Born 1510? in Tinód; died January 31?, 1556 in Sárvár. Minstrel. Parents were peasants. Probably attended Latin school in Pécs. Set sights on literary and music education. After suffering wound in course of continual wars in Transdanubian region (1530-1535), he decided to become a scribe, then chose career of minstrel. Lived in Dombóvár about 1538. Served at courts of Bálint Török, with whom he lived in Szigetvár until 1542, and, in 1544, of Imre Werbőczi. Attended parliamentary session in Nagyszombat in 1544. Lived at court of András Báthory in Nyirbátor in 1548, thereafter on own estate in Kassa. Raised to noble rank by King Ferdinand in 1553. Went to Transylvania in 1553 to publish poems and visited Debrecen and Bonyha. In Eger in 1555, where he died on estate of Tamás Nádasdy. ¶ The most important minstrel of his time. Developed many epic forms of 16th century. Composed melodies for his own poems. Main theme: Catholic and Protestant quarrels should be eliminated for confrontation of Turks. Wrote many historical songs and celebrated deeds of famous Hungarian soldiers. ¶ His poem "Magyarország siratása" has been translated into Japanese.

FIRST EDITIONS: Cronica . . . Kolozsvár: Hoffgreff György, 1554. [156] leaves. - Sigmond királynak és császárnak chronicaia. Kolozsvár, 1574. [From RMK, I, no. 113] - See also p. 205.


See also nos. 3784 and 3786.

3774. Összes művei. 1540-1555. Szilády Áron gondozásában. [1st collected ed.] Budapest: Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, 1881. 480p. [B] GeLBM GyBH

3775. Budai Ali basa históriája. Jegyzetekkel kísérte Szilády Áron. Budapest: Franklin-Társulat, 1899. 36p. [B] AsWU GeLU

3776. Válogatott históriás énekei. Rendezte és bevezetéssel ellátta Perényi Adolf. Budapest: Lampel Róbert, [1899-1900 között]. 59p. [C] GyGGaU

3777. Dallamai. Közzéteszi Szabolcsi Bence. Budapest: Pesti Könyvnyomda, 1929. 36p. [A]

3778. Válogatott munkái. Összeállította és a jegyzeteket írta Bóta László. Budapest: Magvető, 1956. 259p. [C] DLC MnU GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU

3779. Cronica Tinodi Sebestien szoerzese: Elsoe reszebe Ianos Kiral halalatul fogua ez esztendeig . . . Mas reszebe kueloemb kueloemb idoekbe es orszagokba loet dolgoc Istoriac vannac. Colosvarba. 1554. esztendoebe. (. . . nyomtatot Gyoergy Hoffgreff Muehelyebe.) [Facsimile] Sajtó alá rendezte Varjas Béla, a kísérő tanulmányt írta Bóta László. [Bibliography in supplement, p. 27] Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1959. 160 leaves; supplement, 29p. CLU CtY DLC ICN ICU MH NN NNC AsWN FiHU GeLBM GeOB GyBH GyGNSU


See nos. 3779 and 3783.


3780. Dézsi Lajos. Tinódi Sebestyén. Budapest: Magyar Történelmi Társulat, 1912. 229p.

Attention to historical background, to his poetry, and to the verse chronicles of his successors in the 16th century. Numerous illustrations. MH NN AsWN GeLBM GeLU GyBH GyGGaU GyGNSU


3781. Acsády Ignácz. "Tinódi Sebestyén," Budapesti Szemle, XCVII, nos 265 and 266 (1899), 1-24, 181-213.

His life in relation to the difficult historical period in which he lived, and his poetry as being that of a chronicler of contemporary events rather than that of an artistic poet, with the result that his poems become an accurate source of information about the events of his times. CtY DLC NN NNC AsWN GeLBM GyBH

3782. Beöthy Zsolt. A históriás ének és Tinódi Sebestyén. Budapest: Csobán András, 1904/05. 72p.

Historical background followed by an examination of his verse chronicles as reflecting the national temper of the 16th century and of the events which created this effect in the poems.

3783. Mészöly Gedeon. Tinódi Sebestyén. Nagykőrös: Ottinger Kálmánné, 1906. 157p.

Both a biography and a study of his writings, mainly the latter. Bibliography, pp. 155-157. NNC

3784. Szabolcsi Bence. Tinódi zenéje. Budapest: Tipográfiai Műintézet, 1929. 20, 34p.

In two parts: (1) the characteristics of his 24 known songs set to music and their connections with Hungarian music and (2) the lyrics and music for the songs. ICU

3785. Klaniczay Tibor. "Tinódi Sebestyén emlékezete," Reneszánsz és barokk. Tanulmányok a régi magyar irodalomról. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1961; 595p. Pp. 39-53. [An address given at Sárvár on February I, 1956; appeared in Tinódi-emlékkönyv, pp.11-24; see no. 3786]

Places him in relation to the historical background and literary needs of the period following the defeat at Mohács, emphasizes his concern with and attitudes in his songs toward the events of his times, and finds literary merit in his lyrics despite the fact that his primary interest was in historical comment rather than literary beauty and refinement and experimentation with poetic form. DLC MnU NN NNC AsWN GeLBM GeLU GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU

3786. Tinódi-emlékkönyv. Összeállította, bevezetéssel és magyarázó jegyzetekkel ellátta Horváth István Károly és Naszádos István. Sárvár: Sárvári Községi Tanács, 1956. 207p.

A memorial book on the 400th anniversary of his death containing, in addition to selections from his works, four studies: (1) "Tinódi Sebestyén emlékezete" by Tibor Klaniczay (see no. 3785), (2) "Amagyar zene Tinódiig" by Dezső Legány, (3) "Sárvár szerepe a XVI. század magyar kultúrájában" by István Károly Horváth, and (4) "Tinódi rövid életrajza és énekeinek történeti háttere" by István Naszádos. Illustrations. DLC MnU GyBDS GyBH


Born January 31, 1837 in Györköny; died March 19, 1902 in Budapest. Novelist, short-story writer, poet. Born Lajos Hagymássy. Son of a village clerk; family originally from Transylvania. Attended school in Gyönk and Reformed gymnasium in Nagykőrös, where he studied under János Arany (q.v.). After completing studies at Reformed Theological College in Pest, taught Hungarian, Latin, and Greek languages at Reformed gymnasium in Pest. His poems and prose writings began to appear in periodicals. Married Fáni Sugár in 1865. Became member of Kisfaludy-Társaság in 1866. Moved to Marosvásárhely, Transylvania, in 1868 to become minister of Reformed Church. Founded Erdély in 1870 and Erdélyi Figyelő, a literary periodical, in 1879, which failed in 1880. Founded Kemény Zsigmond Társaság in 1876. In 1879 received honorary doctorate from University of Kolozsvár and became privat-docent in Hungarian literary history at University of Budapest. Resigned from ministry in 1884 and moved to Budapest to earn living by writing. Efforts to sustain himself by this means were not successful. In 1887 founded Irodalom which failed. Became teacher at one of higher elementary gymnasiums in Budapest in 1889, later its director. Became editor of Képes Családi Lapok in May 1891 for a time. ¶ One of the important figures in Hungarian prose near the end of the 19th century. Stands between Jókai and Mikszáth (qq.v.) in development of the Hungarian novel. A follower of János Arany (q.v.) in poetry, but broke with romanticism of period in his novels and introduced strong social concerns. Novels show hatred for, and mercilessly satirize, Hungarians assimilating evils of capitalism. His picture of Hungarian society in 1860's and 1870's anticipates criticism and evaluations by 20th-century writers of effects of capitalism on Hungarian people. He expected reform of society to be accomplished by changes in moral values. Translated English and French novels and prepared Hungarian textbooks. ¶ A collection of his short stories is available in Russian; some of his short stories have been translated into German and Slovakian, and some of his poems into German.


See also no. 2968 for a translation. Annotated work: no. 3885.

3787. Költeményei. Pest: Kertész József, 18651. 244p. AsWN GyBH

3788. Beszélyei. I-II. kötet. Pest: Emich, 18671.

l. kötet: A "Szomorúék," Régi levelek, A paraszt nótárus. 231p.

2. kötet: Malvin kisasszony, Az "ötforintos," Andrásffy Henrik magyar író. 214p.

3789. Életképek. [Elbeszélések] Pest: Emich Gusztáv, 18671. 267p.

3790. A nyomorék. Rajzok a falusi életből. [Elbeszélések] Kiadta a Kisfaludy-Társaság. Pest: Emich Gusztáv, 18671. 230p. GeLBM GyBH

3791. Az én ismerőseim. Beszélyek. Pest: Aigner Lajos, 18721. 295p. GeLBMGyBH

3792. Az urak. Regény egy kötetben. Pest: Athenaeum, 18721. 210p. [1909] MnU FiHI GeLU GyBH

3793. A somvári Fényes Ádám úr. Elbeszélés. Budapest: Aigner Lajos, 18751. 67p. NNC FiHI GeLBM

3794. Tompa Mihály költészete. [Doktori értekezés] Budapest: Franklin-Társulat, 1878. 62p. [Reprinted from Budapesti Szemle]

3795. A báróné ténsasszony. Regény két kötetben. Budapest: Révai Testvérek, 18821. DLC GeLU

3796. A nemes vér. Regény. I-II. kötet. Budapest: Révai Testvérek, 18821. GeLBM GyBH

3797. Az oszlopbáró. Regény. Budapest: Aigner Lajos, 18841. 261p. GyBH

3798. Dániel pap lesz. Regény. Budapest: Athenaeum, 18851. 155p.

3799. A polgármester úr. Regény. I-II. kötet. Budapest: Révai Testvérek, 18851. GyBH

3800. Gábor Dániel szerencséje. Elbeszélés. Budapest, n.d.1. [From Ványi, p. 801 ]

3801. Eladó birtokok. Regény. I-II. kötet. Budapest: Székely Aladár, 18861. GeLBM

3802. A falu urai. Regény. Budapest: Pallas, 18861. 232p. GyBH

3803. A jubilánsok. Regény. Budapest: Singer és Wolfner, 18861. 155p. GyBH

3804. A lutris mester vagy Mi történt Vadason? [Elbeszélés] Budapest: Méhner Vilmos, 18861. 16p.

3805. A szép dobogói malom. [Elbeszélés] Budapest: Méhner Vilmos, 18861. 16p.

3806. A tinó. Elbeszélés. Budapest: Méhner Vilmos, 18861. 15p.

3807. Az új főispán. Regény három kötetben. Budapest: Székely Aladár, 18861. GyBH

3808. A jégkisasszony. Regény. Budapest: Pallas, 18871. 293p.

3809. A kígyó. Elbeszélés. Győr: Gross Gusztáv, 18881. 51p. GyBH

3810. A mai Magyarország. Kisebb elbeszélései. I-II. kötet. Budapest: Légrády Testvérek, 18891. OCl GeLBM GyBH

3811. Szegény emberek útja. Regény. I-II. kötet. Budapest: Légrády Testvérek, 18891 [1888?]. GeLBM

3812. A rongyos. Regény. Budapest: Hungária, 18901. 159p.

3813. Csak egy asszony. Regény. Budapest: Athenaeum, 18911. 132p. [1893] GyBH

3814. Elbeszélések. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvtár, 18921. 182p. OCl GeLBM GyBH

3815. Gárdonyi Géza: A báró lelke. Regény. Tolnai Lajos: Borzasztó úr stafirungja. Elbeszélés. Budapest: Könyves Kálmán, 18931. 172p.

