Born 1928 in Bia. Poet. Father a bricklayer. Completed gymnasium in Bia, Bicske, and Budapest. In 1947 attended Attila József College in Budapest as "people's student," where he became acquainted with László Nagy (q.v.) and István Simon (q.v.), who, with him, are members of the new generation of poets. Received Kossuth Prize for Apám in 1950. Became reader for Szépirodalmi Publishers and member of editorial staff of Új Írás. His poems first appeared in Diárium and regularly in Magyarok, Valóság, Csillag, and Új Hang. ¶ Strong lyrical voice in poems, at first extending epic traditions of Sándor Petőfi, János Arany, and Gyula Illyés (qq.v.) and then assuming highly individualistic expression of humanism in rich imagery and meters with concern reaching beyond his immediate environment to universality. ¶ Some of his poems have been translated into Bulgarian, English, French, Polish, Rumanian, and Russian.


See also nos. 730 and 4017 for editorial work. Annotated work: no. 4028.

4381. Szárnyas csikó. Versek, 1946-1949. Budapest: Franklin Könyvkiadó Nemzeti Vállalat, 19491. 39p. DLC

4382. Apám. [Versek] Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 19501. 69p. [19532] NNC GyBH

4383. A Sántha család. Költemény. Budapest: Hungária, 19501. 89p. DLC MH NN FiHI GeLBM

4384. Új versek. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 19511. 170p. MH NNC GeLBM

4385. Óda a repüléshez. [Versek] Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 19531. 126p. DLC GyBH

4386. A nap és a hold elrablása. Verses mesék. Budapest: Ifjúsági Könyvkiadó, 19541. 62p. GeLBM GyBH

4387. A tékozló ország. [Eposz] Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 19541. 82p. DLC FiHI GyBH

4388. A virágok hatalma. [Versek] Budapest: Magvető, 19551. 149p.

4389. A tenyészet országa. Összegyűjtött versek, 1946-1956. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1956. 719p. DLC NNC FiHU GeLBM GeLU GyGNSU

4390. Harc a fehér báránnyal. [Versek] Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 19651. 146p. NNC GeLBM GyBDS GyBH

4391. Virágzó világfa. Válogatott versek. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1965. 416p. CU MH MnU NNC WU FiHI GeLBM GyBH GyGNSU


See also no. 4028.

4392. Gy. L. "Látogatóban Juhász Ferencnél," Élet és irodalom, VIII (February 22, 1964), 11-12.

A brief summary of his literary career followed by Juhász's answers to a reporter's questions about his writings: the controversy over his poetry, the problem of understanding his poetry, the changes in his poetic forms and his views, his world outlook, the place of poetry in political activity, the identity and significance of his poet predecessors, Hungarian culture in relation to the world, and his reaction to his month's stay in Russia. DLC DS MH GyBDS GyBH


See also no. 4530.

4393. Kónya Lajos. "Az elvarázsolt költő," Csillag, VI (1953), 359-360.

This critique confirms the view of contemporary poets that although Juhász is a great poet, his tales written since the narrative poem "A jégvirág kakasa" show no advancement beyond the "dead-end street" of naturalism. [DLC] MnU [NN] NNC [GeLBM] GyBH [GyGGaU]

4394. Nagy Péter. "A tékozló költő. (Juhász Ferenc Dózsa költeményéről)," Csillag, VIII (1954), 2400-2415.

A critique of A tékozló ország: the inventive use of epic instruments, its unorganized form and complicated structure, and the creation of order in the poem. Commentary on Juhász's literary development and the themes in his poetry from Sántha család to A tékozló ország, analyzing the poetic method of the latter poem as being surrealistic in style and regretting his surrealism but finding an advance in his poetry in the theme of the war fought for freedom and in the orderliness of his images. Juhász seen as the most romantic in style in the new poetry and at the crossroad of his development between poetic "realism" and poetic "decadence." [DLC] MnU [NN] NNC [GeLBM] GyBH [GyGGaU]

4395. Tamás Attila. "Juhász Ferenc költészete," Csillag, IX (1955), 2060-2081.

An analysis of his creative development to A tékozló ország: his uses of form, his motifs, his techniques. Considered to be the most promising poet of the new generation with a capacity to give the fullest expression to realism in his future narrative poems. [DLC] MnU [NN] NNC [GeLBM] GyBH [GyGGaU]

4396. Abody Béla. "Juhász Ferenc újabb költeményeiről," Indulatos utazás. Tanulmányok és cikkek. Budapest: Magvető, 1957; 274p. Pp. 68-87. [Appeared in Dunántúl, V, no. 6 (1956), 80-86]

His sense of mission, his positive attitude toward life, the characteristics and individuality of his poetry, his use of free association, and the sources, significance and problems of his lyrics. (See no. 4398 for reply) DLC GyBDS

4397. Bodnár György. "Az elégedetlenség könyve. (Juhász Ferenc új versei)," Új Hang, V,no. 5 (1956), 55-59.

Characterizes Virágok hatalma as poems of "dissatisfaction" and explores the nature of the poet's humanism from his first poems to the present work, and finds an abstraction of humanism that gives a dualism to his poetry: - his "painful solitude as the result of his lost harmony which does not allow him to exalt his poetical crisis but which gives him strength always to throw his longing to depict a whole life and a complete human being behind his writings." Believes that his discovery of this loss of harmony through his abstraction of humanism will lead him back to the "world of living man and to that poetry which will assist him in attaining universality by means of its demanding representation of the national life." DLC NN GyBH

4398. Szabó Ede. "A Juhász-legenda. (Válasz Abody Bélának)," Dunántúl, V, no. 16 (1956), 74-80.

A reply to Béla Abody's praise of Juhász's poetry (see no. 4396) attacking Abody's extravagant statement that Juhász is a poet with lasting greatness and that before his appearance there was no poet making a great contribution to the Hungarian lyric. Contends that Juhász's poetic expression is confusing, that his poems are full of clear and identifiable recollections of many other poets, that he develops many forced and swollen pictures without any function in the verses, and that at this point his poetic means and his thought are not equivalent. (See no. 4399 for reply) [DLC] NN

4399. Abody Béla. "Még egyszer a Juhász-kérdésből. (Válasz Szabó Edének)," Indulatos utazás. Tanulmányok és cikkek. Budapest: Magvető, 1957; 274p. Pp. 88-92. [1st publication]

An answer to Szabó's view that Juhász is not a great poet. (See no. 4398). DLC GyBDS

4400. Kiss Ferenc. "Alkotás vagy öncsonkítás. (Ritmikai problémák)," Kortárs, IV (July, 1960), 95-126.

Seeks to determine the new characteristics of Hungarian poetry by examining the nature and significance of the meters in the poems of Juhász and László Nagy and those of the younger generation, with greatest attention to Juhász. DLC MH [FiHU] GeLBM GyBH

4401. Czine Mihály. "Két költő útja. Gondolatok Juhász Ferenc és Nagy László költészetéről," Valóság, IV (August 25, 1961), 53-68.

