szabadszálláson született. Budapest: Bethlen, 1947. 32p.

Maintains that his birthplace was Szabadszállás, not Kiskőrös. Illustrations.

2981. Dienes András. A Petőfi-titok. Budapest: Dante, 1949. 187p.

An account of his military career and his involvement in the events of the Revolution of 1848-1849; a retelling of the circumstances prior to and during the battle in which he disappeared; and a reconstruction of the details of his disappearance leading to the conclusion that he died in Segesvár. Author retraced the scenes. Map of the battle showing Petőfi's movements. Bibliography, pp. 185-186. MH NN NNC GyBDS GyGNSU

2982. Szalatnai Rezső. Petőfi Pozsonyban. Bratislava-Pozsony: Csehszlovákiai Magyar Könyvkiadó, 1954. 111p.

Deals with the details of his stays and visits in Pozsony beginning in 1840 and with the Petőfi cult in Pozsony and Czechoslovakia. MH NNC

2983. Hatvany Lajos. Petőfi márciusa. Budapest: Magvető, 1955. 51p.

A reconstruction of his activities in the beginnings of the agitation for revolution, from the evening of March 14, 1848, to the end of the month. Major attention to March 15. Evidence from his journals. Illustrations and portraits. DLC MH NNC FiHU GyBH

2984. Hatvany Lajos. Így élt Petőfi. I-V. kötet. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1955-1957.

Previously published scholarship on his life grouped under chronological periods, with additional comments by the author at the close of each selection pertinent to the material covered. Name index for each volume. Illustrations. Vol. I, Family history from 1667 and his life to the beginning of March, 1841; Vol. II, March 10, 1841 to April l, 1845; Vol. III, April 1, 1845 to June 26, 1847; Vol. IV, July 1, 1847 to September 27, 1848; Vol. V, September 11, 1848 to July 31, 1849. [DLC] MH MnU NN NNC AsWN AsWU FiHI GeCU GeLBM GeLU [GeOB] GyBDS [GyBH] GyGNSU

2985. Dienes András. Alegendák Petőfije. (Táj és emlékezés) Budapest: Magvető, 1957. 278p.

Aview of the poet through the legends and stories related about him. Materials arranged chronologically, under period or place names. Maps and illustrations. DLC InU MH NN FiHI GeLBM GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU

2986. Dienes András. Petőfi a szabadságharcban. Budapest: AkadémiaiKiadó, 1958. 643p.

His activities and death in the Revolution of 1848-1849. Attention to scholarship on Petőfi. Appendixes: (1) Account of his disappearance on July 31, 1849, by the Hungarian-Rumanian Cooperative Society and (2) Preliminary report on attempts to locate his grave in 1956. Bibliographical notes, chapter by chapter, pp. 447-591. Summary in French, pp. 609-625. Eighty-four illustrations at end of book. DLC InU MH MnU NNC AsWN FiHU GeLBM GeOB GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU

2987. Fekete Sándor. Petőfi, a segédszerkesztő. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1958. 94p.

An account of his editorial activities from July, 1844, to March, 1845, leading to the view that his work for newspapers was more extensive than previously thought. Appendix: His unknown writings during the period from 1844 to 1845. Bibliographical footnotes. DLC MH MnU NNC AsWN GeLBM GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU

2988. Békés István. Petőfi nyomában. Budapest: Gondolat, 1959. 528p.

A picture book about his life and writings containing such materials as letters, newspaper articles, and documents, all arranged by periods of his life. DLC MH MnU NN NNC AsWN GeLBM GyBDS GyBH GyGGaU GyGNSU

2989. Mezősi Károly. Petőfi családja a Kiskunságban. Kiskunfélegyházi életük. Budapest: Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Irodalomtörténeti Intézete, 1961. 124p.