3816. A mi fajunk. Regény. Budapest: Képes Családi Lapok, 18941 [1893]. 192p.

3817. A paizs. Regény. Budapest: Képes Családi Lapok, 18941. 128p.

3818. A grófné ura. Regény. Budapest: Athenaeum, 18971. 152p.

3819. A Kovács-fundáczió. Elbeszélés. Budapest: Révai Testvérek, 18981. 23p. FiHI

3820. A nagy gróf komája. Elbeszélés. Budapest: Révai Testvérek, 18981. 23p. FiHI

3821. A falu koronája. Elbeszélés. Budapest: Méhner Vilmos, 18991. 16p.

3822. A nagy-gyárosék és egyéb elbeszélések. Budapest: Lampel Róbert, 18991. 64p. FiHU GyBH

3823. A báróné ténsasszony. Regény. Bevezette Mikszáth Kálmán. Budapest: Franklin-Társulat, 19052. 346p. [C] DLC MnU OCl FiHI GyBH

3824. A Kéry-család. Regény. Az előszót Féja Géza írta. Budapest: Jövő, 194?1. 64p. [C]

3825. Asötét világ. Regény. Budapest: Athenaeum, 19421. 245p. [C] MnU GeLBM

3826. A megjavult adófelügyelő. Tolnai Lajos elbeszélései. Kiválogatta és bevezette Komlós Aladár. Budapest: Szikra, 1946. 52p. [C]

3827. A nemes vér. Átdolgozta Móricz Zsigmond, bevezette Simó Jenő. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 19513. 124p. [C] DLC MH NN

3828. Az új főispán. Regény. Sajtó alá rendezte, bevezette és jegyzetelte Vajda Miklós. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 19552. 439p. [C] DLC MH MnU FiHI GyBH

3829. Jubilánsok. A szentistváni Kéry-család. Regények. Az utószót és a jegyzeteket írta Teleki László. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1956. 215p. [C] MiU AsWN GyGNSU

3830. Válogatott művei. Sajtó alá rendezte és jegyzetekkel ellátta Gergely Gergely. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1958. 464p. [C] MnU NNC GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU

3831. A polgármester úr. Regény. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 19622. 385p. [C] NNC


See also nos. 3836 and 3843.

3832. Gergely Gergely. "Függelék: bibliográfiák," Tolnai Lajos pályája. Egy fejezet a magyar regény történetéből. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1964;454p. Pp. 419-446.

In four parts: (1) his works arranged chronologically by genre giving the year of publication, the title, name of publication, month and day of publication and then later appearances of the same title (poetry, novels, longer fiction, short stories and sketches, articles, and other writings); (2) his manuscripts in the National Széchényi Library arranged by genre (poetry, fragments of novels, designs of dramas, and other writings); (3) letters to and from the author in the manuscript section of the National Széchényi Library arranged alphabetically by name of person who wrote or received the letter and giving the number of letters and the year(s) written; and (4) studies of the author listed chronologically, giving the name of the author, the title, name of periodical, volume and number. DLC InU MH MnU NNC AsWN GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU


3833. Förhécz József. Tolnai Lajos élete és művei. Budapest: Hollóssy János, 1935. 116p.

A study of his life and works seeking answers to the following questions: (1) Why did he write such somber and untruthful novels? (2) Why, in addition to this gloominess, did he see the joyous life as exclusively somber? (3) Was he a pessimist by nature or did life make him one? Bibliographical footnotes. NN NNC FiHU GeLBM GyBH


See also no. 2947.

3834. Jakab Ödön. "Tolnai Lajos. (Emlékbeszéd)," Kisfaludy-Társaság Évlapjai, XXXVIII (1904), 160-181.

Summarizes his life and comments on the qualities and merits of his ballads, lyrics, and fiction and on his thought and motifs. NNC AsWN GyBH

3835. Elek Oszkár. "Tolnai Lajos balladái," Irodalomtörténeti Közlemények, XXVII (1917), 169-180.

Establishes the characteristics of his ballads and finds the influence of János Arany. Concludes that though other Hungarian writers use the form more effectively, Tolnai has created a number of excellent ballads: "Acsőszház," "Mostoha leány," "Fehér Sándor," "Egy szegény vándorló legényről," "Szépdombi korcsmárosné," and "Lengyel Józsi." CtY DLCMH MnU NNC AsWN AsWU FiHI GeLBM [FeLU] GyBH

3836. Bíró János. Tolnai Lajos. Debrecen-Budapest: Csáthy Ferenc, 1933. 99p.

A brief biography followed by discussions of his works by genres: the poet, the short-story writer, the novelist, and the aesthetician and critic. Bibliography of his works and studies about him, pp. 91-97. MnU FiHI GyBH GyGNSU

3837. Illés Endre. "Tolnai Lajos," Krétarajzok. Budapest: Magvető, 1957; 554p. Pp. 43-53. [Appeared in Nyugat, XXX (July, 1937), 1-7]

The outlines of his life and creative career in relation to his environment and the events of his times. DLC MH GeLBM GeLU GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU

3838. Móricz Zsigmond. "Zászlóhajtás az elsikkasztott s mégis legnagyobb magyar regényíró elme, Tolnai Lajos előtt," Irodalomról, művészetről. 1899-1942. Sajtó alá rendezte Szabó Ferenc. I-II. kötet. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1959. II, 423-429. [Appeared in Kelet Népe, VII (January 1, 1941), 1-3]

An appraisal of the substance of his writing as expressing his view of life and his social concepts which open the way to understanding the great changes that have occurred in the villages since the last decade of the 19th century and which help to explain the slowness of his becoming known as a writer. DLC MH MnU NB NNC AsWN AsWU FiHI GeCU GyBDS

3839. Féja Géza. "Tolnai Lajos ébresztése," Sorsunk, III (1943), 169-180.

Summarizes his life, examines his literary development, comments on the characteristics and merits of his individual works, and maintains that his writings as a whole make him deserving of more attention than he has received, contrary to the "literary dictatorship" of Pál Gyulai. MH MnU GyBH

3840. Belia György. "Tolnai Lajos," Irodalomtörténet, XL (1951), 275-289.

His works and their anti-capitalistic views of the condition of the Hungarian peasantry. Covers the evaluations of his works by Zsigmond Móricz, Géza Féja, and Ferenc Erdei, and gives attention to his world view and his language. [CU] DLC [MH] MnU NN NNC OCl AsWU GeLBM GyBH GyGNSU

3841. Puruczki Béla. "Tolnai Lajos a mi szemünkben," Irodalomtörténet, XLI (1952), 365-403.

Details of his life and literary development by periods: his youth (1837-1860), the beginning of his writing (1860-1868), the years at Marosvásárhely (1864-1868), the height of his literary development (1884-1892), and his twilight (1892-1902). Much attention to his writings and his social and political thought. CU DLC [MH] MnU NN NNC AsWU GeLBM GyBH [GyGNSU]

3842. Simó Jenő. "Tolnai Lajos öröksége. (Tolnai Lajos halálának 50. évfordulója alkalmából)," Csillag, V (1952), 588-593, 716-722.

An examination of his writings and literary efforts. Maintains that he is a good writer and one of the originators of Hungarian realism, that his writings oppose "corrupt bourgeois elements," and that he is in the progressive tradition that opposed "the catastrophe that Horthy-fascism" imposed on the Hungarian people. Discusses the "official literary war" against Tolnai during and after his life, including the praise given him by Móricz (see no. 3838). [DLC] MnU [NN] NNC [FiHI] [GeLBM] GyBH [GyGGaU]

3843. Gergely Gergely. "Tolnai Lajos irodalmi nézetei kritikai munkássága alapján," Irodalomtörténeti Közlemények, LIX (1955), 436-457.

A two-part examination of his critical views intended to make his own writings more understandable: (1) questions of literature and politics and (2) questions of aesthetics. Bibliographical notes, pp. 456-457. DLC MnU NN NNC AsWU GeLBM GyBH

3844. Gergely Gergely. "Bevezetés: Tolnai Lajos (1837-1902)," Tolnai Lajos válogatott művei. Sajtó alá rendezte és a jegyzeteket írta Gergely Gergely. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1958; 464p. Pp. 5-42.

His opposition to contemporary social and political events and their effect on the substance and form of his writings. Attention to Thackeray's influence. MnU NNC GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU

3845. Barta János. "Egy különös író sötét világa (Számvetés Tolnai Lajos körül)," Irodalomtörténeti Közlemények, LXVIII (1964), 133-151, 298-317.

Consideration of his human and literary individuality: view of man, characters, plot, artistic means, narrative technique, and his realism. Also a survey and criticism of evaluations of his writings. DLC MnU NN NNC AsWU GeLBM GyBH

3846. Gergely Gergely. Tolnai Lajos pályája. Egy fejezet a magyar regény történetéből. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1964. 454p.

An analysis of his literary development and his novels emphasizing their high quality, their significant link with Russian and English realism and Hungarian literature in the second half of the 19th century, and their contribution to an understanding of 20th-century Hungarian literature. See no. 3832 for bibliography. DLC InU MH MnU NNC AsWN GyBDSGyBH GyGNSU


Born December 21, 1866 in Cegléd; died April 24, 1917 in Szeged. Short-story writer and ethnologist. Family moved to Szeged in 1869. Attended schools in Szeged and Makó. Became apprentice pharmacist in 1882 for a time. First writings appeared in Szegedi Híradó in 1884 under family name, Steingassner. Joined staff of Szegedi Híradó in 1886, becoming acquainted with Géza Gárdonyi (q.v.). Conscripted into army in 1888 for three years and served in Bosnia, Szeged, and Vienna. Joined staff of Szegedi Napló in 1891. Married Emma Kis in 1894. Collaborated with Kálmán Mikszáth (q.v.) on Országos Hírlap in 1897. In 1899 became librarian of Somogyi Library and employee of Városi Múzeum, for which he undertook the collection of ethnographical materials and direction of excavations in the Szeged area. Named director of Városi Múzeum in 1904. Wrote constantly until death from pneumonia. ¶ His short stories portray realistically the life and problems of peasants on isolated farms and of workers in the Szeged area. Early works dealt with peasants in romantic manner, but later ones turned to realistic portrayals of dramatic events in their lives. Writings also express humor of peasants stemming from their grim existence. Was especially effective in delineating their inner life. Also wrote important archeological and ethnological studies and collected several thousand dialect words used in area of Szeged. ¶ Some of his short stories have been translated into Bulgarian, French, German, Russian, and Serbian.