After discussing the problems of the writers of the post World War II era, examines the poems of Juhász and László Nagy mainly to 1956: their outlook and characteristics, and the development and change that occurred in their form and ideas, especially in relation to life and society. Concludes that neither poet is serving the needs of a socialistic society because they have turned within themselves as the result of mistakes made by that society. MH GeLBM GyBH


Born 1928 in Balatonmagyaród. Short-story writer, dramatist. Wrote at first under family name: Tóth. Obtained teaching certificate from Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem and taught in trade school. After nine years as reader for Szépirodalmi Publishers he became a playwright at Vígszínház. First noticed for "Verekedők," a short story, published in Csillag in 1954. Vád és varázslat presented in 1963 by Madách Színház Kamara Színháza. ¶ His short stories characterized by variety and range of themes, technical skill, and intellectual interests. Has turned to writing dramas in recent years.


4402. Fekete galambok. [Novellák] Budapest: Magvető, 19571. 292p.

4403. Apostolok utóda. Regény. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 19601. 205p. DLC

4404. Megdézsmált örömök. Elbeszélések, 1953-1963. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 19641. 477p. DLC MnU NNC GeLBM GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU

4405. Szöktetés albérletbe avagy a szemérmes ateisták. Komédia. Budapest: Népművelési Intézet, 19651. 52p.

4406. Vád és varázslat. Lány az aszfalton. Két dráma. Budapest: Magvető, 19651. 185p. GeLBM


4407. Fenyő István. "Kamondy Lászlóról," Új arcok, új utak. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1961; 257p. Pp. 115-134.

Shows that at the beginning of his writing career Kamondy did not attempt to follow the schematic and simple modes of description used by the writers of the 1950's. Contends that he strives for detailed psychological analysis in his short stories and seeks the truth of realism and not the common ideal of social realism. Maintains that his writing ability can be best observed in the story "Az utolsó játszma," that he knows every device of the writing craft, and that a single world outlook does not pervade his works. DLC GeLBM GyBDS GyGNSU

4408. Rónay György. "Kamondy László: Apostolok utóda," Vigilia, XXVI (1961), 430-432.

An interpretation of the theme of the novel as that of a person caught at the moment when he is tempted to collapse under the pressure of circumstances. Finds the author expressing his own view of life and praises the sparse economy of his creative method. MH NN NNC GyBH

4409. Wéber Antal. "Kamondy László: Megdézsmált örömök," Kritika, II (August, 1964), 53-55.

Attention to the narrative style and techniques of his earlier creative years and to the relation of the new collection of short stories with his earlier development. Finds that he has turned to the complex subject matter of intellectual, moral, and psychological problems and is using different forms to give expression to them. CU CoU DLC MH NN WaU AsWN FiHI GeLBM GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU


Born November 2, 1914 in Felsőgalla. Poet. Father a tailor's helper; family lived in Paris for a time. Obtained teacher's certificate but was able to secure only occasional jobs for a long time. Finally obtained teaching position which he held for ten years on mine property in Komárom Province. Poems appeared in Híd, Pásztortűz, Magyar Élet, and Sorsunk. Director of reader's department of Hungarian Writers' Federation in 1950 and general secretary of the organization in 1951. Awarded Kossuth Prize in 1950, 1953. Editor of Csillag in fall 1956. Silent for a time, but has published regularly since 1958. At present he is teaching library work at Kálmán Könyves Gymnasium in Budapest. ¶ His poems prior to 1945 voice rebellion to injustices in Hungarian society; those after 1945 express confidence in future. Poems since 1954 are more meditative and those since 1958 more introspective than his earlier poems. ¶ Some of his poems have been translated into Bulgarian, German, Polish, Rumanian, and Russian.


See also no. 4393 for annotated work.

4410. Úti sóhaj. Versek. Sopron: Gáspár Zoltán, 19361. 63p.

4411. Te vagy-e az? Versek. Sopron: Romwalter, 19371. 52p.

4412. Hazug éjszaka. Versek. Felsőgalla: Király, 19391. 71p.

4413. Honfoglalók. [Versek] Budapest: Athenaeum, 19491. 64p.

4414. Fények a Dunán. [Versek] Budapest: Athenaeum Könyvkiadó Nemzeti Vállalat, 19501. 91p. DLC GeLBM GyGNSU

4415. Szép Anna lakodalma. Költemény. Budapest: Révai Könyvkiadó Nemzeti Vállalat, 19501. 38p. [19532] DLC GeLBM GyBDS GyGNSU

4416. Öröm és gyűlölet. Versek. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 19511. 154p. MH GyBDS GyBH

4417. Tavaszi utazás. Versek a Német Demokratikus Köztársaságról. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 19511. 47p. MH GyBDS GyBH

4418. Bányászlámpák. Versek. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 19521. 117p. DLC GyBDS GyGNSU

4419. Kínai október. (Napló) Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 19521. 155p. GyBH

4420. Válogatott versek. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1953. 164p. DLC GeLBM GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU

4421. Országúton. [Versek] Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 19541. 127p. DLC GeLBM

4422. Emberséged szerint. [Versek] Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 19561. 149p. DLC GeLBM

4423. Hej, búra termett idő! [Regény] Budapest: Magvető, 19561. 387p. DLC GyBDS

4424. Emlék és intelem. [Versek]Budapest: Magvető, 19601. 93p. DLC NNC GyBDSGyGNSU

4425. Hazai táj. Versek. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 19611. 119p. DLC NNC GeLBM GyBDS

4426. Virág Márton boldogsága. Kisregény. Budapest: Magvető, 19621. 252p. FiHI GeLBM GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU

4427. Égen-földön. Versek. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 19641. 159p. NNC GyBDS GyGNSU


4428. Illés Lajos. "Kónya Lajos költészete," Csillag, VIII (1954), 1921-1942.

Summarizes the history of his publications, and surveys his literary career. Believes that his participation in the revolutionary events of 1949 was the turning point in his artistic development, contending that his uniting with the people to achieve "the new life" opening before them led to his evaluation of the function of art and the Party. Comments on his poetry as an expression of the history of the People's Democracy and on his experimentations with poetic forms. [DLC] MnU [NN] NNC [GeLBM] GyBDS GyBH [GyGGaU]


Born December 23, 1918 in Budapest. Novelist, short-story writer. Attended five gymnasiums in Budapest. Awarded Baumgarten Prize in 1948. "Mélyvíz," an unpublished musical comedy, was presented by Petőfi Színház in 1961. Csutak és a szürke ló was made into a film in 1961. ¶ One of the important members of the generation of writers developing during and after World War II. His early stories and novels treat life in the suburbs; later ones treat writers, intellectuals, and conflicts of youth. His outlook is pessimistic, sometimes showing, according to some critics, the influence of existentialism. Has made major contributions to juvenile literature.