An account of the economic and social condition of the Petőfi family during its two decades in Kiskunság, intended as a preparation for the Petőfi biographical studies that remain to be written on the basis of new documents. Section of numerous documents dealing with the affairs of the family, pp. 66-124. Bibliographical footnotes. Facsimiles. DLC MH NN NNC AsWN GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU

2990. Dienes András. Az utolsó év. Petőfi és aszabadságharc. Budapest:Móra Ferenc, 1962. 288p.

A reconstruction of his participation in the Revolution from July 27, 1848, to July 31, 1849, concluding with a discussion of the probability of his burial in Segesvár. Table of major occurrences involving Petőfi during the year, pp. 275-[289]. Portraits, illustrations, and pictures of the search for his grave at Segesvár. NNC AsWN GyBDS GyGNSU


See also nos. 52, 258, 262, 263, 264, 265, 275, 285, 286, 288, 289, 290, 1264, 1486, 1573, 2168, 3001 (nos. 4-6, 9-10, 18, 21-22, 25, and 27-28), 3278, 3280, 3883, 3892, 3896, 3908, 3971, 3973, 3975, 3977, 4344, and 4624.

2991. Erdélyi János. "Petőfi Sándor," Pályák és pálmák. Budapest: Franklin-Társulat, 1886; 503p. Pp. 328-354. [Appeared in Divatcsarnok, no. 37 (1854), 841-847; no. 38 (1854), 865-873]

His character, creativity as a poet, and connections with the literature of his age. MnU NNC GeLBM GeLU GyBH

2992. Gyulai Pál. Petőfi Sándor és lyrai költészetünk. Budapest: Kunossy, Szilágyi és Társa, 1908. 126p. [First published in 1854 in Új Magyar Múzeum]

Seeks to supplant the fiction about him with a real picture of the man and the poet and to show the way Hungarian lyrists failed to follow in his footsteps. MnU NNC AsWN GeLBM GeLU GyGGaU

2993. Petőfi-album. Szerkesztette Bartók Lajos, Endrődi Sándor és Szana Tamás. Budapest: Athenaeum, 1898. 263p.

Numerous individual studies of his life and works, including one of his wife. Illustrations. GeLU

2994. Somogyi Gyula. Petőfi Sándor költészete. Budapest: Athenaeum, 1899. 83p.

An effort to interpret his poetry as a whole and to illuminate his inner life: the development of his individuality, popular trends in his language, form and folk materials, the subject matter and aesthetics of his poetry, his descriptive and narrative poems, and his dramas. MnU NNC AsWN GyBH

2995. Ferenczi Zoltán. "Petőfi és a nő," Irodalomtörténeti Közlemények, XII (1902), 129-141. [Also a reprint]

Characterizes his views of women found in his love lyrics, especially as exemplified by those written to Júlia Szendrey. DLC MH MnU NNC AsWN AsWU FiHI GeLBM [GeLU] GyBH

2996. Földessy Gyula. Petőfi elbeszélő költeményei. Budapest: Pátria, 1902. 63p.

Examines the narrative poems as to their revelations of his feelings and thoughts, their connection with his literary development, the influences affecting them, and their merits. Chapter on "Az apostol."

2997. Gopcsa Endre. Az apostol. Irodalmi tanulmány Petőfi Sándor költeményéhez. Kolozsvár: Stein János, 1902. 133p.

Adetailed study of "Az apostol": its historical background, the poet's political viewpoint, its subject matter, the character of Silvester and his tragedy, its structure and verse form, style, editions, etc. Bibliographical footnotes. NNC GeLBM

2998. Szigetvári Iván. Petőfi költészete. Budapest: Franklin-Társulat, 1902. 91p.

An effort to characterize his poetry, especially the forces that brought about its creation. Discussion by types: lyrics, political poems, narrative poems, and descriptive poems. Last chapter concerned with foreign influences. Bibliographical footnotes. MnU AsWN

2999. Oravecz Ödön. János vitéz. Irodalmi tanulmány Petőfi Sándor költeményéhez. Rozsnyó: Sajó-Vidék, 1903. 77p.

The poem's circumstances of creation, subject matter, characters, verse form and structure, diction and technique, metrics, comparison with Toldi, critical reception, recognition abroad, and translations, editions and illustrations. Bibliography, pp. 76-77.

3000. Ferenczi Zoltán. Petőfi és a socialismus. Székfoglaló értekezés. Budapest: Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, 1907. 44p.