FIRST EDITIONS: Szegedi parasztok és egyéb urak. [Elbeszélések] Szeged: Bába Sándor, 1893. 343p. - Betyárlegendák. Az alföldi rablóvilág történetei. Első könyv. Szeged: Engel Lajos, 1898. 158p. [No more published] - Jegenyék alatt. Elbeszélések. Szeged: Engel Lajos, 1898. 200p. - Vízenjárók és kétkézi munkások. [Elbeszélések] Szeged: Engel Lajos, 1902. 203p. - Gerendás szobákból. Elbeszélések. Budapest: Singer és Wolfner, 1904. 219p. - Förgeteg János mint közerő és más elbeszélések. Budapest: Singer és Wolfner, 1905. 287p. - Különféle magyarok meg egyéb népek. [Elbeszélések] Budapest: Singer és Wolfner, 1907. 186p. - Napos tájak. [Elbeszélések] Budapest: Singer és Wolfner, 1908. 190p. - Homokos világ. Elbeszélések. Budapest: Singer és Wolfner, 1910. 218p. - Ne engedjük a madarat s más holmik. [Elbeszélések] Budapest: Franklin-Társulat, 1911. 286p. - Bazsarózsák. [Elbeszélések] Budapest: Singer és Wolfner, 1912. 191p. - Egyszerű emberek. [Novellák] Budapest: Az Élet, 1914. 300p. - Margit. [Kisregény] Budapest: Az Érdekes Újság, 1916. 63p. - Népek az ország használatában. [Elbeszélések] Budapest: Táltos, 1917. 284p. - See also no. 3848.


See also no. 3738.

3847. Célszerű szegény emberek. [Elbeszélések] Sajtó alá rendezte és bevezetéssel ellátta Móra Ferenc. Szeged: Délmagyarország, 1922. 181p. [C]

3848. Három színjáték. [Barlanglakók (1st), Szelet hevernek (1st), Az utas]Sajtó alá rendezte és bevezetéssel ellátta Sík Sándor. Szeged: Dugonics-Társaság, 1942. 48p. [C]

3849. Gerendás szobák. [Elbeszélések] Gulácsy Irén bevezető tanulmányával. Budapest: Singer és Wolfner, 1943. 259p. [C] NNC

3850. Rónasági csodák. [Elbeszélések] Sajtó alá rendezte Sík Sándor. Budapest: Szukits, 1943. 214p. [C] NNC AsWN GeLBM

3851. Válogatott elbeszélések. Válogatta és a bevezető tanulmányt írta Vargha Kálmán. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1953. 133p. [C] DLC GyBH

3852. Föltetszik a hajnal. Tárcák, rajzok, elbeszélések. Sajtó alá rendezte Madácsy László. Szeged: Tiszatáji Magvető, 1955. 323p. [C] DLC MH GeLBM

3853. A ravasz Kabók. Vidám elbeszélések. A kötet anyagát összeállította és az utószót írta Czibor János. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1955. 293p. [C] GeLU GyGNSU

3854. Összegyűjtött művei. [I-VIII.] kötet. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1956-1963. [C]

[Volumes not numbered; arranged chronologically]

1. A tengeri város. Elbeszélések, 1885-1896. Sajtó alá rendezte Czibor János. 1956. 441p.

2. A Szent Mihály a jégben. Elbeszélések, 1897-1900. Sajtó alá rendezte Czibor János. 1957. 451p.

3. Új bor idején. Elbeszélések, 1901-1904. Sajtó alá rendezte és az utószót írta Czibor János. 1958. 520p.

4. Hajnali sötétben. Elbeszélések, 1905-1910. Sajtó alá rendezte és az utószót írta Czibor János. 1958. 520p.

5. Barlanglakók. Elbeszélések, 1911-1913. Sajtó alá rendezte és az utószót írta Czibor János. 1959. 508p.

6. Öreg regruták. Elbeszélések, 1914-1915. Sajtó alá rendezte és jegyzetekkel ellátta Czibor János. 1959. 487p.

7. A kraszniki csata. Elbeszélések, 1916-1917. Sajtó alá rendezte Czibor János. 1960. 536p.

8. Munkák és napok a Tisza partján. Cikkek, riportok, tanulmányok, 1884-1916. Sajtó alá rendezte Péter László. 1963. 542p.


3855. Válogatott elbeszélései. Válogatta és sajtó alá rendezte Czibor János, a bevezetőt írta Kispéter András. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1960. 639p. [C] DLC NN NNC AsWN GyBDS


3856. Péter László. Betűrendes mutató . . . Szeged: Somogyi Könyvtár, 1961. 23p.

An index of the titles in no. 3854.


3857. Juhász Gyula. Tömörkény István élete és művei. Szeged: Dugonics-Társaság, 1941. 76p.

His life and works within the framework of his background and activities in Szeged.


See also nos. 2648 and 2947.

3858. Krúdy Gyula. "Tömörkény István," Írói arcképek. Válogatta, az utószót és a jegyzeteket írta Kozocsa Sándor. I-II. kötet. Budapest: Magvető, 1957. II, 463-469. [Appeared in Magyarország, no. 108 (April 25, 1917), 1-2; no. 113 (May 1, 1917), 3-4]

Two studies: one concerned with the subject matter of the writings of the "Szeged peasant" who was a "Petőfi" but wrote prose, and the other providing a portrait of Tömörkény based on personal recollections. DLC IC MH MiD NN NNC AsWN FiHU GeCU GeLBM GyBH GyGNSU

3859. Móricz Zsigmond. "Tömörkény István," Irodalomról, művészetről. 1899-1942. Sajtó alá rendezte Szabó Ferenc. I-II. kötet. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1959. I, 332-334. [Appeared in Nyugat, X (May l, 1917), 829-831]

A portrait of the scholar, collector, and especially the artist. On the occasion of his death. DLC MH MnU NB NNC AsWN AsWU FiHI GeCU GyBDS

3860. Török Gyula. "Tömörkény," Nyugat,X (May 1, 1917), 832-833.

Records the absence of artificiality in his works, his recognition as an important writer abroad, his power as a writer independent of regional source materials from Szeged and its surrounding areas, and his lack of literary vanity. Written on the occasion of his death. MnU NN NNC AsWN FiHU GeLBM GyBH

3861. Juhász Gyula. "Találkozások Tömörkénnyel," Kortársak nagy írókról. Második sorozat. A válogatás és a jegyzetek Lukácsy Sándor munkája. Budapest: Művelt Nép, 1956; 478p. Pp. 280-283. [Appeared in Magyarország, no. 218 (September 29, 1925), 1-2]

A retrospective appraisal of his writings seven years after his death, and accounts of Juhász's visits with him. DLC MnU NNC FiHU GyBDS

3862. Ortutay Gyula. "Tömörkény István," Írók, népek, századok. Budapest: Magvető, 1960; 475p. Pp. 25-106. [Appeared separately with same title: Szeged: Magyar Irodalomtörténeti Füzetek, 1934; 114p.]

Outlines his life and the critical reception of his works, his literary development in relation to the currents of his times, his art and creative temperament, his individuality and the composition of his writings, his style, and his relationship with the school of Mikszáth and Gárdonyi. DLC MB MnU NN NNC AsWN FiHI FiHU GeLBM GeLU GyBDS

3863. Keresztury Dezső. "Egy népies kis-mester: Tömörkény István," Válasz, VII (August, 1947), 168-170.

His realism, his place in the development of literature dealing with Hungarian peasant life, his connections with and knowledge of the life of the peasants around Szeged, and the significance of his works. [CSt-H] DLC [NNC] [FiHI] GeLU [GeOB]

3864. Vargha Kálmán. "Tömörkény István," Tömörkény István: Válogatott elbeszélések. Válogatta és a bevezető tanulmányt írta Vargha Kálmán. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1953; 133p. Pp. 5-16.

Outlines his life and literary career, his literary isolation in Szeged, his turning toward the people during the period of the Compromise, and his writings as being more than ethnographical works. DLC GyBH

3865. Kispéter András. "Bevezetés," Tömörkény István válogatott elbeszélései. Válogatta és sajtó alá rendezte Czibor János. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1960; 639p. Pp. 5-40.

Consideration of his literary development and the forces that affected him, and an examination of his short stories for their style and the realism of his treatments of the world of the Hungarian peasant. A brief discussion of his times and some of the major events of his life. DLC NN NNC AsWN GeLBM GyBDS

3866. Kispéter András. Tömörkény István. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1964. 299p.

Astudy of the development of his works and the forces affecting his individuality as a man and writer (style, language, form), and their connection with the literary currents of his times. Biographical details. Bibliographical footnotes. Illustrations. MH NNC AsWN FiHU GeLBM GyBDS GyGNSU


Born September 28, 1817 in Rimaszombat; died July 30, 1868 in Hanva. Poet. Son of a bootmaker from impoverished line of aristocrats. Parents' death placed him in care of grandparents. Entered Református Kollégium in Sárospatak in 1832 with help of Szentimrey family. Worked as servant to students. Left school in 1838 to become assistant teacher in Sárbogárd. Returned to Kollégium in Sárospatak in March 1839 and completed studies in theology and law in 1844. Poems appeared regularly from 1840 in Athenaeum, Életképek, Pesti Divatlap, and Honderű. Served as tutor in Eperjes, where he began friendship with Sándor Petőfi (q.v.) in 1845. In December 1845 went to Pest, where he became acquainted with József Bajza, András Fáy, Mihály Vörösmarty (qq.v.), and Ferenc Toldy. Considered becoming lawyer and remaining in Pest but accepted ministry in Beje in 1846. Member of Kisfaludy-Társaság in 1847. Moved to Kelemér in 1849 and Hanva in 1851, where he remained until his death. Married Emilia Zsoldos in 1849. Formed close friendship with János Arany (q.v.) in Nagykőrös in 1852. Visited by Arany and family for month in 1855. Journeyed to Transylvania in 1856. Became member of Academy in 1858. Awarded Academy Prize for memorial poem on Ferenc Kazinczy (q.v.) in 1859 and its Grand Prize for his poems in 1868. Was Arany's guest in Pest in summer 1865. Health began serious decline in 1857. Went to Vienna in 1866 for medical attention to hypertrophy of heart. ¶ Important representative of popular and national tendencies in Hungarian literature. Transitional figure between romantic-sentimental and folk-national poetry. His narrative poetry considered inferior; allegories and elegies effective. Lyric poems often take form of reveries. Often praised for use of materials from nature. Major theme: death and transitoriness of life. First, and possibly greatest, success was achieved by collections of popular legends. ¶ Some of his poems have been translated into Arabian, Bulgarian, English, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Rumanian, Russian, Slovakian, and Swedish.