4429. A csőszház. Kisregény. Budapest: Királyi Magyar Egyetemi Nyomda, 19431. 86p.

4430. Az enyedi diák. Ifjúsági regény. Budapest: Forrás, 19441. 272p.

4431. Robin Hood. [Ifjúsági regény] Budapest, 19451. [From Magyar irodalmi lexikon, II, 183]

4432. Francia kulcs. Regény. Budapest: Új Idők, 19481. 144p. NN

4433. A huszonegyedik utca. Regény. Budapest: Új Idők, 19481. 186p.

4434. Vendégek a Palackban. Elbeszélések. Budapest: Új Idők, 19491. 180p.

4435. Egy festő ifjúsága. Barabás Miklós diákévei. [Ifjúsági regény; korábbi címe Az enyedi diák]Budapest: Ifjúsági Kiadó, 19552. 211p.

4436. Csutak és a többiek. Vígjáték. Budapest: Népszava, 19561. 36p.

4437. Csutak a színre lép. Regény. Budapest: Móra, 19571. 231p.

4438. Idegen szobák. [Novellák] Budapest: Magvető, 19571. 392p. DLC NN NNC GyGNSU

4439. Három egyfelvonásos. [Karcsai Kulcsár István]: A táncoló pohár; [Mándy Iván]: Árusok komédiája (1st), [pp. 17-35]; [Szántó Tibor]: Mindenkivel. Budapest: Bibliotheca, 1958. 54p.

4440. Csutak és a szürke ló. [Ifjúsági regény] Budapest: Móra, 19591. 196p.

4441. Fabulya feleségei. [Kisregény] Budapest: Magvető, 19591. 172p. GeLU GyBDS GyBH

4442. Csutak a mikrofon előtt. Ifjúsági regény. Budapest: Móra, 19611. 231p.

4443. A pálya szélén. [Regény] Budapest: Magvető, 19631. 232p. GeLBM GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU

4444. A locsolókocsi. [Regény] Budapest: Magvető, 19651. 289p. CLU DLC MnU GeLU GyGNSU

4445. Az ördög konyhája. [Novellák] Budapest: Magvető, 19651. 354p. MnU GeLBM GyBH


4446. Lengyel Balázs. "Mándy Iván novellái," Újhold, III (1948), 118-119.

States that the themes of his short stories are concerned with life on the edge of the city, that the stories are strongly characterized by a sketchy, condensed, at times almost exotic world, that he delineates his pictures like films, that his narrative method is emotional but his voice restrained, and that his method of writing is under strict control. [DLC] MH

4447. Rónay György. "Mándy Iván: Idegen szobák," Vigilia, XXIII (1958), 117-123.

Finds Mándy's influence on young writers of narrative fiction as important as that of SándorWeöres on new Hungarian lyric poets. Believes that Andor Endre Gelléri is Mándy's predecessor and that Mándy's works are permeated by the sorrow of existentialism. Maintains that his style is characterized by broken, strong but never diffuse patches of emotion and that his literary ambition probably is to condense reality through the disorganized way in which it appears to him. MH NN NNC GyBH

4448. Vargha Kálmán. "Mándy Iván novelláiról," Irodalomtörténet, XLVII (1959), 307-310.

Surveys his literary career, comments on the lyrical qualities and emotional richness of his short stories, and discusses his recurring themes. States that his mode of writing breaks with the realistic tradition of Hungarian prose, and characterizes that method as elliptical, associative, and swift-moving but at the same time powerful in its effect. Calls attention to his ironic and grotesque portrayals and to his use of characters from the world of art in his newer works. CU DLC MH MnU NN NNC AsWU GeLBM GeLU GyBDS GyBH

4449. Vitányi Iván. "A pálya szélén," Valóság, VI, no. 6 (1963), 44-52.

States that the characters in the novel live on the edge of society and reveal "the uncertain existence" of suburbanites and the enthusiasm for soccer that are substitutes for "the grayness of days." Says that the heroes of his works are drawn from the intelligentsia, children, and teenagers, and maintains that their lives show "the pathlessness of the petty bourgeois concentration on the private and personal." Calls his style realistic, and praises him for narrating instead of philosophizing. MH GeLBM GyBH


Born March 12, 1934 in Budapest. Short-story writer, novelist. Parents are workers. In 1957 he left College of Theater Arts, where he studied dramaturgy, to work in canning factory, road construction, and steam fitting. Wrote film scripts for a time. His short stories began to appear in periodicals and anthologies in 1955. Wrote film script, "Szerelemcsütörtök," with János Gantner in 1959. His unpublished "Légy szíves Jeromos" was presented by Petőfi Színház in 1962. ¶ His stories concern central questions of daily life of workers and suburbanites. Strong strain of humor and sympathy.


See also no. 1150 for editorial work.

4450. Az idegen bajnok. [Novellák] Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 19631. 436p. GyBDS GyBH

4451. Sötét angyal. Regény. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 19641. 281p. MH MnU NNC GeLBM GyBDS GyBH

4452. Magányos pavilon. [Regény] Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 19661. 215p. NNC GeLBM GyBDS GyBH


4453. Sükösd Mihály. "Az idegen bajnok. Moldova György elbeszéléseiről," Élet és Irodalom, VII (March 30, 1963), 6.

A review seeing short stories as a fulfillment of promise and discussing their hero-type. Finds the stories strong in theme, structure, and scale but requiring further clarity and direction in Moldova's own thought. DLC DS MH GyBDS GyBH

4454. Almási Miklós. "Moldova: világosan és sötéten. (Vita a 'Sötét angyal' sikerével)," Kortárs, VIII (1964), 1146-1149.

Critique maintaining that most of his writings, like the novel under review, contain serious purpose and easy realization of it. Believes that two writers appear to be at work - the one engaged with serious problems, the other using the techniques of a pulp - writer on the subject matter uncovered by the other. DLC MH FiHU GeLBM GyBH


Born July 17, 1925 in Felsőiszkáz. Poet, translator. Family are peasants. Completed gymnasium studies at kollégium in Pápa. Studied painting at Applied Arts School and at College of Fine Arts in Budapest 1946-1949. Also read philosophy at Eötvös Loránd University. Poems first appeared in 1947 in Valóság. Spent 1949-1952 on fellowship to Bulgaria. On editorial staff of Kisdobos 1954-1957. Awarded Attila József Prize in 1953 for Szablyák és citerák, a collection of translations of Bulgarian folk songs and ballads. Picture editor of Élet és Irodalom since 1957. ¶ One of the important members of the new generation of poets after 1945. Poems first showed joy and enthusiasm in life but later turned dark and pessimistic. He has translated works of Robert Burns and García Lorca and is now preparing translations of English and Armenian poetry.


See also no. 4465. Editorial work: no. 393.