Thesis: he fought for freedom and the people but was not a Marxist socialist. NNC AsWN GeLU GyBH

3001. Petőfi-könyvtár. Szerkesztik Endrődi Sándor és Ferenczi Zoltán. I-XXX. füzet. Budapest: Kunossy, Szilágyi és Társa, 1908-1911.

A series devoted to biographical and literary studies of the poet. Also studies on members of his family; texts of his poems and those of members of his family. Illustrations.

No. 1: Kéry Gyula. Friss nyomon. 1908. 171 p.

No. 2: Baróti Lajos. Petőfi adomák. 1908. 160p.

No. 3: Váradi Antal. Regényes rajzok Petőfi életéből. 1908. 126p.

No. 4: Barabás Ábel. Felhők. Az eredeti kiadás lenyomatával. 1908. 127p.

No. 5: Gyulai Pál. Petőfi Sándor és lyrai költészetünk. 19081. 126p. (Seeno. 2992).

No. 6: Ferenczi Zoltán. Szabadság, szerelem. 1909. 141p.

No. 7: Petőfiné Szendrey Júlia költeményei és naplói. Összegyűjtötte és bevezetéssel, jegyzetekkel ellátta Bihari Mór. 1909. 176p.

No. 8: Petőfiné Szendrey Júlia eredeti elbeszélései. Összegyűjtötte és jegyzetekkel kísérte Bihari Mór. 1909. 143p.

No. 9: Endrődi Béla. Petőfi és Arany levelezése. 1909. 105p.

No. 10: Meltzl Hugó Petőfi-tanulmányai. Bevezetéssel és jegyzetekkel ellátta Barabás Ábel. 1909. 223p.

No. 11: Farkas Emőd. Petőfi élete. Regényes korrajz. 1909. 243p.

No. 12: Egressy Ákos. Petőfi Sándor életéből. 1909. 120p.

No. 13: Palágyi Menyhért. Petőfi. 1909. 168p. (See no. 3004.)

No. 14: Somogyi Gyula. Petőfi Sándor költészete. Tanulmány. 1909. 101p. (See no. 2994.)

No. 15: Déri Gyula. Petőfi Zoltán. 1909. 159p.

No. 16: Krúdy Gyula. A negyvenes évekből. 1909. 110p.

No. 17: Petőfi István versei. Összegyűjtötte és bevezetéssel ellátta Bajza József. 1909. 239p.

No. 18: Kacziány Géza. Petőfiről és mestereiről. Irodalmi tanulmányok. 1910. 175p.

No. 19: Váradi Antal. Az elzárt mennyország. Rajzok a színészéletből Petőfi korában. 1910. 134p.

No. 20: Petőfi a magyar költők lantján. Versek Petőfiről. Összegyűjtötték Endrődi Sándor és Baros Gyula. 1910. 182p.

No. 21: Lenkei Henrik. Petőfi és a természet. 1910. 182p.

No. 22: Baróti Lajos. Petőfi a ponyván és a népirodalomban. Péterfy Tamás. Petőfi-regék. 1910. 141p.

No. 23: Petőfi levelei. Összegyűjtötte s bevezetéssel és jegyzetekkel ellátta Badics Ferenc. 1910. 256p.

No. 24: Ferenczi Zoltán. Petőfi eltűnésének irodalma. 1910. 160p.

No. 25: Csernátoni Gyula. Petőfi-tanulmányok. 1910. 167p.

No. 26: A Petőfi-ház története és katalógusa. Szerkesztette Kéry Gyula. 1911. 182p.

No. 27-28: Lenkei Henrik, Kont Ignác, Baróti Lajos, Körösi Albin, Vikár Béla és Vikár Vera. Petőfi a világirodalomban. 1911. 295p.

No. 29-30. Petőfi napjai a magyar irodalomban. 1842-1849. Összeállította Endrődi Sándor. 1911. 543p. (See no. 2965.)