FIRST EDITIONS: Népregék, népmondák. [Költemények] Pest: Beimel József, 1846. 200p. - Arany János: Toldi. Költői beszély. Tompa Mihály: Szuhay Mátyás. Költői beszély. Garay János: Bosnyák Zsófia. Legenda. Pest: Eggenberger és Fia, 1847. 120p. - Versei. I. kötet. Pest: Emich Gusztáv, 1847. 174p. - Regék, beszélyek. Miskolc: Deutsch Dávid, 1852. 314p. - Versei. Kiadta Friebeisz István. I-II. kötet. Pest: Müller Gyula, 1854. [2d ed.] - Virágregék. Pest: Friebeisz István, 1854. 216p. - Hűség. Halotti beszéd b. e. özvegy Molnár Károlyné született Dobfeneki Syposs Lidia asszony gyászünnepélyén. Sajó-Kazán, júl. 9. 1855. Miskolc, 1855. [From Szinnyei, XIV, 293] - Két halotti beszéd: 1. A halál mint az élet bírálata, 2. A nő helye s hivatásának szépsége és fontossága. Szathmáry Király Pál és Draskóczy Sámuelné felett. Miskolc, 1855. [From Szinnyei, XIV, 293] - Mit örököl a haza nagy fiai után? Halotti beszéd boldog emlékezetű Széki gróf Teleki József felett. Miskolc, 1855. [From Szinnyei, XIV, 293] - Versei. I-VI. kötet. Pest: Heckenast Gusztáv, 1858-1863. [The 1st collection] - Egyházi beszédek. I-II. kötet. Miskolc: Fraenkl B., 1859-1864. - Dalok és románczok. Budapest, 1860. [From Magyar irodalmi lexikon, III, 381] - Újabb költeményei. Pest, 1866. [From Szinnyei, XIV, 293] - Halotti emlékbeszédek. Néhány utófohászszal. Miskolc, 1867. [From Szinnyei, XIV, 294] - Legújabb költeményei. Pest: Heckenast Gusztáv, 1867. 167p. - Olajág. Elmélkedések, fohászok és imák. Pest: Heckenast Gusztáv, 1867. 334p. - See also no. 3876.


3867. Összes költeményei. Rendezték Arany János, Gyulai Pál, stb., Szász Károly bevezetésével: Tompa Mihály életrajza. [1st collected ed.] I-IV. kötet. Budapest: Méhner Vilmos, 1870. [C]

1-2. kötet: Dalok, ódák, 1840-1865. 1-2. kötet.

3. kötet: Balladák, beszélyek, 1846-1860. Regék, 1845-1860. 462p.

4. kötet: Népregék, 1844-1860. Virágregék, 1844-1858. 404p.


3868. Összes költeményei. Teljes kiadás. Sajtó alá rendezte Lévay József. I-IV. kötet. Budapest: Mehner Vílmos, 1885. [C]

1. kötet: Dalok. Ódák. Tompa Mihály életrajza Szász Károlytól. 379p.

2. kötet: Dalok. Ódák. Románczok. Balladák. 451p.

3. kötet: Balladák. Beszélyek. Regék. 438p.

4. kötet: Népregék. Virágregék. 383p.

3869. Munkái. Sajtó alá rendezte és bevezetéssel ellátta Lévay József. I-IV. kötet. Budapest: Franklin-Társulat, 1902-1905. [C]

1. kötet: Dalok. Ódák. 1902. 272p.

2. kötet: Dalok. Ódák. Románczok. Balladák. 1903. 275p.

3. kötet: Balladák. Beszélyek. Regék. 1904. 291p.

4. kötet : Népregék. Virágregék. 1905. 250p.


3870. Művei. Első kötet: Költemények, 1840-1847. Kiadja és bevezetéssel ellátta Kéky Lajos. Budapest: Franklin-Társulat, 1914. 463p. [A] GeLBM

3871. Munkái. Ravasz László bevezetésével. I-III. kötet. Budapest: Franklin-Társulat, 1928. [C]

1-2. kötet: Kisebb költemények: dalok, ódák. 1-2. kötet.

3. kötet: Balladák és elbeszélő költemények. Regék. A népregékből. Avirágregékből. 211 p.


3872. Összes művei. Budapest: Franklin-Társulat, 1942. 1502p. [C] (1947) MnU NNC GeCU GeLBM GyGNSU

3873. Összes versei. Vajthó László bevezetésével. Budapest: Aczél Testvérek, 1942. 312p. [C]

3874. Válogatott versek és levelek. Összeállította és jegyzetekkelellátta Bisztray Gyula. Budapest: Magvető, 1955. 191p. [C]

3875. Válogatott művei. Válogatta, a jegyzeteket és a bevezetést írta Bisztray Gyula. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1961. 719p. [B]DLC MnU NB NNC AsWN GeLBM GyBDS

3876. Levelezése. Sajtó alá rendezte és a jegyzeteket írta Bisztray Gyula. I-II. kötet. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 19641. [A]

l. kötet: 1839-1862. 499p.

2. kötet: 1863-1868. 601p.



See nos. 2966, 3878, 3889, and 3895.


See also no. 233.

3877. Ferenczy József. Tompa Mihály. Kassa: Maurer Adolf, 1877. 107p.

Biography; also some attention to his poetry. NNC FiHI

3878. S.Szabó József. Tompa Mihály, a költő-pap. Budapest: Hornyánszky Viktor, 1901. 115p.

Only slight attention to criticism of his works; organized mainly on the basis of his place of residence. Bibliography of his works and studies about him, pp. 103-115.

3879. Lengyel Miklós. Tompa Mihály élete és művei. Budapest: Athenaeum 1906. 243p.

Both a biography and a study of his writings. Chapters on his legends and tales, his relations with János Arany and Petőfi, his allegories, and his tales of flowers. MnU GyBH

3880. Lévay József. Tompa Mihályról. Budapest: Lampel R., 1906. 60p.

A memorial address dealing with his life and surroundings followed by an account of his personality and character, based on Lévay's personal recollections and relations with him. GyBH

3881. Kéky Lajos. Tompa Mihály. Budapest: Franklin-Társulat, 1912. 192p.

Much attention to his writings: their subject matter and style, their development, the influences upon them. Closes with a discussion of his personality and his poetry. MnU NNC FiHI GeLBM GyBH

3882. Váczy János. Tompa Mihály életrajza. Budapest: Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, 1913. 303p.

Both a biography and a study of his writings and literary development. Attention to influences. Chapters on his allegories, narrative poems, and lyric poems. MH MnU NN NNC AsWN AsWU FiHI GeLBM GeOB GyBH


See also nos. 289 and 3527.

3883. Gyulai Pál. "Szépirodalmi szemle," Kritikai dolgozatok. 1854-1861. Budapest: Franklin-Társulat, 1908; 404p. Pp. 147-161, 165-173. [Appeared in Budapesti Hírlap (1855), nos. 626-629, 641, 643-645, 647, 650, 655-657, 703-704, 706,712-713, 715, 721, 724-725, 751-756, 758]

An evaluation of Tompa's place in relation to his contemporaries. Examines the form of his poetry, his uses of nature, and his tendency toward allegory. Considerable discussion of his descriptive poems and their similarity in form to those of Petőfi and János Arany. DLC MH MnU NN NNC AsWN AsWU FiHI FiHU GeCU GeLBM GeLU GyBH GyGGaU

3884. Arany János. "Tompa Mihály költeményei," Hátrahagyott prózai dolgozatai. I-IV. kötet. Budapest: Ráth Mór, 1889. II, 290-296. [Appeared in Koszorú, I (September 13, 1863), 257-259]

Areview of the sixth volume of his poetry, published in 1863, maintaining that it shows more depth, richness, and seriousness than any of his previous poems and that it is ruled by the depth and elevation of the ode and contains thoughts pervading the important values of life and the world. IC ICU MnU [NN] [NNC] [AsWN] [GeLU] [GyBH] GyGNSU

3885. Tolnai Lajos. Tompa Mihály költészete. [Doktori értekezés] Budapest: Franklin-Társulat, 1878. 62p. [Reprinted from Budapesti Szemle]

A study of the inner world of the poet, searching the origins of his worries and emotions, examining the sources of his clear consciousness of self originating from his love, hope, belief, joy of life, and suffering, and finding the elements that inclined him as a boy toward poetry. Consideration of the age that called him to sing, his views of man, what poets of his generation influenced him, what helped and what arrested his poetic development, and what gave direction to his poetry.

3886. Kerékgyártó Elek. Tompa Mihály költészete. Budapest: Aigner Lajos, 1879. 151p.

An examination of the subject, style, and development of his poetry. GeLBM GyBH

3887. Réti József. Tompa Mihály. Jellemrajz. Budapest: Ranschburg Gusztáv, 1899. 84p.

A characterization of his spiritual and intellectual viewpoints: friendship, love, family life, women, and religious beliefs.

3888. Szent-Imrey György. Tompa Mihály. Budapest: Kókai Lajos, 1907. 82p.

The dominant characteristics of "his vigorously developed individuality" and an examination of "his works of lasting value" to learn their contribution to "the intellectual development" of his readers. Begins with 1840. GyBH

3889. Bene Kálmán. Tompa és a természet. Doktori értekezés. Budapest: Légrády Testvérek, 1910. 113p.

An analysis of his feelings for and characteristic uses of nature in his poetry. Bibliography, p. [114]. MnU GyBH

3890. Pollák Miksa. Tompa Mihály és a Biblia. Budapest: Izraelita Magyar Irodalmi Társulat, 1912. 194p.

A study of the presence of biblical materials in and their influence on his writings, to show the part played by the Bible on the development of his individuality and the effect of its spirit on his personality. MH NNC AsWN FiHI GyBH

3891. Négyesy László. "Tompa," Budapesti Szemle, CLXXII, no. 492 (1917), 340-355.

The historical importance of his career in affecting the development of the Hungarian lyric, and the aesthetic value of his poetry. DLC [NN] [NNC] AsWN GeLBM GyBH

3892. Váczy János. Tompa Mihály emlékezete születésének századik fordulóján. Budapest: Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, 1918. 27p.