4455. Tűnj el fájás. Versek. Budapest: Hungária, 19491. 46p.

4456. A tüzér és a rozs. Versek. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 19511. 59p. MH GeLBM GyBH

4457. Szablyák és citerák. Bolgár népdalok és népballadák. Fordította Nagy László, a jegyzeteket írta Bödey József. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 19531. 199p. DLC

4458. Anap jegyese. Versek. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 19541. 75p. GeLBM GyBH

4459. Avasárnap gyönyöre. [Versek] Budapest: Magvető, 19561. 107p. DLC GeLBM

4460. Deres majális. Versek, 1944-1956. [Contains poems not previously published] Budapest: Magvető, 1957. 367p.

4461. Sólymok vére. Abolgár népköltés antológiája. Fordította, válogatta és az utószót írta Nagy László, A bolgár nép költészete című tanulmányt és a jegyzeteket írta Bödey József. Budapest: Magvető, 19601. 442p.

4462. Himnusz minden időben. Versek. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 19651. 121p. NNC GeLBM GyBDS GyBH


See also nos. 4400, 4401, and 4530.

4463. Déry Tibor. "Egy fiatal költő (Nagy László)," Útkaparó. Budapest: Magvető, 1956; 393p. Pp. 316-319. [Appeared in Szabad Ifjúság, no. 235 (October 5, 1954), 2]

A review of A nap jegyese quoting verses that define his general view of life, his idea of death, morality, the value of man, and the nature of life, characterizing his style briefly, and stating that the verses promise the preparation of a great work. DLC MH OCl GeLBM

4464. Szabó Ede. "Nagy László: A nap jegyese," Dunántúl, III, no. 9 (1954), 92-94.

A review of the poems maintaining that they reveal his love of man, life and creative work and that they show him developing a lyrical poetry with a wide scale and an individual voice embracing the whole of life.

4465. Mesterházi Lajos. "A kritika kritikája," Kortárs, I (1957), 295-297.

Maintains that Nagy's criticism of disillusionment in Kálmán Sándor's Széplányok sisakban indicates that he does not understand it as a detachment required for the preservation of sanity and that Nagy misconceives the point because he is a writer of the generation after 1939 or 1945 who has a limited concept of the problems posed by capitalism in the 1930's. [The critique of the work is to be found in the same volume, pp. 292-294] DLC MH [FiHU] GyBH


Born January 3, 1922 in Budapest. Poet, translator. Obtained teaching diploma from philosophy faculty of University of Budapest as a specialist in Hungarian and Latin in 1944. Was a regular contributor to pedagogical section of Köznevelés 1945-1953; a teacher in Petőfi Gymnasium 1953-1957. Some of her poems appeared in periodicals before 1945 and in Magyarok, Újhold, Forum, and Csillag after 1945. Awarded Baumgarten Prize for Kettős világban in 1946. ¶ Her poems are concerned with fundamental questions about man's place in life and universe, and are often criticized for their "closed world." Translator of Corneille, Racine, Molière, Cocteau, and Brecht. In recent years she has written extensively for children. ¶ A few of her poems have been translated into English.


See also no. 4473. Annotated work: no. 4486.

4466. Kettős világban. Versek. [1942-1946] Budapest: Új Hold, 19461. 31p.

4467. Szárazvillám. Versek és műfordítások. Budapest: Magvető, 19571. 206p. DLC GeLBM

4468. Az aranyecset. Keleti mese. [Verses részletekkel] Budapest: Móra, 19621. 150p.

4469. Vándorévek. [Válogatott műfordítások] Budapest: Magvető, 19641. 382p. CLU DLC MH MnU NNC GeLBM


4470. Vas István. "Kettős világban," Magyarok, III (1947), 153-155.

A review stating that her poems are not easy to characterize, that her statements are puritanical both in outlook and poetic method, that all subjects fit into her puritanism, that her imagery is like John Donne's, and that the poems do not provide a clear basis for a prediction about the direction of her future development. [CSt-H] MnU [NN] [NNC]

4471. Kardos László. "Nemes Nagy Ágnes: Szárazvillám," Kortárs, I(October, 1957), 314-316.

Her work after ten years of silence well received, finding that it fulfills the promise of her great ability, that her artistic seriousness is very apparent in it, and that the antithesis between form and substance is reconciled by her deliberate artistic power and her impressive and highly refined calculation, that her poems are occasionally marred by obscurity at certain points, but they are enlivened by splendid plastic and animated pictures. Self-involvement in her people and country would considerably enlarge the horizons of her poetry. DLC MH [FiHU] GyBH

4472. Rónay György. "Nemes Nagy Ágnes: Szárazvillám," Vigilia, XXIII (1958), 60-61.

A review which maintains that the poems are strictly molded and surrealistic, and expresses the hope that she will not eliminate "the warmer, milder, looser voices and emotions" in her lyrics for which she has shown ability in her translations. MH NN NNC GyBH

4473. Ila, Egon. "Agnes Nemes Nagy," Arena, November (1962), 47-52.

Considers her to be one of "the most significant and remarkable poets of today." Delineates her life and ideas, especially the problems of evil and faith, on the basis of translations of four of her poems: "To my ancestors," "To liberty," "Ice," and "Towards springtime." NN NNC


Born May 9, 1912 in Budapest. Novelist, short-story writer, translator. Completed upper grades of schooling at military gymnasium. Obtained certificate in mathematics and physics from University of Budapest in 1935. Writings first appeared in 1931 in Napkelet. Tried a journalistic career for a time. Beginning in 1939 his stories and book and drama reviews appeared regularly in Nyugat, Tükör, Ezüstkor, and Magyar Csillag, and from 1945, in Magyarok, Válasz, Új Idők, and other periodicals. Dramaturge for Rádió 1945-1946. Secretary of PEN Club 1945-1957. Invited to London for study tour in fall 1960 by the British government in recognition of his English translations. ¶ A member of so-called Fourth Generation, along with János Pilinszky, Ágnes Nemes Nagy, Iván Mándy, (qq.v.), and Miklós Mészöly. First known for his translations of novels, then gained reputation with his own short stories and novels. His genuine style emerged in 1940's. Themes are derived from problems in world of chaos. Among authors he has translated are G.Keller, Dickens, Shaw, E. Waugh, A. Zweig, J.Giraudoux, Hemingway, Osborne, and O'Neill. English translations are of special importance. ¶ Iskola a határon has been translated into English, French, and German.


See also no. 2160 for annotated work.

4474. Hemingway, Ernest: Az öreg halász és a tenger. (The old man and the sea) Fordította Ottlik Géza. Budapest: Új Magyar Kiadó, 1956. 119p. [2d., rev. ed., 1956, 19563, 19594]

4475. Hajnali háztetők. Elbeszélések. Budapest: Magvető, 19571. 319p. DLC NNC GyGNSU

4476. Iskola a határon. Diákregény. Budapest: Magvető, 19591. 473p. DLC NNC GeLBM GyBDS GyGNSU

4477. Mai amerikai elbeszélők. [Antológia] Válogatta Ottlik Géza, az utószót Ungvári Tamás írta. Budapest: Európa, 19631. 674p.