3002. Kende Ferenc és Gömöri Gyula. Petőfi világnézete. Budapest: Világosság, 1909. 124p.

Purpose: to show that he is the product of the economic, social, and political movements of his times and to examine his world outlook in relation to the views developing during the period. An application of historical materialism in the place of historical, biographical, and academic methods. NNC AsWU

3003. Oláh Gábor. Petőfi képzelete. Budapest: Franklin-Társulat, 1909. 295p.

A characterization of the qualities and functions of his imagination in three parts: (1) use of materials from nature, (2) use of materials related to man himself, and (3) literary influences. Subject headings under each part. MH NNC GeLBM GyBH

3004. Palágyi Menyhért. Petőfi. Budapest: Kunossy, Szilágyi és Társa, 1909.168p.

His literary development and the literary qualities, merits, and uniqueness of his poetry. MnU NNC AsWU GeLBM GyBDS GyGGaU

3005. Réti Hugó. Csokonai hatása Petőfire. Budapest: Fleischmann és Haan, 1909. 48p.

Evidence of his influence on Petőfi's lyrics, epic poetry, and narrative poems and on his diction, style, and verse forms. MH GyBH

3006. Ady Endre. "Petőfi nem alkuszik," Válogatott cikkei és tanulmányai. Sajtó alá rendezte Földessy Gyula. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1954; 503p. Pp. 306-328. [Appeared in Renaissance, I (1910), 246-251,337-340, 428-431, 509-512, 622-624, 745-749]

His portrait as a "true, uncompromising youthful revolutionary poet." Attention to the times, his ideas and feelings, and his marriage. DLC MH AsWU FiHU GeLBM GeLU GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU

3007. Babits Mihály. "Petőfi és Arany," Összes művei. Sajtó alá rendezte Török Sophie. Budapest: Franklin-Társulat, 1945; 1152p. Pp. 727-747. [Appeared in Nyugat, III (November 16, 1910), 1577-1590]

Maintains that Petőfi is both "a revolutionary and a healthy petty bourgeois with the mask of genius" and that János Arany is "the sick, abnormal genius." DLC GeCU GeLBM GeLU GyGNSU

3008. Riedl Frigyes. "Korhatások Petőfi költészetében," Kisfaludy-Társaság Évlapjai, XLV (1910-1911), 21-39. [Also a reprint]

The effect of the intense nationalistic enthusiasm which led to the Revolution of 1848-1849 and of the prevailing democratic spirit of the 1840's on his poetry. NNC AsWN GyBH GyGNSU

3009. Kristóf György. Petőfi és Madách. Budapest: Hornyánszky Viktor, 1911. 49p.

Discusses the world outlook of each writer separately with respect to what each values the most, the relationship of each to that value, the significance of that value, and the manner of giving literary expression to it. Closes with a comparison of the two viewpoints. GeLBM

3010. Horváth János. Petőfi Sándor. Budapest: Pallas, 1922. 597p. [19262]

Concerned with the character of his lyric poems through all the changes that their course of development reveals. Biographical and aesthetic materials used only to this purpose. Five stages of development: (1) 1838-1842, (2) 1842-1844, (3) the end of 1844 to the fall of 1846, (4) the fall of 1846 to March 1847, and (5) March 1847 to his death. Index of lyric poems discussed, listing poems by other writers as possible influence on each. (See no. 3018) MH MnU NN NNC AsWN FiHI GeLBM GeLU GyBH

3011. Kéky Lajos. Petőfi. Élet- és jellemrajz. Budapest: Athenaeum, 1922. 123p.

Some biographical treatment, but mainly a discussion of his views of poetry and a characterization of his poems by genres. NNC

3012. Petőfi-album. Adatok, okmányok és képek Petőfi Sándor diadalútjáról. Budapest: Hornyánszky Viktor, 1922. 140p.

Sixteen studies of his life and works, including one of his wife. Illustrations. GeLBM

3013. Szigetvári Iván. A százéves Petőfi. Jellemrajz. Budapest: Székasi Sacelláry Pál, 1922. 272p.

In two parts: (1) a detailed examination of his works by genre (lyric poems, descriptive poetry, narrative poetry, dramatic poetry, miscellaneous writings), and (2) a general characterization of his personality and writings (brief biography, his personality and character and the influences affecting them, influences on his poetry, his poetic style, the knowledge of his works in foreign countries, and his followers and his success and effect in Hungary). NN NNC OCl PP

3014. Kristóf György. Petőfi és Madách. Tanulmányok. Cluj-Kolozsvár: Minerva, 1923. 192p.

Individual studies of the lives and works of Petőfi and Madách, including a long essay on their Weltanschauung. MH NN GeLBM

3015. "Petőfi Sándor-emlékszám," Nyugat, XVI (January 1, 1923), 3-46.