The development of his poetry, especially his epics and his lyrics, from traditional modes in the direction of the poetry of Petőfi and János Arany in relation to the intellectual and political currents of his times; the effect of the failure of the Revolution of 1848-1849 on the writers of the age and his attitudes to the Compromise of 1867. Bibliographical footnotes. MnU GyBH

3893. Hatvany Lajos. "Tompa Mihály. A Fekete könyv írója," Irodalmi tanulmányok. I-II. kötet. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1960. I, 274-287. [Appeared in Nyugat, XII (June 16-July 1, 1919), 867-877]

A study of his poetry, personality, and character. MnU NN AsWN GeLBM GyBDS GyGNSU

3894. Császár Elemér. Tompa Mihály. Budapest: Bethlen Gábor, 1923. 63p.

The forces that affected his personality and writings, and the character of his literary works, especially his poetry. NNC GyBH

3895. Erdélyi Dezső. Tompa vallásossága. Budapest: Radó István, 1940. 69p.

An analysis of his religious beliefs based on an examination of the influences that affected his development, of Tompa as a man and pastor, of his relations with the church and the Bible, and of his writings. Bibliography, pp. 67-69. GeLBM

3896. Horváth János. "Az új ízlés egyéni változatai: Tompa," Tanulmányok. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1956; 638p. Pp. 334-358. [Part of a university lecture series, 1928-1930; 1st publication]

His relations with Petőfi and the characteristics of his poetry as seen in the light of Petőfi's poetry and the extent to which he advanced the "national classicism" to which Petőfi had given form. Maintains that basically his poetry failed to add to the new development. DLC MH MnU NNC GeLBM GeLU GyBDS GyBH GyGGaU GyGNSU

3897. Bisztray Gyula. "Bevezetés," Tompa Mihály válogatott művei. Válogatta és a jegyzeteket írta Bisztray Gyula. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1961; 719p. Pp. 5-69.

His literary development before and after 1849, the strengths and weaknesses of his writings by type (lyric poetry, narrative poetry, prose), and the details of his illness. DLC MnU NB NNC AsWN GeLBM GyBDS


Born July 16, 1888 in Simánd; died October 20, 1918 in Budapest. Novelist, short-story writer, journalist. Son of a manorial steward. Attended school in Kolozsvár. Prepared for teaching of history and geography at University of Kolozsvár but never completed studies. Became journalist in Kolozsvár in 1906. Moved to Budapest in 1910 and worked for Magyar Hírlap, later for Esti Újság and Magyar Kurir, and from 1916 for Magyarország. Numerous other periodicals and dailies published his writings, including Népszava, Nyugat, Egyenlőség, and Pesti Napló. Became an able painter, draughtsman, and caricaturist. Died when he was beginning to be acclaimed. ¶ Important to development of realistic fiction in Hungary; one to whom later writers turned for study. Some of his short stories retain interest, but are for the most part dated because they represent currents of naturalism and impressionism dominant at the turn of the century. Novels are concerned with criticism of gentry and turn toward realism with social criticism similar to that of Margit Kaffka (q.v.), especially her Színek és évek. Numerous sketches satirize "parasites" of society and World War I. Wrote many criticisms of fine arts. ¶ Some of his short stories have been translated into French.


See also no. 3860 for annotated work.

3898. Kis Ferkó. Történelmi elbeszélés. Kolozsvár: Stief, 1908. 67p.

3899. A porban. Regény. I-II. kötet. Budapest: Táltos, 19171. MnU GyBHGyGNSU

3900. Szerelmes szívünk. [Elbeszélések] Budapest: Légrády Testvérek, 19171. 222p. IC OCl

3901. A zöldköves gyűrű. Regény. Budapest: Táltos, 19181. 332p. OCl GeLBM GyBH

3902. Fehér virág. Regényes novellafüzér. Budapest: Táltos, 19191. 130p. [C] OCl GyBH

3903. A halszemű három fia. [Elbeszélés] Budapest: Franklin-Társulat, 19191. 176p. [C]

3904. A Rozál lánya. Novellák. Összeállította és előszóval ellátta Féja Géza. Budapest: Stádium, 1944. 64p. [C]

3905. A zöldköves gyűrű. [Regény] Sajtó alá rendezte és az előszót írta Domokos Mátyás. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1956. 387p. [C]

3906. Ikrek. Regény és elbeszélések. [1st ed. of novel] Válogatta és az előszót írta Domokos Mátyás. I-II. kötet. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1957. [C] DLC InU MH NN NNC GeLBM GyBH GyGNSU

3907. A porban. Regény. Az előszó Sőtér István munkája. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1964. 360p. GeLBM GyBDS


See no. 3908.


3908. Kováts József. Török Gyula élete. Cluj-Kolozsvár: Ardealul, 1930. 59p.

Minimal attention to his writings. Bibliography of unpublished and published works, pp. 56-57; bibliography of studies about him, pp. 58-59. GyBH


3909. Krúdy Gyula. "Török Gyula," Írói arcképek. Válogatta, az utószót és a jegyzeteket írta Kozocsa Sándor. I-II. kötet. Budapest: Magvető, 1957. II, 489-496. [Appeared in Magyarország, no. 312 (December 20, 1917), 3]

Deems the novel A porban a success despite its flaws and places the author in relation to the second generation of writers, those who studied Balzac, Zola, Turgenev, Dickens, and Thackeray and who have Paul Verlaine and Petőfi as their poetic ideal. Also a sketch of Török's personality, character, and his unhappy circumstances, based on personal knowledge. DLC ICMH MiD NN NNC AsWN FiHU GeCU GeLBM GyBH GyGNSU

3910. Gellért Oszkár. "Török Gyula," Nyugat,XI (March l, 1918), 426-429.

A review of Szerelmes szívünk and A porban marking his style as not having developed its individuality, Anatole France as an influence on him his composition as placing him in the forefront of Hungarian writers, his characters as to their conventionality, and his novels as being neither of manners nor adequately psychological. MnU [NN] NNC FiHU GeLBM GyBH

3911. Vajda János, ifj. "Török Gyula (1888-1938)," Nyugat, XXXI (November, 1938), 361-363.

Surveys his ten-year literary career with comment on individual works and their relation with his development. Written for the 50th anniversary of his birth. MnU NN NNC [FiHI] FiHU GeLBM [GeLU] GyBH

3912. Lengyel Imre. "Török Gyula, az író," Pap Károly-emlékkönyv. Írták barátai és tanítványai. Debrecen: Lehotai Pál, 1939; 638p. Pp. 224-241. [1st publication]

Provides the major outlines of his life and literary career, and examines his writings to determine the characteristics of their subject and form.

3913. Lovass Gyula. Török Gyula. Budapest: Magyar Irodalomtörténeti Társaság, 1941. 10p.

The forces affecting his personality, viewpoints and works, beginning with his childhood; his relations with his friends and the times; the development of his literary creativity and its expression of his inner struggles; and the characteristics of his works.

3914. Thurzó Gábor. "Török Gyula," Ködlovagok. Írói arcképek. Szerkesztette Thurzó Gábor, Márai Sándor előszavával. Budapest: Szent István-Társulat, 1942; 347p. Pp. 330-345. [1st publication]

Maintains that among the forgotten writers of his times he is among those most worthy of attention. Compares and contrasts his works with Zsigmond Justh's, and discusses Török's treatment of the traumatic, the distinctive qualities of his style, and his isolation from the events of his times.

3915. Domokos Mátyás. "Ahalhatatlanság purgatóriumában," Török Gyula: Ikrek. Regény és elbeszélések. Válogatta és az előszót írta Domokos Mátyás. I-II. kötet. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1957. I, 5-18.

Consideration of his ideals expressed in his writings, his feelings for the condition of man, the modernity of his writings, and his lack of success in gaining notice. A discussion of the period from 1896 to World War Ito explain the neglect of Hungarian writers in Hungary and the failure to advance their fame in other European cultures. DLC InU MH NN NNC GeLBM GyBH GyGNSU

3916. Galsai Pongrác. "Török Gyula (1888-1918)," Társtalanok. Írói arcképek. Pécs: Dunántúli Magvető, 1957; 135p. Pp. 59-81.

Details of his life, character, and literary works. DLC GeLBM

3917. Vargha Kálmán. "Török Gyula arcképéhez," Irodalomtörténet, XLV (1957), 34-44.

A summary of the scholarship on the man and his works, a brief biography, treatment of the gentry in A porban and A zöldköves gyűrű, and a judgment of his short stories as being weaker than his novels. Bibliographical footnotes. CU DLC MH MnU NN NNC AsWU GeLBM GeLU GyBDS GyBH


Born 1650 in Alsómisztótfalu; died March 20, 1702 in Kolozsvár. Printer, scholar, linguist, publisher. Name also written: Misztótfalusi Kis. Parents were poor. Studied in Alsómisztótfalu, Nagybánya about 1662, and Nagyenyed about 1666. Became rector of schools in Fogaras 1677-1680. Went to Holland in 1680 to master art of printing. Quickly established reputation in Amsterdam and elsewhere in Europe. Also did printing for the Pope. Was invited to establish shop in Florence but prepared to return to Transylvania. In 1689 published bibliophile edition of the Bible in Hungarian with corrections of translation and printing errors. Returned to Transylvania in 1690. Married Mária Székely. Harassed by religious conservatives who had found his corrections of the Bible offensive, he wrote Apologia Bibliorum (1697) to justify what he had done. Opposition did not lessen; in 1698 published Maga-mentsége, another reply to opponents. On June 13, 1698, Council of Nagyenyed insisted on public apologies to those offended by this reply, and his most important works were burned. He did not live long after this humiliation. ¶ His lifework represents a large program to develop and popularize Hungarian culture.

FIRST EDITIONS: [Specimen characterum typographicorum Nicolai Kis]Amsterdam: Misztótfalusi Kis Miklós, ca. 1686. 1 leaf. - Calvin, Jean: A genevai szent gyülekezetnek catechismussa . . . Magyar nyelvre fordíttatott. Kiadta Misztótfalusi Kis Miklós. Kolozsvár: Misztótfalusi Kis Miklós, 1695. 111p. - Apologia Bibliorum Anno 1684. Amstelodami impressorum . . . Claudiopoli, 1697. [From Szinnyei, XIV, 346] - Kegyességgel, Betsülettel, közönséges Munkával érdemlett igazság koronája . . . (Bethlen Elek halálára írt gyász versek) Kolozsvár, 1697. [From Szinnyei, XIV, 346] - Siralmas panasz: Istennek Kolozsváron fekvő nagy haragjáról. [Vers] Kolozsvár, 1697. [From RMK,I, no. 1505] - Maga személyének, életének és különös cselekedeteinek mentsége. [Röpirat] Kolozsvár: Misztótfalusi Kis Miklós, 1 698. [52] leaves.


See also nos. 3921 (letters), 3924, and 3926 (a possible translation).

3918. M. Tótfalusi K. Miklósnak maga személyének, életének, és különös tselekedeteinek Mentsége. Mellyet az Irégyek ellen, kik a közönséges Jónak ezaránt meggátolói, írni kénszeríttetett. Kolosváratt, 1698. Esztendőben. Mellyet most újjolag kinyomtattak Tolnai Gábor bérekesztő-beszédével. Gyoma: Kner Izidor, 1940. 123p. MnU

3919. Misztótfalusi Kis Miklósnak, maga személyének, életének és különös cselekedeteinek Mentsége, melyet az irégyek ellen, kik a közönséges jónak ezaránt meggátolói, írni kénszeríttetett Kolozsváratt, 1698, esztendőben. [Röpirat] Sajtó alá rendezte és magyarázta Bán Imre, bevezette Klaniczay Tibor. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1952. 170p. [B] DLC MnU

3920. Munkáiból. [Szemelvények: Siralmas panasz; Mentség; válogatott levelek; előjáró beszéd az Amszterdamban 1686-ban kiadott zsoltárokhoz; az 1684-ben, Amszterdamban nyomtatott bibliának és az abban található helyes írásnak három részre felosztott védelme] A bevezetőt írta, a szövegeket kiválogatta és jegyzetekkel ellátta Tordai Zádor. Az "Apologia Bibliorum" itt közölt részét latin eredetiből fordította Kiss Géza. Budapest és Bukarest: Művelt Nép Könyvkiadó és Állami Tudományos Kiadó, 1954. 324p. [B] DLC MH GyBDS


See nos. 3922 and 3924.


3921. Dézsi Lajos. Misztótfalusi Kis Miklós. (1650-1702) Budapest: Magyar Történelmi Társulat, 1898. 208p.

Considerable attention to the background of his times. Appendix: (1) His letter on instruction in the Hungarian language, (2) His letters to Mihály Teleki and Mihály Tofeus, István Pataki, and Mihály Teleki, and (3) His will. Bibliographical footnotes. NNC

3922. Szíj Rezső. Misztótfalusi Kis Miklós. Pápa: Főiskolai Könyvnyomda, 1937. 94p.

Attention to his interest in printing and his craft. Appendix: Ferenc Pápai's Életének könyve, a poem on bookprinting and Misztótfalusi. Bibliographical notes, pp. 89-90; bibliography, pp. 91-92.


3923. Tolnai Gábor. "M. Tótfalusi K. Miklós," M. Tótfalusi K. Miklósnak maga személyének, életének, és különös tselekedeteinek Mentsége. Mellyet az Irégyek ellen, kik a közönséges Jónak ezaránt meggátolói, írni kénszeríttetett. Kolosváratt, 1698. Esztendőben. Mellyet most újjolag kinyomtattak Tolnai Gábor bérekesztő-beszédével. Gyoma: Kner Izidor, 1940; 123p. Pp. 107-117.

His development as a printer, the problems attending his edition of the Bible, and the tragedy of his life, especially in Transylvania after his return from Amsterdam, under the envy and opposition of a feudalistic society. MnU

3924. Szíj Rezső. Misztótfalusi Kis Miklós. Budapest: Turul, 1943. 166p.

Anaccount of his lifework, with attention to his times. Provides a copy of his Siralmas panasz. Appendix: Information on Siralmas panasz. Bibliography, pp. 133-137. Illustrations. DLC MH NNC AsWN GyBH GyGGaU

3925. Klaniczay Tibor. "Tótfalusi Kis Miklós," Reneszánsz és barokk. Tanulmányok a régi magyar irodalomról. Budapest : Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1961; 595p. Pp. 528-543. [A memorial address presented to the Magyar Írók Szövetsége on December 17, 1950; appeared as introduction to Misztótfalusi Kis Miklósnak . . . Mentsége, pp. 7-22; see no. 3919]

His career as a printer, his objective of advancing knowledge and the Hungarian language, the obstacles he encountered in Transylvania, his view of printing as improving orthography, and his Mentség as his entry into the world of literature and as an account of the difficulties imposed upon him by the Hapsburg régime, the feudal class, and the church. DLCMnU NN NNC AsWN GeLBM GeLU GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU

3926. Országh László. "Misztótfalusi Kis és az első könyv Amerikáról," Magyar Könyvszemle, LXXIV (1958), 22-41. [Also a reprint]

Seeks to show that he was the translator and publisher of Increase Mather's De Successis Evangelii apud Indos in Nova Anglia, Epistola ad cl. virum D. Johannem Leusdenum, originally published in London in 1688. First American book published in Hungary, with only copy in the library of the Protestant College, in Debrecen, Bibliographical footnotes. Summary in English, p. 41. CU CtY DLC ICN [ICU] MH NjP NN NNC PU WaU AsWU FiHU GeLBM GeLU GeOB GyBDS


Born April 14, 1886 in Arad; died November 7, 1928 in Budapest. Poet, translator, critic. Father a sculptor. Affected by father's hopes and difficult financial circumstances of family. Family moved to Debrecen in 1889. Attended gymnasium in Debrecen in 1904 and then entered University of Budapest in 1905 to study Hungarian and German. Beginning in 1907, his poems appeared in A Hét, Vasárnapi Újság, and Debrecen dailies and from 1908 on in Nyugat. Without support from home and with low income from poems, he was forced to return to Debrecen and despite several attempts, never obtained teaching certificate. Father's health and family's security ruined by rejection and actual destruction of Freedom Statue by the city as poor work of art. Became dramatic critic for Debreceni Független Újság without pay in fall 1909. Joined staff of Debreceni Nagy Újság with pay in 1911, and obtained income from criticism and poems being published in Nyugat. In 1913 went to Budapest when Debreceni Nagy Újság ceased publication. Became tutor to well-to-do family and received some income from writings. Lived under difficult circumstances. Suffered from consumption, worsening condition forced him to seek health at Svedlér Sanitorium in the Tátra Mountains. Thereafter he often spent months in mountains with help from friends. Became assistant editor of Esztendő. Married in 1917. Became secretary of Vörösmarty Academy during period of Revolutionary Government. Could not obtain position after failure of Revolution. Circumstances were so desperate he considered suicide. Joined editorial staff of Az Est in 1921, and circumstances improved, though he remained poor the rest of his life. Made few contributions to Nyugat after 1922. Consumption continued to worsen despite frequent rest periods. ¶ Important as a lyric poet in the first quarter of the 20th century and for his development of views and literary principles of Nyugat School. Themes centered on pain and human tragedy in man's vain expectations of love and happiness. Deeply affected by sense of evanescence of life. Poems characterized by attitude of resignation. Made special use of Alexandrine often by adding an extra syllable in middle and/or at end of line. Noted for skill in structuring images. Critical writings important to illuminating literary developments of his times. One of the best translators of the period; his translations include works of Milton, Wilde, Shelley, Keats, Baudelaire, Flaubert, Gautier, Maupassant, and Chekhov, all accompanied by critical studies. Also translated Aucassin and Nicolette. ¶ An edition of his poems is available in Czech, and some of his poems have been translated into Bulgarian, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Rumanian, Russian, Slovakian, and Swedish.

FIRST EDITIONS: Barrès Maurice: Erzsébet királyné, a magányosság császárnője. Fordította Tóth Árpád. Budapest: Nyugat, 1911. 59p. - Hajnali szerenád. Versek. Budapest: Nyugat, 1913. 72p. - Lomha gályán. Versek. Budapest: Nyugat, 1917. 96p. - Gaston Leroux: A "sárga szoba" titka. Fordította Tóth Árpád. Budapest: Pallas, 1918. 364p. [From catalogue of National Széchényi Library] - Bret Harte: Jeff Briggs szerelme. Fordította Tóth Árpád. Budapest: Athenaeum, 1920. 157p. [From catalogue of National Széchényi Library] - Aucassin és Nicolete. Fordítás. [Gyoma], 1921. [From Ványi, p. 809] - Flaubert: Bouvard és Pécuchet. Fordította Tóth Árpád. Budapest: Genius, 1921. 359p. [From catalogue of National Széchényi Library] - Meredith: Az önző. Fordította Tóth Árpád és Babits Mihály. I-II. kötet. Budapest: Genius, 1921. [From catalogue of National Széchényi Library] - Milton kisebb költeményei. Műfordítások. Gyoma: Kner Izidor, 1921. 30p. [From catalogue of National Széchényi Library] - Wilde: A readingi fegyház balladája. Műfordítás. Budapest: Dante, 1921. 83p. [From catalogue of National Széchényi Library] - Gautier Théophile: Baudelaire. Fordította Tóth Árpád. Budapest: Kultúra, 1922. 137p. [From catalogue of National Széchényi Library] - Az öröm illan. [Versek] Budapest: Táltos, 1922. 78p. - Baudelaire: Romlás virágai. Műfordítások. Babits Mihállyal és Szabó Lőrinccel. Budapest: Genius, 1923. 240p. [From catalogue of National Széchényi Library] - Örökvirágok. Tóth Árpád versfordításai angol, francia és német lírikusokból. Budapest: Genius, 1923. 186p. [From catalogue of National Széchényi Library] - Maupassant Guy de: Miss Harriet. Fordította Tóth Árpád. Budapest: Athenaeum, 1927. 229p. [From catalogue of National Széchényi Library] - Maupassant Guy de: A szalonka meséi. Fordította Tóth Árpád. Budapest: Athenaeum, 1927. 153p. [From catalogue of National Széchényi Library] - Lélektől lélekig. Versek, 1923-1927. Budapest: Athenaeum, 1928. 123p. - See also no. 3927.


See also nos. 1637 and 3951. Annotated works: nos. 1694 and 2770.

3927. Bírálatok és tanulmányok. Debrecen: Debreceni Zsidó Gimnázium Nyolcadik Osztálya, 19391. 111p. [C]

3928. Összes versei. Bevezette s a hátrahagyott költeményekkel és töredékekkel együtt sajtó alá rendezte Szabó Lőrinc. [Contains poems published for the first time] Budapest: Athenaeum, 19475. 295p. [B; 19382, 19413, 19434] DLC MH NN NNC AsWn GeCU GeLBM GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU

3929. Összes versfordításai. Sajtó alá rendezte és bevezette Szabó Lőrinc. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 19533. 324p. [B; 19411, 19492] DLC GyBDS GyBH

3930. Válogatott versei. A verseket válogatta, utószóval és jegyzetekkel ellátta Kardos László. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1955. 251p. [C] DLC MH AsWU

3931. Összes versei és versfordításai. Sajtó alá rendezte Szabó Lőrinc. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1958. 646p. [B] CtY DLC MnU NNC OCl AsWU FiHI FiHU GeLBM GeLU GyBDS GyGNSU

3932. Novellái és válogatott cikkei. Válogatta, az utószót és a jegyzeteket írta Kocztur Gizella. Budapest: Magyar Helikon, 1960. 110p. [C] CU NNC AsWN GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU

3933. Összes versei, versfordításai és novellái. Sajtó alá rendezte Kardos László, Kocztur Gizella közreműködésével. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1962. 906p. [B] DLC MH NN NNC AsWN GeLU GyBDS GyBH GyGGaU

3934. Összes művei. Szerkeszti Kardos László. Eddig I-II. kötet. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó 1964+. [A]

l. kötet: Költemények. Töredékek. Tréfás hírlapi versek. Rögtönzések. Sajtó alá rendezte Kardos László, Kocztur Gizella közreműködésével. 1964. 770p.

2. kötet: Műfordítások. Függelék: Tanner, James T.: Az utahi lány [The girl of Utah]. [Operettszövegkönyv] Fordította Tóth Árpád és Karinthy Frigyes. A prózafordításokba ékelt versrészletek, töredékek. Sajtó alá rendezte Kardos László, Kocztur Gizella közreműködésével. 1964. 431p.



See nos. 3938 and 3948.


See also no. 3632.

3935. Füst Milán. "Néhány szó Tóth Árpádról," Emlékezések és tanulmányok. Budapest: Magvető, 1956; 539p. Pp. 146-149. [Appeared as "Néhány szó" in Nyugat, XXI (November 16, 1928), 649-651]

Recollections of a "fastidious and sensitive spirit" and other aspects of his personality and appearance. By one who knew him. DLC MnU GyBDS GyBH

3936. Tersánszky J. Jenő. "Az ifjú Tóth Árpád," Nyugat, XXIV (November 16, 1931), 503-511.

Several of Tersánszky's recollections of the poet portraying his gentleness, quietness and healthy discontent, and his learned outlook on literature and life. MnU NN NNC [FiHI] FiHU GeLBM [GeLU] GyBH

3937. Tóth Eszter. "Apsi," Kortársak nagy írókról. Második sorozat. A válogatás és a jegyzetek Lukácsy Sándor munkája. Budapest: Művelt Nép, 1956; 478p. Pp. 367-369. [Appeared in Műveltség, III (1946), 158-160]

A portrait of the poet by his daughter, who was eight when he died. DLC MnU NNC FiHU GyBDS

3938. Kardos László. Tóth Árpád. Második, átdolgozott kiadás. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1965. 591p. [19551]

Uses materials discovered since the first edition. Covers his literary, family, and personal relationships, traces the development of his political and artistic views and the enrichment of his themes, and analyzes his comprehension of "decadent" lyric poetry, his methods of composition, the subject matter of his poems, and his poetic forms. Biographical notes, pp. 433-482. Portraits and illustrations. DLC MH MnU NN NNC AsWU FiHU GeLBM GeLU GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU

3939. Szabó Lőrinc. "Tóth Árpád," Csillag, IX (1955), 455-458.

A sketch of his life and career from 1919 to November 7, 1928, the day of his death, based on personal recollections. [DLC] MnU [NN] NNC [GeLBM] GyBH [GyGGaU]


See also nos. 80, 1628, 4322, and 4624.

3940. Babits Mihály. "Új verskötetek. (Tóth Árpád: Lomha gályán;Balázs Béla: Trisztán hajóján; Kassák Lajos: Új költők könyve)," Nyugat, X(April 16, 1917), 693-700.

Qualified praise given to the new poems, asserting that Tóth narrowly circumscribes his perspective, permitting nothing extraneous to intrude; that his playing a "single string" may create monotony; and that he shows the kind of borrowing from a teacher (Babits) to be found in a student. Also evaluations of the two works by Béla Balázs and Lajos Kassák. (See no. 3952 for reply). MnU NN NNC AsWN FiHU GeLBM GyBH

3941. Németh László. "Tóth Árpád," Készülődés. A Tanú előtt. I-II. kötet. Budapest: Magyar Élet, 1941. I, 301-311. [Appeared in Erdélyi Helikon, I(November, 1928), 485-491]

The characteristics of his poetry, the qualities of his translations, the effect of his translations on his own poetry, and the differences between his and Babits's lyrics. InU NNC FiHI GyBH GyGNSU

3942. "Tóth Árpád-szám," Nyugat, XXI (November 16, 1928), 635-655.

Several short articles on the occasion of his death dealing with his life and poetry. Also memorial verses and facsimiles of his poems. MnU NN NNC [FiHI] FiHU GeLBM GyBH

3943. Oláh Gábor. "Tóth Árpád költészete," Nyugat, XXII (March 16, 1929), 398-405.

The poet of "gentle sorrow": his finding beauty in death, the nature of his imagination, the language and style in which his imagination expresses itself, and the range of his emotional sphere. MnU NN NNC [FiHI] FiHU GeLBM GyBH

3944. Vas István. "Tóth Árpád," Nyugat, XXXI (November, 1938), 320-333.

His individuality and detachment from the general attitudes of his times, his feelings toward Hungary, and the development of his poetic style. Frequent comparisons with Endre Ady, Mihály Babits, and Dezső Kosztolányi. MnU NN NNC [FiHI] FiHU GeLBM [GeLU] GyBH

3945. Vajda Endre. "A lírai vers felépítése Tóth Árpádnál," Pap Károly emlékkönyv. Írták barátai és tanítványai. Debrecen: Lehotai Pál, 1939; 638p. Pp. 528-534. [1st publication]

Examines his verses to show the characteristic structured framework within which he develops his symbols and builds thought and emotion in his lyrics.

3946. Kéry László. "Tóth Árpád," Ködlovagok. Írói arcképek. Szerkesztette Thurzó Gábor, Márai Sándor előszavával. Budapest: Szent István-Társulat, 1942; 347p. Pp. 294-306. [1st publication}

His relations with and attitude toward his surroundings, and the connections of the thought and emotion of his poetry with finding his place in the world he saw around him.

3947. Szabó Lőrinc. "Tóth Árpád, a versfordító," Tóth Árpád összes versfordításai. Sajtó alá rendezte és bevezette Szabó Lőrinc. Budapest: Révai, 1942; 324p. Pp. 7-15. [Also appeared in Magyar Csillag, II (May 1, 1942), 299-302]

An introduction to the edition of translations discussing their merits and qualities and his contributions through his translations to the nurturing of young Hungarian writers in European literature. By one who knew him. DLC GyBDS GyBH

3948. Tudósy Margit. Tóth Árpád költészete. Debrecen: Lehotai Pál, 1943. 78p.

An appraisal of the poet himself through his poetry focused on his European horizons, "Hungarianness," attitudes toward friends and family, and ideas of the nature of the "I." Bibliography of his works and studies about him, pp. 68-77.

3949. Kardos Pál. "Tóth Árpádról," Irodalomtörténet, XLI (1951), 218-219.

Disputes four points of László Kardos's address to a meeting of scholars in Debrecen (June 3, 1951) and in his introduction to the Magyar Klasszikusok edition of the poet's works: (1) his division of the period 1915-1919 into three lines instead of accepting 1919 as the only sharp boundary in his career; (2) his underevaluation of the poet's development to 1919; (3) his somewhat overevaluation of the period after 1919; and (4) his taking note only of the decadent principles in the love lyrics and neglecting their great positive values. [CU] DLC [MH] MnU NN NNC OCl AsWU GeLBM GyBH GyGNSU

3950. Kardos László. "Tóth Árpád műfordításai," Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Nyelv- és Irodalomtudományi Osztályának Közleményei, V (1954), 277-343.

Details about his knowledge of foreign languages and his translations of French, English, and German authors, with frequent comparisons with the original texts. DLC MnU NNC GeLBM GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU

3951. Kardos László. "Tóth Árpád novellái," Irodalomtörténeti Közlemények, LVIII (1954), 196-211.

The poet and translator as an author interested in the writing of short stories, the circumstances attending the writing and publishing of his seven short stories, and the full texts of these works : "Együgyű Náthán története" (1917), "Bibendel, a szellem" (1918), "A küstenfelsi gyémánt" (1923), "Tom Shook öngyilkossága" (1923), "Csütörtök" (1923), "A titkár úr frakkja" (1923), and "Ara-Szir király gyógyulása" (1923). DLC MnU NN NNC AsWU GeLBM GyBH

3952. Kardos László. "Tóth Árpád és Babits Mihály," Csillag, IX (1955), 2507-2512.

Examines Babits's claim (see no. 3940) that the young poet has done very little more than borrow from the "master" (Babits) and maintains that though there is some basis for the view, Babits has exaggerated the extent of the imitations. Examines poems by both writers. [DLC] MnU [NN] NNC [GeLBM] GyBH [GyGGaU]

3953. Kardos László. "Tóth Árpád alkotásmódja, munkamódszere," Váztatok, esszék, kritikák. Új magyar irodalom. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1959; 463p. Pp. 128-154. [Appeared in Filológiai Közlöny, IV (1958), 552-570]

His work habits and creative methods in composing poetry, and the principles by which he organized the volumes of poems he prepared for publication. Much attention to changes made in poems. Based on materials in the edition of his complete poems and translations published by Lőrinc Szabó (see no. 3931) and on new manuscript materials. DLC MnU NN AsWN GeLBM GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU


Born May 7, 1827 in Pest; died January 17, 1897 in Pest. Poet, publicist. Father a chief forester. Completed schooling in Székesfehérvár and Pest, where he lived or a time with Péter Vajda (q.v.). His first poems were published in Életképek in 1844. Became actor in Hungarian traveling company in 1845-1846. Made abortive attempt as tutor, then became apprentice farm manage . Moved to Pest from Alcsut in 1847 to become official in Agricultural Association. Became member of Pilvax Group of Writers, including Sándor Petőfi and Mór Jókai (qq.v.). Participated as youth leader during events of March 1848. Served as soldier in Padua in 1850, then worked in cadastral office in Kiskunhalas and in Buda. In 1853 decided to earn living solely by writing. Became staff member of Magyar Sajtó in 1855, its managing editor in 1863. Founded Nővilág in 1857; edited it till 1863. Also edited Csatár 1861-1862. In 1857 fell in love with Zsuzsi (Georgina) Kratochwill, "Gina" of his poems, who did not return affection. Became member of Kisfaludy-Társaság in 1870. Married Róza Bartos, "Rozamunda" of his poems, in 1880; divorced in 1881. Saw "Gina" in Vienna in 1882; for last time in 1892. ¶ Wrote most powerful and individual poetry in the period after Revolution. Sought to enlarge horizon of Hungarian poetry to equal that of Europe. Diction and tone represented break with traditions of both Petőfi and János Arany and made him predecessor of Endre Ady (qq.v.). Epic poetry, novels in verse, and stories were not as important as lyrical and satirical poetry. Poems were highly subjective and based on self-love and hatred of world about him. Sense of personal desolation recurring theme, but believed life to be most valuable experience available to man. ¶ An edition of his poems is available in German, and some of his poems have been translated into Bulgarian, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Rumanian, Russian, Slovakian, and Swedish.

FIRST EDITIONS: Béla királyfi. Költői beszély hat énekben. Pest: Emich Gusztáv, 1855. 143p. - Költemények. Pest: Emich Gusztáv, 1856. 145p. - Költemények. Pest: Heckenast Gusztáv, 1858. 224p. - Nemzeti lant. Újabb költőink válogatott versei. I-II. kötet. Pest, 1858. [From Szinnyei, XIV, 756] - Magyar képek albuma. A szöveg Vajda János munkája. Pest: Heckenast Gusztáv, 1859. 87p. - A vadászat mestere. Önképző gyakorlati útmutatás a vadászat kedvelői számára. Pest: Heckenast Gusztáv, 1859. 277p. - Vészhangok. [Versek] Pest: A Szerző, 1860. 157p. - Önbírálat. Írta Arisztidesz. [Politikai röpirat] Lipcse : Glück, 1862. 116p. - Polgárosulás. Írta Arisztidesz. [Politikai röpirat] Pest: Heckenast Gusztáv, 1862. 168p. - Perczel Mór merénylete Kossuth ellen. [Újságcikk] Budapest: Heckenast Gusztáv, 1868. [From Magyar irodalmi lexikon, III, 465] - Egy honvéd naplójából. [Emlékezések] Pest: Corvina-Társulat, 1869. 128p. - Polgári szabadság és önkormányzat. Írta Lieber. Magyarítá. Scholcz Viktorral. Pest, 1869. [From Szinnyei, XIV, 757] - Kisebb költeményei. Kiadta a Kisfaludy-Társaság. Pest: Athenaeum, 1872. 250p. - Tanulmányok a renaissance és reformatió korából. (Erasmus, Morus Tamás, Melancthon) Írta Nisard Dezső. Fordítás. Budapest, 1875. [From Szinnyei, XIV, 757] - Magyar bors. Válogatott magyar és külföldi adomák gyűjteménye. Szerkesztette Vajda János. Budapest: Franklin-Társulat, 1876. 208p. - Újabb költemények. [Also Alfréd regénye] Budapest: A Szerző, 1876. 114p. - Találkozások. Budapesti életkép, versekben. [Verses regény] Budapest: A Szerző, 1877. 172p. - Elbeszélések. Budapest: Franklin-Társulat, 1881 [1882?]. 286p. - Magyar birodalmi politika. Írta R. Z. A. U. Budapest, 1881. [From Szinnyei, XIV, 757] - Összes költeményei. I-II. kötet. Budapest, 1881. [The first collection; from Pintér, VII, 480] - A szerelem szótára és kalauza. [Tanácsadások] Hazai és külföldi források után összeállítva V. J. által. Budapest, 1881. [From Pintér, VII, 480] - Dal és beszély. Újabb lyrai költemények. Ábel és Aranka. Budapest: Franklin-Társulat, 1883. 92p. - Újabb munkái. I-II. kötet. Budapest: Révai Testvérek, 1886-1887. - Költemények. 1887-1893. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvtár, 1893. 97p. - Költeményei. Budapest: Méhner Vilmos, 1895. 480p. - Magyarság és nemzeti önérzet. Kóros áramok. Budapest: Singer és Wolfner, 1896. 180p. - A jó egészség és hosszú élet titka. Arany tanácsok és szabályok a testi-lelki erő és egészség fönntartására. Versbe szedte. Budapest: Méhner, 1898. 24p. - Törzsök Jankó vagy a három erős ember. Mese három részben. [Költemény] Budapest: Révai Testvérek, 1898. 32p. [C] - See also no. 3955.


See also nos. 3964 and 3976.

3954. Kisebb költeményei. Sajtó alá rendezte és bevezetéssel ellátta Endrődi Sándor. Budapest: Franklin-Társulat, 1903. 276p. [C] DLC MH MnU NNC OCl AsWU FiHI GeLBM GyBH

3955. Büszkének. Elbeszélések. Budapest, 1909 [1st?]. [From Szinnyei, XIV, 758)

3956. Munkái. Költemények. Pintér Jenő bevezetésével. Budapest: Franklin-Társulat, 1928. 207p. [C] MH NNC

3957. Összes művei. Sajtó alá rendezte Kozocsa Sándor. Budapest: Franklin-Társulat, 1944. 1872p. [C] DLC MnU GeCU GeLBM GeLU GyGNSU

3958. Válogatott művei. Sajtó alá rendezte és bevezette Komlós Aladár. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1951. 344p. [C] DLC MH NNC GyBDS GyBH

3959. Válogatott politikai írásai. Összeállította és bevezette Komlós Aladár. Budapest: Művelt Nép, 1954. 254p. [B] DLC MnU NN NNC GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU

3960. Összes versei. Sajtó alá rendezte Kozocsa Sándor. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1955. 822p. [B] MH GyGNSU


See nos. 3962, 3963, 3967,3968, and 3973.


3961. Kerekes György. Vajda János élete és munkái. Budapest: Országos Irodalmi r.t., 1901. 236p.

Both a biography and a study of his writings in search of the inner man. Chapters on his thought and his literary works by genres. GeLBM

3962. Bóka László. Vajda János. Budapest: Franklin-Társulat, 1941. 158p.

Much attention to the subject matter and style of his poetry. Bibliography, p. 158. MH MnU NN NNC GeLBM GeLU

3963. Komlós Aladár. Vajda János. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1954. 363p. [1956]

Considerable attention to his works to determine his individuality and to provide an understanding of them. Attention to his age. Bibliography of his books, editorships, articles, and poems, pp. 337-354. DLC MH MnU NNC GeLBM GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU

3964. Scheiber Sándor és Zsoldos Jenő. Vajda János levelei Milkó Izidorhoz. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1958. 48p.

A collection of 26 of his letters to Milkó, 1885-1895, as a means of illuminating the latter's influence on popularizing his poetry and on a critical period of his life. Preface on their relationships and the letters. Bibliographical footnotes. Facsimiles. DLC MH NNC AsWN GyBDS GyGNSU


See also nos. 66, 275, 292, 2015, and 4624.

3965. Pethő István. Vajda János lírájáról: Komárom: Spitzer Sándor, 1910. 95p.

Examines his lyrics to define his inner life, their relation to the writings of the preceding period, the extent to which they reflect the age, the enjoyment to be found in them, and the elements in them that touch the emotions and thoughts in the present day.

3966. Schöpflin Aladár. "Vajda János," Magyar írók. Irodalmi arcképek és tollrajzok. Budapest: Nyugat, 1917; 236p. Pp. 130-155. [Appeared in Nyugat, V (January 1, 1912), 22-39]

Depicts his difficulties with friends, his alienation from his times, and the weaknesses, disconsolateness, bleakness, and immaturity of his poetry as stemming from his inability to understand men and his surroundings adequately and from his skepticism. Much discussion of the "Gina" songs; attention to his philosophical views. InU MnU NNC GeLBM GyBH GyGGaU

3967. Rubinyi Mózes. Vajda János. Budapest: Ethika, 1922. 142p.

An analysis of his world outlook as expressed in his works, and discussion of his techniques, style, and language. Closes with a discussion of his sources, the influences on him, and his successors. Bibliographical notes, pp. 127-137. MH MnU NNC

3968. Kéky Lajos. Vajda János. Budapest: Pallas, 1927. 32p.

Separate studies: (1) the man and the poet, (2) a biographical sketch, and (3) brief critical comments on his works by types. Bibliography of his works and studies about him, pp. 30-32. GyBH

3969. Riedl Frigyes. Vajda, Reviczky, Komjáthy. Budapest: Királyi Magyar Egyetemi Nyomda, 1932. 140p.

Individual essays on Vajda, Reviczky, and Komjáthy, preceded by an essay on Hungarian literature from 1867 to 1900. Seeks to capture the spirit and qualities in the various writings of each author. MnU AsWN GeLBM GyBH

3970. Simon István. "Vajda János természete," Csillag, V (1950), 371-376.

His uses of nature in the expression of his thought and feelings. [DLC] MnU NNC [GeLBM] GyBH [GyGGaU]

3971. Komlós Aladár. "Vajda János," Csillag, VI (1951), 754-772. [Also appeared as introduction to Vajda János válogatott művei,pp. 5-35; see no. 3958]

His life, literary activities and development, political views of the Revolution and the Compromise, anti-feudalism, position between Petőfi and Ady in poetry, and his poetic style. Begins with 1847. [DLC] MnU [NN] NNC [GeLBM] GyBH [GyGGaU]

3972. Komlós Aladár. "A publicista Vajda János," Vajda János válogatott politikai írásai. Összeállította és a bevezetést írta Komlós Aladár. Budapest: Művelt Nép, 1954; 254p.Pp. 3-39.

An analysis of his political writings from 1846 to 1896: their basic principles, his position in relation to social class, his views during various political stages in Hungary, his attitudes toward the workers' movement, and his concept of literature as a means of advancing democratic principles and culture in Hungary. (See no. 3974 for reply.) DLC MnU NN NNC GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU

3973. Bisztray Gyula. "A pályakezdő Vajda János," Irodalomtörténet, XLIV (1956), 206-220.

Separate sections dealing with philological matters of his writings from 1844 to 1849, his first period of creativity: corrections of and additions to the chronological catalog of his poems, the light thrown by the catalog on his literary and political activities, the effect of the poetry of Péter Vajda and Petőfi on his feelings about nature and on his love of freedom. [CU] DLC [MH] MnU NN NNC AsWU GeLBM GeLU GyBDS GyBH

3974. Sőtér István. "Vajda János," Romantika és realizmus. Válogatott irodalmi tanulmányok. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1956;611p. Pp. 295-361. [Written in 1955; 1st publication]

A reply to Aladár Komlós's work (see no. 3972). Discusses Vajda's role in the Revolution of 1848-1849 to indicate what he brought to his works from the period, his world outlook in the 1850's, his role in the development of literary populism, the significance of the 1862 pamphlets, the antecedents of and the philosophical views in his poems of the 1880's and the 1890's. DLC MnU NNC AsWN FiHI GeCU GeLBM GyGNSU

3975. Barta János. "Vajda János pályakezdése," Irodalomtörténet, XLVI (1958), 350-359.

The development of his own distinctive voice as he seeks to follow the lead of Petőfi but feels compelled to meet the kind of verse represented by Arany and required by the age. CU DLC MH MnU NN NNC AsWU GeLBM GeLU GyBDS GyBH

3976. Szabad György. "Vajda János politikai elszigetelődésének történetéből," Irodalomtörténet, XLVIII (1960), 129-141.

Evidence from letters shows that his dismissal from his political party and from the editorship of Magyar Újság isolated him politically and possibly helped to turn him away from the society around him. Bibliographical footnotes. CU DLC MH MnU NN NNC AsWU GeLBM GeLU GyBDS GyBH

3977. Károly Sándor. "Közös ritmikai elemek Vajda János és Ady költészetében," Irodalomtörténet, XLIX (1961), 406-416.

Vajda's poetry scrutinized to illustrate the direction of his tone and meter away from those of Petőfi, especially in his final creative period, to a voice resembling that of Ady. Contends that some of the similarities between Vajda and Petőfi never completely disappeared. CU DLC MH MnU NN NNC AsWU GeLBM GeLU GyBDS GyBH

3978. Barta János. "Gina költője. (Vajda lírája a Bach-korszakban)," Irodalomtörténet, L (1962), 19-40.

The development of his lyric poetry during the first period of his creativity, 1849-1859, as it loses its dissonance and reveals his true voice. Attention to the background of the period. CU DLC MH MnU NN NNC AsWU GeLBM GeLU GyBDS GyBH