4478. Fábián Kata. "Ottlik Géza: Hajnali háztetők," Kortárs, II (1958), 789-791.

A review claiming that the individual character of his writings is a "flexible and loving informality," and finding that there are no divergent tendencies in the 20 years of his career, that he has deepened the narrow world in which he worked, and that he has made much use of recollection in his writings. DLC MH [FiHU] GeLBM GyBH

4479. Halasi Andor. "Hajnali háztetők. Ottlik Géza elbeszéléskötete," A jövő felé. Válogatott kritikai írások, 1905-1963. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1964; 513p. Pp. 194-197. [Appeared in Élet és Irodalom (March 7, 1958)]

Posits that his short stories written prior to 1945 direct the reader to the world of eccentricities, paradoxical situations, bizarre things, and false bohemianism but that in 1945, with A rakparton, his characters take on a feeling for the community and social movements. CU DLC MnU GeLBM

4480. Rónay György. "Az olvasó naplója. Ottlik Géza: Hajnali háztetők," Vigilia, XXIII (1958), 122-123.

Commentary on the individuality of tone of the short story collection (1939-1948) showing a development toward realism and a growth of an emotional humanism and responsibility toward man and art in his works. MH NN NNC GyBH

4481. Rónay György. "Ottlik Géza: Iskola a határon," Vigilia, XXV (1960), 51-54.

Examines the technique of composition which achieves an expression of "complete and true reality" through the interaction of two dimensions - his descriptions and personal recollections. MH NN NNC GyBH


Born November 25, 1921 in Budapest. Poet. Completed gymnasium and university studies in Budapest. Became soldier in 1944 and spent that year in several prison camps in Germany. Poems began to appear in 1940 in Magyar Csillag, Ezüstkor, Válasz, Sorsunk, Vigilia and Újhold, and then later in Csillag and Kortárs. Awarded Baumgarten Prize for Trapéz és korlát in 1947. Silent for time after 1948. Since 1957 he has been an editorial staff member of Új Ember, a Catholic weekly. ¶ Member of the so-called Fourth Generation. Style of his poems is difficult to link with that of others of the period. Anti-dogmatic religious views, strongly humanistic attitude. Highly structured and controlled poetic form. Has also written verses for children.


See also no. 2668 (vol. 23) for editorial work.

4482. Trapéz és korlát. Versek. Budapest: Ezüstkor, 19461. 39p. GeLBM

4483. Aranymadár. [Verses mesék] Budapest: Magvető, 19571. 94p. IC MiDW

4484. Harmadnapon. Versek. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 19591. 112p. GyBDS

4485. Rekviem. [Oratórium, filmnovella, versek] Budapest: Magvető, 19641. 117p. CLU MH MnU GeLBM GyBDS


4486. Nemes Nagy Ágnes. "Trapéz és korlát: Pilinszky János versei," Újhold, I (1946), 152.

A brief comment on the economy of his poetic style, his concern with suffering, the vision of "a dark and eddying world," and his uncommitted view and lack of variety as sources of monotony. [DLC] MH

4487. Rónay György. "Trapéz és korlát: Pilinszky János versei," Magyarok, II (1946), 402-403.

Critique contending that his individualistic inner world does not sacrifice his artistry for moral, social, or any other ambitions outside poetry. Believes that the dramatic effect of his lyric poems stems from their Christian concern with the relation of man with God and that the "brotherhood of men in sin" is the motif of his poetry. Maintains that the poet has not dealt with his materials in the manner of the romantic genre frénétique. DLC MnU NNC

4488. Vidor Miklós. "Pilinszky János: Trapéz és korlát," Válasz, VI (1946), 188-189.

Described as the poet of loneliness with the power to involve the reader in his lyrics.

4489. Rónay György. "A 'Rekviem' margójára. Jegyzetek Pilinszky János új könyvéről," Jelenkor, VII (1964), 271-276.

Advises Pilinszky to leave the writing of works like Rekviem to filmmakers and an oratorio like Sötét mennyország to others because such compositions require a kind of creativity outside his real poetic strength. Places him among the great contemporary poets in Hungary, and finds that his poetic development shows a movement from epical elements and lyrical commentary to an increased use of "acts," representation, and concise pictures and symbols in expressing his thought. CU DLC InNd NN GeLBM GyBH

4490. Tótfalusy István. "Pilinszky János: Rekviem," Vigilia, XXIX (1964), 316-319.

An analysis of his imagery, concluding that his concrete and economical expression show the poet standing outside the experience and establishing his impressions with the accuracy of a diagnosis, and that these images produce a lasting effect on the imagination and sensitivity of the reader. MH NN GyBH


Born September 4, 1927 in Brassó, Transylvania. Novelist, short-story writer. Attended gymnasiums in Kolozsvár and Debrecen but never completed studies. Worked as miner, laborer, hauler, millhand, and lathe operator. Has lived in Budapest since 1951. Librarian at Eötvös Kollégium since 1955. Publication of "Sokan voltunk," a short story, in 1954, brought attention to him. Awarded Attila József Prize in 1956 for Téli virágzás and in 1964 for short stories and Húsz óra. Húsz óra made into a film and awarded prize at the Moscow Film Festival in 1965. ¶ Novels and short stories are realistic in style. Most of his writings are characterised by universality and deep humanistic outlook. ¶ Some of his short stories have been translated into English.


4491. Téli virágzás. [Novellák] Budapest: Magvető, 19561. 153p. MnU GeLBM

4492. Farkasok a küszöbön. Elbeszélések. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 19611. 236p. MnU GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU

4493. Az ötödik pecsét. Regény. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 19631. 299p. MnU NNC GyBH GyGNSU

4494. Húsz óra. Krónika. [Regény] Budapest: Magvető, 19641. 250p. CSf InU MH MnU NNC GeCU GeLBM GeLU GyBDS GyBH

4495. Az áruló. [Regény] Budapest: Magvető, 19661. 163p. MnU GeLBM GyBDS GyBH


4496. Szabó Pál. "Kicsi madár: Sánta Ferenc novellája," Munkák és napok. Rajzok, riportok, karcolatok. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1955; 319p. Pp. 252-254. [Appeared in Új Hang, III (May, 1954), 46-47]

Szabó recounts his first meeting with Sánta, provides some information about Sánta's life, and comments on the expression of humanitarianism in his life and "Sokan voltunk" and "Kicsi madár" and on the individuality of his writings. DLC MH GeLBM GyBH

4497. Béládi Miklós. "Sánta Ferenc: Az ötödik pecsét (1963)," Kritika, I(December, 1963), 57-60.

Critique placing the novel in the context of his earlier works and analyzing its structure, characters, and thought. Sees it as a search for "the allembracing moral truth in man's existence" in a universal sense, and believes that it points to a new development of the didactic novel in Hungary. CU CoU DLC MH NN WaU AsWN FiHI GeLBM GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU

4498. Fülöp László. "Erkölcs és történelem (Sánta Ferenc: Az ötödik pecsét)," Studia Litteraria, II (1964), 105-116. [Also a reprint]

Relates the novel to his previous writings, Téli virágzás and Farkasok a küszöbön, analyzes it and defends it against charges that it is pessimistic and existentialistic. Views the work as a philosophical novel of the highest kind with "a profound basis in humanistic thought." Summary in Russian p. 115; in German, pp. 115-116. MnU AsWN FiHI GeOB GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU


Born August 13, 1921 in Debrecen; died April 12, 1961 in Budapest. Novelist, short-story writer. Completed gymnasium studies in Debrecen in 1939. Employed as a drug-store clerk until 1941, as a printer 1943-1944; also studied law in Debrecen until 1943. Moved to Budapest in 1946, became staff member of Szabad Szó and then its managing editor, and programmer of Falurádió in 1948. His writings first appeared in Válasz and in Csillag. Became a reader for Mafilm in 1949 and assistant editor of Művelt Nép in 1950. Awarded Attila József Prize for Gál János útja (1951), for Út a tanyákról (1952), and for short stories (1954). Became a teacher in general school in Balmazujváros in 1953; editorial staff member of Irodalmi Újság l954-1955. Awarded Kossuth Prize for Veréb dűlő in 1955. A playwright for Madách Színház 1955-1957. Committed suicide. Controversial articles about his writings have appeared in Kortárs and Új Írás since 1962. ¶ His short stories and novels deal with life and problems of peasantry and possess a strongly humanistic outlook. He wrote important articles on literary questions and film scripts: "Körhinta" (1955). Tanyasi dúvad (1961), and Elveszett paradicsom (1962). ¶ Some of his stories have been translated into Bulgarian, Czech, Esthonian, French, German, Polish, Rumanian, and Russian.


See also nos. 3207 and 4325 for annotated works.

4499. Holló a hollónak . . . [Elbeszélés] Budapest: Szikra, 19481. 29p.

4500. Nehéz esztendő. [Elbeszélés] Budapest: Kulcsár, 19481. 25p.

4501. Gál János útja. [Regény] Budapest: Athenaeum, 19501. 148p. DLC GyBDS GyBH

4502. Kísértetjárás Szikesen. [Elbeszélés] Budapest: Athenaeum, 19501. 54p. [19512] GyBH

4503. Rozi. [Ifjúsági regény] Budapest: Ifjúsági Könyvkiadó, 19511. 291p.

4504. Barta Mihály szerencséje. [Elbeszélés] Budapest: Vörös Csillag, 19521. 24p.

4505. Tanyasi dúvad. [Elbeszélés] Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 19531. 52p.

4506. Veréb-dűlő. Elbeszélések. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 19541. 269p. C DLC NN GyBDS GyBH

4507. Elmaradt találkozás. [Elbeszélések] Budapest: Magvető, 19561. 137p.

4508. Út a tanyákról. Szeptember. [Színművek] Budapest: Magvető, 19561. 147p. DLC GeLBM GyBH

4509. A gyáva. Regény. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 19611. 171p. NN GyBH

4510. Elveszett paradicsom. Dráma két felvonásban. Budapest: Egressy G. Klub, 19621. 77p.

4511. A szökevény. Összeállította, sajtó alá rendezte és az utószót írta B.Nagy László. I-II. kötet. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1962. [C]

1. kötet: Drámák: Út a tanyákról, Szeptember, Oszlopos Simeon [1st], Elveszett paradicsom. Kisregények: Gál János útja, Tanyasi dúvad, Viharban [1st], Bolond és szörnyeteg [1st], A gyáva. 651p.

2. kötet: Elbeszélések, karcolatok. 507p.


4512. Illés Lajos. "Megjegyzések Sarkadi Imre újabb írásairól," Csillag, VIII (1954), 725-729.

Examines his latest short stories, considers him to be among the most able writers of the generation nurtured by the People's Democracy. States that their power of thought and art stems from their timelessness, human depth, social precision, historical perspective, and ideas of the condition and development of the peasantry, especially the dilemma of whether to join the collective farms or not. [DLC] MnU [NN] NNC [GeLBM] GyBH [GyGGaU]

4513. Béládi Miklós. "Epikai hagyományok és a mai 'erkölcsi regény,' " Kortárs, VII, no. 5 (1963), 765-767.

A gyáva examined to show that Sarkadi's works have moved from a closed social, geographical, and ethnic world to real life through the intellectualization of themes without breaking with the tradition of Kálmán Mikszáth and Zsigmond Móricz. DLC MH FiHU GeLBM GyBH

4514. Bata Imre. "Sarkadi Imréről," Ívelő pályák. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1964; 321p. Pp. 259-281. [1st publication]

A study of various themes during the phases of his career: anti-fascismi interpretations of myths, and love in his first short stories which dealt with the milieu of the 1940's; the peasant themes from 1948 to 1953; and aesthetics and the individual from 1953. Maintains that the "insoluble" problems with which Sarkadi and his generation concern themselves are the responsibility of intellectuals and philosophers and that Sarkadi's short novels and two dramas, Oszlopos Simeon and Elveszett paradicsom, from his last period of creativity move in this intellectual sphere. NNC

4515. Illés Jenő. "Vivódó lelkek, nyugtalanító pályakép. Jegyzet Sarkadi Imréről," Mai dráma, mai dramaturgia. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1964; 340p. Pp. 149-164.

An evaluation of his literary contributions focusing on his character as an explanation of his shortcomings as a writer. Contends that he had the writing skill and sensitivity to become a great author but lacked the firmness of character to achieve his promise. Believes that the problem was created by his confusing the disharmony of history with his personal problem. MnU NNC AsWN GeLBM GyBDS


Born September 16, 1926 in Bazsi. Poet, translator, publicist. Family are peasants. Became soldier near end of World War II; held prisoner in the Soviet Union. Returned to Hungary in 1947 and completed gymnasium studies in Sümeg. Became "people's student" in 1948 and received diploma as a specialist in Hungarian and German from the University of Budapest. His poems first appeared in 1949 in Csillag and Új Hang, while a university student. Awarded Attila József Prize for new poems (1952) and for Érlelő napok (1954) and Kossuth Prize for Nem elég (1955). Editor of Új Hang 1955-1956. Literary editor of Kortárs since 1957; its chief editor since 1964. One of the secretaries of Hungarian Writers' Federation and parliamentary representative of Veszprém County. ¶ He is among the important members of new generation of poets emerging after World War II. Writes in folk tradition of Sándor Petőfi and Gyula Illyés (qq.v.). Concerned with everyday events and lives of people. Heroes are shown struggling to achieve better life for themselves. Has translated widely for anthologies and has also prepared editions of selected poems of Luis Fürnberg and Joseph Hora. ¶ An edition of his poems is available in Russian, and some of his poems have been translated into several languages, including Bulgarian, Chinese, French, and Rumanian.


See nos. 3970 and 4334 for annotated works.

4516. Egyre magasabban. Versek. Bazsi: Katolikus Agrárifjúsági Legényegylet, 19441. 63p.

4517. Tanú vagyok. Versek. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 19501. 53p. DLC GeLBM GyBH

4518. Hajnali lakodalmasok. Versek. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 19521. 59p. DLC

4519. Érlelő napok. Versek. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 19531. 56p. GeLBM GyBH

4520. Nem elég. [Költemények] Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 19551. 63p. DLC GeLBM

4521. Felhő árnyéka. [Versek] Budapest: Magvető, 19561. 146p. DLC GyBDS

4522. Himnusz az értelemhez. [Költemény] Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 19561. 21p. GeLBM

4523. Februári szivárvány. Versek. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 19591. 88p. DLC NNC GeLBM GyBDS GyBH

4524. A Jangce vitorlái. Versek Kínából, Vietnámból és Koreából. Budapest: Magvető, 19591. 69p. GyBH

4525. Pacsirtaszó. Versek, 1949-1957. Budapest: Magvető, 1959. 181p. DLC GeLBM

4526. Almafák. Versek, 1959-1962. Budapest: Magvető, 19621. 75p. NN GyBH GyGNSU

4527. Gyümölcsoltó. Versek, 1949-1963. Budapest: Magvető, 1964. 398p. MnU NNC GeLBM GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU

4528. A virágfa árnyékában. Tanulmányok, kritikák, cikkek, 1953-1963. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 19641. 297p. DLC MH MnU GeLBM GyBDS GyGNSU


4529. Kiss Lajos. Simon István költészete. Szeged: A Szegedi Tudományegyetem Bölcsészettudományi Kara, 1958. Pp. 111-122. [A reprint]

Analysis of his poetry, particularly in relation to the conditions of his society and socialism, the grasp of his imagination on reality, the simplicity of his forms and techniques, and the sources of his materials in his immediate surroundings, his childhood experiences, and his nostalgia for his village.

4530. B. Nagy László. "Simon István: Gyümölcsoltó," Kritika, II (June, 1964), 48-51.

A review of the edition of selected poems examining the phases of his development before and after 1956, relating him to Ferenc Juhász and László Nagy in the concern for the commonplace, and commenting on the unity between the thought and materials of his poetry. CU CoU DLC MH NN AsWN FiHI GeLBM GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU

4531. Várkonyi Nagy Béla. "Vázlat Simon István költői arcképéhez," Jelenkor, VII (1964), 972-980.

A summary of his life and literary activities, with attention to those who assisted him (including "the new society"), and a discussion of his poetry and the stages of his development. CU DLC InNd NN GeLBM GyBH

4532. Féja Géza. "Vallomás Simon István költészetéről," Kritika, III (January, 1965), 24-28.

A critique of Gyümölcsoltó. Simon lauded as a poet of the people and the first poet of the new generation to use genuine humor. Praises the incisiveness of his view that the drama of existing in perilous times provides a basis for orderly movement toward perfection. Commentary on the style and other characteristics of his poetry. CU CoU DLC MH NN AsWN FiHI GeLBM GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU


Born October 5, 1917 in Debrecen. Novelist, short-story writer. Completed gymnasium and university studies in Debrecen, receiving doctorate as specialist in Latin and Hungarian in 1940. Taught school in Debrecen, Hódmezővásárhely, and Budapest 1940-1959. Employed in Ministry of Culture for a time after 1945. Has devoted her time solely to writing since 1959. Awarded Attila József Prize for Freskó in 1959. ¶ Began literary career with poems, which appeared in Magyarok and Újhold, but emerged as writer of short stories and novels. Her writings, concerned with the clash between old and new values, are praised for intellectual analysis, psychological depth, clarity of style, and pertinence of statement. She has contributed to children's literature, written film script, Vörös tinta (1959), unpublished radio plays, A hallei kirurgus (1963) and Fanni hagyományai (1964), and translated works of Alcoforado, Galsworthy (with Tibor Szobotka, her husband), Shakespeare, and Thomas Kyd (The Spanish tragedy).¶ Her novels have been translated into Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Serbo-Croatian, Spanish, and Slovakian.


4533. A rómaikori szépségápolás. Tanulmány. Debrecen, 19401. [FromMagyar irodalmi lexikon, III, 125]

4534. Bárány. Versek. Budapest: Egyetemi Nyomda, 19471. 41p.

4535. Vissza az emberig. Versek. [1947 szeptember - 1948 december] Budapest: Egyetemi Nyomda, 19491. 42p. GeLBM

4536. Ki hol lakik? [Verses képeskönyv] Budapest: Móra, 19571 [1958?]. [From catalogue of National Széchényi Library]

4537. Bárány Boldizsár. [Verses mese] Budapest: Móra, 19581. 102p. IC GeLU

4538. Freskó. Regény. Budapest: Magvető, 19581. 195p. [1964] IC DLC NNC OCl GeLBM GyBH

4539. Mondják meg Zsófikának. Regény. Budapest: Magvető, 19581. 315p.[19602] DLC NNC GyBDS GyBH

4540. Neszek. Versek. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 19581. 168p. DLC

4541. Marikáék háza. [Verses képeskönyv] Budapest: Móra, 19591. [From catalogue of National Széchényi Library, 19622]

4542. Az őz. Regény. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 19591. 250p. [19632] DLC IC MH NN NNC FiHI GeLBM GyBDS GyBH GyGGaU GyGNSU

4543. Sziget-kék. [Ifjúsági regény] Budapest: Magvető, 19591. 213p. DLC GyBH

4544. Disznótor. Regény. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 19601. 258p. [1964] DLC MH NNC AsWN FiHI GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU

4545. Álarcosbál. [Ifjúsági regény] Budapest: Móra, 19611. 259p. [19632] MH NNC AsWN GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU

4546. Születésnap. Regény. Budapest: Móra, 19621. 277p. DLC MnU NNC FiHI GyBH GyGNSU

4547. Pilátus. [Regény] Budapest: Magvető, 19631. 301p. MH NNC GyBDSGyBH GyGNSU

4548. A Danaida. Regény. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 19641. 393p. NNC OCl GeLBM GeLU GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU

4549. Hullámok kergetése. Útijegyzetek. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 19651. 262p. CLU CU DLC MnU OCl GeLBM GyBDS GyGNSU

4550. Tündér Lala. Meseregény. Budapest: Móra, 19651. 237p. CLU NNC OCl GyBH


4551. Kardos László. "Szabó Magda: Neszek," Vázlatok, esszék, kritikák. Új magyar irodalom. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1959; 463p. Pp. 441-446. [Appeared in Kortárs, II (1958), 936-938]

An analysis of the poems published after ten years of silence, critical of her themes as being remote from the struggles of her times and people and of her vacillation between longings for solitude and nostalgia for a real union with society. Judges that the formal equivalents of her inner complexity are her leanings toward language and stylistic complications and mannerisms, and that although clearly influenced by Dezső Kosztolányi, Mihály Babits, and Lőrinc Szabó, her poetry is original in its certain use of the iambus, its achievements of form, and its individualistic rhyme techniques. DLC MnU NN AsWN GeLBM GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU

4552. Nagy Péter. "Szabó Magda: Freskó," Irodalomtörténet, XLVII (1959), 301-303.

Finds parallels between the author and Margit Kaffka and an interplay between her techniques and the narrative method of William Faulkner. The theme seen as the deterioration of a provincial family in the middle of the 20th century and the introduction of its seed of regeneration. CU DLC MnU NN NNC AsWU GeLBM GyBDS GyBH

4553. Rába György. "Szabó Magda: Neszek," Irodalomtörténet, XLVII (1959), 504-505.

States that the poems in the collection are permeated by humanism and the ideals of intellectualism and that the lyric poems dealing with the world of nature mark the newest point in her development. CU DLC MH MnU NN NNC AsWU GeLBM GeLU GyBDS GyBH


Born October 26, 1931 in Budapest. Short-story writer, dramatist. Began but never completed university studies. Volunteer soldier 1949-1951. Employed in textile and woodworking industries in various parts of Hungary for 10 years. Writings first appeared in Népszabadság and Élet és Irodalom; has been writing steadily since 1958 and is now devoting time solely to literary career. Életem, Zsóka was presented by the National Theater in 1963. Awarded prize by the Central Council of Hungarian Trade Unions for Középütt vannak a felhők in 1963. ¶ Considered by some critics to be among the most capable of the newest generation of fiction writers. His works are concerned mainly with moral questions of socialistic society.


4554. Középütt vannak a felhők. [Novellák] Budapest: Magvető, 19611. 149p. GyBH

4555. Túl a városon. [Novellák] Budapest: Magvető, 19641. 168p. MH MnUNNC OCl

4556. Férfiak. Novellák. Életem, Zsóka! Dráma. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 19651. 212p. GeLBM GyBH


4557. GállIstván. "Szakonyi Károly," Kortárs, IX(1965), 143-146.

A discussion of the power of his writings on the basis of three themes: (1) his nostalgic recollections of childhood during World War II, (2) the years of the 1950's he spent in the army, and (3) the problems of the present. DLC MH FiHU GeLBM GyBH

4558. Héra Zoltán. "Szakonyi Károly: Túl a városon," Új Írás, V (1965), 119-120.

Appraises his short stories as subjective in conception and elegiac in intonation, with a flaw in presenting analyses of life and destiny instead of unearthing the links among the complexities of life. That flaw is attributed, in part, to the long years of accustoming Hungarian literature to moralizing and illustrating which makes its abandonment difficult even by those who have impugned the schematism of the older forms. DLC MH FiHI GeLBM GyBDS GyBH

4559. Taxner Ernő. "Szakonyi Károly," Jelenkor, VIII (1965), 387-392.

An analysis of "A fogoly," Életem, Zsóka!,and "Emberi üdvözlet": their theme of the dependence of human happiness on a balanced relationship between man and society, and the weaknesses of dramatic techniques in Életem, Zsóka!. CU DLC InNd NN GeLBM GyBH


Born December 25, 1924 in Nyíregyháza. Poet, translator, publicist. Completed studies at teacher-training institution and became teacher in school for children from detached farms. Was seriously ill from age 19 to 25. In 1949 he became college tutor, later college director, and lecturer for 18 county colleges. Moved to Budapest in 1950 and worked in Ministry of Education and then at Tankönyvkiadó. His poems were first published in Új Hang in 1955. Awarded Attila József Prize for Ereszalja (1956) and for Mindenütt otthon (1962), Central Council of Hungarian Trade Unions Prize for Bodza (1960), and Kossuth Prize for contributions to socialistic literature in Hungary (1965). Joined editorial staff of Élet és Irodalom in 1960. Became member of editorial board of Új Írás in 1963; its editor since 1964. Parliamentary representative of Szabolcs-Szatmár County since 1963. ¶ His poems continue the traditions of folk realism and are concerned with socialistic expression of all aspects of human and social problems as way of serving the advancement of socialistic society. Uses imagery of village, nature, and folk poetry to give expression to city life and new psychological states. Has also translated some Russian literature.


4560. Ereszalja. Versek. Budapest: Magvető, 19551. 71p. MnU GeLBM

4561. Nincsen számodra hely. [Elbeszélő költemény] Budapest: Magvető, 19571. 114p. DLC

4562. Bodza. [Versek] Budapest: Magvető, 19591. 115p. NNC GeLBM

4563. Mindenütt otthon. Versek. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 19611. 151p. [19622] FiHI GeLBM GyBDS GyBH

4564. Szegények hatalma. [Versek] Budapest: Magvető, 19641. 177p. MH MnU GeLBM GyBDS GyBH

4565. A zsezse-madár. Tanulmányok, cikkek, vallomások. 1960-1964. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 19641. 319p. CU MnU GeLBM

4566. Kelet felől. [Válogatott versek.] Budapest: Magvető, 1965 [1st?]. 406p. DLC MH GeLBM GyBDS GyGNSU

4567. Akác a forgószélben. Válogatott versek. Budapest: Kozmosz Könyvek, 1966. 220p. FiHI GeLBM


4568. Garai Gábor. "Egy 'történelmi alkalmazott.' (Arcképvázlat Váci Mihályról)," Kortárs, VIII (1964), 1326-1330.

Garai's recollection of a visit in Váci's home and of his year of work with Váci on Élet és Irodalom. Describes the role of the word heart in Váci's poetry and activity. DLC MH FiHI GeLBM GyBH

4569. Koczkás Sándor. "Váci Mihály, a plebejus szenvedélyesség költője," Kritika, II (September, 1964), 35-42.

Seeks to show that Váci gives voice not only to the larger views of socialism but to the smaller troubles and difficulties of ordinary human beings-to the realization of their dreams. CU CoU DLC MH NN AsWN FiHI GeLBM GyBDS GyBH GyGNSU

4570. Oltyán Béla. "Váci Mihály költészetéről," Borsodi Szemle, VIII, no. 4 (1964), 57-66. [Also a reprint]

Traces his poetic development within the sphere of his personal experiences and themes; also a discussion of his mode of forming lyric poems and an examination of his subjective creative expression. DLC

4571. Hegedüs András. "Váci Mihály," Jelenkor, VIII (1965), 385-387.

Characteristics of his writings discussed: his power to affect the reader, his discontent, his style in sharpening his thought. CU DLC InNd NN GsLBM GyBH