Amemorial issue containing several articles on his character and poetry, including one on performances of his works on the stage and one on the poet and Shakespeare. MH MnU NNC FiHU GeLBM GyBH

3016. Müller Lipót. Petőfi politikai költészete és Béranger. Budapest: Dunántúl, 1924. 55p.

Purpose: to mark the path which took him to Béranger and to delineate the inner connections that link him to his political poetry. Bibliographical footnotes.

3017. Hartmann János. Petőfi-tanulmányok. Budapest: Pallas, 1926. 52p.

His literary career, thoughts, attitudes, love and patriotism as themes in his poetry, the landscape in his poems. Closes with a discussion of "Szeptember végén." Bibliography of his works and studies about him, pp. 51-52. NNC GeLBM GyGGaU

3018. Terbe Lajos. Petőfi és a nép. Mit vett át Petőfi a néptől? Mit vett át a nép Petőfitől? Budapest: Sárkány, 1930. 59p.

His knowledge of the folk song, its influence upon him, the causes of his composing folk songs, their characteristics, the manner in which Hungarians became familiar with those from his hands, and his influence on later writers of folk songs. An extension of János Horváth's discussion in Petőfi Sándor (see no. 3010). Concluding discussion of the importance of popular tendencies in his poetry. Bibliography, pp. 55-57. GeLBM GyBH

3019. Dedinszky Gizella. Petőfi és Burns. Doktori értekezés. Budapest: Sárkány, 1932. 63p.

The similarities between the lives, poetry, and beliefs of Petőfi and Robert Burns. DLC MnU GeLBM

3020. Kornis Gyula. Petőfi pesszimizmusa. Budapest: Franklin-Társulat, 1936. 102p.

After finding the sources of pessimism in his spirit, discusses evidence of that pessimism in his attitudes toward human emotion, ethics, politics, history, and metaphysics. Closes with a discussion of his alterations between pessimism and optimism, his cosmic optimism, and his optimism about love. Much use of evidence from his poems. NNC GyGNSU

3021. Zlinszky Aladár. Petőfi és a zseni-elmélet. (Székfoglaló értekezés) Budapest: Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, 1941. 104p.

His views of his literary critics, his concept of himself and his poetic creativity, his bohemianism, and his struggles in behalf of humanity. MnU AsWN GeLBM GyBH

3022. Kornis Gyula. Nietzsche és Petőfi. Budapest: Franklin-Társulat, 1942.46p.

The young Nietzsche's knowledge of his poems and a comparison of their outlooks. Chapter on "Az apostol" and Zarathustra. Closing characterization of their prophetic views of man. AsWN

3023. Révai József. "Petőfi Sándor," Irodalmi tanulmányok. Budapest: Szikra, 1950; 318p. Pp. 59-102. [No. 1 appeared as "A forradalom költője" in Szabad Nép, no. 65 (March 15, 1946); no. 2 as "Petőfi Sándor" in Szabad Nép, no. 1 (January l, 1948); no. 3 a memorial address given at Kiskőrös March 15, 1948, and published in Csillag, III (July-August, 1949), 5-7]

Three separate studies from a Marxist-Leninist viewpoint maintaining that the poet did not separate his poetry from the needs and aspirations of the Hungarian people, that the political poet is not separable from his poetry. DLC MnU NN GeLBM GyBDS GyGNSU

3024. Király István. "Petőfi mint vízválasztó," Irodalomtörténet, XXXVIII(1949), 169-183.

The distortion of Petőfi's image by the liberal landed gentry in the decade after the Revolution, the liberalism of the nobility and the middle class in the 1890's, and the liberal bourgeoisie in the first decades of the 20th century. [CU] DLC MnU NN NNC OCl AsWU GeLBM GyBH GyGNSU

3025. A halhatatlan szabadság dala. Írások Petőfiről. Összeállította, az előszót és a jegyzeteket írta Lukácsy Sándor. Budapest: Ifjúsági Könyvkiadó, 1953. 359p.

A collection of separate studies by many hands dealing with his life, character, and writings.

3026. Sőtér István. "Petőfi a János vitéz előtt," Romantika és realizmus. Válogatott irodalmi tanulmányok. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1956; 611p. Pp. 95-134. [Appeared as "Petőfi tipus-alkotó művészete a János vitéz előtt" in Irodalomtörténeti Közlemények, LVIII (1954), 5-20]

Examines his creative period from April, 1842, to November, 1844, from "A borozó" to János vitéz, for its characteristic traits and its relation with his later poetry. DLC MnU NNC AsWN FiHI GeCU GeLBM GyGNSU

3027. Sőtér István. "Petőfi a Felhők után," Romantika és realizmus. Válogatott irodalmi tanulmányok. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1956; 611p. Pp. 135-153. [Written in 1954; 1st publication]

His breaking away from European romanticism toward revolution with a program of action as a new element in his poetry after Felhők and its development in his poems toward its statement in the poem "Levél Várady Antalhoz." DLC MnU NNC AsWN FiHI GeCU GeLBM GyGNSU

3028. Várkonyi Nándor. Az üstökös csóvája. Dokumentumok Petőfiről. Pécs: Dunántúli Magvető, 1957. 259p.

Studies of his life and works. Major part devoted to the problem of his portraits. Other subjects: the mystery of his death, the circumstances surrounding the composition of "Talpra magyar," the number of poems composed in various places and the number of poems written in various years. Chronological table of the major events of his life. Bibliography, pp. 251-258. Closes with numerous illustrations. DLC MH NNC GeLBM GyBDS GyGNSU

3029. Pándi Pál. "Petőfi-képünkről," Kortárs, II (April, 1958), 596-607.

Points up the problems to be solved in his poetry to fill the gaps and meet the demands from a Marxist point of view. DLC MH FiHU GeLBM GyBH

3030. Forgács László. Ünnep után. Petőfi Apostola és a márciusi ifjak világnézete. Budapest: Gondolat, 1960. 261p.

A Marxist analysis of the reasons for the isolation of Petőfi and the youthful revolutionaries from March 15 to August and September 1848. Based on a linking of the events of the period with the philosophical viewpoints expressed by Petőfi in "Az apostol." Seeks to show the "struggling and fighting Petőfi during the week days of the Revolution." Bibliographical notes, pp. 239-259. GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU

3031. Pándi Pál. Petőfi. (Aköltő útja 1844 végéig)Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1961. 589p.

The development of his thought and poetic art through 1844. Marxist in approach. Bibliographical notes, pp. 517-571. IC MH MnU NN NNC AsWN FiHI GeCU GeLBM GyBDS GyGNSU

3032. Turóczi-Trostler József. "Petőfi világirodalmi jelentőségéhez," Magyar irodalom-világirodalom. Tanulmányok. I-II. kötet. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1961. II, 479-579. [A shorter version in German: "Zu Petőfis weltliterarischer Bedeutung," Acta Litteraria Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, II (1959), 3-111, and was published in Hungarian in Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Nyelv- és Irodalomtudományi Osztályának Közleményei, VII (1955), 267-370]

The place of his poetry in the European literature of his age, the first German translators of his poetry, and its echoes in German poetry. Also other translators. DLC InU MnU NN NNC AsWN FiHI GeCU GeLBM GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU

3033. Tanulmányok Petőfiről. Szerkesztette Pándi Pál és Tóth Dezső. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1962. 509p.

Contains nine individual studies of his poetry (with emphasis on his lyric poems) and his prose. MH NNC AsWN FiHU GyBDS GyGNSU

3034. Martinkó András. A prózaíró Petőfi és a magyar prózastílus fejlődése. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1965. 634p.

A detailed analysis of his prose works in chronological order and his letters to determine their style and place in the development of Hungarian prose style. Attention to his individuality and outlook, the form, and prevailing tastes which affected his style. Concludes that his prose artistry had a democratic function which had a natural connection with the realism of his language and style. Bibliographical footnotes. MH AsWN GeLBM GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU